Static Variables and Threads (C) - c

I know that declaring a static variable within a function in C means that this variable retains its state between function invocations. In the context of threads, will this result in the variable retaining its state over multiple threads, or having a separate state between each thread?
Here is a past paper exam question I am struggling to answer:
The following C function is intended to be used to allocate unique identifiers (UIDs) to its callers:
static int i = 0;
return i++;
Explain in what way get_uid() might work incorrectly in an environment where it is being called by multiple threads. Using a
specific example scenario, give specific detail on why and how such
incorrect behaviour might occur.
At the moment I am assuming that each thread has a separate state for the variable, but I am not sure if that is correct or if the answer is more to do with the lack of mutual exclusion. If that is the case then how could semaphores be implemented in this example?

Your assumption (threads have their own copy) is not correct. The main problem with code is when multiple threads call that function get_uid(), there's a possible race condition as to which threads increments i and gets the ID which may not be unique.

All the threads of a process share the same address space. Since i is a static variable, it has a fixed address. Its "state" is just the content of the memory at that address, which is shared by all the threads.
The postfix ++ operator increments its argument and yields the value of the argument before the increment. The order in which these are done is not defined. One possible implementation is
copy i to R1
copy R1 to R2
increment R2
copy R2 to i
return R1
If more than one thread is running, they can both be executing these instructions simultaneously or interspersed. Work out for yourself sequences where various results obtain. (Note that each thread does have its own register state, even for threads running on the same CPU, because registers are saved and restored when threads are switched.)
A situation like this where there are different results depending on the indeterministic ordering of operations in different threads is called a race condition, because there's a "race" among the different threads as to which one does which operation first.

No, if you want a variable which value depends upon the thread in which it is used, you should have a look at Thread Local Storage.
A static variable, you can imagine it really like a completely global variable. It's really much the same. So it's shared by the whole system that knows its address.
EDIT: also as a comment reminds it, if you keep this implementation as a static variable, race conditions could make that the value i is incremented at the same time by several threads, meaning that you don't have any idea of the value which will be returned by the function calls. In such cases, you should protect access by so called synchronization objects like mutexes or critical sections.

Since this looks like homework, I'll answer only part of this and that is each thread will share the same copy of i. IOW, threads do not get their own copies. I'll leave the mutual exclusion bit to you.

Each thread will share the same static variable which is mostly likely a global variable. The scenario where some threads can have wrong value is the race condition (increment isn't done in one single execution rather it is done in 3 assembly instructions, load, increment, store). Read here and the diagram at the link explains it well.
Race Condition

If you are using gcc you can use the atomic builtin functions. I'm not sure what is available for other compilers.
int get_uid()
static int i = 0;
return __atomic_fetch_add(&i, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
This will ensure that the variable cannot be acted on by more than one thread at a time.


A thread only reads and a thread only modifies. Does this variable also need a mutex with linux c? [duplicate]

