How to create this custom control with AngularJS directive? - angularjs

I'm a bit new to AngularJS and am trying to write a custom select control based on Zurb Foundation's custom select(see here:
I know I need to use a directive for this but am not sure how to accomplish this.
It's going to have to be reusable and allow for the iterating of whatever array is passed in to it. A callback when the user selects the item from the dropdown list is probably needed.
Here is the markup for the custom Foundation dropdown list:
<select name="selectedUIC" style="display:none;"></select>
<div class="custom dropdown medium" style="background-color:red;">
Please select item
<ul ng-repeat="uic in uics">
<li class="custom-select" ng-click="selectUIC(uic.Name)">{{uic.Name}}</li>
This works for now. I am able to populate the control from this page's Ctrl. However, as you can see, I'd have to do this every time I wanted to use a custom dropdown control.
Any ideas as to how I can turn this baby into a reusable directive?
Thanks for any help!

If you want to make your directives reusable not just on the same page, but across multiple AngularJS apps, then it's pretty handy to set them up in their own module and import that module as a dependency in your app.
I took Cuong Vo's plnkr above (so initial credit goes to him) and separated it out with this approach. Now this means that if you want to create a new directive, simply add it to reusableDirectives.js and all apps that already have ['reusableDirectives'] as a dependency, will be able to use that new directive without needing to add any extra js to that particular app.
I also moved the markup for the directive into it's own html template, as it's much easy to read, edit and maintain than having it directly inside the directive as a string.
Plnkr Demo
<zurb-select data-label="{{'Select an option'}}" data-options="names"
// Add reusableDirectives as a dependency in your app
angular.module('angularjs-starter', ['reusableDirectives'])
.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.names = [{name: 'Gavin'}, {name: 'Joseph'}, {name: 'Ken'}];
$scope.callback = function(name) {
angular.module('reusableDirectives', [])
.directive('zurbSelect', [function(){
return {
scope: {
label: '#', // optional
changeCallback: '&',
options: '='
restrict: 'E',
replace: true, // optional
templateUrl: 'zurb-select.html',
link: function(scope, element, attr) { }
<div class="row">
<div class="large-12 columns">
<label>{{label || 'Please select'}}</label>
<select data-ng-model="" data-ng-change="changeCallback({value:})"
data-ng-options=" as for o in options">

Is something like this what you're looking for?
In the above example you can pass in two attribute parameters to your custom zurbSelect directive. Options is a list of select option objects with a name attribute and clickCallback is the function available on the controller's scope that you want the directive to invoke when a user clicks on a section.
Notice there's no code in the link function (this is where the logic for your directive would generally go). All we're doing is wrapping a template so that it's reusable and accepts some parameters.
We created an isolated scope so the directive doesn't need to depend on parent scopes. We binded the isolated scope to the attribute parameters passed in. The '&' means bind to the expression on the parent scope calling this (in our case the callback function available in our controller) and the '=' means create a two way binding between the options attribute so when it changes in the outter scope, the change is reflected here and vice versa.
We're also restricting the usage of this directive to only elements (). You can set this to class, attributes, etc..
For more details the AngularJs directives guide is really good:
Hope this helps.


Angular directive from array element in ngRepeat

I am working on a project that will have any number of HTML cards, and the format and positioning of the cards is the same, but the content of them will differ.
My plan was to implement the content of each card as an angular directive, and then using ngRepeat, loop through my array of directives which can be in any order, displaying each directive in a card. It would be something like this:
inside my controller:
$ = [
my directive:
.directive('directiveOne', function () {
return {
restrict: "C",
template: '<h1>One!!</h1>'
.directive('directiveTwo', function () {
return {
restrict: "C",
template: '<h1>Two!!</h1>'
my html:
<div class="card" ng-repeat="item in cards">
<div class="{{item}}"></div>
But.. the directives don't render. So I just get a div with class="directive-one".
This might be a design flaw on my part, some sort of syntax error, or just a limitation of angular. I'm not sure.
I've also considered making a directive <card>, and then passing the templateUrl: into it, but that would cause me to lose my access to $scope and the javsacript capabilities that I would have if each card was it's own directive.
So, advise, code help, anything would be very helpful!
I choose directives only when I need to use them in HTML mark up. For example, assuming cards layout is same and it takes different information based on user preference.
<my-card Name="First" Option="Myoptions"></Card>
<my-card Name="Second" Option="GenOptions"></Card>
angular.module("testapp").directive("MyCard", function() {
scope: {
name: '#',
Option: '#'
Controller: "myCardController",
templateURL: "~/myCard/myCardTemplate.html"
In Template you can implement the information passed from HTML page via the directive.
Hope this helps.
Do take note that the above approach is preferred when you are developing a framework sort of things. For example you develop a web framework and the header takes 5 parameters and these 5 parameters needs to be passed via mark up. Most important thing is that the framework/header is independent
In your controller, you need to require the directive modules. Then assign them to a scope variable which would be that array you have. Will update with code when I get to desktop, tried doing with phone kinda tuff.

