How to set WPF default values for properties, if possible? - wpf

I am just starting WPF and it is frustrating the hell out of me. It seems that many properties are null by default (at least those I am working on at the moment) and hence when it compiles and run, nothing happens.
Is there a quick way or a standard workflow procedure to set default values for WPF objects?
For example, I put a Canvas and a Button in XAML view, and then went to code view to add an event handler on the Button to Canvas.Children.Add(new Ellipse()) and then nothing happens. Then I thought maybe I should specify the Width and Height. Still nothing happens. Finally, after much struggling I found the Shape.Stroke property.
Then there is no intuitive Ellipse.X and Ellipse.Y to position the Ellipse. Again, took an hour to find the Canvas.SetLeft().
The final straw is when I try to do Canvas.SetLeft(Random.Next(0, (int)Canvas.Width)); It give a runtime error because Canvas.Width is NULL?!!? Goodness...
Sure, WPF gives a lot of features, but seems like a lot of work coming from a Winforms Graphics.DrawEllipse() .. *sweat*

In WPF if you dont explicitly set the Width/Height in xaml the size will be determined by the Elements layout Container, so to access the Width/Height of an Element like this you use the properties ActualWidth/Actualheight, these return the Rendered size of the Element
Canvas.SetLeft(Random.Next(0, (int)Canvas.ActualWidth));
If you want to create Default values for a Element you can create a style in xaml for that Element
<Style TargetType="Ellipse">
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Black"/>

WPF does have a rough learning curve. One of the tougher things is to dispense somewhat with the techniques you may be used to and embrace the WPF-approach. Xaml is the way to go for defining controls and their properties - Xaml is a language whose only real purpose to do declaration well. In essence, think of the Xaml portion of your code as a glorified constructor.
<Window x:Class="TestWpfApp.MainWindow"
<Ellipse Canvas.Left="50"
Fill="Black" />
The declaration above takes advantage of Xaml's nifty syntax for Attached Properties.
You might want to investigate Styles if you find yourself setting a set of common properties on like objects often.


Why is Grid.Row attached property specified without any enclosing Grid?

I am reading code from a WPF project which has the following XAML code (I have omitted the boilerplate parts):
<Window x:Class="AdornedControlSample.Window1"
Please note that there is no Grid defined whatsoever anywhere in this XAML file. So, my questions are:
What is the purpose of the Grid.Row="1" within the Canvas definition?
What purpose does x:Name="window" serve? I have not seen anything in the code-behind that references a window. (There are references to Window1, though.)
Question 1
In your example, Grid.Row has no purpose at all. You gave it a value, but that value will not be used because there is no Grid around the Canvas. It also doesn't give an error because it is a valid property/value.
The RowProperty is defined in the Canvas class.
Question 2
It gives a unique name (within the window itself) to the UI-element. For now, it has no purpose. So you can remove it safely. However, if you want to access the window in the code-behind of the view, the x:name serves a purpose. But you can also access the window via the this keyword.

Skinning Control Backgrounds - Better Performance?

