Creating a square UserControl - wpf

I am designing a user control that needs to be square, and to fill as much room as it is given (to give some context, it is a checkboard).
My user control looks like:
<!-- My 8 lines / colums, etc. , sized with "1*" to have equal lines -->
Now I would simply like to say "This grid has to be square no matter what room it has to expand".
Tried Solutions in vain:
I can't use a UniformGrid because I actually have the names of the lines & columns in addition, so I have a leading header row and column with different sizes.
If I use a Viewbox with Uniform it messes all up.
I tried using the classic
<Grid Height="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Width}"> ... </Grid>
but it only works if I manually set the Width property. Otherwise, this constraint is ignored.
I'm out of idea, and I would really like to avoid setting Width / Height manually as this control may be used in many various places (ListItem templates, games, etc...).
Solution from suggestion:
A solution is available with some code-behind. I did not find a XAML only solution.
Grid is now:
<Grid SizeChanged="Board_FullControlSizeChanged">...</Grid>
And the event handler is:
private void Board_FullControlSizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs args)
double size = Math.min (args.NewSize.Height, args.NewSize.Width);
((Grid)sender).Width = size;
((Grid)sender).Height = size;

I initially tried modifying your binding to ActualWidth and it still did not work when the Grid was the top level element and in some cases it ended up expanding the control further than the available size. Hence tried some other ways of getting the required output.
Got 2 ways of maybe addressing this:
Since this is a view related issue (not breaking MVVM, keeping a square formation, if your ok with having a bit of code-behind, you could do something like)
private void OnSizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e) {
double minNewSizeOfParentUserControl = Math.Min(e.NewSize.Height, e.NewSize.Width);
mainGrid.Width = minNewSizeOfParentUserControl;
mainGrid.Height = minNewSizeOfParentUserControl;
and in your xaml you would name your main top level grid "mainGrid" and attach the UserControl size changed event handler to the above function not the Grid itself.
However if you totally hate code-behind for whatever reason, you can be a bit more fancy and create a behavior such as
public class GridSquareSizeBehavior : Behavior<Grid> {
private UserControl _parent;
protected override void OnAttached() {
DependencyObject ucParent = AssociatedObject.Parent;
while (!(ucParent is UserControl)) {
ucParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(ucParent);
_parent = ucParent as UserControl;
_parent.SizeChanged += SizeChangedHandler;
protected override void OnDetaching() {
_parent.SizeChanged -= SizeChangedHandler;
private void SizeChangedHandler(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e) {
double minNewSizeOfParentUserControl = Math.Min(e.NewSize.Height, e.NewSize.Width);
AssociatedObject.Width = minNewSizeOfParentUserControl;
AssociatedObject.Height = minNewSizeOfParentUserControl;
For the behavior your xaml would then look like:
<local:GridSquareSizeBehavior />
Did test these two methods with Snoop and the square size was maintained while expanding/shrinking. Do note both methods in the crux use the same logic(just a quick mock-up) and you might be able to squeeze some better performance if you update the logic to only update height when width is changed and vice versa instead of both and canceling a resize all together if not desired

Try putting your grid in a ViewBox:
Here's a code sample I came up with:
The usercontrol:
<UserControl x:Class="StackOverflow.CheckBoard"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Grid Background="Red" Height="200" Width="200">
<Button Content="testing" Grid.Row="0"/>
<Button Content="testing" Grid.Row="1"/>
<Button Content="testing" Grid.Row="2"/>
And the main window:
<Window x:Class="StackOverflow.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<local:AllNoneCheckboxConverter x:Key="converter"/>
<local:CheckBoard MaxWidth="80"/>
What this Viewbox will do is scale the control to the space it's given. Since the grid inside the viewbox is square, the grid will ALWAYS stay square. Try playing around with the MaxWidth property I used in the MainWindow.

