Vtune report Outside any known module - intel-vtune

I am using Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2013 Update 5 (build 274450) for my linux application hotspot collect, but the report says the "[Outside any known module]" consume most of the time, so i want to get more info about the unknow module.
when i read the release notes of the vtune Amplifier, it says "List of hotspots may contain "Outside any known module" on systems with kernel older than 2.6.20 (200233501)", but my linux kernel is "2.6.32", any idea about this?

Check that your program is not generating code on the fly (i.e. is not JIT-ing). You may also want to switch grouping to "Module / Code Location / Call stack" and see which virtual addresses cannot be mapped by VTune to any known module.

I have been suffering from this issue in the past as well and it is very frustrating if you don't know why it is happening.
2 weeks ago I installed Ubuntu 13.04 and vtune update 14 and I was jumping from joy because I could see (again) what happened inside my code.
After doing some updates on my Ubuntu, vtune started to show your problem
I installed the kernel sources.. no help..
I reinstalled the driver, no help.
I reinstalled intel vtune.. no help.
And then I decided to run under root, and what do you know.. It works; no more 'Outside any known module'. I switched back to my regular user, it stopped working. I switched back to my root, and it works. So perhaps some kinds of access issue.
Maybe you could try this.

Probably you have some kernel hidden addresses by kptr_restrict, you ca review the value of "/proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict":
kptr_restrict = 0, kernel addresses are provided without limitations (recommended).
kptr_restict = 1, addresses are provided if the current user has a CAP_SYSLOG capability.
kptr_restrict = 2, the kernel addresses are hidden regardless of privileges the current user has.
You can use this option before running the trace:
sysctl -w kernel.kptr_restrict=0
More details here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/vtune-help-enabling-linux-kernel-analysis
Hope this helps!


VTune -- viewing results from Linux on OSX with source code

I'm running VTune on Linux and collecting results fine. I'm able to open the VTune gui over X and see the results correctly. However, it's slow -- so I'm trying to view the results using my VTune for OSX client. My understanding from the docs is that this is possible. However, while I'm able to see summary stats such as how long the program took to run, how many threads it had, etc., I'm not able to see symbols from the source, and the Bottom-Up tab is completely empty. I think this is due to the fact that VTune is looking for source code and debug info at a path that doesn't exist on my mac (but does on my linux machine). I'm simply copying over the entire output directory from VTune, which includes the amplxe file, and archive, config, data.0, log, and sqlite-db directories.
What is the recommended way to view VTune output data on the OSX client?
If VTune result was finalized on the target system, it can be viewed on any other system, e.g. on OSX - you need to copy entire result directory and open it in VTune. Symbol files are needed during the finalization process only. Source files - when you attempt to drill down to source view.
Empty Bottom-Up looks strange, you should probably submit a bug through VTune support. Before doing this please make sure you're using the most recent VTune version.
Please note also you can collect from the target Linux directly using VTune GUI on OSX via remote connection.

Creating PyOpenCl context causes later access violation

I just started to experiment with OpenCL using pyopencl. I got it from here
I wrote some test programms and excecuting worked as expected. Than when I wanted to start a big batch of simulations I got random crashes with Access Violations (Windows Error Code FFFFFFFFC0000005) . It turns out that any script in which I import pyopencl and create a context crashes after one to two minute. I run 3 tests and got [63sec, 86sec, 81sec].
I have ensured that the context is always on my 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 620' card by setting the environment variable PYOPENCL_CTX = 1:0
import pyopencl as cl
ctx = cl.create_some_context()
import time
i = 0
while True:
print("Im alive since %i seconds" % i, flush = True)
i += 1
I have a Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] from python.org
After removing the environment variable and just letting the shell sit in the choose platform dialog - wihtout choosing a platform - crashes after about a minute with Access Violation.
I updated the Driver Vesion to the latest available (from 13/08/2017) but the problem persists.
This may be due to outdated driver. In the case that the computer vendor does not provide up-to-date drivers a generic driver from Intel may work, eventhough there is no guarantee of compatibility.
Intel only provides driver as self installing .exe which don't allow driver installation when it notices that a custom version of there drivers is running.
However one can circumvent this check by letting the self uncompressing .exe uncrompess. Copy the data from the temp folder it creates and then manually install these drivers usind the widnows device manager. It goes without saying that this easily may break a setup.

How to get harddrive serial number in C or asm without wmi

how to get harddrive serial number(not the volume # wich change at each reinstall of windows) in C or asm, without wmi (cause wmi required admin right). Any clue would be helpfull cause right now i found nothing on web in C without wmi, in dayss of searching... Thank you.
EDIT : For windows system
Please try my open source tool, DiskId32, which also has the source code at http://www.winsim.com/diskid32/diskid32.html . I only have an Win32 version at this time. Maybe some day I will add a Win64 version.
Hard drive serial number and other information about the harddrive like firmware version, etc. can only be obtained using SMART as far as I know and that requires special ioctls to the the block device node (/dev/sda or /dev/sdb) which is usually not available to a regular user.
I know there is a tool called smartctl which does exactly this:
sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda
Similar tools exist (hdparm, lshw, etc.) as well.
As far as trying to figure it out this info without being a privileged user, it might be possible only if it is exposed via /proc or /sys which I highly doubt is being done in the current SATA block device drivers.

