How can I access a resource from a ValueConverter? - wpf

I have a UserControl in a custom DLL assembly where I've defined two static BitmapImage resources that represent the state of data in our ItemsControl. I want to use a converter to set the Source property of an Image to one of the BitmapImage resources depending on some condition. However, I'm not sure how to access the resources from inside the Convert method since I don't have an instance of the control that I'm using the converter on.
I've tried loading the resources into static variables in a static constructor for the converter, which is also in the same DLL, but I haven't been successful.
This fails...
public class MyConverter : IValueConverter
static BitmapImage myFirstResource;
static MyConverter()
// This can't seem to find the resource...
myFirstResource = (BitmapImage)Application.Current.FindResource("MyResourceKey");
...but in the XAML, this succeeds, so I know the resource key is valid.
<Image Source="{StaticResource MyResourceKey}" />
I don't know if this makes any difference, but this is in a DLL, not in the EXE. Still, I thought all resources were flattened down to the application depending on where you were executing from.

Found perfect solution here Accessing a resource via codebehind in WPF
(better than using Application.Current)
You can simply add x:Class to it:
<ResourceDictionary x:Class="Namespace.NewClassName"
xmlns:x="" >
<ds:MyCollection x:Key="myKey" x:Name="myName" />
And then use it in code behind:
var res = new Namespace.NewClassName();
var col = res["myKey"];
Then a little fix should be applied:
#Stephen Ross
But to be able to find resources using it's key I had to call res.InitializeComponent() before attempting to access the key otherwise the object would show no keys and the call to res["myKey"] would return null


How to create a StaticResource for a class without public constructors

WPF bindings uses CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture rather than CultureInfo.CurrentCulture which means they do not respect the preferences specified in Control Panel's Region and Language dialog.
To properly implement localisation in a WPF application it is therefore necessary to somehow assign CurrentCulture to the ConverterCulture of every binding.
This is best done with a StaticResource declared in App.xaml but there is a problem: the CultureInfo class has no public constructors. As a result, markup like this
<Application x:Class="ScriptedRoutePlayback.App"
<glob:CultureInfo x:Key="CurrentCulture" />
generates a warning about the fact that CultureInfo has no public constructors. Despite this, the markup is sufficient to register an appropriately typed static resource in the namespace used by the designer, which stops markup references to {StaticResource CurrentCulture} from complaining in the rest of the app.
At run-time the failure of this markup to create an instance of CultureInfo is irrelevant because the accompanying Startup code assigns it from CultureInfo.CurrentCulture:
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows;
namespace ScriptedRoutePlayback
public partial class App : Application
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
Resources["CurrentCulture"] = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
Finally, the question:
What is the preferred way to mark up a StaticResource that refers to an existing object such as a singleton obtained from a static property of a class, especially when said class lacks public constructors?
instead of defining a StaticResource, have you tried the x:Static markup extension when referring to CultureInfo.CurrentCulture in your bindings?
something like:
... {Binding ... ConverterCulture={x:Static glob:CultureInfo.CurrentCulture}}
alternatively, this answer or this answer may offer better alternatives for your situation.
May be there is no point to define resource in XAML.
Resources.Add("CurrentCulture", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

