Efficiently handling backbone pushState routes server-side? - backbone.js

I have Backbone working with pushState. It's very nice, but now I understand that I should support loading the app from any route that backbone uses. For example, if somebody enters a backboen route manually to their browser, the server should respond to that and render the page and then let backbone take over.
What I am wondering, is what is the most efficient way to handle it? Backbone recommends also bootstrapping data on initial page load to reduce ajax requests. Should I only try to bootstrap data that is necessary for that particular view or should I try to bootstrap basic collections (for example: users, settings, documents, etc)?

For the first part of your question, you could just specify a callback route (which matches everything and gives the homepage) so the user never gets a 404 (don't use that when developing the app though, it could give you some hard times debugging it if you have a real 404 when making a call to the server).
For the second one, I'd say it depends on the amounts of data you need. I'm personally developing a modular application, and unfortunately can't really bootstrap anything. I'd say it's just some advice.


How to notify crawler that ajax powered page is completely loaded and ready to take snapshot

There are Angular/REST powered web pages, but with no navigation module being used (no hash based (#!) navigation).
Despite deprecating of google's ajax-crawling webmasters-ajax-crawling, it seems crawler only sees that JS generated content which does not rely on AJAX (REST) calls responses, and does not see page content which is depends on AJAX calls response.
It feels like google does not give enough time for a page to render, since it has no ability to identify if all expected logic in JS has finished completelly..
Q: is there a way to tell google (and to an abstract browser in general) that page completely rendered and no pending AJAX calls are there?
May be someone can suggest how to avoid rendering of page by angular - until all AJAX calls are completed (perhaps something like customized ng-cloak)?
Answering my own question..
It was asked because: it seemed that google failed to index text from
pages which is rendered by angular, after AJAX calls were performed.
Now: I see that google crawler actually indexes everything, so - no
need to notify crawler that page was rendered - it can recognize this
by itself.
But: I think google indexes pages in two phases: 1. Quickly indexing HTML of a page with no JS rendering involved (just after main document was fetched); 2. Performs heavy operation of rendering page with JS and indexes all rendered content. Second step may happen couple days after first one, so that's why you may see no indexed content for a while..

Backbone - how to maintain state in my case

I've read a lot of threads here but can't find a real answer.
I'm building a desktop app that first loads a lot of json records (let's call them "cards"). Then the user can filter them down with by using many checkboxes, so he can "sum/substract" options (read: query vars).
I'm also trying to use routes.
So, I can have for example (and I don't really know if I'm doing it the right way):
Basically, every time the user change filters, I should add/remove query vars.
I could do it in many ways, for examble using some simple "state" json object, but I'm not sure it would be a good practice, mostly because I'm not really sure if I can instead do it maybe only by using routes (I'm quite new to the routes concept).
Is there any "good practice" in doing this kind of things with backbone?
thank you
Using routes to store state is actually a very good idea. That's what routes are there for, to store state, but it's up to you how granular you would want to go with them. some developers choose to go route per page and some choose to get more granular like your example and that's perfectly fine too. You just have to be careful not to go overboard and make your URLs too long and cryptic.
Using routes to store states gives your a few really important benefits:
Your pages will be refreshable. There is nothing more annoying than refreshing a page and losing all your progress and be take back to the start page of the app.
Your URIs are sharable. I could create a filter see the result and send the uri to anyone and they would see the same page as I was.
They make your life easier as a dev. which goes back to your pages being refreshable, they allow you to change your styles or scripts files and refresh the page and see the updated page without having to navigate through your app to get back to the same view over and over again.

Keeping state when rendering page from the server side

I'm currently building a single page app using backbone.js
In order to keep all application pages accessible and crawl-able I made sure that the server side can also render the pages when accessing them directly.
The problem is as follows:
When pushState is not available it initiates the router using the current URL (e.g. if I accessed a url with http://example.com/example the router will build the hash fragment on top of that url)
Is there any way of handling this (besides redirecting the use)
If you are redirecting as soon as the JS (using pushState feature detection) you still have a problem of urls not having hash signs.
Generally asking, is there a better approach of designing this kind of application?
I think the evolving consensus is pushstate or nothing (ie to degrade web 1.0 and drop hash-bang routing all together) if SEO-friendly browsing matters to you.
Its one of the reasons I don't use Backbone.js and just use PJAX is that pushstate and DOM rendering times are so good you can be single page with very little JS and hash-bang routing has always been rather hackish.
Thus an option is to not use Backbone's router all together and just let something like PJAX (or DJAX or something similar) do the routing work and let Backbone just do the inner page event/rendering stuff (ie validating forms, modal windows, etc..).

Deeplinking backbonejs with pushstate

Not sure what i am missing, but I have pushState working on my Backbone based app, where I could click around and have my URL look like www.example.com/route_specified, however if i try to go directly to that page it shows up as not found. If I do www.example.com/#route_specified it works, and quickly changes back to www.example.com/route_specified on the address bar
I am guessing i need to do something in Apache to handle this and make sure that all calls resolve to the index or something like that, but can't find explanation.
Correct. Think about it this way without pushstate enabled. Your server is still trying to serve the page at that route. Since it cannot find the specified document at that location, it throws a 404.
Technically speaking, your server should still produce some sort of result at the url location, then have Backbone take over. In it's simplest form, this is called progressive enhancement. The server should still serve some sort of static page with critical info, which will eliminate issues you will have with SEO. Work your site/app with javascript disabled, serving only the relevant data. Then have Backbone takeover. I have just come across Mashable's redesign, and they integrate progressive enhancement extremely well with Backbone.
If SEO is not a concern, you could always redirect the user to the index page. Just remember that search engines will only index your app page then. If your content is being served dynamically, there wont be any data to index.
Hope this helps.

Loading constants from a web-service without using resolve or manually bootstrapping the app

I am working on a small piece of an angular project and need to define some constants that are derived from values in a database. I have a REST endpoint that delivers the data I need, but I can't figure out how to load the values before the app gets automatically bootstrapped.
I cannot modify the application to a manual-bootstrapping process. Typically a resolve would be used upon navigation, but I have other components (like modals) that use the constants that aren't necessarily part of any route.
What would be ideal would be some sort of "resolve", but at the application layer. I do have the ability to load npm and bower packages, but anything that changes to a 'manual' bootstrapping method isn't allowed.
In that case I can recommend you to use a $rootScope. I don't understand very well your needs, but everything that is stored in $rootScope will be available in all views. Just fill it with your REST service inside the first or main view of your app. Although, it is important to understand that if you refresh you page, the $rootScope will be as well refreshed, this is, all of your REST calls will be launched again. (Navigating inside angular views is NOT refreshing the page unless you ask for it using window.reload() or similar; it is just the same page with a new controller)
To avoid this last behavior (page refresh) you could also use local Storage, which is basically a small amount of memory inside your browser where you can save any data that you want to keep regardless of your page refreshes. I used in one of my projects this library: https://github.com/grevory/angular-local-storage
It was useful for saving permanent stuff until user logs out.
Hope it helps! And sorry if I am answering something not useful for you
It seems that the only way to effectively load some values from a service prior to the app starting is to make the service-call to and then manually bootstrap the app. The idea of an app-wide "resolve" doesn't seem to exist.
