Writing program to run on server, requesting experienced advice - c

I'm developing a program that will need to run on Internet servers (a back-end component to be used by several cross-platform programs). I'm familiar with the security precautions to take (to prevent buffer overflows and SQL Injection attacks, for instance), but have never written a server program before, or any program that will be used on this scale.
The program needs to be able to serve hundreds or thousands of clients simultaneously. The protocols are designed for processing speed and to minimize the amount of data that must be exchanged, and the server side will be written in C. There will be both a Windows and a Linux version from the same code.
How should the program handle communications -- multiple threads, a single thread handling all the sockets in turn, or spawn a new process for every so many incoming connections (or for each one)?
Do I need to worry about things like memory fragmentation, since this program will need to run for months at a time?
What other design issues, specific to this kind of programming, might an experienced developer of cross-platform programs for desktop and mobile systems not be aware of?
Please, no suggestions to use a different language. That decision has already been made, for reasons I'm not at liberty to go into.

For I'd use libevent or libev and non-blocking I/O. This way the operating system will take case of most of your scheduling problems. I'd also use a thread pool for processing tasks, that by nature are blocking, so they don't block the main loop. And if you ever need to read or write large amounts of data to or from the disc, use mmap, again to let the OS handle as much as possible.
The basic advice is use the OS, as much as possible. If you want a good example of a program which does this look at Varnish, it is very well written, and performs fantastic.

With my experience running multiple servers for over 3 years of uptime, and programs with little over a year of uptime I can still recommend making the setup so that the system gracefully recovers from a program error and from a server reboot.
Even though performance gets a hit when a program is restarted, you need to be able to handle that as external circumstances can force the program to such a restart.
Don't try to reinvent the wheel when not needed, and have a look at zeromq or something like that to handle distribution of incoming communications. (If you are allowed to, prototype the backends in a more forgiving language than C like Python, then reimplement in C but keeping the communications protocol)


Is it better to use select or multi-threading (or both) when creating a server that will simultaneously send/receive tasks for 200+ clients

I am creating a server that will be sending and receiving tasks from over 200 clients simultaneously (potentially more client in the future). There will also be background engines on the clients that will perform tasks and send responses to the server without asking first. I expect there to be a high volume of information transferred both ways. I've been doing research into multi-threading and using the select function, and I'm wondering given some of the parameters of the project which option (or a combination) would be the most efficient scalable solution based on the amount of traffic that might occur.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd be glad to answer any questions to provide more clarity.
Either approach will work; as far is which is "better", that's going to depend a lot on how you define the word "better".
The single-threaded approach avoids any chance of problems with race conditions or deadlocks, because those problems inherently can't occur in a single-threaded program. In a multithreaded program you have to be extremely careful about data-locking patterns, or else you will find yourself trying to debug very mysterious malfunctions that only occur once every few days/weeks/months.
On the other hand, the single-threaded approach limits you to using a single core; it won't be able to take advantage of a modern multi-core CPU to give you a parallelism speedup.
On the third hand, the multi-threaded approach can get hairy (and lose its speedup potential) if the various threads/connections often need to access any shared/mutable data structures. In that "shared data bottleneck" scenario, the threads may spend a lot of their time blocked waiting to lock a mutex, and then you're mostly back to using a single core anyway. If each connection operates independently of the others (e.g. as part of a simple web server) and doesn't need to interact with the other threads, then this shouldn't be a concern.
Multithreading allows you to use blocking I/O (which is simpler to implement than non-blocking I/O), but blocking I/O limits your control over the threads (e.g. how do you get a thread to exit cleanly, or take some other non-client-initiated action, if it is blocked indefinitely inside a recv() call? There aren't any good solutions to that problem, only poor ones)
Single-threading requires you to use non-blocking I/O (otherwise a single unresponsive client can halt service to all the other clients while the server is blocked inside a send() or recv() call), and non-blocking I/O is tricky to do correctly, since you have to handle partial-reads and partial-writes gracefully.
If your program ever needs to do a non-trivial amount of computation or file I/O, note that a single-threaded design will force all clients to wait while the computation (or I/O) for any client completes. In a multithreaded design, OTOH, clients B through Z can continue to be serviced on other cores/threads while client A's is busy reading from the disk or crunching numbers.
The overhead of spawning and maintaining threads will vary from one OS to another. If you're going to be running hundreds of threads simultaneously, you might want to verify first that your target OS (and hardware) will be able to handle that load efficiently. (You can reduce the overhead of spawning and reaping threads via a thread-pool, at some expense of increased RAM usage)
I personally prefer the single-threaded/non-blocking-I/O approach, because blocking I/O is problematic if you want your program to be able to shut down cleanly and reliably (which you should want, if only so you can do e.g. memory-leak testing under valgrind). If single-core performance turns out to be insufficient, it's often fairly straightforward extend the handle-N-sockets-on-1-thread design to a more powerful handle-N-sockets-on-each-of-M-threads design, and then you can play around with different values of N and M until you find the one that gives you the best performance (e.g. by setting M to the number of cores on the host machine, and handing out newly-accepted sockets to whichever thread is currently handling the smallest number of sockets)
I once made a program in Java, a chat application, that each connection with the server that was established, represented a new Thread in the server, to manage the client in question.
Inside the Server class, there was a static variable, to manage which clients were connected.
I don't know if recommend different technologies is the right way to answer you question, but i think, that for your case, would be a good idea to take a look at Erlang/Elixir platform, the premise is the is able to hold a lot of clients at the same time.
Currently, big companies, like Whatsapp uses Erlang and Discord Elixir.
I hope that my answer was helpful.

