How to show VB application ONLY in system tray - winforms

Is it possible that we can show application only in system tray(the tray at bottom right of screen) instead of , as normally application opens in bottom bar ? If yes then how can we do it in Visual Basic 2010 .

There is a showInTaskbar property you can set to false on your windows form. Moreover you can set Visible to false.
In your Designer you can add a notifyIcon to your form, this is the typical tray icon you are searching for.


Which windows should be shown in Windows taskbar for a program?

Are there any guidelines to this? WPF windows are shown in taskbar by default. You must excplicitly set them not be shown there by
ShowInTaskbar = False
However it seems that many Microsoft programs seem to have only main window in taskbar.
Please refer to MSDN.
Make the following window types appear on the taskbar (for Windows 7, by using a taskbar button thumbnail):
Primary windows (which includes dialog boxes without owners)
Property sheets
Modeless progress dialog boxes
For Windows 7, use taskbar button thumbnails to group the following window types with the primary window taskbar button it was launched from. Each program (specifically, each program perceived as a separate program) should have a single taskbar button.
Secondary windows
Workspace tabs
Project windows
MDI child windows

A window with no taskbar icon, no appearance in Alt-Tab and *without* using the ToolWindow extended style

I have a problem that appears to be new to Windows 10.
I want to create a form that is visible to the user, but with no task bar icon and that does not appear in Alt+Tab.
This is perfectly doable if one is happy to sacrifice the normal styling of a window by following the accepted solutions here for either WPF or Windows Forms.
The general advice for both WPF and Windows Forms is:
Set ShowInTaskbar to false
Enable the ToolWindow styling (either through setting the border style in WinForms or the WindowStyle in WPF)
However, this has a new, practical problem in Windows 10 when using Virtual Desktops: the moment you do the above, the WPF or WinForms window will appear in every virtual desktop. See my example application with a red background:
This affects both the Task View switching screen and the actual desktop itself. No matter where you go, the form is there!
Is there any way to show a form - or even just a bitmap - on Windows without anything appearing in the taskbar, without anything appearing in Alt+Tab and without duplicating the window on every virtual desktop?
I have spent two days researching every possible option, trying every example online, reading MSDN documentation on window styles etc. but all resort to the same method, either through P/Invoke calls or directly, but either way the result is the same.

How to set different icon in ALT+TAB view and taskbar

I have a Winform application and I would set two different icons, one for the application shown in the taskbar and the left-upper corner of the window and a different one for the ALT+TAB switch.
The properties Icon of the Form sets only the small one but seems that it is used also for the ALT+TAB view.
In Visual Studio 2012 I've already tried to select a diffenrent icon under Project Properties > Application > Resources > Icon and Manifest.
Any help will be appreciated!
I got the solution which is quite simple. Basically I created a multi-size icon with the same image (64x64, 32x32...) and I changed the 16x16 size with another icon. In this way you can have different type of icon inside one.

Determining location of tray icon

My application is designed to sit in the system tray and behave similarly to the Network/Volume/Power/Action Centre tray items in Windows 7 (and the equivalent items in Windows Vista). That is, it becomes visible when the tray icon is clicked, and becomes hidden when focus is lost.
The application is written in WPF, but I am currently using NotifyIcon from WinForms for the tray icon.
I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions as to how I might determine the position (i.e. screen coordinates) of my application's tray icon. The default Windows Vista/7 tray items have some way of doing this, since the pop-out windows are centre-aligned above the relevant tray icon.
In Vista this wasn't much of an issue: I had the application permanently set to the bottom-right corner, and this looked fine (though there was no logic included for cases when the taskbar wasn't placed at the bottom of the screen). However, in Windows 7 my application ends up obscuring the new system tray pop-out box, rather than hovering above it like the volume controls, etc., do.
The best solution I've seen in my searches so far is to handle the mouse-up event on the NotifyIcon and use the mouse coordinates to determine the position of the icon. I think I'll end up using this method if unless someone has a better idea, though it's not ideal as the position will vary slightly depending on where within the icon the user clicks.
Windows 7 and higher expose the Shell_NotifyIconGetRect() function, which returns the screen coordinates of the icon's bounding rectangle.
You'll need to provide it the notify icon GUID, though, and I don't know if you can access that property through the managed NotifyIcon class.
Further to this, I've written about a method to find the location of a notify icon when the Shell_NotifyIconGetRect function is not available:

Windows System Tray Application

I created a WPF window with system tray icon via NotifyIcon. When I click the icon in the system tray, the WPF application pops up and is shown on the screen.
But this solution does not fit my needs. I want the solution to be opened the same way the volumn, network center, security center, etc. is opened on system tray icon single click (just a little tiny box on top of the taskbar which can neither be moved nor has a close button in the upper right corner).
Can anyone give me a hint?
Does WindowStyle.None fit your needs (Can be set in the WindowStyle Property of your Window)?
