CakePHP 2.x multiple select box - cakephp

I create by $this->Form->input('field') automatic populate multiple select box.
But how to use code above to select options in edit action which saved values?

make sure your form is created with the correct model
eg `$this->Form->create('Article');
pass a variable as the singular of your model from the Controller via $this->set(). For example, if your model is "Article", then pass a variable with the data:
$this->set('article', $article);
it will populate automatically
Next time you ask a question on StackOverflow, provide information on what you've tried, what worked, what didn't, what you've search for but couldn't find...etc, so it doesn't feel as though we're just writing code for you.
Update (per additional info in comments):
For HABTM, create your field with the model:
Then pass a variable camelCase plural:
$this->set('partnerStates', $partnerStates);


How to save child properties?

Breeze & Angular & MV*
I get an invoice object and expand it's necessary properties: Customer, Details, etc.
To access detail properties is easy, invoice.detail[n].property. And saving changes to existing properties (1 - n) is also easy. In my UI, I simply loop through my object vm.invoice.details to get & display all existing details, bind them to inputs, edit at will, call saveChanges(), done!
(keep in mind, in this UI, I need to complete the following too....)
Now, I have blank inputs for a new detail I need to insert.
However, I need to insert a new detail into the existing array of invoice details.
For example: invoice #5 has 3 details (detail[0], detail[1], detail[2]). I need to insert into this existing invoice, detail[3], and call saveChanges()
I've tried to call the manger.createEntity('invoice') but it complains about FK constraints. I know you can pass values as a second argument in createEntity('obj', newvalues)...but is that the correct and only method?
Seems like this should all be much easier but, well, I am at a loss so, please help where you can. TIA!
Take a look at the DocCode sample which has tests for all kinds of scenarios including this one.
Perhaps the following provides the insight you're looking for:
function addNewDetail() {
var newDetail = manager.createEntity('Detail', {
invoice: vm.currentInvoice,
... other initial values
// the newDetail will show up automatically if the view is bound to vm.details
Notice that I'm initializing the parent invoice navigation property. Alternatively, I could just set the Detail entity's FK property inside the initializer:
Either way, Breeze will add the new detail to the details collection of the currentInvoice.
Your question spoke in terms of inserting the new Detail. There is no need to insert the new Detail manually and you can't manage the sort order of the vm.currentInvoice.details property any way.
Breeze has no notion of sort order for collection navigation properties.
If you need to display the details in a particular order you could add a sorting filter to your angular binding to vm.currentInvoice.details.
Make sure you have correct EntityName, because sometimes creating entity is a not as simple as it seems.Before working with entities see
I will suggest you to look ur metadata file, go to last line of your file, you can see the field named "entitySet"
check the entityName here i took as "Entity_Name" and then try to create the entity and use this name

CakePHP How can I save many records in a link table at once for user - map - attributes?

I have three tables/models:
Map(id, user_id, attribute_id)
Attribute (id, name)
Map belongsTo the others, the others hasMany Map.
I'd like the user (via user controller and user view) to create many links to associations at once. How can I do this, assuming that the user forms (add/edit) have 10 attribute fields, all linking to the same table?
I'd need to save up to 10 records in Map in one go. To start with, I'm unsure what the field should be - create('')? Also, cake outputs the same input name to each input as they point to the same field - what's the best way to fix this?
I have already read the relevant documentation, but didn't get much from it.
You can use saveAssociated() method. Prepare an input array according to the instructions given in the link and directly use $this->User->saveAssociated($your_array, array('deep' => true));

AngularJS - After Filtering The Model Isn't Updated

I just wanted to see if anyone has had experience with the issue I having. I am currently populating a select element from a restful web service using the ng-options feature and assigning it to my model with ng-model. I have also applied a filter to this select that changes the list based on the value from another select element. Everything works as intended from the display side. If I change the master select element and it filters the second select to not include the currently selected item, the display shows correctly and displays 'please select'. So this looks great and works as I intended but when this scenario happens the underlying model isn't updated and still has the invalid option stored in it. If I pass the model back to the server for further processing, I am getting values that might not be valid.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to have selected that filter one another also update the underlying model ?
I appreciate any ideas.

CAKEPHP Do I have to set $this->data in the controller for it to work with the form helper

I would like to set $this->data in a view rather than the controller. Will this work with the form helper to automagically input values?
many thanks!
Further explanation if you really want to know...
You may wonder why I wouldn't just put the values right into the value field but it makes sense in this situation to put it into $this->data; I have a ton of fields of various types and I do not want to have to add if isset() to every value field because form fields are generated based on a stored value and may or may not have already been filled in. I cannot set this->data in the controller because of the data being in JSON. Plus the data has to go through several layers before getting to where it is at this point.
unresolved but I got around it by entering everything manually. It would have been nice to add it automagically.

Django: form that updates X amount of models

I have a page where it displays a filtered model instance list and allows users to update some fields of it or add new fields as a form.
I am curious what wpuld be a clever way of doing this, to delete and resave all the input data or make comparison for each data and save edited / new fields& entities.
I would like to mind you that I use postgres for saving these values and I display around 20 entries for this form.
The QuerySet object has the update() method - it's used in ie. Admin Panel for bulk updating multiple selected objects from change lists. Here is the method reference at django's official documentation.
How to use it:
Just create queryset with the models you want to update (assumng that MyModel has field named 'my_field'):
qs = MyModel.objects.all()
That's it - remember that update() method will not send any signals like the save() method - it will just run query directly to database.
As for 'adding fields via form' - I don't know if I got it right? You want to add additional related models or dynamically add fields to the model table on database?
If you want to add related models then use InlineFormset ( - it's quite easy to handle.
Otherwise you have to add fields to models' _meta as described here: How dynamic add custom field to model.
