Hiding labels in bing map control api - silverlight

I am using silver light bing map control api for windows phone 7. I am new to it. I could not get any api I can use for hiding the street labels in the map. Is there some way to achieve the same?
Thanks in advance.

I think, this link may be helpful, which talks about labels in the map to be displayed.


react-google-maps: dynamically highlight a country or a subntaional

I use a react-google-maps and I want to dynamically highlight a country or a subntaional when user click on the map anywhere in the whole world, so I need to get coordinates to draw a polygon, but can't find any service with api for it. What the best way to achieve this?
I was also searching for this solution. you can use google charts api for above problem.

User Customizing Bing Map Infobox Description

I am currently developing an app using bing map v8 web control in react.js. I intend to add an input box in the info box so that users can enter their own description for the infobox. Just wondering is it possible to do it? If yes, can someone give me some hint on how to do it, and if not, is there other ways that I could let the users enter their own title for the pushpin?
I am new to Bing Map api and any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Not at this time. For some reason textboxs in the infobox can't get focused. I'll have the dev team look into this to see if there is a way around this.
Update (8/26/2016): The team has now added support for HTML in descriptions. Textboxes work in infoboxes too. This is currently available in the experimental branch of V8 and will be in the main release branch in a couple of weeks.

Drawing a route on Bing Maps in WP7 Silverlight

I need to draw a route from my position to a predefined location on a Bing Map. I've read carefully this answer:
But I'm new to WP7, can anybody please tell me the step before using that code; how to add and use the service .
And will that answer be sufficient to draw the rout? Thanks.
First of all you need an account for the bing maps api: http://www.bingmapsportal.com/ If you have an account for bing maps you can request an authorization key, to use bing maps
then you add a webreference to your project that points to: http://dev.virtualearth.net/webservices/v1/routeservice/routeservice.svc
If you added the reference you can use the code that is provided in the answer you linked. If you want additional information about the route servive you can find it at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc966826.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc981072.aspx
Hope this helps

Silverlight simple map tool with zoom and pushpins

I'm very new to Silverlight so bear with me. I need to implement a web page with a zoom-able map of Europe. I need the map to contain pushpins or such like which are generated from a database of lon/lat locations.
If the user hovers over a pin then some data should appear about the location and then if the user clicks on a location and be given detailed information (images, text and other live data) next to the map. Originally I was looking at google maps or bing but as this is to be used commercially and is not going to be public, I am unable to use them for licencing reasons.
I've looked into using deepzoom, which seems perfect but I cannot find any decent ways of adding the pushpins.
So essentially can anyone suggest a tool to allow me to make a zoomable map (I can supply a map image) which can have pushpins generated which can be selected by the user through highlight or click
Many thanks,
Use Bing Maps Silverlight Control.
Here is preview from Microsoft.
You need Developers Account for using it. Account is free. You can get it here.
Bing Maps control is simple to use, supports pushpins and deep zoom.

get a map with pushpin from Bing [silverlight]

I tried to dvlp an applic for WP7. This applic must "ask" bing services to retrieve a map with pushpins (POI like train stations or metro stations). In my applic I want to get the pushpins collection and use it to do something else.
The matter is that I don't know how to get this map from Bing Maps.
Is somebody have an idea ?
Thnks a lot,
Have a look at the MSDN article on How to: Use the Bing Maps Silverlight Control for Windows Phone
Once you have a map you can add pushpins where you require them.
You could use the SearchServiceClient to find nearby stations, etc.
