Show heap status in Domino Designer resets every time - heap-memory

Is there a way to make this setting stick?
Everytime I enter Domino Designer I need to enable this setting under Preferences-General.
It is set but the heap status is not shown. Need to disable and enable again.
Version 8.5.3 or ND9, same "error"


How to XCreateWindow in the background?

I'm looking at improving developer experience when running graphics tests which spawn short-lived windows "like crazy". The windows need to be physically there, as otherwise data readback fails (i.e. the window cannot be hidden)
Needless to say, windows popping up at high frequency is unpleasant. I set out with the goal of finding a way to tell XCreateWindow to "create the window in the background", "not to steal focus" or something like that to no avail. The closest thing I could find is calling XSetInputFocus post-creation. Other than the fact that I couldn't make it work, I don't expect setting input focus to fully solve the issue anyway (as the windows would still pop up, just not without input focus, right?).
How is this done in X11?
P.S. The update notification on Ubuntu starts without popping to front, so this must be a possibility.
In the past I've tried and admitedly failed doing what you want to do. Nevertheless I've found a few "close-enough"-solutions that may be of interest.
XCreatePixmap might work out, but in my case didn't have a pixmap with desired properties (multisampling) so it "out the window" (haha)
To prevent some level of spaming you might be able to set XCreateWindow parent to a an exisiting window other than root, large enough to hold your tests and moved outside display. The parent window need be created, moved outside display and un-focused, but at least every window creation won't steal focus (I think) and spam on display.
Or you figure out a way to create additional displays, maybe using Xvbf. Didn't have admin access to corp dev env so didn't bother trying to install/configure, in addition to other obstacles, but it might just work for you.

wpf enable control on lost focus

I have a simple wpf application that consists of 3 textboxes (tx1 enabled, tx2 disabled and tx3 enabled) plus one more textboxes which are not relevant here.
Depending on the content of tx1, I would like to enable tx2. I do this check in tx1_LostFocus and set tx2.IsEnabled to True.
I would expect to have my cursor in tx2 after leaving tx1, but this is not the case, I always find the cursor in tx3, although tx2 is enabled after the action is over. I assume the focus manager simply has tx3 as target and enabling tx2 comes too late.
All tries using PreviewLostKeyboardFOcus did not help.
Please take into account that I have to do a legacy software transfer from vb6, so I cannot use bindings or validation using IDataErrorInfo, I simply have force the cursor like described.
Any clue?
On lost focus event of tx1 make is enable of tx2 true and then set focus on tx2 and add some delay on this thread using dispatcher or thread.threading.sleep() and in your xaml binding give update source trigger= property changed.
The behavior is as expected. When your LostFocus event fires, focus has ALREADY moved to the next (enabled) control in the tab order. Because you're not enabling the next textbox in the sequence until after you've already moved focus along the tab index order, the control you want to have focus is skipped, since it's disabled.
You have two choices to get your desired behavior:
Move your validation code to an event that fires BEFORE LostFocus
(so that when the user presses tab, the control would already be
enabled and therefore will be hit as the next control in the tab
index order) such as Validate or Change
Leave the validation code where it is and do as Gilberto and Kumar
suggest by specifying where focus should move programmatically (i.e.
call txt2.SetFocus() at the end of your validation code in the
LostFocus event)
Have you tried the "Tabindex" property?
Also you caan use on lost focus event: "tx2.setfocus" and so...

How to prevent the redraw of a managed winform on programmatic resize?

I have a .net 4.0 winforms project where I need to programmatically set the bounds (aka size) of a window (System.Windows.Forms.Form) and add/remove controls to/from it, at the same time, without visible flicker. The form is not user-resizable, the only place where its size is changed is the this.Bounds = foo / this.DesktopBounds = foo / ... call.
I already read about preventing flicker by sending WM_SETREDRAW using p/invoke, and about SuspendRedraw/SuspendLayout and friends. I still see flicker happening, and nailed the prob down to:
Windows redraws the form on setting its bounds/size, even if redraw was disabled.
I guess this is caused not by the form itself, but by the window manager somehow?
So - is there a way to absolutely prevent redrawing anything, in any circumstances, and then re-enabling redraw and refresh manually afterwards? Kind of "freeze window and display a snapshot", change stuff, and "replace snapshot with updated window (incl. position and size) in 1 go" ?
Thanks, cheers,
Use the ResizeRedraw property of the form. Set it to false.
You'll also need to redraw the window manually after.

