TreePanel not expanding ExtJS 3 - extjs

This is my code -
var myTree = {
containerScroll: "true",
width: 500,
root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
id: "source",
text: "Root",
expanded: true,
draggable: true,
expandable: true
loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
dataUrl: 'page.php?action=Get_Tree',
preloadChildren: true,
expandAll: function () {}
xtype: "treepanel",
loadMask: {
msg: 'Loading...'
maskDisabled: false,
id: "tree",
listeners: {
click: function (node, event) {
// Render entity data in right panel
when user clicks on any node of Tree, I fetch the data from DB and rendering the another panel using handleAction method. In my case, I need to show node's info in another panel and update it. On update handler, I need to change node's text/id as its updated now.
This works fine but then I need to refresh the tree so that, I can view updated node. But, it doesn't work for me :(.
This is my code for updating node -
var tree = Ext.getCmp('tree');
var id = req.responseText.split('#')[1];
var myId = 'Spec#' + entityId;
var node = tree.getNodeById(myId); = 'Spec#' + id;
node.text = updated_spec_id;
tree.getLoader().dataUrl = 'page.php?todo=Get_Tree';
// This I have tried but not succeed.
However, when I manually expand it using mouse click, node is updated.
Please help. Thanks in advance.

Have you tried doLayout function? Excerpt from doc:
If the Container is already rendered when add is called, you may need to call doLayout to refresh the view which causes any unrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed while only refreshing the layout once.
It seems to me, your tree doing normal behaviour. Because, you had used click event, therefore this event fire when you click the node.


EXTJS--treestore getCount() method returning undefined, any alternate methods to check if store has already loaded?

I have a card layout and on card "activate" event I load the store. To keep the store from loading every time that card is activated I check to see if getCount == 0 and if true, I load the store:
handleActivateGrid: function(){
if(this.myTreeGrid().getStore().getCount() == 0){
I'm using this same approach elsewhere in my code and it works perfectly fine, the only difference is in this case its a
I debugged and getCount() was undefined, even AFTER the store had loaded.
Is there another approach or method I could use to implement the above?
EDIT: just checked the docs, getCount() is not a method that exists for, so that explains that
A TreeStore consists of a single root node, with child nodes.
To see if there are nodes under the root node, you can use the following
myTreeGrid().getStore().getRootNode().childNodes.length > 0
A more correct approach (since a load may not load any child nodes in theory) is to hookup a load event to the store, when it's initially created. From the load handler, you can set your isLoaded flag wherever it's convenient for your code.
Something like
var storeLoaded = false;
var store = Ext.create('', {
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'get-nodes.php'
root: {text: 'Ext JS',id: 'src', expanded: true},
listeners: {
load: function() {
storeLoaded = true;
var tree = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
store: store,
renderTo: 'tree-div',
height: 300,
width: 250,
title: 'Files'
Just tried this code .
myTreeGrid().getStore().getRootNode().getChildAt(0) == undefined

Drag and Drop stops working for an item which is once dragged

I have an ExtJS treepanel in Container A on page and there's another Container B.
The treepanel is initialized with items via Ajax call. In the viewConfig of treepanel, I've added itemadd event listener, in which I register added items as DragSource. Following is the itemadd event listener within viewConfig of treepanel.
'itemadd': function(records, node){
// Iterate over each child record of parent node in treepanel.
Ext.each(records, function(record){
var dragSource,
field = Ext.query('[id='']')[0]; // I've manually added 'listId' which has unique value gained from for each record item.
fieldId =;
dragSource = new Ext.dd.DragSource(field, {
isTarget : false
dragSource.dragData = {
record: record
And in the items of Container B, I have added a View named MyView which extends Ext.container.Container internally. So in the afterrender of Container B, I'm registering itself as a DropTarget. Here's how I do that;
'afterrender': function(containerMain) {
var dropZone,
myView = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("myview")[0];
dropZone = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(containerMain.getEl()); // Register Container B as DropTarget.
dropZone.notifyDrop = function(source, event, params) {
myView.doSomething(params.record); // This method will handle data of dropped record and internally show something on UI.
Now the here's problem described in step-by-step usage.
I drag an item from treepanel into Container B for first time and it works fine as intended.
I don't allow to add duplicate items again into MyView, I have a Remove button for each item added to remove it from MyView.
I remove the item which I added.
I try to drag it again from treepanel but it is no longer a draggable item.
Though I can still drag another item from same treepanel and add it, but not the first one which I added and removed earlier (and same thing would happen for all items which I once add to MyView. Note that removing of item is not necessary to reproduce the issue, only adding it causes this.
So what is getting wrong here?
Any help would be great.
I suggest to use the Ext.tree.plugin.TreeViewDragDropView (ptype: treeviewdragdrop) plugin for the tree instead of handling it manually.
Example for the treepanel:
var treePanel = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
viewConfig: {
plugins: {
ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop',
ddGroup: "sameGroup",
enableDrop: false
For the panel:
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
listeners: {
'afterrender': function(component) {
var dropZone = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DropTarget', component.body.dom, {
ddGroup: 'sameGroup',
notifyDrop: function(source, event, params) {
var myView = panel.up('myview');
myView.doSomething(source, event, params);
return true;