There are 2 threads,one only reads the signal,the other only sets the signal.
Is it necessary to create a mutex for signal and the reason?
All I care is whether it'll crash if two threads read/set the same time
You will probably want to use atomic variables for this, though a mutex would work as well.
The problem is that there is no guarantee that data will stay in sync between threads, but using atomic variables ensures that as soon as one thread updates that variable, other threads immediately read its updated value.
A problem could occur if one thread updates the variable in cache, and a second thread reads the variable from memory. That second thread would read an out-of-date value for the variable, if the cache had not yet been flushed to memory. Atomic variables ensure that the value of the variable is consistent across threads.
If you are not concerned with timely variable updates, you may be able to get away with a single volatile variable.
It depends. If writes are atomic then you don't need a mutual exclusion lock. If writes are not atomic, then you do need a lock.
There is also the issue of compilers caching variables in the CPU cache which may cause the copy in main memory to not get updating on every write. Some languages have ways of telling the compiler to not cache a variable in the CPU like that (volatile keyword in Java), or to tell the compiler to sync any cached values with main memory (synchronized keyword in Java). But, mutex's in general don't solve this problem.
If all you need is synchronization between threads (one thread must complete something before the other can begin something else) then mutual exclusion should not be necessary.
Mutual exclusion is only necessary when threads are sharing some resource where the resource could be corrupted if they both run through the critical section at roughly the same time. Think of two people sharing a bank account and are at two different ATM's at the same time.
Depending on your language/threading library you may use the same mechanism for synchronization as you do for mutual exclusion- either a semaphore or a monitor. So, if you are using Pthreads someone here could post an example of synchronization and another for mutual exclusion. If its java, there would be another example. Perhaps you can tell us what language/library you're using.
If, as you've said in your edit, you only want to assure against a crash, then you don't need to do much of anything (at least as a rule). If you get a collision between threads, about the worst that will happen is that the data will be corrupted -- e.g., the reader might get a value that's been partially updated, and doesn't correspond directly to any value the writing thread ever wrote. The classic example would be a multi-byte number that you added something to, and there was a carry, (for example) the old value was 0x3f ffff, which was being incremented. It's possible the reading thread could see 0x3f 0000, where the lower 16 bits have been incremented, but the carry to the upper 16 bits hasn't happened (yet).
On a modern machine, an increment on that small of a data item will normally be atomic, but there will be some size (and alignment) where it's not -- typically if part of the variable is in one cache line, and part in another, it'll no longer be atomic. The exact size and alignment for that varies somewhat, but the basic idea remains the same -- it's mostly just a matter of the number having enough digits for it to happen.
Of course, if you're not careful, something like that could cause your code to deadlock or something on that order -- it's impossible to guess what might happen without knowing anything about how you plan to use the data.

Usage of atomic integer in a shared data

I was studying OS and synchronizing and I got an idea about dealing with this shared data without synchronizing but I am not sure if it will work.Here is the code
Now,the race condition is obviously the increment and decrement in a shared data.But what if the integer variable was atomic?I think I read something about this when I just a beginner in CS so question might not be perfect.As far as I remember it was blocking something to prevent the increment and decrement at the same time.Now,I am a bit confused about this because if the atomic variables really worked there would not be any need to find synchronization methods for simple codes like this one.
Note:Code is removed since it just changes the focus of people and answer provides enough info
As it stands, the code is indeed not safe to call concurrently, so there must be some kind of syncronization that prevents this.
Now, concerning the idea to make num_processes atomic, that could work. It wouldn't be a simple substitution though, in particular comparing to the max and incrementing must be done atomically and not in two steps, otherwise you still have a race condition. In particular, the following steps must be prevented:
Thread A checks if the limit is reached, which it isn't.
Thread B checks if the limit is reached, which it isn't.
Thread B increments the PID counter.
Thread A increments the PID counter.
Each step in and of itself is atomic, but obviously that didn't help preventing a PID overflow. Instead, the code must check if the counter is not at the limit and then increment it atomically. This is also a common task (compare and increment), so you should easily find existing code examples.
However, I'm pretty sure this isn't all code that is involved and some other code (e.g. in get_processID() or the code that releases a PID) could still require a lock around the whole.
For your code, synchronization is not necessary at all because here num_processes is incremented and decremented by only one process i.e. Parent process.And also num_processes is not a shared variable here. To create shared variable you have to first learn about shmget() and shmat() function in UNIX.
And race condition arises if two or more processes want to access a shared memory.An operation will be atomic if that operation is going to executed entirely (i.e. no switching) or not at all. For example
Consider increment operator on a shared data. This operator is not atomic. Because if go to the lower level instruction for increment operator then this operation is performed in several steps as:
1. First load the value of variable in some register.
2. Add one with that loaded value and now result will be in some temporary register.
3. Store this result in the memory location / register that is pointed by that variable on which increment is performed.
Now As you can see this operation is done in three step. So if there is any switching to another process before completion of these three steps then it leads to undesired results. For more you can read about race condition from this link As from above you can see that add, store, load instructions are atomic because it will be performed entirely or not at all considering there is no power failure any system failure. So to perform increment operation atomic we need to do some synchronization either using semaphores or monitors. These all are software synchronization technique. I think now you will be clear on this topic..

