Overlay control over 2 dockable panels of AvalonDock - wpf

I am creating an interface using WPF which contains a menu of tiles. UI has an image which is below the menubar. When the menu bar is hidden the image expands and takes its place as I am using Avalon Dock.
I have a design in which, menu tiles expand in height when mouse is hovered over them. But the expanded tiles get hidden as the dockable panel doesn't expand in height. Is there a way to overlay the tiles' panel over the image panel so that the tiles are visible entirely?
Thank You.

I searched a lot over the internet and also documentations. Finally found out that, the 2 panels are separate components so content among it can't be overlayed.
eg. a button can't be shared by 2 windows as their Visual Tree is different.
So, the answer to my Question is that the components can't be overlayed.


Codenameone list scrollbar quetions

I have a list and its scroll bar on the right along with two custom buttons representing upscroll and downscroll. These two buttons simulate scrolling by using list.setSelectedIndex(index, true) and are placed above and below my scrollbar via my custom layout.
I have two questions regarding this:
1). Since the upscroll and downscroll buttons are overlayed on top of the list, they disappear when i click elsewhere..and they kind of flash into appearance when i click the area it's supposed to be in. How can I remedy this behavior?
2). I have a scrollbar image that I have used in the "Scroll" theme in the GUI builder. It's alignment is IMAGE_ALIGNED_CENTER. However the scroll thumb doesn't reach the end of the bar when i scroll to the end of the list via my upscroll and downscroll buttons. The upscroll and downscroll buttons essentially scroll the list by one index with each press (using setSelectedIndex(index, true)).
How do you overlay the buttons. I'm assuming you just set them into a specific location which disallowed as we can't possibly adapt them to the various resolutions. I suggest reading the developer guide section on layouts very carefully.
To place something on top of the list in a portable way you need to use the LayeredLayout or the LayeredPane and a Container + correct layout to position this within (e.g. BorderLayout EAST).
In this blog post there is a sample for making a scrollbar but it isn't "on top". It can be used as a starting point.

How to specify z-index for a panel

Hi I'm new to WPF and I want to place a Panel upon a StackPanel and show and hide it in my window without using Canvas and changing positions and size of other controls or the window.
Something like the fallowing image which the solution explorer is opened on another Panel, and as we see the user even can change the position of the Panel.
If you have a Grid as the Root Layout and a StackPanel on that, you can still use Canvas.
Canvas.SetZIndex(<YourPanelYouWantInFront>, <LargeValue (100)>);

How can I make a panels contents resize with a zoom control?

I am using ExtJS 3.3
I have a main panel containing another panel (containing text) and a grid containing data with a paging toolbar and footer.
There is a zoom control (a combo with values like "100%, "50%", "page width","whole page" ) on the paging toolbar.
I wish to select a zoom level from the combo and have everything on the main panel resize to that zoom level.
I need all other panels on the page to appear unchanged in size.
I have Googled around but cannot see any solutions or extensions available.
How can I do this please? Any ideas?
You should be able to do this using CSS to define the size of each element at each required zoom level. Your combo zoom control would need to have an event handler which would switch the class of the (probably) DIV element which contains the content you want to resize.
There is a StackOverflow question here which is a useful discussion about some ways to acheive the scaling; there are many ways to do it and your choice depends on what you need to acheive. If you provide sight of the display or code you're working on then I could probably make some recommendations.

Anchor in WinForms==Horizontal(+Vertical)Alignment in WPF?

Can't find anchor property in WPF, was it reconstructed to Horizontal and Vertical Alignments?
Is it the same?
I wanted to stretch my control in both sides (right and left), but it worked rather different than anchor
You can do something like Anchor like this
<...HorizontalAlignment='Stretch' VerticalAlignment='Stretch' Margin='50,50,50,50'.../>
The Anchor and Dock properties of Windows Forms are replaced by appropriate layouting containers in WPF. Depending on what exactly you need you should be able to create your desired layout in WPF with the Grid or DockPanel containers.
There are small white circles at the edges of the control. Click them, and they will be converted to triangles which mean the edge is anchored.

Silverlight Tutorial Part 6: Using User Controls to Implement Master/Detail Scenarios - How to gray out background?

I am working through the above Tutorial from ScottGu located here (http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/pages/silverlight-tutorial-part-6-using-user-controls-to-implement-master-detail-scenarios.aspx) and I am trying to figure how when the UserControl loads, the background page is 'grayed' out like that? Where is that code for that?
I am trying to extract that logic into my own Page / UserControl scenario and when I load the UC, the background is still fully 'visible'. Thanks for any advice!
Under the heading Building a Basic Modal Dialog Using a User Control, Scott's post describes:
"The first control above is configured to stretch to take up all of the available space on the screen. Its background fill color is a somewhat transparent gray (because its Opactity is .765 you can see a little of what is behind it). The second control will then be layered on top of this Rectangle control, and take up a fixed width on the screen."
The Rectangle "grays out" the contents of the screen.
