add line-height option to ck editor in drupal 7 - drupal-7

I am using ck-editor in drupal. So i just want to add line-height option on that. I don't know how to add line-height in ck-editor. Is there any way to add line-height in ck-editor.
Any help would be appreciated.

I felt the same need for one of my project and then decided to create my own by referring some existing plugins.
Here is the link for ckeditor:


How to set same styles for different tags using styled-components and without CSS files

I have a single-page website where I want every section to have the same primary style. The problem is that one section is header, the other footer, and the rest div. I would like to know the best way to use styled-components to achieve this behaviour. In CSS, I would have a selector .section in a global styles file, but as I understand, the styled-components GlobalStyle is only used to set general styling. If I want to use styled-components I will end up repeating the same code for every section. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Yes, it is possible to handle the CSS part from the styled-components. So you should use a global style CSS file. For all common CSS
For more reference follow this link
If you use JavaScript and CSS.
Then add the style (your CSS tag) to the _app.css file.
Then you can use the style on different pages.

How to remove a tooltip from a pagination component?

I don't know how to remove tooltip from a pagination element. I'm using antd's table. This table contains a pagination. It's a part of the table. I'm trying to customize it using styled-components library. I've tried to find all classes which is containing tooltip in their titles and set them:
display: none !important;
But there was no result. There should be some class that is used for this purpose which I have no idea.
I will be grateful if someone knows the solution for this issue.
The tooltip comes from the title attribute of <li/> elements.
Such behavior is by design, therefore you can't remove it.
Alternative solutions which aren't recommended:
Implement Pagination by yourself, style it using the antd-css classes and integrate it with your custom Table.
Dynamically remove all title attributes by querying the dom.
Add showTitle=false in pagination, just put this...
pagination={{...pagination, <b>showTitle: false</b>}}
pagination={<b>showTitle: false</b>}
It will disable tooltip in pagination.
My code Image:
And site API image:

How to remove the images from aloha editor?

I would like to remove the image handlers in the aloha-editor but i can't figure out how.
I tried using settings.contenthandler.allows but it didn't work.
Remove the default image plugin from the plugins list. But to remove handling for images, removed the selection range from the document.

Drupal 7 Bartik theme main menu

I am dabbling fresh with Drupal 7 and so far having little success with getting the Menu to behave the way I want it to. My CSS and PHP basics are strong, but understanding Drupal's system is in itself a huge challenge and hence my doubts.
For those acquainted with the Bartik theme, the main menu defaults itself in the header.
I am trying to create a floating/persistent menu that encapsulates the entire width of the website. But I am not sure where I need to go in and make the required changes.
One option I have is to remove the main menu from the Bartik header and then introduce the main menu block in the 'featured' region. Here the menu is rendering itself horizontally instead of vertically the way i want it to be.
Essentially the question is, How do I alter the main menu in the Bartik theme? Where do I need to get in and make changes.OH, and I have sub-themed it, just to let you know.
Thanks much !
I'm not sure I follow but it sounds like you need to create a new region to put the menu in. You add these in the themes .info file.
region[region_name] = Region name
Print the regions contents out in your themes page.tpl.php file.
Clear the cache and it will show up in the blocks page.
You can the style it how ever you want.

scroll multiselect in extjs

I have a multiselect component in Ext js 3. I have a number of entries in it. Now i want to select an entry and scroll multiselect to make it visible to the user. I am able to select an entry but i cannot scroll multiselect.
I have used dataview component and i do this same function using following:
dataviewObj.container.dom.scrollTop = (42 * index);
but cannot implement this is multiselect.
Can someone please tell me how to achieve this with multiselect????
Thank you a lot for help.
There is no need to edit the Ext extension code itself.
Ext MultiSelect will do scrolling out of the box. You just need to make sure you have added the CSS that it needs:
position:relative; /* for calculating scroll offsets */
The full set of CSS rules to include in your document is here:
Ok, after a lot of hacking I think I've found the solution to this.
Open the Multiselect.js file in an editor.
Goto the onRender method of the Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect class (object).
Find the FieldSet creation block of code (var fs ...)
Add autoScroll:true to the fieldset config options.
I had a multiselect with ~200 items in it and this worked like a charm.
This is a change made to the extension code itself, so if you can't afford to do this you'll have to find a work around -- possibly through multiple extending and polymorphism.
