Joomla 3 JDatabase how to echo rows - database

I can't find valid statement for fetching rows and displaying items in JDatabase.
My code looks like this:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select(array('item_id, item_name'));
How to print out these items in table?

The docs page is here:
you need to add something like this:
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
This will give you an array of objects where each object is a row.
This page: is for Joomla! 1.5, but still has (imho) the best list of the possible functions to get your data. Most are still valid I think.
To output the $results array you use something like this:
foreach ($results as $row) :
echo $row->item_id;
echo $row->item_name;

Try like this:
// Get a database object
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('item_id, item_name');
// sets up a database query for later execution
// fetch result as an object list
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
For more detail see the link Accessing the database using JDatabase/3.0 . For more methods of how to fetch result you can use loadResult(),loadRow(),loadAssoc(),loadObject(),loadResultArray(),loadRowList(),loadAssocList().
You can also refer this Accessing the database using JDatabase/1.5 .
You can also refer this link for how to
Developing a Model-View-Controller Component/3.0/Introduction
Developing a Model-View-Controller Component/2.5
Hope it help you.

You don't add the array to your select query, you simply add the values, separated by a comma, like so:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('item_id, item_name')
$results = $db->loadObjectList();


Joomla article 3.X - Hot to define a img article for a external run

I am using (improperly) a call to an external db where, based on the title of the article (which is empty) it gives me back some values ​​which I then expose.
The problem is that being the article composed only by the title and when I go to use the Joomla modules, they don't see the values ​​that I extract from db.
In practice, at each external call, I would like to re-define the parameters of that view:
PHp code:
$option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
$view = JRequest::getCmd('view');
if ($option=="com_content" && $view=="article") {
$ids = explode(':',JRequest::getString('id'));
$article_id = $ids[0];
$article =& JTable::getInstance("content");
$nome_micio = $article->get("title");
echo $nome_micio;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$gatto = $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__gatti WHERE nome = '$nome_micio' and deceduto = 'No'")->loadObject();
I need something like
define ($article->introtext) = $gatto->textonquerydb
Any ideas?

I want to show some values stored in database in a Joomla article

Hello everyone I want to show some values from the database in a joomla article in the following manner how can I do it ???
I've created the database in the following manner
One way to include php code in your article is to use an extension like
This will allow you to put some php code that will make a query. Doing this in a Joomla way it would look like:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->select($db->quoteName(array('ques', 'options', 'ans')))
->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . $idOfQuestionYouWantToGrab);
$result = $db->loadAssoc();
Now you can show your question:
<?php echo $result['ques']; ?>
then somehow you will need to visualize questions separating them them with some regular expression, since your fields aren't structured well :/
Same with the answers. Then you will need to make some validation with JavaScript to see if answer is the correct one.

How to use findAll() in yii2?

I want to know how can i get all data of user with array id for where condition
In yii you could do something like this
$students = Student::model()->findAll("id IN ({$_POST['studentIds']})");
$userDtls = Student::model ()->findAllByAttributes ( array (
'id' => explode ( ",", $_POST ['studentIds'] )
) );
Now in yii2 CDbCriteria is not there, so which approach should i use to achieve same thing??
I have tried this but it only returns data for first id in the array
$result = Users::findAll([ 'id'=> $_POST ['keylist']]);
In documentation it is written that we can use this
$result = Users::findAll([1,488,489]);
But my array $_POST['keylist'] is something like this
I have also tried this
$ids = \Yii::$app->request->post('keylist', []);
$result = Users::findAll($ids);
And still returns data for first id in the array here is the screenshot
Thats why it doesnt work i guess
thank you
$users = Users::findAll($ids); is a correct approach.
See what you can pass in $ids in official docs here.
As I explained you here, you should never trust data from $_POST and check it for existence and validate before using.
Example of getting and check for existence with Yii2:
$ids = \Yii::$app->request->post('ids');
Or just:
$ids = isset($_POST['ids']) ? $_POST['ids'] : null;
For more complex cases I'd recommend to create separate search model and use it with validation, see Gii's CRUD for example.
UPDATE: Pay attention to what you actually pass as $ids.
$students_ids = Yii::$app->request->post('studentIds');
if(isset($students_ids)) {
$result = Users::find()->where(['in','id',$students_ids])->all();
Try like this

Trying to Select Single Value from Joomla 2.5 Database

I am trying to determine if a certain module is published or not. Here is the script I am using to query the database:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where('module = mod_modulename');
$options = $db->loadObjectList();
When I try to return $options; I am getting a blank screen. Why won’t this just tell me if it is a 1 or 0 value and how can I fix it? Thanks.
Well I have it cleared up that my query was incomplete, so that you all for those notes. I now am having trouble getting the values that are loaded in the object list to print on the screen. I have tried return print_r and a foreach loop but nothing is showing up. Is there a way to test and find out if the object list is empty? It should not be as I see the value in the database table...
You forgot adding the following
So completed your query would be
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where('module = mod_modulename');
$db->setQuery($query); //this is what you forgot
$options = $db->loadObjectList();
Edit: You also don't need to set $db as reference anymore (&)

CakePHP - how to handle double quote in conditions array

See the following example code:
$conditions = array("Post.title" => 'This is a "Book"');
// Example usage with a model:
$this->Post->find('first', array('conditions' => $conditions));
Because find() actually looks for title = 'This is a \"Book\"', no result returned. I am wondering how to prevent find() from adding backslashes. Or is there any other solution?
*Actually the error occurred when I used updateAll($field, $conditions), not find(). I did not put the quote around literal values. For example, $field = array('title' => $some_title) should be $field = array('title' => "'" . Sanitize::escape($some_title) . "'") . Don't like the way CakePHP handles this though.*
You must be mistaken. The error must be somewhere else.
The resulting SQL query does contain
LIKE 'foo \"bar\"'
But that escaping is actually intentional.
I will still turn up the DB entry with foo "bar" - I just tried it myself with cake2.3/2.4.
So CakePHP is working correctly.
Just checked with cakePhp version 2.3.5, The double quotes are working fine, Please check below code for a Profile controller.
$data = $this->Profile->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('Profile.type'=>'user "one"')));