Extjs - How to insert/update/delete - child nodes - dynamically

My question is similar to
only difference being that I am using Ext.Tree. I split main page into two portions.
I kept left portion for displaying data in tree structure and right portion for some displaying some details in the screen.
Currently there are some child nodes are under root node (Source). When one of child clicked, I populate some data in the right portion of screen.
Can anyone explain me to how update (insert/update/delete) child nodes dynamically when i add or delete data on right part of screen which is a grid.
Ext.onReady(function() {
var Tree = Ext.tree;
var tree = new Tree.TreePanel({
useArrows: true,
autoScroll: true,
animate: true,
enableDD: true,
containerScroll: true,
border: false,
// auto create TreeLoader
dataUrl:'[JS Array]',
root: {
nodeType: 'async',
text: 'ALL',
draggable: false,
id: ''
// render the tree
You should look at the TreeNode class. It has methods addChild() and getPath() and removeChild that can be used to remove nodes and leaves from your treee.
EDIT: The original answer is for a deprecated version
Current Documentation Link:
Current "classic" ext appears to have unified the datasources to use something closer to a traditional data store called a TreeStore which should allow you to manipulate the tree's leaves and branches.

Extjs Dynamic Grid

I'm trying to create a dynamic grid using ExtJS. The grid is built and displayed when a click event is fired then an ajax request is sent to the server to fetch the columns, records and records definition a.k.a store fields.
Each node could have different grid structure and that depends on the level of the node in the tree.
The only way I came up with so far is :
function showGrid(response, request) {
var jsonData = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
var grid = Ext.getCmp('contentGrid' + request.params.owner);
if (grid) {
var store = new{
id: 'arrayStore',
fields: jsonData.recordFields,
autoDestroy: true
grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
defaults: {
sortable: true
id: 'contentGrid' + request.params.owner,
store: store,
columns: jsonData.columns,
loadMask: true
if (Ext.getCmp('tab-' + request.params.owner)) {
Ext.getCmp('tab-' + request.params.owner).show();
} else {
id: 'tab-' + request.params.owner,
title: request.params.text,
iconCls: 'silk-tab',
html: Ext.getDom('grid-div').innerHTML,
closable: true
The function above is called when a click event is fired
'click': function(node) {
url: 'showCtn',
success: function(response, request) {
showGrid(response, request);
failure: function(results, request) {
params: Ext.urlDecode(node.attributes.options);
The problem I'm getting with this code is that a new grid is displayed each time the showGrid function is called. The end user sees the old grids and the new one. To mitigate this problem, I tried destroying the grid and also removing the grid element on each request, and that seems to solve the problem only that records never get displayed this time.
if (grid) {
The behaviour I'm looking for is to display the result of a grid within a tab and if that tab exists replaced the old grid.
Any help is appreciated.
When you are trying to add your grid to the tab like this:
Ext is not aware of it being a valid grid component. Instead, you are simply adding HTML markup that just happens to look like a grid, but the TabPanel will not be aware that it is a grid component.
Instead you should add the grid itself as the tab (a GridPanel is a Panel and does not need to be nested into a parent panel). You can do so and also apply the needed tab configs like this:
Ext.apply(grid, {
id: 'tab-' + request.params.owner,
title: request.params.text,
iconCls: 'silk-tab',
closable: true
BTW, constantly creating and destroying grids is not an ideal strategy if you can avoid it. It might be better to simply hide and re-show grids (and reload their data) based on which type of grid is needed if that's possible (assuming the set of grid types is finite).
A potential option is to use the metaData field on the JsonStore that allows dynamic reconfiguring of the grid columns as per new datasets.
One of the most helpful blog posts about this that Ive found is this one: and the original info is well documented at!/api/

