Accessing variables from XAML and object from ViewModel using Code Behind - wpf

I'm a newbie in windows phone development. I would like to ask if it is possible to do this scenario. I need to access a variable in XAML using my code behind, then I will add it as an item to my existing list found in my View Model. Therefore, I need to access both of my View Model to get the list and the XAML to get the variable from the resources.
Is this doable? If yes, how can I access it. This is what I have in my current XAML.
<system:String x:Key="scanName">SCAN</system:String>
Thanks much,

What you're trying to do is a pretty big violation of everything MVVM is about, but it is possible...
With the following lines in the codebehind of your view, you can...
...access the resource string:
var scanName = this.Resources["scanName"];
...access the ViewModel:
var vm = DataContext as MyViewModel;
if (vm == null) return;
That being said, you really shouldn't do this. The idea of MVVM is to decouple ViewModel and View completely and let the WPF binding mechanisms wire it together for you. In your case, as far as I can tell, you should store the scan name somewhere else, either as a resource or a config value, fetch it in your ViewModel and provide a property on your ViewModel to which your View can bind.

I haven't near winphone app so i make simple example on wpf(it's similiar with winphone).
//write string value from dynamic resource into textblock
<TextBlock FontSize="14" Text="{DynamicResource scanName}"/>
//changing resource in codebehind (this is Window in my example)
this.Resources["scanName"] = "new value";
As my mind you scenario is veru specific.Try to read about bindings. May be bindings will be more useful in your scenario.


How can I bind Text property of TextBox (VIEW) to a vaiable (in VIEWMODEL)

I am a newbie in WPF. I was exploring MVVM Pattern for WPF applications. I am having trouble in binding Text property of a TextBox from VIEW to a variable in VIEWMODEL
Here is the TextBox from MainWindow.xaml
<TextBox x:Name="UsernameTxt" Grid.Row="4" materialDesign:HintAssist.Hint="Username"/>
I just need to know how to bind its Text Property to ViewModel Class in Class Library
I think it's possible to give a very generic answer to this very generic question.
If the question changes context this answer is very likely to be deleted but here goes anyhow.
You want your viewmodel to be in the datacontext of the textbox. Because datacontext is inherited down the visual tree this usually means you want to set datacontext of your window to an instance of the viewmodel. Or maybe the usercontrol your textbox is in, but we know nothing about your app so let's just cover the simple scenario.
Your options are to instantiate a viewmodel using code or xaml.
If you look at this article:
That instantiates in xaml.
Note the xmlns is
That's saying where you see some bit of markup which is prefaced "local:" then go get the class out of this namespace.
To point to a different dll ( a class library ) you need to tell it which assembly. You do that by adding ;assembly=Whicheverdll to your equivalent of that xmlns. And of course that won't be local then so give it a different name. You also need a reference to that dll or project added to the entry point exe.
Once you've done all that and your viewmodel is instantiated into memory and in the datacontext of that textbox you need some sort of binding.
Which the article covers but that will be something like:
<TextBox Text="{Binding YourPublicStringProperty}"/>

How can my design implement MVVM?

I have an issue trying to understand how to implement the MVVM pattern in my application. It's a small application and I will explain what it does.
My application creates a backup of files. The UI lets the user choose which folder they want to back up and where it should be backed up too. After making their selection they click the "start" button.
This then passes the folder source and folder destination to a class library (called backup.cs) which creates the back ups of all the files inside each folder. During this, a log (Log.cs) is created logging each stage and the state of each file it attempted to back up (complete, failed, other, etc). Now, the log is in memory only.
When the back up is complete I want a window to open (a view) which will display all the logs. It's at this point I can't understand how to use the MVVM pattern.
As it stands today, I pass my log (which holds the data in a hierarchical way) to my MainWindow's constructor and bind to the datacontext, using a treeview in my xaml I get the desired results. However, I now want to use MVVM.
My question is very similar to my previous question, as you can see the answer is to pass the log as a paramter to the ViewModel constructor. The issue is, I don't know how to do that and also display a window!
The only way (in my head) I can achieve this is by passing the Log as a parameter to a constructor of my View but this defeats the point of the MVVM. I could pass the parameter to my ViewModel's constructor (which would fit the MVVM pattern) but would that then mean I have to also create an instance of my View from my ViewModel constructor as well? Otherwise all I would do is create my ViewModel but have no way to display the results since the View isn't displayed.
I hope I have explained where I'm struggling clearly, can any one suggest a way forward please?
Most likely you 'll want the viewmodel to accept (and expose through a property) a collection such as a List<Log> -- typically this would be an ObservableCollection<Log>, but if the operation has already completed there is no real point in going that way. This is what you are describing as a possible solution.
To wire the viewmodel to the view, in essence you need to do this:
var viewModel = new LogsViewModel(...);
var view = new LogsView(); // no constructor parameters
view.DataContext = viewModel;
And finally you add view at some place of the application window's logical tree so that it gets displayed. MVVM frameworks automate this procedure, but you can also do it manually as simply as this.
Your view would then bind to the logs collection to display each log, perhaps using a DataTemplate:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Logs}">
<!-- XAML to display each Log does here -->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FileName}" />
As an example, if you wanted that LogView being shown based on a button click in you main View.
public override void ShowCommandExecute()
var popup = new LogsView
WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen,
DataContext = new LogsViewViewModel();

