Jackrabbit locks up with many open ACEs - jackrabbit

I am running into an issue where a lot of processes block due to having more than 1000 access control entries active at a time; this is a known issue in Jackrabbit; a work-around has been identified and rolled out into 2.4.1, but CQ 5.5 / CRX 2.3 uses Jackrabbit 2.4.0. Are there any workarounds available under 2.4.0?

I ran into this article that refers to CRX 2.2. http://helpx.adobe.com/crx/kb/cacheentrycollector-cache-size-is-too-small.html
The resolution says to install CRX hotfixpack This makes CachingEntryCollector configurable. via a JVM parameter:
I have not been able to locate hotfix, but the solution is showing in
This has been addressed before. The question is, did this make it into CRX 2.3. I am still digging through CQ, looking for org.apache.jackrabbit.core, to see if this fix made it to the new version.
Sadly, this change did not make it in to 2.3.


HTTP 503 Error occurred after completing upgrade from Dnn 9.1.1 to 9.3.0

After Upgrading successfully by transferring upgrade zip file and completing upgrade wizard process after host login, Error HTTP 503 came up when I clicked on "Visit Website" button. After going through Log files below error log was found
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IndexOutOfRangeException: TermsTabId
at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name)
at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalInfo.Fill(IDataReader dr)
at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillObjectFromReader(Object objObject, IDataReader dr)
Issue happened at Live site
Going from DNN 9.1.1 to 9.3.2 (and maybe beyond that) requires some careful attention to detail. In that series of releases, there are some important breaking changes, most of them related to the removal of APIs that have been deprecated since DNN 7. Most of these issues can be solved by making sure that any modules you have added to the basic DNN Platform have been update prior to doing the upgrades. Essentially, you'll want to make sure that your modules (and possibly skins) are compatible with the DNN version to which you are upgrading.
Read the release notes for all of the intermediate releases, especially 9.3.1 and 9.3.2. There are some important breaking changes to DNN.
Also read the notes at the bottom of https://dnndocs.com/content/getting-started/setup/upgrades/suggested-upgrade-path/index.html
Before doing the upgrade, you should identify any modules that need to be upgraded because of breaking changes and removal of deprecated APIs.
If you need additional help with this, I'd recommended visiting the forums at dnncommunity.org and asking questions there. Among other things, you may find that the community of people who can help is larger over there.

Camel app on Liberty - JAXB Marshalling

I'm running a Camel application on Liberty Profile server. I'm taking a message from a queue, unmarshalling, mapping then marshalling. This was working fine but now I'm getting an error that JAXBDataBinding method getContextualNamespaceMap is not found.
I think this is because there is an older version of the jar in the server libs but I don't know why it started using it.
IBM Jar: com.ibm.ws.org.apache.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb.2.6.2_1.0.12
The issue is resolved if I switch to parent last class loading but its a very hacky way to fix it and is not a great option. Any other ideas? I'm thinking some feature or other dependency in my build may have pulled this jar in.
So it does look like getContextualNamespaceMap is only available in newer versions of the org.apache.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb JAR than what is available in Liberty.
It might be that parentLast is the best option then. (You already know how to do this but it's documented (here). If it leads to some other issues then do follow-up with another question.
I suppose it's conceivable you might be able to look at whatever is packaged within your application and try removing a set of things and picking them up from the Liberty runtime, to avoid running in parentLast mode. E.g. if you are only referencing getContextualNamespaceMap because you have other code in your app but there is some alternative path you could have gone down entirely in the Liberty-provided modules, then in theory you could be OK.
I'm not familiar enough with the code paths in the modules in the CXF or Camel "stack" to guess whether that's a real-world likelihood though.
The javaee7 feature contained a jaxsw version that clashed with the server version. Removing the javaee7 feature has resolved this issue. Remains to be seen whether or not I will to add it back in.

What are the new changes in Apache POI 3.9 ? Memory leakage issue in 3.9?

In Apache POI 3.9 version release they are telling the memory leak and creating temp file is fixed (bug : 53493). But how to use that? Is there any changes for the importing packages in 3.9 version compared to 3.8? If the changes occur, then what are they?
The change log for Apache POI is available online. To see the changes between 3.8 and 3.9, look between here and here
Unless otherwise detailed in the release notes included in the download, you should be fine to just drop the new jars in, in place of the old ones. Make sure you really remove the old ones though! You get all sorts of odd things going wrong if you have both old and new POI jars on your classpath