pointer shared between two threads without mutex [duplicate]

Is there a problem with multiple threads using the same integer memory location between pthreads in a C program without any synchronization utilities?
To simplify the issue,
Only one thread will write to the integer
Multiple threads will read the integer
This pseudo-C illustrates what I am thinking
void thread_main(int *a) {
//wait for something to finish
//dereference 'a', make decision based on its value
int value = 0;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
// do something
value = 1;
I assume it is safe, since an integer occupies one processor word, and reading/writing to a word should be the most atomic of operations, right?
Your pseudo-code is NOT safe.
Although accessing a word-sized integer is indeed atomic, meaning that you'll never see an intermediate value, but either "before write" or "after write", this isn't enough for your outlined algorithm.
You are relying on the relative order of the write to a and making some other change that wakes the thread. This is not an atomic operation and is not guaranteed on modern processors.
You need some sort of memory fence to prevent write reordering. Otherwise it's not guaranteed that other threads EVER see the new value.
Unlike java where you explicitly start a thread, posix threads start executing immediatelly.
So there is no guarantee that the value you set to 1 in main function (assuming that is what you refer in your pseudocode) will be executed before or after the threads try to access it.
So while it is safe to read the integer concurrently, you need to do some synchronization if you need to write to the value in order to be used by the threads.
Otherwise there is no guarantee what is the value they will read (in order to act depending on the value as you note).
You should not be making assumptions on multithreading e.g.that there is some processing in each thread befor accessing the value etc.
There are no guarantees
I wouldn't count on it. The compiler may emit code that assumes it knows what the value of 'value' is at any given time in a CPU register without re-loading it from memory.
Ben is correct (and I'm an idiot for saying he wasn't) that there is the possibility that the cpu will re-order the instructions and execute them down multiple pipelines at the same time. This means that the value=1 could possibly get set before the pipeline performing "the work" finished. In my defense (not a full idiot?) I have never seen this happen in real life and we do have an extensive thread library and we do run exhaustive long term tests and this pattern is used throughout. I would have seen it if it were happening, but none of our tests ever crash or produce the wrong answer. But... Ben is correct, the possibility exists. It is probably happening all the time in our code, but the re-ordering is not setting flags early enough that the consumers of the data protected by the flags can use the data before its finished. I will be changing our code to include barriers, because there is no guarantee that this will continue to work in the wild. I believe the correct solution is similar to this:
Threads that read the value:
if (value)
__sync_synchronize(); // don't pipeline any of the work until after checking value
The thread that sets the value:
__sync_synchronize(); // Don't pipeline "setting value" until after finishing stuff
value = 1; // Stuff Done
That being said, I found this to be a simple explanation of barriers.
Memory barriers affect the CPU. Compiler barriers affect the compiler. Volatile will not keep the compiler from re-ordering code. Here for more info.
I believe you can use this code to keep gcc from rearranging the code during compile time:
#define COMPILER_BARRIER() __asm__ __volatile__ ("" ::: "memory")
So maybe this is what should really be done?
#define GENERAL_BARRIER() do { COMPILER_BARRIER(); __sync_synchronize(); } while(0)
Threads that read the value:
if (value)
GENERAL_BARRIER(); // don't pipeline any of the work until after checking value
The thread that sets the value:
GENERAL_BARRIER(); // Don't pipeline "setting value" until after finishing stuff
value = 1; // Stuff Done