Beginner - confused about binding and resources in WPF

I'm trying to learn WPF but I find it very difficult to understand bindings, the "resources" thing, and object creation.
My background is in C++/MFC and C#-Winforms.
My questions:
Most of the examples I see in XAML (in MSDN and in two other WPF books I've read) use StaticResource in the binding expression. Are these related in any way to static members? Or is this just a misleading name? When a reference is made to any object as a StaticResource, when is it instantiated?
As far as I can see StaticResources are used with "things" defined in the "Resources" section of the app/window/control etc.
Now, these Resources sections are very confusing to me.
What exactly are they? From my experience in MFC these were icons, strings, etc. However, judging by all the examples I've seen, in WPF these seem to be essentially a "dumping ground" for
(a) all kinds of global object definitions in markup (styles, data templates, etc)
(b) all kinds of global object instantiations in markup
Am I correct? This strikes me as very messy.
It essentially involves learning all sorts of semi-DSLs in XAML (for defining styles, for defining data templates, for creating objects etc), and sticking them together in the same place.
I keep thinking about something like editing the resource file (.rc) in MFC by hand. At least there the sections were well separated and the syntax for each resource was relatively simple.
To tie up the previous two questions: When I define an object instance in the Resources section, and later reference it from a StaticResource binding, when exactly is it instantiated?
MSDN says (in "How to: Make Data Available for Binding in XAML"):
one way you can make the object
available for binding is to define it
as a resource
However, this isn't very clear. What do they mean available? Do they mean created? Do they mean hooked up to the binding subsystem? And when exactly is that object created?
From playing around with a simple example I saw that WPF seems to create this object for me when it tries to attach the binding. And this is even more confusing.
After the clarification by karmicpuppet below, I'm still confused as to how this is connected to Binding.
Suppose I have in my resources:
<local:Person x:Key="MyPerson" Name="Title"/>
(where Person is a class with a property called Name) and then in the window I have:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyPerson}, Path=Name}"/>
1) What does this do? Does it goes through the same steps - searching for the resource and then applying it to the Text property? Does the MyPerson object gets created at the time of Window creation, or later?
2) Do I have to use the Binding mechanism to bind to the Name property? Can't I bind to it directly like you did above with myBrush? Why can't I do something like this?
<TextBlock Text="{StaticResource MyPerson, Path=Name}"/>
Is it just a short-sightedness on the part of the framework? I think I'm missing very big here, but I can't seem to understand what...
3) I tried using DynamicResource, but I am very confused about each step I took.
a) Added a DependencyObject with a DependencyProperty above my single Window class in code (is this DependencyObject necessary?)
public class SomeText : DependencyObject
public string Header
get { return (string)GetValue(HeaderProperty); }
set { SetValue(HeaderProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Header", typeof(string), typeof(SomeText), new UIPropertyMetadata(0));
b) Added an instance of it to the Windows.Resources (is this necessary with DynamicResource? MSDN seems to say no, but if so I can't figure out how to do the next step in XAML)
c) I tried both:
Text="{Binding Source={DynamicResource HeaderText}, Path=Header}"
Which gave me an exception, and
Text="{DynamicResource HeaderText}"
But I couldn't understand where to put the path to the Header property.
This is my 5th or so attempt to fiddle around with WPF lately, and each time I get stumped by this seemingly simple things which don't work. I've read 2 books and I really try to understand the MSDN articles, however they're of no help at all.
First, an overall comment:
WPF is hard to learn. It's hard to learn because there are several different fundamentally new concepts that you have to get your head around at the same time. The struggle that you're having right now is that you're trying to learn at least three different things at once:
How the XamlReader (and particularly markup extensions) deserializes XAML into objects.
How the FrameworkElement's resource dictionaries work.
How data binding works.
Something like this:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyPerson}, Path=Name}"/>
is engaging (at least) three very different technologies at the same time. Those technologies are all designed to be as flexible as possible, which only makes them more confusing to the beginner. The idea that a binding source can be just about anything: that's hard to grasp. The idea that a markup extension is a special kind of serialization format that supports recursion: simple enough to understand in principle, but a little baffling when you first start working with real-world examples. The idea that a resource dictionary can contain just about anything, and that the resource searching algorithm essentially makes resources inheritable: again, pretty simple in concept, but easy to lose the thread of when you're trying to figure out data binding and XAML at the same time.