Disappearing cores in Solr

I am new to Solr.
I have created two cores from the admin page, let's call them "books" and "libraries", and imported some data there. Everything works without a hitch until I restart the server. When I do so, one of these cores disappears, and the logging screen in the admin page contains:
SEVERE CoreContainer null:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/arnx/jsonic/JSONException
SEVERE SolrCore REFCOUNT ERROR: unreferenced org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore#454055ac (papers) has a reference count of 1
I was testing my query in the admin interface; when I refreshed it, the "libraries" core was gone, even though I could normally query it just a minute earlier. The contents of solr.xml are intact. Even if I restart Tomcat, it remains gone.
Additionally, I was trying to build a query similar to this: "Find books matching 'war peace' in libraries in Atlanta or New York". So given cores "books" and "libraries", I would issue "books" the following query (which might be wrong, if it is please correct me):
(title:(war peace) blurb:(war peace))
AND _query_:"{!join
fromIndex=libraries from=libraryid to=libraryid
v='city:(new york) city:(atlanta)'}"
When I do so, the query fails with "libraries" core disappears, with the above symptoms. If I re-add it, I can continue working (as long as I don't restart the server or issue another join query).
I am using Solr 4.0; if anyone has a clue what is happening, I would be very grateful. I could not find out anything about the meaning of the error message, so if anyone could suggest where to look for that, or how go about debugging this, it would be really great. I can't even find where the log file itself is located...
I would avoid the Debian package which may be misconfigured and quirky. And it contains (a very early build of?) solr 4.0, which itself may have lingering issues; being the first release in a new major version. The package maintainer may not have incorporated the latest and safest Solr release into his package.
A better way is to download Solr 4.1 yourself and set it up yourself with Tomcat or another servlet container.
In case you are looking to install SOLR 4.0 and configure, you can following the installation procedure from here
Update the solr config for the cores to be persistent.
In your solr.xml, update <solr> or <solr persistent="false"> to <solr persistent="true">

Migrating from Cake 1.3 to 2.0 and beyond - migrate existing, or only use for new?

I'm nearling completion of my first CakePHP-driven website and just saw they're already working on CakePHP 2.0 (not the stable release yet).
My questions:
Is it incredibly time consuming to move to a new version of CakePHP (when it becomes the "stable" release that is)? I know they have migration guides, but - I've never used a framework before, so I've never had to migrate anything.
Do you migrate your code for existing projects, or leave it as is and use the new stable version for future projects only?
Where can I find what version of CakePHP I currently have installed? I've looked at the LICENCE and VERSION files, but cannot find the installed/current version listed in them.
These seem like simple questions, but I greatly appreciate any thoughts/advice - searching this on Google just brings up how-to-migrate pages, not pros/cons...etc.
I've migrated a few sites from CakePHP 1.2 to 1.3. In my experience, it takes 2-3 hours on sites that have 5-10 controllers and no custom plugins, etc. I find I typically only have to change the syntax on a handful of function calls, and when I figure out which ones, it is just a matter of doing a find / replace across the site. Of course it could be more of an issue going from 1.3 to 2.0, but I don't get the sense that it will be an especially drastic API change.
UPDATE: I'm now in the process of migrating to CakePHP 2.0 beta, and thought I should update this, as I'm finding the updates are more extensive and far-reaching than I had assumed when I wrote this. Migration guide here: https://github.com/cakephp/docs/blob/master/en/appendices/2-0-migration-guide.rst
ANOTHER UPDATE: Since people seem to be finding this useful, I just thought I'd point out that Cake now helpfully provides an upgrade shell that does some of the work for you. Note that although the documentation says it will do "most" of the work, I have found there are still quite a few function calls, etc. that will need to be updated manually (see migration guide).
As dhofstet said, it will all depend on the size and complexity of your site.
Whether you upgrade at all is usually a judgment call, but sometimes you have to (e.g. Cake 1.2 has some code that will break if your host upgrades to PHP 5.3). You certainly wouldn't have the kind of security issues that an old WordPress, Drupal, etc install would have. I have seen some noticeable speed increases with Cake upgrades, so depending on the situation it could be worth the trouble just for that (Cake 2.0 finally drops PHP 4 suppport). Look at the release notes and see if there are things that appeal to you in the new version.
To see your version, in the cake/VERSION.txt file, look at the very last line. It's easy to miss, but it should just be a number, e.g. 1.3.8.
This question is difficult to answer as it depends on the size and complexity of your project(s). The "big" releases (from 1.1 -> 1.2, 1.2 -> 1.3, 1.3 -> 2.0) usually break stuff and so you have to budget some migration work. The migration between "smaller" releases (for example from 1.3.9 to 1.3.10), on the other hand, is usually easy, often it just means to replace the cake folder. In both cases it is useful to have tests.
I migrate the projects which are actively maintained.
You can find the CakePHP version in cake/config/config.php
I'm migrating an app 1.3»2.0rc1 right now and I got no big trouble.
I had to change names of folder/files, eg. app_controller.php » Controller/AppController.php
Follow the migration link (tmp link) http://book2.cakephp.org/en/appendices/2-0-migration-guide.html
plugins/components/.. from various source won't work (at minus, for point 1)
To update the code (which in my case wasn't needed as the app worked well) I've shell-baked a dummy table and looked at differences in code.. It's a good starting point
Authentication/Authorization changed in some config, but requires few changes.
Trees still working
Acl don't. But I'm quite sure it's my fault.
For now it's all, good work!
