C: bit operations on a variable-length bit string - c

I'm doing some bit operations on a variable-length bit string.
I defined a function setBits(char *res, int x, int y) that should work on that bit string passed by the *res variable, given a x and y (just to mention, I'm trying to implement something like a Bloom filter using 8 bits per x):
void setBits(char *res, int x, int y)
*res |= x << (y * 8)
E.g. given the following x-y-vectors {0,0} ; {0,1} ; {1,2} ; {2,3}, I expect a bit string like this (or vice-versa depending whether little- or big-endian, but that isn't important right now):
0000 0010 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
So the lowest 8 bits should come from {0,0}, the second 8 bits from {0,1}, the next 8 bits come from {1,2} and the last from {2,3}.
Unfortunately, and I don't seem to get the reason for that, setBits always returns only the last result (in this case i.e. the bit string from {2,3}). I debugged the code and realized that *res is always 0 - but why? What am I doing wrong? Is it that I chose char* that it doesn't work or am I completely missing something very stupid?

Assuming 8-bit chars, the maximum value you can store in *res is 0xff i.e. (1<<8)-1.
Consider what happens when you call setBits for x=1, y=1
x << (y * 8) == 1 << (1 * 8)
== 1 << 8
== 0x100
*res is an 8-bit value so can only store the bottom 8 bits of this calculation. For any non-zero value of y, the bits which can be stored in *res are guaranteed to be 0.


MSB (1-bit most left) index in C

How can I get the most significative 1-bit index from an unsigned integer (uint16_t)?
uint16_t x = // 0000 0000 1111 0000 = 240
printf("ffs=%d", __builtin_ffs(allowed)); // ffs=4
There is a function (__builtin_ffs) that return the least significative 1-bit (LSB) from a unsigned integer.
I want something opposite, I want some function which returns 8 applied to above example.
Remark: I have tried building my own function but I have found some problems with datatype size, which depends by compiler.
From the GCC manual at http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/Other-Builtins.html:
Built-in Function: int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x)
Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit position. If x is 0, the result is undefined.
So, highest set bit:
(CHAR_BIT * sizeof 1 - __builtin_clz(x)) // 1-based index!!
beware of x == 0 or x<0 && sizeof(x)<sizeof 0 though.
if I am reading this right (am I? I'm a little rusty on this stuff) you can do this as follows:
int msb = 0;
while(x) { // while there are still bits
x >>= 1; // right-shift the argument
msb++; // each time we right shift the argument, increment msb

