Why GWT editor framework doesn't support arrays as args? - arrays

Let's assume that you want to create editor which implements interface LeafValueEditor<int[]> something like this:
class MyEditor implements LeafValueEditor<int[]> {
public void setValue(#NotNull int[] value) {
public int[] getValue() {
return new int[0];
If you are still using GWT 2.4 than above code will fail at runtime with NPE
Generator 'com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.SimpleBeanEditorDriverGenerator' threw an exception while rebinding 'HERE IS YOUR DRIVER CLASS' java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.model.EditorModel.findBeanPropertyMethods(EditorModel.java:509)
at com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.model.EditorModel.createEditorData(EditorModel.java:407)
at com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.model.EditorModel.calculateEditorData(EditorModel.java:345)
at com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.model.EditorModel.<init>(EditorModel.java:237)
In GWT 2.5 the situation is a bit better. Editor framework will just ignore editors with such array-args in your driver description. Why does GWT-team decide to ignore the problem instead of solving it at this release?
I've looked through the source code of EditorModel and it doesn't look really hard to implement JArrayType support in that case. But it's really annoying problem cause I need to write boilerplate classes for wrapping arrays or to use java collections.


How do I write EF.Functions extension method?

I see that EF Core 2 has EF.Functions property EF Core 2.0 Announcement which can be used by EF Core or providers to define methods that map to database functions or operators so that those can be invoked in LINQ queries. It included LIKE method that gets sent to the database.
But I need a different method, SOUNDEX() that is not included. How do I write such a method that passes the function to the database the way DbFunction attribute did in EF6? Or I need to wait for MS to implement it? Essentially, I need to generate something like
SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE SOUNDEX(lastname) = SOUNDEX(#param)
Adding new scalar method to EF.Functions is easy - you simply define extension method on DbFunctions class. However providing SQL translation is hard and requires digging into EFC internals.
However EFC 2.0 also introduces a much simpler approach, explained in Database scalar function mapping section of the New features in EF Core 2.0 documentation topic.
According to that, the easiest would be to add a static method to your DbContext derived class and mark it with DbFunction attribute. E.g.
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
// ...
public static string Soundex(string s) => throw new Exception();
and use something like this:
string param = ...;
MyDbContext db = ...;
var query = db.Customers
.Where(e => MyDbContext.Soundex(e.LastName) == MyDbContext.Soundex(param));
You can declare such static methods in a different class, but then you need to manually register them using HasDbFunction fluent API.
EFC 3.0 has changed this process a little, as per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/what-is-new/ef-core-3.0/breaking-changes#udf-empty-string
Example of adding CHARINDEX in a partial context class:
public partial class MyDbContext
public static int? CharIndex(string toSearch, string target) => throw new Exception();
partial void OnModelCreatingPartial(
ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
args =>
SqlFunctionExpression.Create("CHARINDEX", args, typeof(int?), null));

How to avoid that proguard obfuscates the classes annotated with #OnStart

In applications based on NetBeans Platform 7.2, it is possible to
replace the ModuleInstall classes with this code:
import org.openide.modules.OnStart;
import org.openide.modules.OnStop;
public final class Installer implements Runnable {
public void run() {
System.out.println("enable something...");
public static final class Down implements Runnable {
public void run() {
System.out.println("disable something...");
My problem is that, after obfuscation, the class loader does not find
the annotated classes.
In the Proguard configuration I added (as suggested here)
-keep #org.openide.modules.OnStart class *
But apparently this is not enough or it does not work.
Does anybody have a suggestion?
From I could figure out, you need to explicitly keep the annotations that you use to keep whatever specifications. So, in your case, adding
-keep enum org.openide.modules.OnStart
would allow this annotation to be used as a selector.
Proguard really ought to include a warning message if annotation selectors are not actually matching. It also doesn't really make sense to keep the annotation, especially if it's not of runtime retention.
Have you tried -keepattributes *Annotation*? It might do the trick, based on proguard usage.

Is there a #visibility package concept in PHPDoc / PHPStorm?

