how to customize useraccount dropdownlist in dnn6 - dotnetnuke

In dnn6 Would you please go to admin->user accounts and look at the dropdown selector? It shows you can search by username, email, etc but not by first name or last name. Do you know how this dropdown gets poplulated so we can change it?

I don't know why yours wouldn't be populating those fields, I didn't add them to mine, they were already there.
The Population of the dropdown occurs in the \desktopmodules\Admin\Security\Users.ascx.cs file
ProfilePropertyDefinitionCollection profileProperties = ProfileController.GetPropertyDefinitionsByPortal(PortalId, false, false);
So I would start by looking at your Profile Properties defined at the portal level, see if you have First/Last name there. You can find profile properties from the Admin/Site Settings page, on the Users Account Settings tab (under the profile settings section)
If you are using DNN6 (not DNN7) then you'll go to the Admin/User Accounts page and go to the actions for the user accounts module and find the User Profile Properties area.


Autopopulate a field in a form based on what user is logged in

I've created an access database using access 2007 for one of the teams I work with and I'm fairly new to access so would like some help. The database is being used to log jobs for engineers so I have a login system where a user selects their name from a drop down and enters their password, and depending on their access levels they get directed to their own user menus etc. Now what I would like is once the user has logged in they will click on the job sheet button will then direct them to a list of jobs raised from here they click on new and then a pop of the Job Sheet where they can enter details from the call pops up what i want is in this job sheet for their name to auto-populate in the field labelled user, how do I get the user who has logged in their name to just auto populate in the field once they have accessed it.
You might want to check out the "OnLoad" property of the form. Go to the properties section of the job sheet and click on its "on load" event. Select VBA code. Type the following:-
me.fieldname = [Forms]![FirstFormWhereLoginDropdownPresent].DropDownName.Value
Hope this helps

Drupal 7 displaying different user content

I have searched and searched and cannot find a solution to my specific problem...
I have a site that users join, and can upload their own videos. I crated a specific video type to handle this upload.
Other users can log in and see this content, they get to the content by clicking on a "profile" link for a specific user, and then it should display all the videos that user uploaded. Currently all I can get to work is display ALL of that content type, or none... I cannot figure out how to just get the user being looked for.
In my URL i have the user name being sent, because other info on the profile page that loads is driven off of that ( looked up in mysql tables and displayed with PHP).
As I mentioned I have a filter that limits to playervideo ( which is my content type) and that works, but as mentioned it displays all not just the user I am looking for.
any help would be much appreciated!!
I think your question is "How do I make a page for all users that lists content authored by a specific user"
I'd do this with the Views module.
Add a view for all your nodes.
Then add a "relationship" for "Content: Author".
Now add a "contextual filter" for the field "user: uid" with a default argument the userid from the URL.
Or you could try to add a contextual filter of "Content: User posted or commented" with the default value as the UID from the URL.

Salesforce field level access determined by third variable

For the contacts object, I have a custom checkbox which represents whether the contact owner wants the contact information (email and phone) to be visible. Most of our contacts will be completely visible to everyone. However, for a few contacts, we want them to be visible but their contact information needs to be hidden to everyone except for the owner.
Is there a way to set field-level access dependent on another variable? Could you create a workflow to redirect to another page layout if the contact information is visible? If so, can you restrict objects to certain field layouts depending on whether or not you are the record owner? And would would the contact information for "hidden contacts" still show up in reports?
Redirects, custom Visualforce view page etc hacks are all nice and shiny until you realize people will be able to pull data they want via some reports, list views, Outlook integration, mobile apps etc ;)
There's no straightforward answer because field visibility is really "all or nothing" (by Profiles & Permission Sets). Owner/Role-related stuff will help you only if you'd store data in some new related objects.
Another option - Store public part in Leads (public read only for example) and sensitive part - in Contacts (private)? Some lookup to link the 2, maybe a trigger when new Contact is created and you're good to go.
Last but not least - have a look at for some ideas.
If I understood correctly (My english...) You could create a new RecordType and a new customized page layout without this fields assigned to it, then you have to create a WFR that change the Recordtype when the cheked field becomes true.
I'm assuming that you know how you have to give permissions to this new Recordtype...etc
Hope this helps.

upload files to specific user

I want to let admin upload files (PDF files) to a separate user (client), such as bill, information and documentation.
I think to Add new content type with some fields, like file field, but I don't know how to add users list, so admin can choose file to upload and corresponding user.
After I finish this step, how can I display these files to user when login?
To reference the user, you could install the entity reference module.
You can use that to add a field that will reference users.
As far as listing files for the user, you can use Views to make a list of your new content type, and filter it by the user who is logged in.
To elaborate more, Install the Views module, and make a new View, with a content-type filter for your new type, and a contextual filter for current User, and then add a Field for the file field, and configure the field however you would like the file to be displayed to the user.
Depending on what you want, you could also set that view as the frontpage of your site, so that people will see it when they log in.
To filter by current user, when you add the Contextual Filter, in the "WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS NOT IN THE URL" section, select "Provide Default Value" and then select the type "User ID from logged in user"

Best way to populate a dropdown sitewide that is

I am using CakePHP 1.3 and a layout which includes a dropdown of organizations a user has access to administer, so I'm trying to populate that dropdown with organizations that contain the userid that is logged in, but I want to populate it before the user sees anything so they can use it in the header. The dropdown needs to appear on every page once logged in. I tried adding the query to pull these organizations in the appcontroller, but userid was not yet available to use in before filter. Where or how should I do this? Should it be in session or is there a better construct to use? Element?
In my app it's no problem to use the user_id from within the beforeRender (if you are using the Auth-Component).
You can use it with $this->Auth->user('id').
I would do it like this: Check in the AppController if the user is logged in. If he is, pull your wanted information from the database (or whereever you get your information from) and store it in a variable called $dropdown for example.
If the user is not logged in, $dropdown will be false.
You now make this variable available to the view with $this->set(compact('dropdown'))
Now in your layout (this is important to you have it on every page) you can easily do a check if $dropdown is false or not. If not, you can work with your variable and show the user your wanted dropdown.