It's frustrating, because something that's conceptually simple - "I want to bind this control to a property of an object that I've created" - requires that you understand a great many things before you can actually express it in XAML.
The only solution is to be patient, and to make sure you understand things at the lowest level possible. When you see this:
{StaticResource MyPerson}
you should be able to think, "That's going to invoke the StaticResource markup extension handler, which retrieves an object from a resource dictionary using the key MyPerson when the XAML is deserialized.
It's extremely challenging at first. I've been developing software professionally for 35 years, and I've found WPF to be the most challenging technology platform that I've ever learned by a considerable margin. But all of this stuff is hard to learn because it's incredibly functional and flexible. And the payoff of learning it is huge.
To address a couple of issues that karmicpuppet didn't:
From my experience in MFC [resources] were icons, strings, etc.
That hasn't changed. You can still create resource files in WPF and load them into objects at runtime. There are lots of different ways of doing this - you can create resources in the resource editor and load them via the Properties.Resources object, you can add image files (for instance) to the project, have them compiled as resources, and load them using their URI, and there are plenty of other ways that I don't know about.
The resources available to FrameworkElements via their resource dictionaries are a different thing. Well, sort of. Here's an example:
<Image x:Key="MyImage" Source="images/myimage.png"/>
This creates an Image object and adds it to the Window's resource dictionary with a key of MyImage You can then reference that object via the StaticResource markup extension in XAML, or the FindResource method in code.
Setting the Source attribute on the Image element in XAML also makes the XamlReader use the ResourceManager to read the image data from the project's compiled resources at runtime when it creates the Image object.
In practice, this is nowhere near as confusing as it is when you're first learning WPF. I never get resources that ResourceManager loads and resources stored in resource dictionaries mixed up.
And when exactly is that object created?
Any object defined by a XAML element is created when the XamlReader reads the element. So this:
<local:Person x:Key="MyPerson"/>
instantiates a new Person object and adds it to the Window's resource dictionary with a key of MyPerson. It's exactly equivalent to doing this in the Window's code-behind:
AddResource("MyPerson", new Person());
So why don't you just do it in code-behind? Two reasons:
First, it's consistent. If you define all your resources in XAML, you only need to look in XAML files to find what your resources are. If you define them in both XAML and code-behind, you have to look in two places.
Second, the IDE knows about resources that you define in XAML. If you type
<TextBox Text="{Binding {StaticResource MyPerson}, Path=Name}"/>
in your XAML, the IDE will let you know if you haven't defined, somewhere in the hierarchy of resource dictionaries, a resource whose key is MyPerson. But it doesn't know about resources that you've added in code, and so even though the resource may actually be findable at runtime, the IDE will report it as a problem.
Think about it this way: all FrameworkElements (Windows, Buttons, other Controls, etc), as well as the Application object, contain a Dictionary of Resources. Whenever you define a resource in XAML as shown here:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="myBrush" Color="Red"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key"myTemplate">
<!--Template definition here -->
It's like doing something like this in code:
class Window
void Window()
this.Resources.Add("myBrush", new SolidColorBrush(Brushes.Red));
this.Resources.Add("myTemplate", new DataTemplate());
You can put all kinds of objects as Resources. Anything that you would like to re-use throughout your application, you can define it as a Resource.
Now, when you do use a "{StaticResource}" as follows:
<Button Background="{StaticResource myBrush}"/>
This is like telling WPF to search for the corresponding "myBrush" resource and apply it to the Background property. What will happen is WPF will first search the resource in the Button's resource dictionary, and if it's not found will search its parent, then its parent's parent, and so on up to the application's resources.
The "static" thing in "StaticResource" just distinguishes it from the other type of resource-lookup called "DynamicResource". The difference between the two is answered in this link.
When applied to Binding, it also works the same way. Say, for instance, you have the following resource in your XAML:
<local:Person x:Key="MyPerson" Name="Title"/>
and used it as:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyPerson}, Path=Name}"/>
In this case, what will happen is something like this:
Binding b = new Binding();
b.Source = FindResource("MyPerson");
b.Path = "Name";
[TextBlock].SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, b);
Again, the "{StaticResource}" markup in the XAML tells WPF to search for the corresponding resource and set it as the value for the a property. In this case, the property is Binding's "Source" property.
That's the basics. Hope you find this helpful

