Google Maps and Backbone.js event triggering - backbone.js

I have a Google Map where user can click (on the map everywhere), the click event opens a Bootstrap modal window, contained a form. My question is, how/where to handle this submit event to add a marker to the marker collection, save it to the db, etc.
Currently I have a Map View, that renders the google map, and adds an event listener for the click. Clicking on the map opens the Modal.
App.Views.Map = Backbone.View.extend({
initializeMap : function(){}
addMapEventlistener : function() {
google.maps.event.addListener(, 'dblclick', function(event) {
var coords = event.latLng.toUrlValue();
var carray = coords.split(",");
var model = new Backbone.Model({ coords: carray });
var view = new App.Views.Modal({ model: model });
var $modalEl = $("#modal");
App.Views.App = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
var addMarkerView = new App.Views.AddMarker({ collection: App.markers });
// add marker view
App.Views.AddMarker = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#addForm',
initialize: function() {
$('<input>', {
type: 'submit',
value: 'Submit',
class: 'smt'
console.log('AddMarker init run'); // this echoed out
events: {
'submit' : 'addMarker'
addMarker: function(e) {
my guess is that the form rendered after the click event on the map, so I have to set backbone event listening somehow after the modal opens, and handle the form submission in a collection view, right?

You may want to use the events object to bind your listeners.
About when (re)binding your events. When the view is instantiated, the listeners specified in the events object will be bound to the view element. This implies that if your event targets a child element, the fact that the child exists or not at that moment doesn't matter. Now, you'll have to rebind your listeners in the special case where you change your view element without the setElement method.
<div id="#mydiv"></div>
And you want to bind an event on the buttons inside this div (you'll create some afterwards.).
Well, here's an example.

Ok, solved. My bad. I added events to the wrong view, I have to add it to the App.Views.Modal view (of course the event happens in the modal). Thanks for the time!


Undelegate view events when browser back button pressed

Could anyone explain please how to remove events in order to prevent triggering duplication when clicking browser back button. Or is there any way to undelegate events when initalizing view again. Really stuck how to deal with it.
Pressing back button and then back again causes firing events for multiple times. When saving model form data for instance. Thank you.
var App = {};
// extending models, collections etc.
App.SamplesCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#samples',
template: _.template($('#sample-edit-template').html()),
events: {
'click a.sample-item': 'onEdit'
render: function(){
var $sample_list = this.$el.find('ul#sample-list');
this.collection.each(function(sample) {
var rendered = new App.CategoryView({model: sample}).render().el;
onEdit: function(e) {
// go to edit view
Backbone.history.navigate('href'), {trigger: true});
return false;
App.SampleEditView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#samples',
template: _.template($('#sample-edit-template').html()),
events: {
'click': 'onSave',
'click button.cancel': 'onCancel',
render: function() {
return this;
onSave: function() {
var data = Helpers.getFormData(this.$el.find('form'));;
// go back to index view
Backbone.history.navigate('/samples', {trigger: true});
return false;
App.SamplesRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'samples': 'index',
'samples/edit/:id': 'edit'
index: function() {
App.samples = new App.SamplesCollection;
App.samplessView = new App.SamplesCollectionView({collection: App.samples});
edit: function(id) {
App.sampleEdit = new App.SampleEdit({id: id});
App.sampleEditView = new App.SampleEditView({model: App.sampleEdit})
App.samplesRouter = new App.SamplesRouter;
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, hashChange: false});
The problem is that you have many views pointing to same element #samples. You can't remove one view because if you call view.remove() your other view's element is gone.
And as long as that that element exists in DOM, the view you thought to be gone will exist in memory since the shared element has event handlers referring the view instance.
If you want to delegate display functionality and edit functionality under same element, do it in same view using something like show/hide techniques without creating a new view instance.
Otherwise they should have it's own elements, you shouldn't have two view instances pointing to same element. While switching to a different view, make sure you call it's remove() method which removes the element from DOM and invokes undelegateEvents so that it get's garbage collected properly.

How to use events on backboneJS views

So I'm trying to learn how to use the backbone events using the documentation
but I'm stuck at the events part, when I click on the page class content it should alert "page tag has been clicked" but it throws an error on the commented line.
<div class="page"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function()
render: function()
this.$el.html('Click me im an element');
events: function()
//Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
"click .page" : "callme"
callme: function()
alert('page tag has been clicked');
var view = new View({
el: '.page'
Your events property must be either a hash
events: {
"click .page" : "callme"
or a function that returns a hash
events: function() {
return {
"click .page" : "callme"
You indicate a .page selector but that's your view element. Either use a global selector
events: {
"click " : "callme"
or set your el to an ancestor node, for example
var view = new View({
el: 'body'
The events is actually just an object it isn't a function. It'll work with the code below. Hope that helps.
events: {
"click .page" : "callme"
The other error you have is that you're not actually using the Backbone view.
You create the View correctly but you're not appending it to the view as far as I can tell.
You'd need to do something like.
That will append your view to the DOM and add all of the event listeners.
Also instead of passing in the el to the BackboneView you could just add the class of page onto the View. Example below.
className: page,
You actually have two problems with your code, the first is that you are using a function for our events hash without returning an object (using a function is fine, but you need to return an object, or bind directly to the events hash). The second is that your are listing for an event for a child element with the page class, which doesn't exist. You want to either remove the class from where you are binding to the event and just listen to a click anywhere in your view, or listen to an existing element.
For example
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function()
render: function()
this.$el.html('Click me im an element');
events: {
"click" : "callme"
callme: function()
alert('page tag has been clicked');
var view = new View({
el: '.page'
That should be enough to get your code working, however it is probably worth understanding how backbone events work. When you specify an event in backbone that event is bound to the root el and and then listens to the events you specify matching the selector you specified. Under the hood backbone is basically using jQuery's .on to delegate the events, so in your case backbone is basically doing this.$el.on('click, '.page', this.callme).