Extended ExtJS Class can't find custom listener function - "oe is undefined"

I'm adding a custom context menu to a TreePanel.
This was all working when I had a separate function for the context menu, but I was having problems where the context menu items would end up doubled/tripling up if I clicked on one of the options and then viewed the context menu again.
I had a look around for other contextmenu examples and came up with this one by Aaron Conran I pretty much "stole" it wholesale with a few additions, tacking the function directly into the Ext.ext.treePanel config. This gave me an error about "oe is undefined" which seemed to refer to "contextmenu: this.onContextMenu" in the tree config.
I figured it was probably something to do with the way I was defining all of this, so I decided to look at extending Ext.ext.TreePanel with my function in it as a learning exercise as much as anything.
Unfortunately, having managed to sort out extending TreePanel I'm now back to getting "oe is undefined" when the page tries to build the TreePanel. I've had a look around and I'm not really sure whats causing the problem, so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code that is used to define/build the tree panel. I hope its not too horrible.
siteTree = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel,{
constructor : function(config){, config);
onContextMenu: function(n,e){
if (!this.contextMenu){
if ( == 'treeroot'){
var menuitems = [{text:'Add Child',id:'child'}];
} else {
var menuitems =
[{text:'Add Child',id:'child'},
{text:'Add Above',id:'above'},
{text:'Add Below',id:'below'}];
this.contextMenu = new{
defaults :{
handler : treeContextClick,
fqResourceURL :
items : menuitems
var xy = e.getXY();
var treePanel = new siteTree({
id: 'tree-panel',
title : 'Site Tree',
region : 'center',
height : 300,
minSize: 150,
autoScroll: true,
// tree-specific configs:
rootVisible: false,
lines: false,
singleExpand: true,
useArrows: true,
root: {
id: 'treeroot',
nodeType: 'async',
text: 'nowt here',
draggable: false
contextmenu: this.onContextMenu
As a total aside; Is there a better way to do this in my context menu function?
if ( == 'treeroot') {
Basically, if the clicked node is the top level I only want to give the user an add Child option, not add above/below.
Thanks in advance for your help
In your instantiation of your siteTree class you have:
listeners: {
contextmenu: this.onContextMenu
However, at the time of the instantiation this.onContextMenu is not pointing to the onContextMenu method you defined in siteTree.
One way of fixing it is to call the method from within a wrapper function:
listeners: {
contextmenu: function() {
Assuming you don't override the scope in the listeners config 'this' will be pointing to the siteTree instance at the time the listener is executed.
However, since you are already defining the context menu in the siteTree class, you may as well define the listener there:
constructor: function( config ) {, config);
this.on('contextmenu', this.onContextMenu);
Ensuring the context menu is removed with the tree is also a good idea. This makes your siteTree definition:
var siteTree = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, {
constructor: function( config ) {, config);
this.on('contextmenu', this.onContextMenu);
this.on('beforedestroy', this.onBeforeDestroy);
onContextMenu: function( node, event ) {
/* create and show this.contextMenu as needed */
onBeforeDestroy: function() {
if ( this.contextMenu ) {
delete this.contextMenu;
I had this problem yesterday. The issue with the duplicate and triplicate items in the context menu is due to extjs adding multiple elements to the page with the same ID. Each time you call this.contextMenu.showAt(xy) you are adding a div with the ID 'treeContextMenu' to the page. Most browsers, IE especially, deal with this poorly. The solution is to remove the old context menu before adding the new one.
Here is an abridged version of my code:
var old = Ext.get("nodeContextMenu");
if(!Ext.isEmpty(old)) {
var menu = new{
items: [ ... ]
I suggest never using hardcoded IDs. #aplumb suggests cleaning the DOM to reuse an existing ID. OK, but I suggest you cleanup the DOM when you no longer need the widgets/elements in the DOM and you should never reuse an ID.
var someId = null, 'myWidgetId' );
var someElement = new SuperWidget({
id: someId,
Just to add to owlness's answer
This bit here:
listeners: {
contextmenu: this.onContextMenu
Gets executed when the javascript file is loaded. this at that stage is most likely pointing to the window object.
A simple way to fix it is adding the listener on hide event of context menu, so you destroy him.
listeners: { hide: function(mn){ mn.destroy(); } }