You could bind the Height property to ActualWidth instead of Width:
<Grid Height="{Binding ActualWidth, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">
However, a better solution would be to use a Viewbox. The trick to avoid that it "messes all up" is to make its Child square by defining (sensible) equal values for Width and Height:
<Grid Width="500" Height="500">

Register wherever it suits you (usually in constructor or OnAttached()):
SizeChanged += Square;
and handle size with this:
private void Square(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.HeightChanged) Width = e.NewSize.Height;
else if (e.WidthChanged) Height = e.NewSize.Width;

I have solved this by setting the margin of the contained control from inside the parent control's size changed event.
In my case I have a 'sudoku grid' user control called SudokuBoard inside a standard Grid control called MainGrid (which fills the main window) and it only requires the following code;
private void MainGrid_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
double verticalMargin = Math.Max((e.NewSize.Height - e.NewSize.Width)*0.5, 0.0);
double horizontalMargin = Math.Max((e.NewSize.Width - e.NewSize.Height)*0.5, 0.0);
SudokuBoard.Margin = new Thickness(horizontalMargin, verticalMargin, horizontalMargin, verticalMargin);


Autosize inside a WrapPanel?

Need help with a xaml Layout.
I have a Wrapanel with two elements inside. The left one, MainGrid, needs to be fixed at 900 pixels. The second one, AuxillaryDataScrollViewer, I would like to be a minimum of 650 and a maximum of 100% if the WrapPanel wraps it. Is this possible?
Here's what I got so far:
<Window x:Class="scratch.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="768" Width="1024">
<Grid Width="900" Height="800" Background="Bisque"></Grid>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" Width="650">
<Grid Width="1500" Height="700" Background="Tomato"></Grid>
Edit adding more detail:
Client would like to do data entry and see the calculated results realtime in a panel to the right, but some of the computers in his lab are only capable of 1280pixels width so on those machines he would like the results to wrap to below the data entry form.
Since the requirement is so well defined, you could simply add a SizeChanged handler, and set the second element's width manually per the container's width. If the container is less than 900 + 650, then stretch the second element to 100% of the container.
public MainWindow()
SizeChanged += MainWindow_SizeChanged;
void MainWindow_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
double firstElementWidth = MainGrid.Width; // 900
double secondElementMinWidth = AuxillaryDataScrollViewer.MinWidth; // 650
double secondElementWidth;
// if wrapped, stretch to the container
if (e.NewSize.Width < firstElementWidth + secondElementMinWidth)
secondElementWidth = e.NewSize.Width;
// otherwise (not wrapped), fill the remainder of the first row
secondElementWidth = e.NewSize.Width - firstElementWidth;
Obviously this is quick-and-dirty. If you need something more robust, then I suggest writing a custom panel that adheres to the conventions you need. The WrapPanel can't stretch elements to the overall width, but there's no reason you couldn't design a panel that does.

Forcing layout update

How to force the layout measurements update?
I have simplified layout I am problem with; when you click the button first time you get one measurement and on the second click different one.
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var w = mywindow.ActualWidth;
gridx.Width = w;
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
btn3.Width = 100;
var w = mywindow.ActualWidth;
gridx.Width = w - btn3.Width;
<Window x:Class="resizet.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Loaded="Window_Loaded" Name="mywindow">
<DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LastChildFill="False">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" DockPanel.Dock="Left" Name="gridx">
<Button HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Content="btn in grid" Click="Button_Click" />
<Button Name="btn2" Content="btn2" Width="0" DockPanel.Dock="Right" HorizontalAlignment="Left"></Button>
This fixes the problem:
btn3.Width = 100;
btn3.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate);
var w = mywindow.ActualWidth;
gridx.Width = w - btn3.Width;
with additional
private static Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { };
Changing the Width property must invalidate the layout on its own, you don't need to call InvalidateXXX() yourself.
The catch is that the layout is not updated immediately, but on the next iteration of the message loop. So the ActualWidth will not be changed immediately.
If you want the Grid to resize automatically when the button width is increasing, why not use the layout management and put the both into different columns of an outer Grid?
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<Grid x:Name="gridx"
<Button HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
<Button x:Name="btn2"
And in code-behind
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
btn2.Width = 100;
In a strict sense, #Daniel has provided some code that fixes the problem posed by the question. But the result is rather bad, putting layouting code into an event handler. The grid and the button might look good after the button got pressed, but once the user makes the window size bigger, the grid will not grow and will not use the available size. The user would have to press the button again to make the grid grow. That's most likely not how things should be and that's why #Vlad's answer is better.
WPF uses just one thread to process events and layouting, but they get executed in different phases. If width gets changed, the MeasureDirty flag of the control gets set, then the processing of the event continues immediately. Once this event and all other events needing processing are completed, only then starts WPF with the layouting (i.e. measure, arrange, render). Here is an overview how that works:
For a detailed description what happens in every step, see my article on CodeProject Deep Dive into WPF Layouting and Rendering
btn3.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate);
This statement halts the execution of the button event handler and forces a whole layouting / render phase to run, only then continues with the event handler code to change the width of the grid, which will force another layouting / render cycle to run.
Do not set Height and Width in event handlers, unless you want them to be fixed and not to change, even the available space changes.
Use WPF controls like Grid, etc. to make best use of the available space
If you cannot find a WPF control like Grid which matches your layouting needs, write your own Control and put all the layouting code into MeasureOverride() and ArrangeOverride().