Using GENERAL_BARRIER() keeps gcc from re-ordering the code and also keeps the cpu from re-ordering the code. Now, I wonder if gcc wont re-order code over its memory barrier builtin, __sync_synchronize(), which would make the use of COMPILER_BARRIER redundant.
As Ben points out, different architectures have different rules regarding how they rearrange code in the execution pipelines. Intel seems to be fairly conservative. So the barriers might not be required nearly as much on Intel. Not a good reason to avoid the barriers though, since that could change.
We do this all the time. its perfectly safe (not for all situations, but a lot). Our application runs on 1000's of servers in a huge farm with 16 instances per server and we don't have race conditions. You are correct to wonder why people use mutexes to protect already atomic operations. In many situations the lock is a waste of time. Reading and writing to 32 bit integers on most architectures is atomic. Don't try that with 32 bit bit-fields though!
Processor write re-ordering is not going to affect one thread reading a global value set by another thread. In fact, the result using locks is the same as the result not without locks. If you win the race and check the value before its changed ... well that's the same as winning the race to lock the value so no-one else can change it while you read it. Functionally the same.
The volatile keyword tells the compiler not to store a value in a register, but to keep referring to the original memory location. this should have no effect unless you are optimizing code. We have found that the compiler is pretty smart about this and have not run into a situation yet where volatile changed anything. The compiler seems to be pretty good at coming up with candidates for register optimization. I suspect that the const keyword might encourage register optimization on a variable.
The compiler might re-order code in a function if it knows the end result will not be different. I have not seen the compiler do this with global variables, because the compiler has no idea how changing the order of a global variable will affect code outside of the immediate function.
If a function is acting up, you can control the optimization level at the function level using __attrribute__.
Now, that said, if you use that flag as a gateway to allow only one thread of a group to perform some work, that wont work. Example: Thread A and Thread B both could read the flag. Thread A gets scheduled out. Thread B sets the flag to 1 and starts working. Thread A wakes up and sets the flag to 1 and starts working. Ooops! To avoid locks and still do something like that you need to look into atomic operations, specifically gcc atomic builtins like __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(value, old, new). This allows you to set value = new if value is currently old. In the previous example, if value = 1, only one thread (A or B) could execute __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&value, 1, 2) and change value from 1 to 2. The losing thread would fail. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap returns the success of the operation.
Deep down, there is a "lock" when you use the atomic builtins, but it is a hardware instruction and very fast when compared to using mutexes.
That said, use mutexes when you have to change a lot of values at the same time. atomic operations (as of todayu) only work when all the data that has to change atomicly can fit into a contiguous 8,16,32,64 or 128 bits.
Assume the first thing you're doing in thread func in sleeping for a second. So value after that will be definetly 1.
In any instant you should at least declare the shared variable volatile. However you should in all cases prefer some other form of thread IPC or synchronisation; in this case it looks like a condition variable is what you actually need.
Hm, I guess it is secure, but why don't you just declare a function that returns the value to the other threads, as they will only read it?
Because the simple idea of passing pointers to separate threads is already a security fail, in my humble opinion. What I'm telling you is: why to give a (modifiable, public accessible) integer address when you only need the value?