Whats the advantages and disadvantages of using Socket in IPC

I have been asked this question in some recent interviews,Whats the advantages and disadvantages of using Socket in IPC when there are other ways to perform IPC.Have not found exact answer .
Any help would be much appreciated.
Compared to pipes, IPC sockets differ by being bidirectional, that is, reads and writes can be done on the same descriptor. Pipes, unlike sockets, are unidirectional. You have to keep a pair of descriptors if you want to do both reads and writes.
Pipes, on the other hand, guarantee atomicity when reading or writing under a certain amount of bytes. Writing something less than PIPE_BUF bytes at once is guaranteed to be delivered in one chunk and never observed partial. Sockets do require more care from the programmer in that respect.
Shared memory, when used for IPC, requires explicit synchronisation from the programmer. It may be the most efficient and most flexible mechanism, but that comes at an increased complexity cost.
Another point in favour of sockets: an app using sockets can be easily distributed - ie. it can be run on one host or spread across several hosts with little effort. This depends of course on the nature of the app.
Perhaps this is too simplified an answer, yet it is an important detail. Sockets are not supported on all OS's. Recently, I have been aware of a project that used sockets for IPC all over the place only to find that they were forced to change from Linux to a proprietary OS which was POSIX, but did not support sockets the same way as Linux.
Sockets allow you a few benefits...
You can connect a simple client to them for testing (manually enter data, see the response).
This is very useful for debugging, simulating and blackbox testing.
You can run the processes on different machines. This can be useful for scalability and is very helpful in debugging / testing if you work in embedded software.
It becomes very easy to expose your process as a service
But there are drawbacks as well
Overhead is greater than IPC optimized for a single machine. Shared memory in particular is better if you need the performance, and you know your processes are all on the same machine.
Security - if your client apps can connect so can anyone else, if you're not careful about authentication. Data can also be sniffed if you're not encrypting, and modified if you're not at least signing data sent over the wire.
Using a true message queue tends to leave you with fixed sized messages. If you have a large number of messages of wildly varying sizes this can become a performance problem. Using a socket can be a way around this, though you're then left trying to wrap this functionality to become identical to a queue, which is tricky to get the detail right on, particularly aspects like blocking/non-blocking and atomicity.
Shared memory is quick but requires management (you end up writing a version of malloc to manage the SHM) plus you have to synchronise and lock it in some way. Though you can use libraries to help with this the availability depends on your environment and language.
Queues are easy but have the downsides listed as pros to my socket discussion.
Pipes have been covered by Blagovests answer to this question.
As is ever the case with this kind of stuff I would suggest reading the W. Richard Stevens books on IPC and sockets. There is no better explanation than his! :-)

C HTTP server - multithreading model?

