C# How to draw a Polygon connected by smooth curved lines - winforms

Hi friends i'm developing an application just like ms paint, in that i want to draw a polygon like shape with curved lines.I used graphicsPath and drawcurve method but i'm not able to get the corners.Please give me some idea for drawing
Plolygon with curved line.


How to draw a polygon shaped data annotation shape for image detection?

I am training some images using imageAI object detection. What i want to do is draw a polygon shaped data annotation around the objects in an image. Not a square box. Even though I ca draw the shape, the imageAI class doesn't consider polygon shapes. If some one can help me to find if is there is some model where polygon shapes are allowed in image training, that would be great.
ImageAI only supports PascalVOC image annotation format, which is upright rectangular bounding boxes. You would need to change frameworks for this to work. For a workaround, consider using an image editing tool to get rid of the background and then provide a square bounding box.

Projection outline of object to other object in scenekit

Hello~ I want to draw outline of cube on capsule surface. It is outline through normal between camera and cube center. That image is made by unity but I wnat to render on ios scenekit. Do you have good way to do this simply??
enter image description here

WPF: Minecraft Game Coordinates to WPF Canvas Coordinates

I've been trying to get coordinates from Minecraft and putting them on an WPF canvas for a map viewer. However, most of it does not work and it is not centered. How would you go about with doing this?
Help is appreciated!
Update #1:
I'll be a bit more descriptive of what I want. I'd like to show positions (not images or terrain and stuff) on a WPF Canvas. What I am trying to do is making a navigation system showing lines from certain coordinates to other coordinates. One thing I've tried was making the canvas as big as a Minecraft map, but that didn't work well. https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/85603/A-WPF-custom-control-for-zooming-and-panning I've been using that with no problems, but the thing is that I want to actually translate in game coordinates to coordinates on the maps for waypoints and such.
Sorry for the lack of detail at first!

How to draw a vertical line graph on WPF?

I am learning to draw a line graph inside my WPF. i found a tutorial of a horizontal line graph at this side " http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/mahesh/line-chart-in-wpf/ " and i manage to do it. But my question is how to draw a vertical graph?
I taking the example of the graph from the website i provided, if transform the graph to the vertical graph. The X-axis will be the int(on the top) and the Y-axis will be the Date(at the left hand side). Anyone can help me out?
The graph i want should be like this:
p/s : sorry, i couldn't upload an image due to low reputation point.
You can use Microsoft provided chart controls:
The SeriesChartType.Line is your chart type I guess.
Here is a sample on MSDN. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh297122%28v=vs.100%29.aspx

Draw bar chart in windows application using c#

I want to draw a bar in +ve and -ve direction in chart. Like a line at the Middle of the chart and bar are in both the direction.
Please suggest me how I can draw chart in C#.
You can use ZedGraph . It can do a lot of charting stuff. Here you can find samples, there are some bar samples there.
I used it, it's realy easy way to create any chart with this library.