Restoring Bindings after XamlReader parsing

my problem is the following: In my program I let the user place shapes (class DrawingShape) on a Canvas. The Drawing Shape encapsulates a stacked path and label:
<UserControl x:Class="HandballTrainerFluent.Graphics.DrawingShape"
DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">
<Grid x:Name="container" Width="Auto" Height="Auto">
<RowDefinition Height="38"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<Canvas x:Name="geometryCanvas" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="0" Width="38" Height="38">
<Path x:Name="Path"
Stroke="{Binding OutlineBrush,Mode=OneWay}"
StrokeThickness="{Binding OutlineWidth,Mode=OneWay}"
StrokeDashArray="{Binding OutlinePattern,Mode=OneWay}"
Fill="{Binding FillBrush,Mode=OneWay}"
Data="F1 M 19,3.79528L 1.5613,34L 36.4387,34L 19,3.79528 Z "/>
<TextBlock x:Name="TextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="1" Text="{Binding LabelText,Mode=OneWay}"></TextBlock>
So some visual setting and the label text are bound to Properties of the code-behind file.
After deserializing a Canvas with these Drawing shapes, I need to restore the binding between the XAML and the code-behind file. I've tried this, but it does not seem to work:
private void RepairBindingsAfterLoading()
foreach (UIElement element in this.drawingCanvas.Children)
if (element.GetType() == typeof(DrawingShape))
DrawingShape shape = (DrawingShape)element;
Binding dataContextBinding = new Binding();
dataContextBinding.RelativeSource = RelativeSource.Self;
shape.SetBinding(DrawingShape.DataContextProperty, dataContextBinding);
Binding fillBinding = new Binding("FillBrush");
shape.Path.SetBinding(Path.FillProperty, fillBinding);
Binding outlineBinding = new Binding("OutlineBrush");
shape.Path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeProperty, outlineBinding);
Binding widthBinding = new Binding("OutlineWidth");
shape.Path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeThicknessProperty, widthBinding);
Binding patternBinding = new Binding("OutlinePattern");
shape.Path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeDashArrayProperty, patternBinding);
Binding labelTextBinding = new Binding("LabelText");
shape.TextBox.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, labelTextBinding);
No matter what I do to the code-behind Properties (e.g. change FillBrush), the visuals of the displayed DrawingShape won't update. Am I missing an important step here?
I've added shape.BeginUpdate() and shape.EndUpdate() after seeing this question: Bindings not applied to dynamically-loaded xaml
Thanks a lot for any insights
Edit 2012-09-25
Looking at another piece of code which does not depend on any bindings makes me wonder, if I can actually reference any elements from the Xaml-Definition via their x:Name after de-serialization. The following callback does not do anything on a shape:
private void rotateClockwiseMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if(this.drawingCanvas.SelectedItem.GetType() == typeof(DrawingShape))
DrawingShape shape = (DrawingShape)this.drawingCanvas.SelectedItem;
TransformGroup transformStack = new TransformGroup();
transformStack.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(90));
shape.geometryCanvas.LayoutTransform = transformStack;
Debugging tells me that the contents of shape seem just right. When I execute the command once, shape.geometryCanvas.LayoutTransformis the identity matrix. When executing it a second time, shape.geometryCanvas.LayoutTransform is a TransformGroup of two elements.
It somehow looks like the reference for geometryCanvas (declared in the Xaml) is no the one used on screen.
Got it!
I didn't know that you can't successfully reference x:Name'd XAML elements from outside the code-behind file after de-serialization (that at least seems to be the problem at hand).
A solution is to use FindName() on the UserControl, e.g.:
TextBlock textBox = shape.FindName("TextBox") as TextBlock;
The complete and correct RepairBindingsAfterLoading() looks like this:
private void RepairBindingsAfterLoading()
foreach (UIElement element in this.drawingCanvas.Children)
if (element.GetType() == typeof(DrawingShape))
DrawingShape shape = (DrawingShape)element;
shape.DataContext = shape;
Path path = shape.FindName("Path") as Path;
Binding fillBinding = new Binding("FillBrush");
path.SetBinding(Path.FillProperty, fillBinding);
Binding outlineBinding = new Binding("OutlineBrush");
path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeProperty, outlineBinding);
Binding widthBinding = new Binding("OutlineWidth");
path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeThicknessProperty, widthBinding);
Binding patternBinding = new Binding("OutlinePattern");
path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeDashArrayProperty, patternBinding);
TextBlock textBox = shape.FindName("TextBox") as TextBlock;
Binding labelTextBinding = new Binding("LabelText");
textBox.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, labelTextBinding);
Just for the record, my clumsy
works just like the much more simple and elegant solution suggested by dbaseman with:
shape.DataContext = this;
Hope this helps someone else to avoid my mistake :-)