I'm currently writing an HTTP server in C so that I'll learn about C, network programming and HTTP. I've implemented most of the simple stuff, but I'm only handling one connection at a time. Currently, I'm thinking about how to efficiently add multitasking to my project. Here are some of the options I thought about:
Use one thread per connection. Simple but can't handle many connections.
Use non-blocking API calls only and handle everything in one thread. Sounds interesting but using select()s and such excessively is said to be quite slow.
Some other multithreading model, e.g. something complex like lighttpd uses. (Probably) the best solution, but (probably) too difficult to implement.
Any thoughts on this?
There is no single best model for writing multi-tasked network servers. Different platforms have different solutions for high performance (I/O completion ports, epoll, kqueues). Be careful about going for maximum portability: some features are mimicked on other platforms (i.e. select() is available on Windows) and yield very poor performance because they are simply mapped onto some other native model.
Also, there are other models not covered in your list. In particular, the classic UNIX "pre-fork" model.
In all cases, use any form of asynchronous I/O when available. If it isn't, look into non-blocking synchronous I/O. Design your HTTP library around asynchronous streaming of data, but keep the I/O bit out of it. This is much harder than it sounds. It usually implies writing state machines for your protocol interpreter.
That last bit is most important because it will allow you to experiment with different representations. It might even allow you to write a compact core for each platform local, high-performance tools and swap this core from one platform to the other.
Yea, do the one that's interesting to you. When you're done with it, if you're not utterly sick of the project, benchmark it, profile it, and try one of the other techniques. Or, even more interesting, abandon the work, take the learnings, and move on to something completely different.
You could use an event loop as in node.js:
Source code of node (c, c++, javascript)
Ryan Dahl (the creator of node) outlines the reasoning behind the design of node.js, non-blocking io and the event loop as an alternative to multithreading in a webserver.
Douglas Crockford discusses the event loop in Scene 6: Loopage (Friday, August 27, 2010)
An index of Douglas Crockford's above talk (if further background information is needed). Doesn't really apply to your question though.
Look at your platforms most efficient socket polling model - epoll (linux), kqueue (freebsd), WSAEventSelect (Windows). Perhaps combine with a thread pool, handle N connections per thread. You could always start with select then replace with a more efficient model once it works.
A simple solution might be having multiple processes: have one process accept connections, and as soon as the connection is established fork and handle the connection in that child process.
An interesting variant of this technique is used by SER/OpenSER/Kamailio SIP proxy: there's one main process that accepts the connections and multiple child worker processes, connected via pipes. The parent sends the new filedescriptor through the socket. See this book excerpt at 17.4.2. Passing File Descriptors over UNIX Domain Sockets. The OpenSER/Kamailio SIP proxies are used for heavy-duty SIP processing where performance is a huge issue and they do very well with this technique (plus shared memory for information sharing). Multi-threading is probably easier to implement, though.

Where can I find benchmarks on different networking architectures?

Where can I find benchmarks on different networking architectures?
I am playing with sockets / threads / forks and I'd like to know what the best is. I was thinking there has got to be a place where someone has already spelled out all the pros and cons of different architectures for a socket service, listed benchmarks with code that runs.
Ultimately I'd like to run these various configurations with my own code and see which runs best in different circumstances.
Many people I talk to say that I should just use single threaded select. But I see an argument for threads when you're storing state information inside the thread to keep code simple. What is the trade off mark for writing my own state structure vs using a proven thread architecture.
I've also been told forking is bad... but when you need 12000 connections on a machine that cannot raise the open file per process limit, forking is an option! Forking is also a nice option for stability when you've got one process that needs restarting, it doesn't disturb the others.
Sorry, this is one of my longer questions... so many variables are left empty.
edit: here's the link I was looking for, which is a whole paper answering your question. http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html
There are web servers designed along all three models (fork, thread, select). People like to benchmark web servers.
Libevent has some benchmarks and links to stuff about how to choose a select() vs. threaded model, generally in favour of using the libevent model.
It's very difficult to answer this question as so much depends on what your service is actually doing. Does it have to query a database? read files from the filesystem? perform complicated calculations? go off and talk to some other service? Also, how long-lived are client connections? Might connections have some semantic interaction with other connections, or are they all treated as independent of each other? Might you want to think about load-balancing your service across multiple servers later? (If so, you might usefully think about that now so that any necessary help can be designed in from the start.)
As you hint, the serving machine might have limits which interact with the various techniques, steering you towards one answer or another. You have a per-process file descriptor limit, but remember that you may also have a fixed size process table! How many concurrent clients are you expecting, anyway?
If your service keeps crashing and you need to keep restarting it or you think you want a multi-process model so that connections are isolated from each other, you're probably doing it wrong. Stability is extremely important in this sort of context, and that means good practice and memory hygiene, both in general and in the face of network-based attacks.
Remember the history... fork() is cheap in the Unix world, but spawning new processes relatively expensive on Windows. OTOH, Windows threads are lightweight, whereas threading has always been a bit alien to Unix and only relatively recently become widespread.

