Bind ngInclude to different models - angularjs

Is it possible to specify model for ngInclude so that any changes done inside the included template are reflected on the specified model. For instance:
I have a model such as :
$scope.member = {
name: "Member1",
and the template:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="name.html">
<input type="text" ng-model=""/>
Now is it possible to pass ngInclude either "member" or any child and get their respective name properties modified? I tried passing ng-model to the ng-template but it doesn't work. I tried to dynamically load the scope with the intended model but if the model gets delete, I am left with an orphan template. Following is the jsfiddle code:
I wish to reuse the template rather than duplicating the same template for different models. I have refered to this question:
How to specify model to a ngInclude directive in AngularJS?
But here models are not getting deleted.
I have not grasped the concepts of creating custom directives till now. But will creating a new directive in conjuction with ng-include help?

The answer of your last question is: yes. In a directive, you define also a template and a scope. The content of the scope is completely in your hands.
See here:
Member: <member model="member"></member>
<li ng-repeat="child in member.children">
Child {{$index}}: <member model="child"></member>
The directive:
app.directive('member', function(){
return {
template : '<input type="text" ng-model=""/>',
replace : true,
restrict: 'E',
scope : {
'member' : '=model'
link: function(scope, element, attr) {}
I've moved the template in an inline variant because I could not getting the template cache getting to work in jsfiddle. In a real world, a templateUrl: 'name.html' should be fine.
This is what you want?


How to pass string and bool variables automatically to directive parent scope

I bind variable in a directive like this :
<path-filter-modal is-opened="filterModalIsOpened">
And in the directive I use '=' binding like this:
scope: {
isOpened: '='
When I change variable in directive, a parent scope contains own value.
How can I make that the parent scope contain the same value?
For objects it works well but not with strings and booleans.
Notice that I use controller that is defined in my directive in my directive to change values.
Because JavaScript is designed to be so.
Defining an isolate scope in the directive creates a new $scope object, which is a separate $scope object. Its only relationship with the parent scope is that: $isolateScope.$parent === $parentScope. It doesn't inherits from $parentScope prototypical.
When you assign some primitive type (string/boolean) to $scope.isOpened, actually JavaScript engine will create a new variable isOpened on $scope. It is totally not related to $parentScope.isOpened.
But now, Angular syncs the two variables for you implicitly. So binding primitive variables still makes two-way binding work well. Please check JSFiddle.
If you binds to some object type, the child scope and parent scope are referencing to the exactly the same copy of an object in the memory. Changing on the parent scope will change the child scope automatically. So two-way binding is always recommended to bind objects, not primitive types.
Check this JSFiddle. I bind a primitive and an object to the directive myDirective. Then modify them inside the link function:
scope.primitiveParam = 'primitive from directive';
// $parent.primitive and primitiveParam refer to different memory;
// Angular is responsible to sync them.
console.log(scope.primitiveParam); = 'object from directive';
// $parent.obj and objectParam refer to an identical object
console.log(scope.objectParam === scope.$parent.obj);
And the result is like:
primitive from parent
primitive from directive
object from directive
object from directive
For more details: Understanding Scopes (here are many intuitive images illustrating the concepts clearly)
RE: For objects it works well but not with strings and booleans
I think it's the usual case of prototypal inheritance problem. When the model come from object it works well, but if it come from non-objects there's a possibility that the ng-model is created on child scope.
To solve that problem, use modern approach, use Controller as approach. Or put the filterModelIsOpened in an object. The first approach is better.
<div ng-controller="SomeController as s">
<path-filter-modal is-opened="s.filterModalIsOpened">
function SomeController() { // no need to use $scope
this.filterModalIsOpened = false;
Or if you are using older version of Angular, you cannot use Controller as approach. Just create your own alias in the controller:
<div ng-controller="SomeController">
<path-filter-modal is-opened="s.filterModalIsOpened">
function SomeController($scope) {
$scope["s"] = this;
this.filterModalIsOpened = false;
Here's a good article explaining the prototypal inheritance:
Here are the demo why you should always prefix your model, be they are object or primitive.
Not recommended. Live code demo:
<div ng-app="App" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div ng-if="true">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="filterModalCanBeOpened"/>
<the-directive primitive-param="filterModalCanBeOpened"></the-directive>
The value below doesn't react to changes in primitive(non-object) property
that is created a copy on a directive(e.g., ng-repeat, ng-if) that creates
child scope
$scope.primitive: {{filterModalCanBeOpened}}
angular.module('App', [])
.directive('theDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
primitiveParam: '='
template: '<div>primitiveParam from directive: {{ primitiveParam }}; </div>',
link: function (scope) {
.controller('Ctrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.filterModalCanBeOpened = true;
Recommended: Live code demo:
<div ng-app="App" ng-controller="Ctrl as c">
<div ng-if="true">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="c.filterModalCanBeOpened"/>
<the-directive primitive-param="c.filterModalCanBeOpened"></the-directive>
The value below react to changes in primitive(non-object) property that is
addressed directly by its alias c, creating child scope on it would be
impossible. So the primitive below react to changes on
the c's filterModalCanBeOpened.
c.primitive: {{c.filterModalCanBeOpened}}
angular.module('App', [])
.directive('theDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
primitiveParam: '='
template: '<div>primitiveParam from directive: {{ primitiveParam }}; </div>',
link: function (scope) {
.controller('Ctrl', [function () {
this.filterModalCanBeOpened = true;