sorry if this question is overly simple, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to create backgrounds to controls - in the hopes that it will improve app performance.
I have 9 different controls. All of them have a background. The backgrounds are made up of either images, other controls or both. All of those backgrounds have another background.
Think of this like Power Point with slides, slide layouts and slide masters - inherited in that order. I have 9 slides / controls.
The first 3 controls have the same "control layout" (let's call it
ControlLayout1). ControlLayout1 gets some of it's elements from ControlMaster1.
The second 3 controls also have the same control layout, but it is
different from the first. Let's call it ControlLayout2. It also
inherits from ControlMaster1.
The final set of 3 controls are different again. We can call them
ControlLayout3. But this time, they inherit from a different master - ControlMaster2.
Right now in each control I'm writing out all the XAML each time separately. I'm thinking there must be a way to not write these in each of these each item. Ideally, what I would like to create is one set of XAML that can be reused.
Here's some pseudo-XAML:
<UserControl x:Name="Control1">
<MyBackground (ControlLayout1)/>
<UserControl x:Name="Control2">
<MyBackground (ControlLayout2)/>
<UserControl x:Name="Control3">
<MyBackground (ControlLayout3)/>
And then somewhere for ControlLayouts (I don't know, like Application.Resources or elsewhere)
<Canvas x:Name="ControlLayout1">
<MyMasterBackground (ControlMaster1)/>
<Canvas x:Name="ControlLayout2">
<MyMasterBackground (ControlMaster1)/>
<TextBox Text="The Control 2">
<Canvas x:Name="ControlLayout3">
<MyMasterBackground (ControlMaster2)/>
<TextBox Text="The Control 3">
And then for the ControlMasters
<Canvas x:Name="ControlMaster1">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/Images/image1.jpg" />
<Canvas x:Name="ControlMaster2">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/Images/image2.jpg" />
<TextBox Text="Control Master 1">
Once defined, the ControlLayouts and ControlMasters never need to change - they are static.
Beyond just having a smaller XAP if I can put these all in one location and reuse the XAML, I'm hoping performance will be improved in my app as the ControlLayouts automatically get BitmapCached or something like that.
So first, is there a good strategy to implement the above (the ControlLayouts and Masters do not have any code-behind)? Secondly will performance be improved in loading of Control1, Control2, etc.? Finally, if they were pure usercontrols (i.e. they had some code behind), would that be better for performance?
Thanks in advance!
What you ask for is a combination of a few things:
About the Background thing: just create a dependency property (let's call it MyBackgroundDP) of type Brush in the code behind of a UserControl, and bind it to your XAML like:
<UserControl ...>
<Grid Background={"Binding MyBackgroundDP, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestoryType=UserControl}}">
<!-- More XAML declarations -->
To create the dependency property, you can use the built in snippet in visual studio: propdp
Simply write "propdp" and that TAB twice. Fill up the fields and it's all good.
Alright so that was easy enough, right? ;)
Now the tougher part: making so-called master pages.
Actually it's not that much different from the background thing.
Declare another dependency property, only this time of type object, or FrameworkElement (better).
Then in your XAML, you declare a kind of placeholder: ContentControl. Let's call it MyContentDP for this example:
<UserControl ...>
<Grid Background={"Binding MyBackgroundDP, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestoryType=UserControl}}">
<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{Binding MyContentDP, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestoryType=UserControl}}" />
You can then fine tune whatever else you want to provide in this "master view", add a border around the Grid, put some flowers, you name it.
Once you're done, this is how you use it, assuming it was called MyUserControl
<Window ...
<local:MyUserControl MyBackgroundDP="Red">
<!-- More XAML declarations here -->
Now the performance point:
If you put all the XAML for this as a Custom control (which is DIFFERENT from a UserControl), you can then put all the XAML in your App.xaml
Why? because parsing XAML can be an intensive operation, and if you make WP7/SL parse it at runtime whenever you need it, you lose performance.
Instead, your App.xaml gets parsed at startup, then it's in memory. That's what's done in the loading of your application. You would get a performance boost, although it would be minimal for controls made of few XAML, it is still a good practice.
Hope this helps,

WPF User Control extending border class. "Does not support direct content"?

I am producing graphics for a process control system and I would like to create a system border which would visually wrap the various sub system being displayed in the process mimic. I could use a regular border for this except I want it to not only changing color reflecting system status, but also popping up small "balloons" indicating the piece of the system that is in alarm state.
I created a test project with a User Control and added a ListBox (for the balloons) and a ContentPresenter element wrapped in a border control. However, whenever I use this new control in another app, it wont allow me to add content to it. I've tried messing some with the ContentPropertyAttribute and properties of the ContentPresenter element, but I feel I am in the blind here.
<UserControl x:Class="SystemStatusBorder.UserControl1"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Canvas Height="290" Width="303">
<Border HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<ListBox Canvas.Right="0" Canvas.Bottom="0">
<TranslateTransform X="20"></TranslateTransform>
I don't get it. What more should it need other than just the existence of a contentpresenter? UserControl subclasses ContentControl so I would have thought the wiring was in place. Eventually, I want it to be used something like this:
<List of relevant tags for the specific sub system goes here>
<regular content goes here>
To create your own container control, you must create a new custom control (not a UserControl).
Make your new control inherit from ContentControl.
Custom Controls don't have their own XAML. Instead, they are assigned a ControlTemplate.
When you create your first Custom Control, the IDE will create a new file Themes\Generic.xaml.
This is where the template for your control is. You can modify this template to match the XAML in your question. This will support the ContentPresenter element.
I found a very good walkthrough here.