Automatically apply default styles defined in separate assembly

I have the following requirements:
My WPF application consists of several modules (assemblies), some of them UI-related.
I want to create a single assembly containing a common set of styles for certain controls (e.g. a custom default button style) that should be applied automatically in all other UI-related assemblies, just by including that one assembly, and without me having to specify explicit resource keys.
I do not provide styles for every kind of control, so those without a custom style should keep the default Aero theme (including content templates etc.).
I do not want to write my own, extended Button class, or something like that.
I want this to work in Visual Studio at design-time as well, both in the final app and within the other UI-related modules.
As the styles are defined inside an assembly, I obviously cannot have an App.xaml there. I therefore assume that I have to include them from Generic.xaml. As Generic.xaml only serves as a fallback when there is no style defined in the standard (Aero) theme, WPF ignores my styles in Generic.xaml.
The next step would probably be to create my very own theme (that somehow merges the default Aero styles). But how do I tell VS to use that theme in both the app and the modules, instead of e.g. Aero? I guess I have to do this declaratively as I need design-time support for my custom styles.
Simply adding a reference to the style assembly will be insufficient; you'll have to do something to make WPF merge the resources in. But we can do this in such a way that you'll only need to add a single line of C# (or a few lines of XAML) to your application assembly.
The most straightforward solution is probably to create a strongly-typed ResourceDictionary in your shared styles assembly, and add it into your app-level ResourceDictionary at start-up.
For example, create a CustomStyles.xaml in your shared styles assembly, and pull all of your style resources into that file (either directly or via MergedDictionaries). Make sure the Build Action is set to "Page", and add an x:Class directive to the ResourceDictionary element like so:
<ResourceDictionary x:Class="YourNamespace.CustomStyles"
<!-- Your styles declared or imported here -->
For styles meant to replace built-in or third-party control styles, you can declare the styles as implicit, i.e., leave the x:Key off entirely, or use the control's type as the key, e.g., x:Key="{x:Type ComboBox}".
Adding the x:Class directive probably won't be enough to make Visual Studio generate a CustomStyles() constructor that actually loads the XAML content, so you'll probably need to add a CustomStyles.xaml.cs file manually and give it a constructor that calls InitializeComponent() (VS should still generate this):
namespace YourNamespace
partial class CustomStyles
public CustomStyles()
In your application, you need to get this dictionary merged into your Application.Resources dictionary. You can do this from the App.xaml file if you like:
<Application x:Class="YourNamespace.App"
<cs:CustomStyles />
...or you can do it on the C# side:
public partial class App
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
this.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(new CustomStyles());
Now, the tricky part is going to be getting these styles to work in the XAML Designer. One solution that comes to mind is to add a custom attached property that you can set on all your views, and which is only applied if you're running in the designer:
partial class CustomStyles
public static readonly DependencyProperty EnableDesignTimeStylesProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(
private static CustomStyles DesignTimeResources;
private static void OnEnableDesignTimeStylesChanged(
DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(d))
var element = d as FrameworkElement;
if (element == null)
if (DesignTimeResources == null)
DesignTimeResources = new CustomStyles();
if ((bool)e.NewValue)
public static void SetEnableDesignTimeStyles(
DependencyObject element,
bool value)
element.SetValue(EnableDesignTimeStylesProperty, value);
public static bool GetEnableDesignTimeStyles(DependencyObject element)
return (bool)element.GetValue(EnableDesignTimeStylesProperty);
Then, on your views, just set CustomStyles.EnableDesignTimeStyles="True" to force the designer to merge in the style resources. At runtime, DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(d) will evaluate to false, and you won't end up loading a new copy of your styles in every view; you'll just inherit them from the app-level resources.
I don't know a way to apply them all automatically. In fact I think the combo "automatic, designer-supported, and multiple assemblies" is impossible. However, it is easy enough to add a header reference to each of your controls:
Step 1: merge or add all your styles to a dictionary in a "styles" project referenced by all your other projects.
Step 2: include a reference to this dictionary in each of your control and other resource dictionary XAML files. It will look smoething like this:
<SharedResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/My.Ui.Resources;component/Themes/ColorSkins/LightTheme.xaml" />
Note the use of SharedResourceDictionary to not duplicate instances. See
SharedResourceDictionary: edit resource in Blend
If all of your controls inherit from the same base, it may be useful to make your own base class that includes them programmatically.
I had been struggling with these same issues for a PRISM application I'd been working on. After doing some stack over flow research I was surprised to find that the simplest answer to having the resources work at design time was to add an App.Xaml to each of my UI based modules. When the application is complied, they will all be ignored. But at design time they will be used by the designer. Following the rest of the advice above you'd have an App.Xaml that has a merged resource dictionary pointing back to a resource library that has all your styles.
This is the simplest way I've found to get at styles during design time.
<Application x:Class="ProjHydraulics.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source= "pack://application:,,,/Infrastructure;component/ResourceDictionaries/ResourceLibrary.xaml"/>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Rectangle}"/>
Building the knowledge of those before me, I put together a blog post detailing my experience with resource dictionaries in PRISM.

XamlParseException thrown calling XamlReader.Load

I'm playing around with .net 4's System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader - just as an education exercise - and I keep bumping into the same problem: Loading xaml with XamlReader.Load throws a XamlParseException if the root object defines an x:Class, but successfully parses and loads the node if not.
Here's the code I'm trying:
using System.Windows;
using System.Xaml;
using XamlReader = System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader;
namespace WpfApplication2
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
// Load up UserControl1.xaml from the solution
var reader = new XamlXmlReader(#"../../UserControl1.xaml", XamlReader.GetWpfSchemaContext());
var userControl = XamlReader.Load(reader) as UserControl1;
// Do something with userControl...
I've tried XamlReader.Parse directly from a string holding the xaml with the same result: only works if no x:Class declaration is defined.
Removing the x:Class declaration doesn't seem like a good option, because then I lose the code-behind, specifically the call to InitalizeComponent()
The exception detail:
'Specified class name 'WpfApplication2.UserControl1' doesn't match actual root instance type 'System.Windows.Controls.UserControl'. Remove the Class directive or provide an instance via XamlObjectWriterSettings.RootObjectInstance.'
...but I don't know how (where) to set XamlObjectWriterSettings.RootObjectInstance (or indeed, if that's required?)
Any clues?
XamlReader is a parser, not a compiler, so doesn't support code-behind. If you need to associate code with your dynamically loaded XAML you can do something like wrapping it up into a control defined elsewhere that you can use an instance of in the XAML or, after reading in the XAML, connect up the code (i.e. event handlers) to elements in the resulting object.
You can't use x:Class in dynamic XAML. Instead what you can do is you can hook events after the loading XAML. please have a look at this link
Loading XAML XML through runtime?