Backbone custom event trigger not being recognised?

I'm learning Backbone.js for the first time and I'm having an issue trying to get a custom event from triggering (or from the View from recognising when it's been triggered)?
You can see my Collection code here: which when initialized it triggers a custom collection:init event.
var Contacts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Contact,
initialize: function(){
this.bind('add', this.model_added, this);
model_added: function(){
console.log('A new model has been created so trigger an event for the View to update the <select> menu');
But later on in my View where I'm listening for that event I can't get the function populate to fire:
var ContactsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
console.log(contacts.models, 'get initial model data and populate the select menu?');
events: {
'collection:init': 'populate',
'change select': 'displaySelected'
populate: function(){
console.log('populate the <select> with initial Model data');
displaySelected: function (event) {
console.log('get model data and display selected user', event);
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
The events hash in a view is used to bind events from the DOM to your view, e.g. events raised by the elements in your rendered view. To listen to events raised by your collection, you will have to set them manually:
var ContactsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
Note that you are using a global contacts variable, I would advise to use Backbone mechanisms and pass your collection to the constructor, as you do with the el:
var ContactsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
var contacts_view = new ContactsView({
el: $('#view-contacts'),
As #mu said in the comments, as is, your event won't do anything since you trigger it in the initialize method of the collection, which is automatically called by the constructor of the collection therefore before you can bind anything in the view. See this Fiddle to visualize the call order :
Trigger it elsewhere, or, if I read correctly your intent, you (probably) want to use the built in reset event:
var ContactsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
See for an example with potential uses.

In a Backbone View's delegated event, how to access the source element of the event?

I am in the process of rewriting jQuery code to Backbone, but am stuck on a seemingly trivial issue:
Inside an event callback on an element that's a child of the main View element, how do I access the specific child element that was clicked (for example)?
var Composer = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click #postnow": "postnow"
postnow: function(){
// #fixme:
var btn = $("#postnow");
// Do something
new Composer({el: $('.composer')});
In jQuery, I would use $(this), but in Backbone it refers to the View element, not the clicked child.
Is there any way to do that without explicitly specifying the selector again?
In view callbacks, you have access to the jQuery events and their properties, more specifically to event.currentTarget
var Composer = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click #postnow": "postnow"
postnow: function(e){
var btn = $(e.currentTarget);
A implicit parameter is sent to the function callback this parameter is a jQuery Event Object and it contains a lot of information including the DOM Element where the event was targeted:
var Composer = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click #postnow": "postnow"
postnow: function( event ){
console.log( "postnow()" );
console.log( "this", this );
console.log( "event", event );
console.log( "target", );
console.log( "data-value", $( "data-value" ) );
Check the working jsFiddle

marionette simple event delegation

I am trying to add a simple event to the children under my compositeview but it is not triggering at all..and frankly I am not sure why, it seems so simple, I could do this just fine with normal backbone.view.
In the example below, the alert is not triggered at all, however when I purposefully change the function name the event binds to , to something else that doesnt exist, it complaints that the function doesnt exist, so I think it's something
App.View.ContentContainer = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
'click .browse_item':'focus_content'
initialize:function () {
//this.views = {} //indexed by id
var coll = this.collection
coll.sort_by('title', -1)
focus_content:function (e) {
var $modal_container = this.$modal_container
var content_id = $(e.currentTarget).data('content-id')
var $selected_view = this.views[content_id]
var $focused_content = new App.View.FocusedItem({model:$selected_view.model})
$modal_container.empty().show().append($focused_content.el).reveal().bind('reveal:close', function () {
return false
masonry:{ columnWidth:64 }
EDIT: this is the resulting HTML: the div.content_container is the resulting el of App.View.ContentContainer
Is .browse_item a selector for the App.View.ContentBrowseItem itemView element? In that case, you need to bind the event in the ItemView definition, not in the CollectionView definition. The reason is that events are bound when a view is rendered. The CollectionView itself is rendered before any of its child itemViews.
Also, if you are opening up another modal view on this click event, I would let the app handle that, rather than your CollectionView
Try something like this:
App.View.ContentBrowseItem = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Maintain context on event handlers
_.bindAll(this, "selectItem")
events: {
"click" : "selectItem"
selectItem: function() {
App.vent.trigger("item:select", this.model);
And to actually show the modal detail view:
App.vent.on("item:select", function(itemModel) {
var detailView = new App.View.FocusedItem({ model: itemModel });
// You may also want to create a region for your modal container.
// It might simplify some of your `$modal_container.empty().show().append(..).etc().etc();
Allowing each of your views to handle their own events is part of what makes Backbone and Marionette so beautiful. You'll just want to avoid one view getting all up in another view's business (eg. a CollectionView trying to handle its ItemView's events, an ItemView creating event bindings to show and close a separate modal view, etc.)
Hope this helps!