Windows display driver hooking, 64 bit

Once I've written a sort of a driver for Windows, which had to intercept the interaction of the native display driver with the OS. The native display driver consists of a miniport driver and a DLL loaded by win32k.sys into the session space. My goal was to meddle between the win32k.sys and that DLL. Moreover, the system might have several display drivers, I had to hook them all.
I created a standard WDM driver, which was configured to load at system boot (i.e. before win32k). During its initialization it hooked the ZwSetSystemInformation, by patching the SSDT. This function is called by the OS whenever it loads/unloads a DLL into the session space, which is exactly what I need.
When ZwSetSystemInformation is invoked with SystemLoadImage parameter - one of its parameters is the pointer to a SYSTEM_LOAD_IMAGE structure, and its ModuleBase is the module base mapping address. Then I analyze the mapped image, patch its entry point with my function, and the rest is straightforward.
Now I need to port this driver to a 64-bit Windows. Needless to say it's not a trivial task at all. So far I found the following obstacles:
All drivers must be signed
SSDT is not directly exported.
If I understand correctly, PatchGuard and driver signing verification may be turned off, the driver should be installed on a dedicated machine, and we may torture it the way we want.
There're tricks to locate the SSDT as well, according to online sources.
However recently I've discovered there exists a function called PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine. It may simplify the task considerably, and help avoid dirty tricks.
My question are:
If I use PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine, will I receive notifications about DLLs loaded into the session space? The official documentation talks about "system space or user space", but does "system space" also includes the session space?
Do I need to disable the PatchGuard if I'm going to patch the mapped DLL image after it was mapped?
Are there any more potential problems I didn't think about?
Are there any other ways to achieve what I want?
Thanks in advance.
Do I need to disable the PatchGuard if I'm going to patch the mapped DLL image after it was mapped?
To load any driver on x64 it must be signed. With admin rights you can disabled PatchGuard and I personally recommend using DSEO, a GUI application made for this. Or you can bypass PatchGuard by overwriting the MBR (or BIOS), although this is typically considered a bootkit - malware.

Why does a WPF app in a VM perform better than one running direct in the OS?

We have a higher-end Win7-64 Dell precision workstation notebook with an i7, 8 gigs of ram, tons of hd space and running dedicated AMD graphics. The machine is about a month old. It was one of the highest-end we could get at the time.
What we're experiencing is when we run our WPF/SQL Server (local) app, it tends to hang and stall, sometimes completely crashing, but mostly just hanging until we force it to close. However, the exact same installer running in a VMware virtual machine running on that same machine runs flawlessly. Actually, the VM install runs better than a lot of native installs on other machines. It's very snappy with no hangs or hesitations at all. But again, same app, same installer running direct in the OS, and we're back to the issues above.
We've ran all Windows updates.... we've tried completely reinstalling everything... .NET frameworks, SQL Server, video drivers, even updated the BIOS and checked for rogue services but it still happens.
At first we thought it was Symantec AV's real-time protection because when we first shut that off, things started getting snappy again (and slowed down and froze when it auto-re-enabled itself furthering this hypothesis) but then it just started slowing down again, and more surprising, that same AV is running in the VM without issue! Checked the exceptions but there weren't any.
We even tried forcing WPF to run in software-render mode but again, nothing.
Now the odd thing is this only seems to be happening on this and a few other machines, but we can't seem to find anything in common except they're all running Win7 64-bit. As such, we have absolutely no idea where to start. And since most are hangs, not crashes, we can't even look at the crash reports.
So can anyone give us any idea what else we can look at? This is holding up us shipping a three-years-in-the-making major release of our software so to say this is a show-stopper would be an understatement. We've been stumped for about a month now and getting nowhere fast.
Found it!! Turns out there's a bug in .NET 4.0 regarding UI Automation and the changes MS introduced. Here's the info, and the fix! (Note: Even if you call MS, they will send you a link, but it's always a broken link. I managed to track this down manually.)
Note: Their article talks about a specific case that causes this behavior, but if you google around, you'll see tons of issues around hangs related to those DLLs. The latest is they're promising a fix in the .NET 4.5 runtime (from a MS post on this issue.)
Here's the KB article...
...and here is the actual hotfix.
Apparently the VM didn't suffer from this. We weren't sure if the VM had the hotfix applied or not or if this only happens on non-virtualized machines. Still, this solved all of the issues and the app is now snappy again. (Man, was this fun to track down! Ugh!!)