Disable a right click (press and hold) in WPF application.

I am working on the touch screen application which is running on Windows XP Standard. With current hardware to invoke a right click user has to click and hold for couple of seconds, but this might interfere with other actions like holding a repeat button in the scrollviewer, so I have decide to disable a right click.
I would ideally wan't to disable a right click on the application level, but if it is not possible, disable right click on windows level would also work for me.
The OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown/Up approach did not work for me.
There is a property Stylus.IsPressAndHoldEnabled on UIElement however. Set that to false to get rid of the press and hold right click behavior. I tested this on Windows 7 with .NET 4.0, but the property is available from .NET 3.0.
<RepeatButton Stylus.IsPressAndHoldEnabled="false" ... />
There is also a blogpost here that provides a code sample for a similar disabling of press and hold at window level. But with this in place, the PreviewTouchDown and TouchDown events will not be raised as soon as the finger touches the screen (which would be necessary for a RepeatButton I guess), only later. Read the 'Remarks' on this msdn page.
You can override the OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown on the Window and set Handled to true. You also need to handle OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp (thanks to Vitalij for pointing this out)
That should do the trick.

How can I disable the Start button (but not the Taskbar) on Windows 7?

On Windows XP, it was possible to disable the Start button with the following code:
hTray = FindWindow (TEXT("Shell_TrayWnd"), NULL);
if (hTray)
hStartButton = FindWindowEx(hTray, NULL, TEXT("Button"), NULL);
if (hStartButton) ShowWindow(hStartButton, FALSE);
For a public-access computer configuration, I need to be able to do this on Windows 7. The Start button must be disabled (not just hidden), and the remainder of the Taskbar must still be visible and usable. Hiding the Taskbar along with the Start button is not an option. Running full-screen is not an option. Using "Start Killer" won't work because it doesn't actually disable the Start button, just hides it (users can still use hotkeys to pull up the Start menu).
I have already tried the method that uses FindWindowEx with 0xC017 as its third parameter and then tries to disable that window. It doesn't work. That method only works if the whole Taskbar is disabled first. What I need is a method that only disables the Start menu, just like the code I reproduced above does in XP.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The "correct" version for Windows 7 is as shown below:
HWND hStartBtn = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, MAKEINTATOM(0xC017), TEXT("Start"));
if (hStartBtn != NULL)
ShowWindow(hStartBtn, FALSE);
However, this only disables the button, meaning you won't get the glow or other effects by hovering your mouse cursor over it. You can still click the button region on the taskbar to open the menu. Apparently, the click handler is now implemented in the taskbar window itself, not as part of the separate Start button. That's why you have to disable the entire taskbar first, and consequently why most of the solutions you've found online do precisely that.
However, it looks like the "Start Killer" application now has functions to disable the most common hotkeys that trigger the Start menu, namely Ctrl+Esc and the key. You'll find those options by launching the software, right-clicking on its icon in the taskbar, and selecting "Options" from the menu. You can also edit the Registry to disable the Windows key, as described in this knowledge base article. If you wanted to implement this same functionality yourself through code, the only solution would be a low-level keyboard hook that trapped the keypress events that are responsible and discarded them.
Undocumented hacks like this one are given to breaking with newer versions of Windows. I imagine that Raymond Chen would chuckle and say something like "I told you so". Hacking the Windows interface is a fool's errand. Or, as you say several times in the question, "is not an option".
IS there anything in particular about the start menu you need to disable? You may be able to do the same via policy settings or various other file permissions.
Use one of the available group policies listed here.
You did not mention why you want to disable the start button. If you think about what exactly it is that you don't want your users to do instead of telling us the solution you picked for it (i.e., "disable the start button"), you might come up with a much better solution.
For example, if you want to prevent users from changing certain settings, block that, not the start button!
Or if you don't want them to see all the installed apps, hide those apps instead of the start button!
(I hope you see my point here).