Why thread specific data is required in pthread?

all the threads share memory location. For example a global variable changes in one thread will reflect in another thread. Since each thread has its own stack, the local
variables that are created inside the thread is unique. In this case, why do we need
to go for thread specific data mechanism?. Can't it be achieved by auto storage varibles
inside the thread function ?
Kindly clarify!!!.
Normal globals are shared between threads. Local variables are specific to a particular invocation of a function. If you want something that (for example) is visible to a number of functions running in the same thread, but unique to that thread, then thread specific data is what you're looking for.
It's not required but it's rather handy. Some functions like rand and strtok use static storage duration information which is likely to be problematic when shared among threads.
Say you have a random number function where you want to maintain a different sequence (hence seed) for each thread. You have two approaches.
You can use something like the kludgy:
int seed;
srand (&seed, time (NULL));
int r = rand_r (void *seed);
where the seed has to be created by the caller and passed in each time.
Or you can use the rather nicer, ISO-compliant:
srand (time (NULL));
int r = rand();
that uses thread-local storage to maintain a thread-specific seed. Similarly with the information used by strtok regarding the locations within the string it's processing.
That way, you don't have to muck about with changing your code between threaded and non-threaded versions.
Now you could create that information in the thread function but how is the rand function going to know about it's address without it being passed down. And what if rand is called 87 stack levels down? That's an awful lot of levels to be transferring a pointer through.
And, even if you do something like:
void pthread_fn (void *unused) {
int seed;
rand_set_seed_location (&seed);
and rand subsequently uses that value regardless of how deep it is in the stack, that's still a code change from the standard. It may work but so may writing an operating system in COBOL. That doesn't make it a good idea :-)
Yes, the stack is one way of allocating thread-local storage (including handles to heap allocations local to the particular thread).
The best example for thread specific data is the "errno". When a call to some function in c library failed, the errno is set, and you can check it out to find the reason of the failure. If there's no thread specific data, it's impossible to port these functions to multi-thread environment because the errno could be set by other threads before you check it.
As a general rule, most uses of TSD should be avoided in new APIs. If a function needs some information, it should be passed to it.
However, sometimes you need TSD to 'paper over' an API defect. A good example is 'gmtime'. The 'gmtime' function returns a pointer to a structure that is valid until the next call to 'gmtime'. But that would make 'gmtime' awfully hard to use in a multi-threaded program. What if some library called 'gmtime' when you didn't expect it, trashing your structure? One simple workaround is make the structure returned thread-specific. (The long-term solution, of course, is to create a more suitable API such as 'gmtime_r'.)
One case where it's perfectly reasonable to use TSD in new designs is for information that won't be accessed frequently that would clutter the API. For example, if a critical error is discovered, it might be nice to log certain context information from higher-level code (Which client were you serving? What command did they send?). Your choices are basically to pass this context information from function to function to function (which isn't even always possible if some of the functions are outside your control) or to store it in TSD.

Can an integer be shared between threads safely?