Mask and extract bits in C

I've been looking at posts about masks, but I still can't get my head around how to extract certain bits from a number in C.
Say if we have an integer number, 0001 1010 0100 1011, its hexadecimal representation is 0x1A4B, right? If I want to know the 5th to 7th number, which is 101 in this case, shall I use int mask= 0x0000 1110 0000 0000, int extract = mask&number?
Also, how can I check if it is 101? I guess == won't work here...
Masking is done by setting all the bits except the one(s) you want to 0. So let's say you have a 8 bit variable and you want to check if the 5th bit from the is a 1. Let's say your variable is 00101100. To mask all the other bits we set all the bits except the 5th one to 0 using the & operator:
00101100 & 00010000
Now what this does is for every bit except the 5th one, the bit from the byte on the right will be 0, so the result of the & operation will be 0. For the 5th bit, however, the value from the right bit is a 1, so the result will be whatever the value of hte 5th bit from the left byte is - in this case 0:
Now to check this value you have to compare it with something. To do this, simply compare the result with the byte on the right:
result = (00101100 & 00010000) == 00000000
To generalize this, you can retrieve any bit from the lefthand byte simply by left-shifting 00000001 until you get the bit you want. The following function achieves this:
int getBit(char byte, int bitNum)
return (byte & (0x1 << (bitNum - 1)))
This works on vars of any size, whether it's 8, 16, 32 or 64 (or anything else for that matter).
Assuming the GCC extension 0b to define binary literals:
int number = 0b0001101001001011; /* 0x1A4B */
int mask = 0b0000111000000000; /* 0x0E00 */
/* &'ed: 0b0000101000000000; 0x0A00 */
int extract = mask & number; /* 0x0A00 */
if (extract == 0b0000101000000000)
/* Or if 0b is not available:
if (extract == 0x0a00 ) */
/* Success */
/* Failure */
You need to mask and shift. Either shift the value you are comparing to, or the value you are comparing. I find it easier to think about by shifting the value you are comparing to. So if you're trying to extract the 5th to 7th digits (from the left), you shift right 9 positions (16-7) so that the 7th digit is now the rightmost, then apply 0x7 (111 in binary) as a mask to get only the rightmost three binary digits
int i = 0x1A4B;
if (((i >> 9) & 0x07) == 0x05) { // 0x05 = 101 in binary
//do what you need to
First, the digits in binary are (usually) counted from the right (10th and 12th digit) or you say 5th and 7th most significant digits.
int mask = 0x0E00; // 0000 1110 0000 0000;
int extract = mask & number;
results in:
extract = 0000 1010 0000 0000
You can do
if (extract == 0x0A00 /*0000 1010 0000 0000*/){}
to test, or:
if (( extract >> 9 ) == 0x05){}
Both of the statements in the if will return true with your sample number.
Usually with a mask you will find yourself testing a single digit. You could use a function like this to test it:
bool digit_value( unsigned int number, unsigned int digit)
return (1 << digit) & number;
int main()
unsigned int number = 0x1A4B;
int should_be_three = 0;
should_be_three += digit_value(number, 10);
should_be_three += !digit_value(number, 11);
should_be_three += digit_value(number, 12);
printf("%s", (should_be_three == 3?"it worked":"it didn't work"));
return 0;
It may be simpler to check bits one-by-one, not all at once.
At first, you create mask for interested bit:
int fifthBitMask = 1 << 4;
int fifthBitResult = number & fifthBitMask;
int seventhBitMask = 1 << 6;
int seventhBitResult = number & seventhBitMask;
Now, you can compare results with zero OR with mask.
Comparing with zero can be omitted, so you can just use simple if:
if (fifthBitResult && seventhBitResult)
//your code here
Also, you can compare with masks. After operation &, in result will set only bits, which was set in mask.
So, it could like this:
if (fifthBitResult == fifthBitMask && seventhBitResult == seventhBitMask)
// your code here
So, if result of operation is equals to mask, you can do this with one operation:
int mask = 0x5 << 4; // 0x5 is hex representation of 101b
int result = number & mask;
if (result == mask)
// your code here
shall I use int mask= 0x0000 1110 0000 0000, int extract = mask&number?-
Yes, you can do this.
Also, how can I check if it is 101?
Sure you can check this-
0000 1010 0000 0000 which is 1280 in int.
extract== 1280
First of all, your calculation for bits 7-6-5 is incorrect. You stated it was 101, but it is 010 (for x1a43).
Second of all, to get these bits (the value represented by these bits) you should do &0xE0.
int my_bits_from_5to7 = number & 0xE0;

Setting invidual bits in byte by group of bits

For example:
We have a byte A: XXXX XXXX
We have a byte B: 0000 0110
And now for example we want 4 bits from byte B on specific position and we want to put inside byte A on specific position like so we have a result:
We have a byte A: 0110 XXXX
Im still searching through magic functions without success.
Found similar and reworking it but still have no endgame with it:
unsigned int i, j; // positions of bit sequences to swap
unsigned int n; // number of consecutive bits in each sequence
unsigned int b; // bits to swap reside in b
unsigned int r; // bit-swapped result goes here
unsigned int x = ((b >> i) ^ (b >> j)) & ((1U << n) - 1); // XOR temporary
r = b ^ ((x << i) | (x << j));
As an example of swapping ranges of bits suppose we have have b = 00101111 (expressed in binary) and we want to swap the n = 3 consecutive bits starting at i = 1 (the second bit from the right) with the 3 consecutive bits starting at j = 5; the result would be r = 11100011 (binary).
This method of swapping is similar to the general purpose XOR swap trick, but intended for operating on individual bits. The variable x stores the result of XORing the pairs of bit values we want to swap, and then the bits are set to the result of themselves XORed with x. Of course, the result is undefined if the sequences overlap.
It's hard to understand your requirenments exactly, so correct me if I'm wrong:
You want to take the last 4 bits of a byte (B) and add them to the first for bits of byte A? You use the term 'put inside' but it's unclear what you mean exactly by it (If not adding, do you mean replace?).
So assuming addition is what you want you could do something like this:
A = A | (B <<4)
This will shift by 4 bits to the left (thereby ending up with 01100000) and then 'adding ' it to A (using or).
byte B: 0000 0110
and you want 0110 XXXX
so AND A with 00001111 then copy the last 4 bits of B (first shift then OR)
a &= 0x0F; //now a is XXXX
a |= (b << 4); //shift B to 01100000 then OR to get your result
if you wanted 0110 YYYY just shift a by 4 to the right instead of AND
a >>= 4
Found an solution :
x = ((b>>i)^(r>>j)) & ((1U << n) -1)
r = r^(x << j)
where r is the 2nd BYTE, i,j are indexes in order (from,to).