WPF Canvas Desired size

I have the following control:
<UserControl x:Class="FooBar.AnnotationControl"
Height="400" Width="500" >
<ScrollViewer Height="400" Width="500">
<Canvas Height="400" Width="500" Name="ctlCanvas" MouseLeftButtonDown="MouseLeftButtonDownHandler" MouseWheel="Canvas_MouseWheel" >
<ScaleTransform x:Name="ZoomTransform" />
namespace FooBar
public partial class AnnotationControl : UserControl
public AnnotationControl()
private void MouseLeftButtonDownHandler( object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
//Do Something
private void Canvas_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
ctlCanvas.Measure(new Size(ctlCanvas.ActualWidth * ZoomTransform.ScaleX, ctlCanvas.ActualHeight * ZoomTransform.ScaleY));
I'm trying to get the scroll viewer to respond to the scaling of the Canvas. The call to Canvas.Measure doesn't appear to change the Desired size of the Canvas. Any idea what is going on here?
You should NOT call Measure on your own. This method is supposed to be called in the layout step, and not somewhere else. Also a RenderTransform doesn't change your Size. The RenderTransform is applied AFTER the actual Layout is done. So you have a scrollviewer that don't need to scroll its content, because its the same size. What you might want is LayoutTransform.
Canvas is the most primitive element and it simply not designed to work with the ScrollViewer. Use Grid/StackPanel/WarPanel/UniformGrid instead.
Ok, I seem to have found a solution. It looks like I can wrap my canvas with another canvas and when I scale it, I simply set the height and width for the outer canvas = initial height and width times the current X and Y scales of the ScaleTransform.

What is the best way to draw the grid for a Dots and Boxes game? (Silverlight)

I am trying to implement a Dots and Boxes style game in Silverlight for Windows Phone 7. What is the best way to draw the dot and box grid so that I get notified when someone touches the space between two boxes? What XAML elements should I look at using?
A polygon shaped like the image below, with an overlaid line, would be your best bet.
You will set the polygon fill (shown in blue) to 1% alpha so that it is not visible, but is hit-testable (0% alpha turns off hit testing).
If you create one as a usercontrol, you can simply place them around your grid of dots with 90% rotation on the vertical ones:
The dots can be simple ellipses (turn off isHitTestVisible on these):
You can then simply turn on/off the visibility of the lines in the user controls (which are always present for hit-testing):
I suggest a canvas for the outer control to give you fine position adjustment from code, but a grid will work too if you get the margin offsets right.
Usercontrol XAML (created with Blend):
d:DesignWidth="280" d:DesignHeight="80">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent">
<Path Data="M27.706778,279.98367 L68.48111,239.30304 L266.99857,239.30304 L306.88052,278.89899 L266.99857,318.49493 L68.481102,318.49493 z"
<Path Data="M0,40 L40.218182,40 L280,40" Height="5" Stretch="Fill" StrokeThickness="5" UseLayoutRounding="False" VerticalAlignment="Center" Stroke="White" IsHitTestVisible="False"/>
Expose a "click" event on the User Control, that is called from a LeftMouseButtonDown event on the polygon and catch those click events in the high-level container:
namespace DotsAndBoxes
public partial class Connector : UserControl
public event EventHandler<System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs> Clicked;
public Connector()
// Required to initialize variables
private void Path_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (Clicked != null)
Clicked(this, e);
You could generate one of these polygons by hand as the coordinates required are quite simple.