WPF Combobox databinding to a L2S table

Here is what i have:
a SQL CE database, that holds this Category table, with id and name columns only.
dbml generated with sqlmetal
singleton (static class) that exposes the linq DataContext.
in the code-behind file, i have a property like follows:
private System.Data.Linq.Table<Categories> Categories
return LibraryDataStore.Instance.Categories;
I want to simply bind the categories to a ComboBox. Can't believe i've been at it for hours now, with no result :(
I don't want to set ItemsSource in the code behind, I want to do this XAML-only, but how?
Most examples i found were defining the data right there in XAML, or setting ItemsSource programatically, but that is not what i want.
Why isn't this, for example, working?
<ComboBox Name="cmbCategory"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Categories}"
As a side note, i want to say that I find the databinding model of wpf extremely difficult to learn, as it is so thick and there are just SO MANY WAYS to do things.
Later edit:
I found that it works if i set the ItemsSource like this:
var cats = from c in LibraryDataStore.Instance.Categories
select c;
cmbCategory.ItemsSource = cats;
Still, I can't figure it out why it doesn't work in XAML.
You must set the datacontext of the UserControl to LibraryDataStore.Instance. This datacontext will then filter down the visual tree to your combobox (so there is no need to set the datacontext of the combobox itself). Your xaml will then be able to bind to the public property of this object "Categories".
Bea Stollnitz gives a good overview of how to detect problems with databinding (i.e. it failing silently) on her blog ->
you need to set the DataContext of your UserControl (or Page) to the current instance :
this.DataContext = this;

General Design Question about data binding in WPF

I'm starting to use Binding in my WPF project and I'm actually confused about few things on the presentation side (XAML).
So I want to populate a TreeView with a List of Categories. I know how to write the right HierarchicalDataTemplate for my List of Category instances.
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ChildrenCategories}" DataType="{x:Type src:Category}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"></TextBlock>
But what now I don't know is from where to get the list. I have here 2 solutions :
I got a Library Singleton class
which return me the right
arborescence, then I need to use an
ObjectDataProvider in my xaml which
would call the
Library.Instance.Categories method. (Which means that the controller has to be completely separated from the UI).
I got a Property ListCategories
in my page interactionLogic
(OpenUnit.xaml.cs), and bind the
tree with it.
I'm not sure about the purpose of the xaml.cs files, what are they made for? Is it normally used to store the properties (and act as a controller) or simply to have a back-end for the UI (for example get values from the UI?)?
In case the xaml.cs file is used as a controller, how do I bind my data to it, I've tried many solutions without success,my only success was with the use of static binding.
I would appreciate any comment or recommandation about UI and Logic Binding in WPF, hopefully I will get less confused.
Thanks in advance,
After reading this great article, I got a little bit less confused :
The article is about the Model View ViewController pattern, and how WPF integrates it. So it seems that xaml.cs files should be used as the ViewController here, and should hold the properties.
It actually make sense since it's not a good practice to mix the View and the Data, we want the designers should have a completely independant work to do.
Also for the solution 2) it is possible if you set the data context to the current file.