how to find left most 1 in a 32bit int in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Find the highest order bit in C
How can I write a C function that will generate a mask indicating the leftmost 1 in x.
Ex: 0xFF00 -> 0x8000, and 0x6600 -> 0x4000. So far:
int left1(unsigned x){}
I understand, 0xFF00 == 1111 1111 0000 0000..
and 0x6600 == 0110 0110 0000 0000.. but I'm stumped after that.
You can do this in two parts: first, use a technique called "bit smearing" to ensure that all the bits to the right of the first 1 are also 1:
x |= x >> 16;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 1;
At this point, an input of 0xFF00 will leave x equal to 0xFFFF, and an input of 0x6600 will leave x equal to 0x7FFF. We can then leave just the highest 1 set using:
x ^= x >> 1;
Count the number of times it takes to bit-shift to the right until you reach 1, then bit-shift that 1 to the left by that same count.
int ct=0;
while (x > 1) { ct++; x = x >> 1; }
x = x << ct;
One approach is to create a bitmask, and then right-shift the value.
That is, create a bitmask so that your integer is '1000....' or '0.....' - depending on whether that first bit is a 0 or a 1.
Then take that integer and right-shift it until it becomes the least-significant-bit, rather than the most-significant. As an example, 0b10000000 >> 8 is 1.
So first, depending on the size of your integer, you have to shift, well, however many bits are relevant.
Then you have to create the bitmask. Let's just take a 1-byte integer:
unsigned int i = 1 << 8 would create an integer i whose most significant bit is a 1.
Or you could use hex. You already know that 0xFF == 11111111. You can actually break it up further: 0xF0 == 11110000
Since 0xF == 1111 in binary, well, we will do the reverse. 1000 in binary is what, in hex? 1000 in binary is the number 8, which also happens to equal 0x8
So, for a single byte, the mask for the leftmost bit is 0x80.
Now! Apply this to 32 bits!
Good luck!

C bitwise shift

I suppose sizeof(char) is one byte. Then when I write following code,
int main(void)
char x = 10;
printf("%d", x<<5);
The output is 320
My question is, if char is one byte long and value is 10, it should be:
0000 1010
When I shift by 5, shouldn't it become:
0100 0001
so why is output 320 and not 65?
I am using gcc on Linux and checked that sizeof(char) = 1
In C, all intermediates that are smaller than int are automatically promoted to int.
Therefore, your char is being promoted to larger than 8 bits.
So your 0000 1010 is being shifted up by 5 bits to get 320. (nothing is shifted off the top)
If you want to rotate, you need to do two shifts and a mask:
unsigned char x = 10;
x = (x << 5) | (x >> 3);
x &= 0xff;
printf("%d", x);
It's possible to do it faster using inline assembly or if the compiler supports it, intrinsics.
Mysticial is right. If you do
char x = 10;
printf("%c", x);
It prints "#", which, if you check your ASCII table, is 64.
0000 1010 << 5 = 0001 0100 0000
You had overflow, but since it was promoted to an int, it just printed the number.
Because what you describe is a rotate, not a shift. 0 is always shifted in on left shifts.