How do I assign an attribute to ng-controller in a directive's template in AngularJS?

I have a custom attribute directive (i.e., restrict: "A") and I want to pass two expressions (using {{...}}) into the directive as attributes. I want to pass these attributes into the directive's template, which I use to render two nested div tags -- the outer one containing ng-controller and the inner containing ng-include. The ng-controller will define the controller exclusively used for the template, and the ng-include will render the template's HTML.
An example showing the relevant snippets is below.
<div ng-controller="appController">
<custom-directive ctrl="templateController" tmpl="template.html"></custom-directive>
function appController($scope) {
// Main application controller
function templateController($scope) {
// Controller (separate from main controller) for exclusive use with template
app.directive('customDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
ctrl: '#',
tmpl: '#'
// This will work, but not what I want
// Assigning controller explicitly
template: '<div ng-controller="templateController">\
<div ng-include="tmpl"></div>\
// This is what I want, but won't work
// Assigning controller via isolate scope variable from attribute
/*template: '<div ng-controller="ctrl">\
<div ng-include="tmpl"></div>\
It appears that explicitly assigning the controller works. However, I want to assign the controller via an isolate scope variable that I obtain from an attribute located inside my custom directive in the HTML.
I've fleshed out the above example a little more in the Plunker below, which names the relevant directive contentDisplay (instead of customDirective from above). Let me know in the comments if this example needs more commented clarification:
Using an explicit controller assignment (uncommented template code), I achieve the desired functionality. However, when trying to assign the controller via an isolate scope variable (commented template code), it no longer works, throwing an error saying 'ctrl' is not a function, got string.
The reason why I want to vary the controller (instead of just throwing all the controllers into one "master controller" as I've done in the Plunker) is because I want to make my code more organized to maintain readability.
The following ideas may be relevant:
Placing the ng-controller tags inside the template instead of wrapping it around ng-include.
Using one-way binding ('&') to execute functions instead of text binding ('#').
Using a link function instead of / in addition to an isolate scope.
Using an element/class directive instead of attribute directive.
The priority level of ng-controller is lower than that of ng-include.
The order in which the directives are compiled / instantiated may not be correct.
While I'm looking for direct solutions to this issue, I'm also willing to accept workarounds that accomplish the same functionality and are relatively simple.
I don't think you can dynamically write a template key using scope, but you certainly do so within the link function. You can imitate that quite succinctly with a series of built-in Angular functions: $http, $controller, $compile, $templateCache.
Relevant code:
link: function( scope, element, attrs )
$http.get( scope.tmpl, { cache: $templateCache } )
.then( function( response ) {
templateScope = scope.$new();
templateCtrl = $controller( scope.ctrl, { $scope: templateScope } );
element.html( );
element.children().data('$ngControllerController', templateCtrl);
$compile( element.contents() )( templateScope );
Inspired strongly by this similar answer.

Place element outside the controller and have them still work AngularJS

How can I control variables and elements using filters that are outside the controller?
I have set up an example to better help me explain my question
You will see I have a div that is being toggled using ng-show and then inside a search input that filters a list of names. The problem arrises when I need to take the toggled div and the search filter and put it outside the 'MainCtrl'. Is there a way that I can have these sitting outside the controller but still interacting with the content of the 'MainCtrl'?
There are several ways to communicate between components which aren't prototypically linked in your app. You could use Angular events to broadcast your search and then handle it from your controller. Or, you could even use $rootScope in both components as a global space both can use to store variables and methods. These are bad ideas - they will make your life harder down the road.
Instead, whenever you need to share information across controllers and/or directives which aren't directly linked, your first thought should to create a service.
Such a service might look like this:
app.factory('Search', function() {
var search = {
results: [],
query: '',
showDetails: false
return search;
You would inject it into both the controller and the controller or directive (I chose to create a directive) for the search box and initialize the service to a scope variable in each:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, friendsFactory, Search) {
$scope.friends = friendsFactory.query();
$ = Search;
app.directive('search', function(Search){
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
templateUrl: 'directive-search.html',
link: {
pre: function(scope, elem, attrs) { = Search;
You could use that variable in your views, as the model for the search box and the filter for your ng-repeat:
Directive Template
<div ng-class="'details'" ng-show="search.showDetails">
<label for="">Search Names</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="search.query" />
<div class="content" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<a ng-click="search.showDetails = !search.showDetails"> Click Me</a>
<div ng-repeat="friend in friends | filter:search.query | limitTo: 5">
Plunker Demo
Note: this simple implementation allows for one individual search/results pair on the page. If you need to have more than one, you will need to further develop the service to allow for more than one instance.

