Publishing app to Opera Mobile store - mobile

I have uploaded an app to opera mobile store about a week but i can't enable my Application! How long the verifity process takes? Or why i can't enable it?

Verification takes only about 12 hours. You should have received an email from them. If you have not then you either have not finished your application completely or you have a typo in your email address.


Does email sending functionality work in development local builds of react firebase projects?

I've created functionality to send a password reset email from this guide.
My code throws no errors and says that it sends the email to a valid email address but I receive no email.
The only reason I could think of that may cause this is that its running on a react local development build instead of the live build website.
Is it the case that firebase email functionality doesn't work on local builds?
I have checked my spam folder, checked filtering settings on multiple email addresses. It has no reason to be blocked by my inbox settings.
If anyone is looking for the answer to this question, its yes - email sending functionality does work in local builds.
This turned out to be a very complex solution with a long answer, and was not to do with React at all.
Read Frank's answer, and my guide on this post.

Site works but Facebook debugger Curl error: 28 (OPERATION_TIMEOUTED)

I have website developed using nodejs and react server side rendering.
When i am trying to scrape my website with facebook debugger, facebook takes more than 10 sec and times out. However I noticed that my web server responds to facebook scraper request within few milliseconds.
Also, Page performance is fine and it serves in less than 2 secs at max.
Note: FB debugger can scrape my website homepage (which is static file) without any issues. Not sure what is causing facebook debugger to timeout.
Any ideas?
I had path which was blocking the request, fixing that but fixed the issue.
#souhailhimself thank you for pointing in the right direction.

how to send email directly in React Native App

I am progromming about function: send Email to gmail Address directly from React native App.
I searched on Internet and try library:,
Howerver, they only show me view of Gmail App which I installed in my device.
I want react native app will send directly to Address Email.
My device I tested run on Android Platform.
Thank you so much
You need an email server or an email services to send an email, there is no way you can send an email directly from the client side.
There are several of them in the internet, you can try: MailGun or SendPulse, they got some good free tiers.
Your job is just calling a simple POST method from your app to their APIs.
I have tried, and so far succeeded in testing with iOS, with react-native-email ("npm install react-native-email").
There is a bit of fluffing around when sending the first email as you have to "login" to your email account. But otherwise, test emails are going through fine.
Also, SendPulse is a bulk newsletter service, not for individual emails.
One annoying caveat: it won't work in your emulator. It will return a URL error when you click the send button. But it works fine on a real device. I'm using Expo (and who wouldn't) and it works fine on my iPhone.
Complete code for testing purposes here:

WindowsStoreApp Failed certification,saying the App failed Touch Input

My WindowsStoreApp certification failed(not the first submission) in Windows Store recently. The Note from testers says
The app is not usable with touch input and no such limitation is
disclosed in the app description page. Please see:
for some of the common interactions for keyboard, mouse and touch.
I dont have a Windows RT device to test, instead I test my App in a windows 8 PC. I used 'POINTER PRESSED' Event in my App for Navigations,calculations,etc. I had successfully uploaded this App to the store a lot of times,but this time it failed. I am confused. My App should support all sort of WindowsStore Devices.Please guide me.

What is the alternative way of sending user location via sms on iOS6?

i have done a security app which locate a iPhone and send the GPS location of the phone through message to an associated number this functions works good until iOS 5, but the issue is sending SMS without users knowledge is restricted in iOS 6, so i need a help here instead of sending message, is there any other possible way or replacement for this function? any answer related to this method are appreciated.
Thank you.
You haven't specified whether your ios app has a server. If yes, you can transmit location to server and that in turn can transmit it to intended user via specific api.
If this is not correct, APNS is your friend. This is a way to send messages to desired devices only, the ones who explicitly registers through your app.
Another quite equivalent option is to store it in public back-end like As soon as other devices start your app, they can pull your location from there. If their device is already live, can make sure to notify them as soon as you change your location value in their DB.
