How Do I install an app on the ubuntu Touch device - mobile

I've been looking into Ubuntu Touch.
So I installed ubuntu on a Nexus 10 following the instructions here
I built the sample app following the instructions here
So now I have a device running ubuntu touch and an application, how do I put the application on the device?

You can use Qt Creator: Connect your Ubuntu Touch Device through usb open your project and simply press Ctrl+F12.
This works only if you have once installed ssh-server on the device.
Alternatively you can do it manually. Copy the necessary files (*.qml and *.desktop) to the device and start the application via ssh
qmlscene --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/qmlscene.desktop YourApp.qml
Remember, this is all beta and if you are not a developer then you won't have much use for Ubuntu Touch at this stage. Eventually, Ubuntu Touch will have its own app store where it will be much easier to download apps and install them on your device.

If you are using the sdk provided by Ubuntu, then all you have to do is go:
Build -> Ubuntu Touch -> Install Application on Device
This will actually install the App instead of just running it. Now you can bring your prototypes with you =)


Set up kenlm for Windows

The official website makes it pretty clear that there is no support for kenlm in Windows. There is a Windows tag at the github repository but it seems to be maintained by few random contributors then and there.
How to set up kenlm for Windows then?
The new DeepSpeech PlayBook also includes instructions for setting up a Docker image and running training from within a Docker container. If you have Docker on Windows, this might be another solution.
The information for building a new Scorer is still in a PR, but may also be useful.
The solution is to use Ubuntu in Windows through Windows Subsystem for Linux
Get WSL for Windows
From your ubuntu bash navigate to the folder where you want to do the setup. You can access the Windows file system from the /mnt/c/ folder, which you can find at the root directory.
From there simply follow the official instructions, that is clone the git repo, and run cmake .. & make -j2 in order to build the project (after first making the necessary installations in your Ubuntu system).
Obviously, you must train the models or scorers using the Linux bash. You can also use these models from Windows using the kenlm python library.
The two steps to build a scorer for the deepspeech-model as described here should be executed from your Ubuntu system. But after you have the scorer you should be able to run the command
deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer kenlm.scorer --audio audio.wav
from Windows. However, once you have WSL there's no need to do this work from Windows. Things will work nicely #your Ubuntu system.
I've faced the same problem and solved it by building kenlm wheel from Cygwin terminal as home page advices (pip wheel pypi-kenlm).
I've also uploaded wheel to pypi called kenlm-cygwin, but it's only python3.7.

Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged correctly happened on Android v4.4.2

I compiled react-native on Android v4.4.2 but the problems arised:
I tried to follow this solution, but I did not how to run on Command Prompt Windows 10:
$> cd myproject
$> react-native start > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$> curl "http://localhost:8081/" -o
> "android/app/src/main/assets/
$> (cd android/ && ./gradlew assembleDebug)
I tried to compile the same way on Android V6.0. Then there was no problem at all.
How to make android V4.4.2 also can be use like Android v6.0 for my first react-native
project development?
That error means your React Native app can't fetch your JS files from your localhost. You'd usually just run react-native start to serve the JS files from your packager, but Android 4.4.x cannot connect to your localhost with the default adb reverse method.
The way I run on Android 4.4.x is to manually set the device to connect to my machine via Wi-Fi (Official guide here!).
Access the React Native dev menu by shaking your device or pressing the hardware menu button (can be done with Ctrl+M or Cmd+M in a simulator, IIRC)
Go to Dev Settings
Under the Debugging section, tap "Debug server host & port for device"
Enter your machine's IP address, as well as the port through which the React Native packager is serving, e.g. "" (make sure your device and your machine are on the same network!)
Reload through the dev menu again (or by pressing Ctrl+R or Cmd+R in a simulator, I think)
Try running this command
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

Error while installing app in android emulator in win8

As I was trying to install the app in my emulator through command prompt, it shows--
"error- more than one device and emulator."
I've 4 emulator but only 1 was online while I was installing the app.
I use this command (without quotes)
"adb install .apk"
Need help!!
close emulator, close adb. open and reconnect, you can use
adb devices
to see connected devices.

Golang GAE SDK on XP: Do I have to install it? Are there other ways to use the SDK on XP?

The introduction says:
Follow the instructions on the download page to install the SDK on
your computer.
But the download page has no any instructions about how to install and what to do next. Only links.
All I found is this link to WindowsInstallation:
Download and run the latest Windows installer from our downloads page
Must Windows XP users use the installer? Can they just download the Linux version and unzip it? I'd like to have a portable version rather than one that installs EXEs and registry settings, etc.
Also I do not understand what exactly do I have to choose. There are:
Google App Engine SDK 1.7.7 (.msi file)
Google App Engine SDK for Go 1.7.7 (.zip file)
I've downloaded the second. Do I need to download and install the first too? Just adding the second to the PATH and develop is exactly what I want. Is this enough?
The Linux version will have executables compiled for Linux, so you can't run those on Windows (unless you run linux under a virtual machine with VirtualBox, VMWare or similar).
No, you do not need to install something to run Go GAE on XP.
I just downloaded from
Unzipped it in C:\go_appengine-1.7.7
Added the folder in my PATH. The main goal is to have these files and in the PATH. It is written
here. Not a must, though, only for convenience.
Installed Python 2.7.4. Only works with 2.7.4. At first I installed
the latest 3.3.1 but had to change it to 2.7.4 because Go GAE cannot
run, throws an error.
And that's all. Just created a sample script, ran C:\> myapp and opened my sample app in localhost:8080.
Do not know, though, what benefits the installer offer. I didn't test it.
That was just a sample script. Maybe some serious development requires installation.

How to run BB10 simulator in Mac OS X

After installing the simulator I am not able to follow the instructions found here. I installed BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha B Simulator. The page asks to run "BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_ n_nn" but I cannot find any thing like that in my installation directory:
ls -1 BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_10-261/
I found "" in the bbm directory but running it does not actually run a simulator, I am not sure what it does.
$ls -1 BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_10-261/bbm
Can anyone help?
The simulator requires VMWare player, a free download.
Mac OS requires which is not free. Either bootcamp windows, install a linux distro or virtualize either to virtualize the emulator... (XZibit meme someone?) which is likely not going to work.
MAC OS requires VMFusion 30 day trial for installing the BB 10 simulator.
#russoue:- Once you install VMware Fusion Just open the **BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_10.vmwarevm** with VMware Fusion and you are done. it will take some 5 min to load simulator.