angularjs custom directive isolated scope one way data binding doesn't work

i am a new to angularjs, I read some literature and followed a lot of tutorials, but i am still have the feeling that i completely confused.
My current issue is with custom directive and isolated scopes. All i trying to do is pass "strings" with # binding to my directives that use isolated scopes and I can't understand what am i doing wrong. Specifically WHY when i use template everything just works fine and when the template already in the DOM the one way data binding doesn't work.
JSBin fiddle link
major parts from my code:
<div my-directive my-title="TITLE ONE WAY Data Binding">
<div>This directive is <span style="color:red;">NOT using template</span></div>
$scope.title = <small><pre>{{title}}</pre></small>
<div my-directive-with-template my-title="TITLE ONE WAY Data Binding"
<!-- this directive use a template -->
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
title: "#myTitle"
link: function(scope, ele, attrs, c) {
console.log('non template directive link:',scope.title,attrs.myTitle);
controller:['$scope', function($scope){
console.log('non template directive controller:',$scope.title);
app.directive('myDirectiveWithTemplate', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
title: "#myTitle"
link: function(scope, ele, attrs, c) {
console.log('using template directive link:',scope.title,attrs.myTitle);
controller:['$scope', function($scope){
console.log('using template directive link:',$scope.title);
template:'<div><div>This directive is using template</div><div>$scope.title = <small><pre>"{{title}}"</pre></small></div></div>',
JSBin fiddle link
In your non-template scenario the title is not being bound to any scope and therefore not showing anything.
What you call the DOM template is really HTML outside the directive that has no access to it's isolated scope. You could embed this div inside a controller and then title could be bound to the controller's $scope.title
For what I understand it only makes sense to create an isolated scope to make it available to the directive's template.
Isolated scopes allow the directive to have state independent of the parent scope (avoiding it's pollution) and also avoiding sharing this state with sibling directives.
Supposing you're creating this directive to reuse that piece of UI somewhere else in your code, you start by creating its template with the shared HTML.
Ok, but you need to go a bit further and parameterize it passing some data to it.
You can then use attributes on the directive to communicate with the outside (parent scope, or just to pass static data).
The directive's template can now bind to this data without needing to have any knowledge of it's "outside world", and it's done through it's isolated scope.
Conclusion, why create an isolated scope, if not to provide the template with this data?
Hope I've made this a bit clear :)
Now after thinking a bit about my affirmation... well you could also create a directive without any template, by using the compile or link function and do it manually through DOM manipulation. And in this case it might make sense to have an isolated scope for the reasons presented above :)

Changing property of controller from directive

EDIT: see jsfiddle
I have a list of items, that I show as text via a directive (all is simplified here, it's more comlicated than just text, but it's the same in principle). Like so:
<body ng:controller="BaseController">
<div ng:controller="Controller">
<itemdir ng:repeat="item in items" item="item"></item>
<input ng:model="currentItem" />
When I click it, it should show the content of the clicked item in an input.
items array as well as currentItem belong to BaseController scope.
The directive produces a template (see below) with ng:click which should change BaseController scope's property (called currentItem). However it does not do anything to it (input value is not changed to the new current item). In Batarang for Chrome I can see that the currentItem property is visible and changed in the scope of the directive but not of the BaseController.
module.directive 'itemdir', () ->
restrict: 'E'
replace: true
template: '<div ng:click="show(item)"></div>'
controller: 'EditorController'
item: '=item'
link: ($scope, $element, $attrs) ->
update = ->
$scope.$watch('item', update)
For changing the property I tried a method show(item) which is defined in the BaseController's scope which only assigns the item parameter to $scope.currentItem.
It doesn't work even when I change the ng:click value from show(item) to currentItem = item
I know this is some scope issue, but it seems I still don't grasp all the details of it.
So, looking at the provided jsFiddle we can see that the BaseController is being used both in a directive and in top div. This introduced a subtle issue since it was possible to invoke the show(item) method from top-buttons and HTML produced by directives, but those methods were invoked on different controllers and writing to different scopes.
Now, it is hard to deduce from your question if the use of BaseController in a directive was intentional or not (in the question the directive has the EditorController) but assuming that this was by accident and you want to keep BaseController for a div and still invoke methods on it from a directive you need to take special care when creating isolated scopes (as the name implies those are really isolated so not inheriting from a parent scope). Basically you need to make sure that the show method is available in an isolated scope and points to the right method in the parent scope.
Taking your example you would define your directive like this (please note show : '&ngClick'):
module.directive('itemdir', function () {
return {
template:'<div ng:click="show(item)" class="clickable"></div>',
scope : {item : '=', show : '&ngClick'},
link:function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
Here is the working jsFiddle:
In the future you might find AngularJS Batarang extension for Chrome ( useful as it allows to visualize scopes and their content.