Angular directive: using ng-model within isolate scope

I'm having trouble working out how I can define a custom directive that both:
Uses isolate scope, and
Uses the ng-model directive in a new scope within in its template.
Here's an example:
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="ctrl">
<dir model=""></dir>
Outside directive: {{}}
var app = angular.module('app',[])
.controller('ctrl', function($scope){
$ = { bar: 'baz' };
.directive('dir', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
model: '='
template: '<div ng-if="true"><input type="text" ng-model="model" /><br/></div>'
The desired behaviour here is that the input's value is bound to the outer scope's property, via the the directive's (isolate) scope model property. That doesn't happen, because the ng-if directive on the template's enclosing div creates a new scope, so it's that scope's model that gets updated, not the directive's scope's.
Ordinarily you solve these ng-model issues by making sure there's a dot in the expression, but I can't see any way to do that here. I wondered if I might be able to use something like this for my directive:
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
model: {
value: '=model'
template: '<div ng-if="true"><input type="text" ng-model="model.value" /><br/></div>'
but that doesn't work...
You are right - ng-if creates a child scope which is causing a problem when text is entered in the input text field. It creates a shadow property named 'model' in child scope which is a copy of the parent scope variable with the same name - effectively breaking the two-way model binding.
The fix for this is simple. In your template, specify the $parent prefix:
template: '<div ng-if="true">
<input type="text" ng-model="$parent.model" /><br/>
This ensures that it will resolve 'model' from the $parent scope, which you've already setup for two-way model binding through the isolated scope.
In the end, the '.' in ng-model saves the day. I find it useful to think about anything left of the dot as a way for Angular to resolve the property through scope inheritance. Without the dot, resolving the property only becomes an issue when we're assigning scope variables (otherwise, lookups are fine, including read-only {{model}} binding expressions).
ng-if creates an additional prototypally inheriting scope, so ng-model="model" binds to the inherited property of the new scope and not to the 2-way binded property of the directive scope.
Change it to ng-show and it will work.
You can use a small Firebug extension i've written to inspect angular scopes.

Creating layout using Angular directives

Folks.. i am trying to layout a bunch of columns in tablular format using Angular directive but am lost after having written some code.
What's the issue?
I need to display a bunch of columns as shown in the plnkr (Display option 2). However I want to achieve this using directives.
Here is the plnkr:
Any help will be appreciated
If you add a template to the directive, you can output the same markup as your first example:
return ({
restrict : "A",
template: '<span ng-repeat="element in header" ng-style="{width: element.width}" class="box">{{element.column}}</span>'
function link($scope, element, attributes){
console.log("now what");
This one uses the parent scope so you don't need the header attribute:
<h1>Display option 2: Use Directive </h1>
<div custom-table>
Here is an updated plunker.
You could also use Isolated Scope and two-way bind the header. This allows the header object to be bound between the parent scope and the directive scope:
return ({
restrict : "A",
scope: {
header = '='
template: '<span ng-repeat="element in header" ng-style="{width: element.width}" class="box">{{element.column}}</span>'
function link($scope, element, attributes){
console.log("now what");
And then you can declare header as you did originally:
<h1>Display option 2: Use Directive </h1>
<div custom-table header="header">

angularjs directive with ng-repeat not respecting = scope binding

I have created a directive with an isolated scope with two properties. One of them set to data-binding with the equal sign. If I manually insert the directive several times the html document, changes to the values are reflected, as expected, on the scope in the controller. But if I insert the elements with a repeater (ng-repeat) the connection to the scope on the controller no longer works. Any idea why?
The directive looks like this:
myApp.directive("phone", function(){
restrict: "E",
template: '<div class="panel"> <input type="text" ng-model="dirname"><br>Number:{{number}} {{dirname}}</div> '
I'll guess (since you didn't provide any HTML or model data) that you have an array of dirnames, so inside the ng-repeat, you are trying to bind the ng-model to a primitive. Since each iteration of ng-repeat creates its own child scope, when you first type into a textbox, a dirname primitive property will be created on the child scope. (This is how JavaScript prototypal inheritance works.)
The fix is to use an object rather than a primitive.
$scope.names = [ {name: 'Superhero'}, {name: 'Julio'} ];
<li ng-repeat="nameObj in names">
<phone number="123" dirname=""></phone>

AngularJS : directives nested in a ng-repeat

I have an angularjs web app which has a view with the following basic structure :
<li ng-repeat="entry in entries" ng-switch on="entry.type" logic-options >
<div ng-switch-when=1 text-entry></div>
<div ng-switch-when=2 other-entry></div>
Here text-entry and other-entry are directives which have there own templates and logic-options is another directive which has a template and controller.
The logic-options directive provides some functions to be used by the child scope and has replace: false so that it should append its template to the end of the li. The text-entry and other-entry directives simply have some templates to be inserted which are also used on other views.
When I run this the logic-options directive will render and seems to function but the inner directives (text-entry and other-entry) will not.
In the console I get the error :
Error: Argument '?' is required qa#...
What causes this error and how do I correct it?
A fiddle demonstrating this problem :
I believe you should be transcluding the child elems, also you may want to avoid
putting 'ng-switch' directive in a different layer, so that it would not conflict with
other directives.
app.directive('logicOption', function() {
return {
replace: false,
transclude: true,
template: "<div ng-transclude>{{entry.type}} : This is the logic stuff</div>"