How to scale a TCP listener on modern multicore/multisocket machines

I have a daemon to write in C, that will need to handle 20-150K TCP connections simultaneously. They are long running connections, and rarely ever tear down. They have a very small amount of data (rarely exceeding MTU even.. it's a stimulus/response protocol) in transmit at any given time, but response times to them are critical. I'm wondering what the current UNIX community is using to get large amounts of sockets, and minimizing the latency on response of them. I've seen designs revolving around multiplexing connects to fork worker pools, threads (per connection), static sized thread pools. Any suggestions?
the easiest suggestion is to use libevent, it makes it easy to write a simple non-blocking single-threaded server that would comply with your requirements.
if the processing for each response takes some time, or if it uses some blocking API (like almost anything from a DB), then you'll need some threading.
One answer is the worker threads, where you spawn a set of threads, each listening on some queue to work. it can be separate processes, instead of threads, if you like. The main difference would be the communications mechanism to tell the workers what to do.
A different way to do is to use several threads, and give to each of them a portion of those 150K connections. each will have it's own process loop and work mostly like the single-threaded server, except for the listening port, which will be handled by a single thread. This helps spreading the load between cores, but if you use a blocking resource, it would block all the connections handled by this specific thread.
libevent lets you use the second way if you're careful; but there's also an alternative: libev. it's not as well known as libevent, but it specifically supports the multi-loop scheme.
If performance is critical then you'll really want to go for a multithreaded event loop solution - i.e. a pool of worker threads to handle your connections. Unfortunately, there is no abstraction library to do this that works on most Unix platforms (note that libevent is only single-threaded as are most of these event-loop libraries), so you'll have to do the dirty work yourself.
On Linux that means using edge-triggered epoll with a pool of worker threads (Windows would have I/O completion ports which also works fine in a multithreaded environment - I am not sure about other Unixes).
BTW, I have done some work trying to abstract edge-triggered epoll on Linux and Windows I/O completion ports on http://nginetd.cmeerw.org (it is work in progress, but might provide some ideas).
If you have system configuration access don't over-do it and set up some iptables/pf/etc to load-balance connections across n daemon instances (processes) as this will work out of the box. Depending on how blocking the nature of the daemon n should be from the number of cores on the system or several times higher. This approach looks crude but it can handle broken daemons and even restart them if necessary. Also migration would be smooth as you could start diverting new connections to another set of processes (for example, a new release or migrating to a new box) instead of service interruptions. On top of that you get several features like source affinity wich can help significantly caching and contention of problematic sessions.
If you don't have system access (or ops can't be bothered), you can use load balancer daemon (there are plenty of open source ones) instead of iptables/pf/etc and use also n service daemons, like above.
Also this approach helps with separating privileges of ports. If the external service needs to service on a low port (<1024) you only need the load balancer running privileged/or admin/root, or kernel.)
I've written several IP load balancers in the past and it can be very error-prone in production. You don't want to support and debug that. Also operations and management will tend second-guess your code more than external code.
i think javier's answer makes the most sense. if you want to test the theory out, then check out the node javascript project.
Node is based on Google's v8 engine which compiles javascript to machine code and is as fast as c for certain tasks. It is also based on libev and is designed to be completely non-blocking, meaning you don't have to worry about context switching between threads (everything runs on a single event loop). It is very similar to erlang in that respect.
Writing high performance servers in javascript is now really, really easy with node. You could also, with a little bit of effort, write your custom code in c and create bindings for node to call into it to do your actual processing (look at the node source to see how to do this - documentation is a little sketchy at the moment). as an uglier alternative, you could build your custom c code as an application and use stdin/stdout to communicate with it.
I've tested node myself with upwards of 150k connections with absolutely no issues (of course you will need some serious hardware if all these connections are going to be communicating at once). A TCP connection in node.js on average uses only 2-3k of memory so you could theoretically handle 350-500k connections per 1GB of RAM.
Note - Node.js is not currently supported on windows, but it is only at an early stage of development and i'd imagine it will be ported at some stage.
Note 2 - you will have to ensure the code you are calling into from Node does not block
Several systems have been developed to improve on select(2) performance: kqueue, epoll, and /dev/poll. In all these systems, you can have a pool of worker threads waiting for tasks; you will not be forced to setup all file handles over and over again when done with one of them.
do you have to start from scratch? You could use something like gearman.
