How to force the Entity Framework 5 DbContext to re-read connection strings from app.config? - connection-string

I am trying to allow users to type in the data source into a dialog which I am then writing to the app.config for the application. The scenario I am having a problem with works like this:
1) User types the data source into my dialog and the dialog adds or updates the connection string. In this scenario the user typed the wrong data source the first time.
2) The user then opens the dialog that has the EF code (which inits the connection string stuff) and EF throws an exception that it cannot connect.
3) The user goes back into the original dialog and puts the correct data source name in and the app.config is again updated.
4) The user the opens again the dialog that triggers the EF code and EF still has the old data source in there although it is correct now in the app.config.
I have tried
I have tried running
MyEFContainer.Database.Initialize() as well.
Neither seems to work. What do I need to do to have EF refresh the connection string data without forcing the user to close and reopen the app? If they do that then it works.

I would always work with a connection string in memory. Keep it e.g. in a context factory. Initially you read it from the config file, but it may get replaced by a new one. You store the new one in the app.config (when it is valid) for the next run of the application.

Are you instantiating a new instance of the DbContext class after the connection string is corrected? Reusing the DbContext instance that initially failed would be the problem.

For the moment,I think to force EF to reload app.config .After we change the app.config the
is not worked for EF,so you must to restart your application.
The best way to solve the problem:
with NO Connection strings in app.config.
Uses automatic migrations and 2 databases using the same context. The real runtime supplied Connection. Approach.


How use existing connection in Logic Apps Designer

When I create a new Logic App and choose, for example, "SFTP file is added or modified" I am prompted to add the connection information. I have already created an API connection to my SFTP server. How to choose this existing connection instead of creating a new one in Designer? Or do I have to switch to Code View in order to use an existing connection?
Update: I tried in code view to copy over my connections ( the "$connections" element from another Logic App) and go this error:
Operation failed: The template validation failed: 'The template parameters '$connections' are not valid; they are not present in the original template and can therefore not be provided at execution time. The only supported parameters for this template are ''.'.
The answer is that the new Logic App has to be in the same region as the existing API Connection.

Sonar Api - Access to database

I am writting a widget for Sonar. It has to upload a string and put it in the sonar database. (Table "properties", "prop_key" = "views.def", It change the structure of views for the plugin porfolio manager).
I coded a little form where the user can copy/paste the string. It appears on my sonar web UI. But I don't know what to do now...
I need to put that string into the sonar DB. How can I communicate with the DB from a widget (with API tools) ?
I searched in Sonar API documentation, but I am a bit overflowed by the informations, and it is not everytime clearly explained.
Thanks for the time you will spend on my question.
EDIT : I found how to access to the database table "properties", by the org.sonar.api.config.Settings class. (method setProperty to write, getString to read (a String :p)).
But this methods havn't access to the DB for writting, so the modifications made by setters are not saved :/

EFCodeFirst 4.2 and Provider Manifest tokens

I have a library that I have created that depends on EF Codefirst for DB interaction. I am also using EntityMigrations Alpha 3. When I use the library in my main application (WPF) everything works fine and as expected. Another part of the system uses Excel and retrieves information using the same library via an additional COM class in between.
In the Excel scenario, as soon as it tries to connect to the database, it throws up an exception to do with "The Provider did not return a ProviderManifestToken".
I'm really not sure why I'm only getting the error when I go through Excel/COM. In both scenarios I can confirm that the same DB connection string is being used. THe method to retrieve the DB Connection string is also the same - they use a shared config file & loader class.
Any suggestions welcome.
Issue resolved.
I had also created a custom DBIntializer and part of the intialization calls upon EntityMigrations to ensure the DB is up to date. The custom migration calls the default constructor on your context. By convention this will either dynamically use it's own connection string for SQLExpress(I don't have installed) or try to look for an entry in your config file (I don't have this either for the dll - config comes from hosting apps).
This is what is causing the failure when being used from Excel(In my scenario). The Migration will be newing up an instance of the context using the default constructor. This means that a config entry for the connection string is required or it uses the default process(SQLExpress). When being used from Excel in a COM env – no config file exists.
Moving the migration out of the Initialization strategy means I no longer have a problem.

SQL Session State Server dynamic connection string

I am using a SQL Server for ASP.Net session state. However, I am only able to retrieve the connection string at runtime and for that reason cannot store it in the web.config file. Usually it would be in:
sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=<username>;password=<strongpassword>"
How can I set that connection string at runtime? (i.e. after the web app spins up.)
Have you looked at doing it in the Application_Start event in Global.asax? This seems like the logical place to set something like that.
From MSDN's documentation:
Called when the first resource (such
as a page) in an ASP.NET application
is requested. The Application_Start
method is called only one time during
the life cycle of an application. You
can use this method to perform startup
tasks such as loading data into the
cache and initializing static values.
You should set only static data during
application start. Do not set any
instance data because it will be
available only to the first instance
of the HttpApplication class that is
I would think you can set that string somewhere within System.Web.SessionState, hopefully that will help you get to the right place. Sorry I can't give a better answer, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. If I do, I'll let you know. GL

How do I encrypt the connection string with EF 4.1 Code First?

I'm using the Code First RC to build a class library and I would like to be able to encrypt the connection string that I'm using. The consumers of the class library could be ASP.NET or Windows Forms apps, so I need an encryption method that works with both.
It appears that I can pass in a connection string to DbContext by name, but not by value, as shown here, so I don't think I can manually decrypt within my program before passing the string to DbContext. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
You can easily encrypt any .NET configuration section - not just in ASP.NET as many devs seem to think, but absolutely also in other apps.
Check out Jon Galloway's blog post on the topic - excellent read!
With this approach, you could encrypt the <connectionStrings> section - and to make it easier still, you could externalize that section into a separate file, too.
So in your app.config for your Winforms app, you'd have:
<connectionStrings configSource="ConnectionStrings.config" />
and the same would be in your web.config for your web application, and the file referenced would contain just the <connectionStrings> and that could be encrypted. Load the appropriate connection string from your config, and pass it into your DbContext constructor, and you should be fine.
You can pass a full connection string into DbContext:
Under "Other DbContext Constructor Options":
You can pass a full connection string to DbContext instead of just
the database or connection string
name. By default this connection
string is used with the
System.Data.SqlClient provider;
this can be changed by setting a
different implementation of
IConnectionFactory onto
You can use an existing DbConnection object by passing it
to a DbContext constructor. If the
connection object is an instance of
EntityConnection, then the model
specified in the connection will be
used in Database/Model First mode.
If the object is an instance of
some other type—for example,
SqlConnection—then the context will
use it for Code First mode.
If this is true, then you can use AES or some other encryption to encrypt the string in the .config file, then decrypt at runtime and feed it into the DbContext constructor.