Why does data binding to DynamicResource not work?

The following code does not work. How do I make it work?
<Image Source="{DynamicResource {Binding VM.ImageKey}}" />
This is an incorrect usage of the DynamicResource MarkupExtension. Correct it would be:
<Image Source="{DynamicResource VM.ImageKey}" />
Assuming you have a resource with a key "VM.ImageKey" defined somewhere like this:
<BitmapImage x:Key="VM.ImageKey" UriSource="C:\Uri\To\Image.jpg" />
However if you want to bind against some property form the current DataContext you must not use DynamicResource but Binding:
<Image Source="{Binding VM.ImageKey}" />
Assuming your current DataContext is an instance that has a property called VM wich again has a property called ImageKey wich is a derived type of ImageSource.
This behaviour is by design. Binding works only on dependency properties of dependency objects and MarkupExtension is not dependency object.
It cannot work since the DyamicResource is a MarkupExtension and not a dependency property. Databinding only works with dependendcy properties.
However, there is a semi smooth workaround. Create a DynamicTextBlock class that extends a TextBlock.
The xaml:
<TextBlock x:Class="Rebtel.Win.App.Controls.DynamicTextBlock"
The codebehind:
public partial class DynamicTextBlock : TextBlock
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextKeyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"TextKey", typeof(string), typeof(DynamicTextBlock), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, OnTextKeyChanged));
private static void OnTextKeyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var me = ((DynamicTextBlock)d);
if (e.NewValue != null)
me.TextKey = (string) e.NewValue;
public string TextKey
set { SetResourceReference(TextProperty, value); }
public DynamicTextBlock()
<local:DynamicTextBlock TextKey="{Binding TextKeyProperty}" />
The TextKeyProperty then returns a key that can be found in the ResourceDictionary. The same approach can be taken for an Image and its Source property.
If you want to specify the resource key dynamically you should specify it using the ResourceKey markup extension - not sure if it supports bindings in the way you want it to however. See here for more details.
I'm assuming that in this case, VM.ImageKey refers to a property on a data source whose value you wish to use as a resource dictionary key. The idea being that your data source can determine which image is used by supplying a resource key. (Most of the other answers on this page are unhelpful, because they have unfortunately missed what you're trying to do, assume that you want to use the literal text "VM.ImageKey" as a resource key, which I'm pretty sure isn't what you're asking for.)
This doesn't seem to be supported, but there's another approach that can enable you to select an image resource through a key determined by databinding:

Error Cannot create an Instance of "ObjectName" in Designer when using <UserControl.Resources>

I'm tryihg to bind a combobox item source to a static resource. I'm oversimplfying my example so that it's easy to understand what i'm doing.
So I have created a class
public class A : ObservableCollection<string>
public A()
IKBDomainContext Context = new IKBDomainContext();
Context.Load(Context.GetIBOptionsQuery("2C6C1Q"), p =>
foreach (var item in SkinContext.IKBOptions)
}, null);
So the class has a constructor that populates itself using a domaincontext that gets data from a persisted database. I'm only doing reads on this list so dont have to worry about persisting back.
in xaml i add a reference to the namespace of this class then I add it as a usercontrol.resources to the page control.
<This:A x:Key="A"/>
and then i use it this staticresource to bind it to my combobox items reality i have to use a datatemplate to display this object properly but i wont add that here.
<Combobox ItemsSource="{StaticResource A}"/>
Now when I'm in the designer I get the error:
Cannot Create an Instance of "A".
If i compile and run the code, it runs just fine. This seems to only affect the editing of the xaml page.
What am I doing wrong?
When running in the designer the full application runtime is not available. However the designer doesn't just magically know how to mock the UI of a UserControl. Its Xaml is parsed and the objects described there are instantiated.
Its up to you to code your classes to cope with existence in a designer. You can use the static proeprty DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool to determine if your code is currently being used in a designer tool or not.
If in a designer you could deliver a set of test data rather than attempt to access a data service.
My problem is same as described above and i alse used DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool
but i can't open usercontrol in visual studio for designing purpose