Is there a problem with multiple threads using the same integer memory location between pthreads in a C program without any synchronization utilities?
To simplify the issue,
Only one thread will write to the integer
Multiple threads will read the integer
This pseudo-C illustrates what I am thinking
void thread_main(int *a) {
//wait for something to finish
//dereference 'a', make decision based on its value
int value = 0;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
// do something
value = 1;
I assume it is safe, since an integer occupies one processor word, and reading/writing to a word should be the most atomic of operations, right?
Your pseudo-code is NOT safe.
Although accessing a word-sized integer is indeed atomic, meaning that you'll never see an intermediate value, but either "before write" or "after write", this isn't enough for your outlined algorithm.
You are relying on the relative order of the write to a and making some other change that wakes the thread. This is not an atomic operation and is not guaranteed on modern processors.
You need some sort of memory fence to prevent write reordering. Otherwise it's not guaranteed that other threads EVER see the new value.
Unlike java where you explicitly start a thread, posix threads start executing immediatelly.
So there is no guarantee that the value you set to 1 in main function (assuming that is what you refer in your pseudocode) will be executed before or after the threads try to access it.
So while it is safe to read the integer concurrently, you need to do some synchronization if you need to write to the value in order to be used by the threads.
Otherwise there is no guarantee what is the value they will read (in order to act depending on the value as you note).
You should not be making assumptions on multithreading e.g.that there is some processing in each thread befor accessing the value etc.
There are no guarantees
I wouldn't count on it. The compiler may emit code that assumes it knows what the value of 'value' is at any given time in a CPU register without re-loading it from memory.
Ben is correct (and I'm an idiot for saying he wasn't) that there is the possibility that the cpu will re-order the instructions and execute them down multiple pipelines at the same time. This means that the value=1 could possibly get set before the pipeline performing "the work" finished. In my defense (not a full idiot?) I have never seen this happen in real life and we do have an extensive thread library and we do run exhaustive long term tests and this pattern is used throughout. I would have seen it if it were happening, but none of our tests ever crash or produce the wrong answer. But... Ben is correct, the possibility exists. It is probably happening all the time in our code, but the re-ordering is not setting flags early enough that the consumers of the data protected by the flags can use the data before its finished. I will be changing our code to include barriers, because there is no guarantee that this will continue to work in the wild. I believe the correct solution is similar to this:
Threads that read the value:
if (value)
__sync_synchronize(); // don't pipeline any of the work until after checking value
The thread that sets the value:
__sync_synchronize(); // Don't pipeline "setting value" until after finishing stuff
value = 1; // Stuff Done
That being said, I found this to be a simple explanation of barriers.
Memory barriers affect the CPU. Compiler barriers affect the compiler. Volatile will not keep the compiler from re-ordering code. Here for more info.
I believe you can use this code to keep gcc from rearranging the code during compile time:
#define COMPILER_BARRIER() __asm__ __volatile__ ("" ::: "memory")
So maybe this is what should really be done?
#define GENERAL_BARRIER() do { COMPILER_BARRIER(); __sync_synchronize(); } while(0)
Threads that read the value:
if (value)
GENERAL_BARRIER(); // don't pipeline any of the work until after checking value
The thread that sets the value:
GENERAL_BARRIER(); // Don't pipeline "setting value" until after finishing stuff
value = 1; // Stuff Done
Using GENERAL_BARRIER() keeps gcc from re-ordering the code and also keeps the cpu from re-ordering the code. Now, I wonder if gcc wont re-order code over its memory barrier builtin, __sync_synchronize(), which would make the use of COMPILER_BARRIER redundant.
As Ben points out, different architectures have different rules regarding how they rearrange code in the execution pipelines. Intel seems to be fairly conservative. So the barriers might not be required nearly as much on Intel. Not a good reason to avoid the barriers though, since that could change.
We do this all the time. its perfectly safe (not for all situations, but a lot). Our application runs on 1000's of servers in a huge farm with 16 instances per server and we don't have race conditions. You are correct to wonder why people use mutexes to protect already atomic operations. In many situations the lock is a waste of time. Reading and writing to 32 bit integers on most architectures is atomic. Don't try that with 32 bit bit-fields though!
Processor write re-ordering is not going to affect one thread reading a global value set by another thread. In fact, the result using locks is the same as the result not without locks. If you win the race and check the value before its changed ... well that's the same as winning the race to lock the value so no-one else can change it while you read it. Functionally the same.
The volatile keyword tells the compiler not to store a value in a register, but to keep referring to the original memory location. this should have no effect unless you are optimizing code. We have found that the compiler is pretty smart about this and have not run into a situation yet where volatile changed anything. The compiler seems to be pretty good at coming up with candidates for register optimization. I suspect that the const keyword might encourage register optimization on a variable.
The compiler might re-order code in a function if it knows the end result will not be different. I have not seen the compiler do this with global variables, because the compiler has no idea how changing the order of a global variable will affect code outside of the immediate function.
If a function is acting up, you can control the optimization level at the function level using __attrribute__.
Now, that said, if you use that flag as a gateway to allow only one thread of a group to perform some work, that wont work. Example: Thread A and Thread B both could read the flag. Thread A gets scheduled out. Thread B sets the flag to 1 and starts working. Thread A wakes up and sets the flag to 1 and starts working. Ooops! To avoid locks and still do something like that you need to look into atomic operations, specifically gcc atomic builtins like __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(value, old, new). This allows you to set value = new if value is currently old. In the previous example, if value = 1, only one thread (A or B) could execute __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&value, 1, 2) and change value from 1 to 2. The losing thread would fail. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap returns the success of the operation.
Deep down, there is a "lock" when you use the atomic builtins, but it is a hardware instruction and very fast when compared to using mutexes.
That said, use mutexes when you have to change a lot of values at the same time. atomic operations (as of todayu) only work when all the data that has to change atomicly can fit into a contiguous 8,16,32,64 or 128 bits.
Assume the first thing you're doing in thread func in sleeping for a second. So value after that will be definetly 1.
In any instant you should at least declare the shared variable volatile. However you should in all cases prefer some other form of thread IPC or synchronisation; in this case it looks like a condition variable is what you actually need.
Hm, I guess it is secure, but why don't you just declare a function that returns the value to the other threads, as they will only read it?
Because the simple idea of passing pointers to separate threads is already a security fail, in my humble opinion. What I'm telling you is: why to give a (modifiable, public accessible) integer address when you only need the value?