I have a domain model written in PHP, and some of my classes (entities inside an aggregate) have public methods, which should never be called from outside the aggregate.
PHP does not have the package visibility concept, so I'm wondering if there is some kind of standardized way to define #package and #visibility package in the docblocks, and to have a static analysis tool that would report violations of the visibility scope.
I'm currently trying out PHPStorm, which I've found very good so far, so I'm wondering if this software has support for this feature; if not, do you know any static code analysis tool that would?
The closest parallel to this line of thinking that I see in PHP's capability is using "protected" scope rather than public for these kinds of methods. Granted, that requires using inheritance to grant access to the protected items. In my years of managing phpDocumentor, I've never encountered anything else that attempts to mimic that kind of "package scope" that I remember from my Java days.
If the entities within your aggregate root should not be modifiable without going through the aggregate root, then the only means you have to control that is making the entity a private or protected member so that all modifications to the entity have to go through the aggregate.
class RootEntity {
private $_otherEntity;
public function DoSomething() {
public function setOtherEntity( OtherEntity $entity ) {
$this->_otherEntity = $entity;
Someone can still always do:
$otherEntity = new OtherEntity();
Though, I guess you could use the magic __call() method to prohibit setting of the _otherEntity anywhere except during construction. This falls under total hack category :)
class RootEntity {
private $_otherEntity;
private $_isLoaded = false;
public function __call( $method, $args ) {
$factoryMethod = 'FactoryOnly_'.$method;
if( !$this->_isLoaded && method_exists($this,$factoryMethod) {
public function IsLoaded() {
$this->_isLoaded = true;
protected function FactoryOnly_setOtherEntity( OtherEntity $otherEntity ) {
$this->_otherEntity = $otherEntity;
So, from there, when you build the object, you can call $agg->setOtherEntity($otherEntity) from your factory or repository. Then when you are done building the object, call IsLoaded(). From there, nobody else will be able to introduce a new OtherEntity into the class and will have to use the publicly available methods on your aggregate.
I'm not sure if you can call that a "good" answer, but it's the only thing I could think of to truly limit access to an entity within an aggregate.
[EDIT]: Also, forgot to mention...the closest for documentation is that there is an #internal for phpdoc:
I doubt that it will modify the IDE's code completion, however. Though, you could probably make a public function/property but label it as "#access private" with phpdoc to keep it from being in code completion.
So far, PHPStorm does not seem to provide this feature.

Google App Engine - JDODetachedFieldAccessException

I'm pretty new to JPA/JDO and the whole objectdb world.
I have an entity with a set of strings, looks a bit like:
public class Foo{
private Key id;
private Set<String> bars;
public void setBars(Set<String> newBars){
if(this.bars == null)
this.bars = new HashSet<String>;
this.bars = newBars;
public Set<String> getBars(){
return this.bars;
public void addBar(String bar){
if(this.bars == null)
this.bars = new HashSet<String>;
Now, in another part of the code, I'm trying to do something like this:
EntityManager em = EMF.get().createEntityManager();
Foo myFoo = em.find(Foo.class, fooKey);
When, of course, newBar is a String.
But, what I get is:
javax.jdo.JDODetachedFieldAccessException: You have just attempted to access field "bars" yet this field was not detached when you detached the object. Either dont access this field, or detach it when detaching the object.
I've searched for an answer, but I couldn't find one.
I've seen someone ask about a Set of strings, and he was told to add an #ElementCollection notation.
I tried that, but I got an error about the String class Metadata (I don't really understand what it means.)
I would really appreciate some help on this thing, even a good reference to someone explaining this (in simple English).
So I found the answer in some blog.
So for anyone who's interested:
In order to use a Collection of simple data types (in JPA), a
notation should be added to the collection. So from my example at the top, It should've been written:
private Set<String> bars;
So you are using JPA, right? (I see EntityManager rather than JDO's PersistenceManager.) Since you are getting a JDO error, I suspect that your app isn't configured properly for JPA.
JPA docs: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/jpa/overview.html
JDO docs: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/jdo/overview.html
You need to pick one datastore wrapper and stick with it. The default new app with the Eclipse tools is configured for JDO, and it is a reasonable choice, but you'll have to change your annotations around a little bit.

Silverlight: Cannot use reflection to GetValue of a field across XAPs?

I have a Silverlight application which has two different XAPs - an InitialXAP which is loaded statically by the HTML page and a DynamicXAP which is loaded from code within the initial XAP. The DynamicXAP is loaded with code similar to this:
var asm = LoadAssemblyFromXap(stream, "DLLName");
// LoadAssemblyFromXAP will load the DynamicXAP as a file stream,
// unpack it and load DLLName as a dll.
var controllerType = asm.GetType("ClassNameToInstantiate_InsideAsm");
var constructor = controllerType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
return constructor.Invoke(null);
I have a class which uses reflection (specifically FieldInfo.GetValue) to do data binding. This class is defined in the InitialXAP. If I try to use this class in the DynamicXAP, I get an error:
Message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application System.FieldAccessException: Class.In.DynamicXAP.Which.Uses.The.Reflection.Class.In.InitialXAP
at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.PerformVisibilityCheckOnField(IntPtr field, Object target, IntPtr declaringType, FieldAttributes attr, UInt32 invocationFlags)
at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalGetValue(Object obj, Boolean doVisibilityCheck, Boolean doCheckConsistency)
at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalGetValue(Object obj, Boolean doVisibilityCheck)
at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.GetValue(Object obj)
I can get around this error by creating a subclass of the class using reflection and overriding the method using reflection like so:
public class InitialXAP.ClassUsingReflection {
public virtual object GetValue()
return fieldInfo.GetValue(parent);
public class ClassUsingReflection : InitialXAP.ClassUsingReflection {
public override object GetValue()
return fieldInfo.GetValue(parent);
But I would prefer to avoid this duplication by allowing reflection from the InitialXAP in the DynamicXAP. Any ideas on what I can do?
Although there is a learning curve, I would look at Silverlight MEF or Prism (both are together at last in the latest Prism 4 Beta). They both support dynamic loading of modules and enforce good patterns for reuse and separate/team development.
Note the duplicate isn't part of the inital xap namespace (ClassUsingReflection), and may be imported.
Notice GetVisible - as in not visible to Dynamic xap...
Just leave the duplicate (take away base class obviously) and try.