How to make loose Xaml content aware of custom controls

I have a loose XAML file...
TargetType="{x:Type local:CustomControl}">
<Setter Property="HoverOpacity" Value="1.0"/>
... that I want to load at runtime. When I do I get an exception stating, "Type reference cannot find public type named 'CustomControl'." How can I make the loose XAML aware of my namespace?
I need to use HoverOpacity which is a dependency property of the CustomControl. Here is the code that I am currently using to load the XAML:
var resource = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Assets/HoverStyle.xaml"));
BTW, I realize that the XAML is simple and I could just insert the Style in code, but this is a hello world XAML; its going to become a lot more complex, involving animations and such.
P.S. Another solution would be a way of either attaching a XAML file to a custom control derived from Panel (one that doesn't crash Visual Studio 2008) or a way of easily attaching triggers, data-triggers, entry-actions, and exit actions to custom controls.
Gosh darn it, I figured it out. I needed to specify the assembly name with the namespace; like so:
TargetType="{x:Type local:CustomControl}">
<Setter Property="HoverOpacity" Value="1.0"/>
I'll give answer credit to anyone who could answer my "P.S." question within the next two days. This whole situation seems a little wet, so I'd be really interested in alternatives.
Thanks :)

Making a DataTemplate blendable

How can I make a Datatemplate for a ViewModel blendable (designable in expression blend). When I go to resources and try to edit the DataTemplate directly all I see on the Drawingborad is a blank rectangle. This is because the DataTemplate is not bound to anything. Of course I can create a UserControl and create some designtime data in code there to see the template but I now would have to switch back and forth between the resource (to edit) and the usercontrol (to see the result of my edit). Isn't there a more direct way to edit and see my DataTemplate?
It's a bit of a stretch to use, but Blend has a feature called "Design-Time Data" that can help you out. It's tough to get started at first, but once you do a few it's pretty easy. It kind of forces you into a nice pattern for DataContext as well.
Here's a good link on the subject:
Here's a few choice excerpts:
On Design-Time Sizes time properties can be
safely ignored by other tools and they
are ignored at the runtime
(mc:Ignorable specifies that the
namespace with the "d" prefix can be
Expression Blend uses two design time
properties (d:DesignWidth,
d:DesignHeight) to specify a size for
a control to be used at design time...
On Design-Time Data Sources
I stumbled across d:Datacontext when I
was playing with Blend 3 and tried
adding a “live datasource” to my
window. I thought it was going to
behave just like the old way of
setting a DataContext, but when I ran
my application, there was no data! ...
So the upshot is, now we can write
code like this:
<Grid ...
DataContext="{StaticResource GameDataSource}"
d:DataContext="{StaticResource DesignTime_DateDataSource}">
Note that this is for Blend 3 if you want first-party support for these features. They are pretty good - there's even a designer for the design-time data, though I've not looked into those features yet.
Applying To DataTemplates
This is something I sorta made up, but it seems to work. Here I'm using the Design-Time data feature to pull data into the visual element's d:DataContext. You'd have to do this for every top-level element that needed a DataContext set.
<!-- Resource dictionary entries should be defined here. -->
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}" d:DataContext="{StaticResource SampleDataSource}" />
The binding syntax is a little bit more explicit if you are using a DataTemplate with a DataType set, but it still works:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:MyViewModel}" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"
d:DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource SampleDataSource}}" />
This strategy will allow you to see how the DataTemplate will work while editing it directly, however you won't be able to see the result on any view that utilizes that DataTemplate unless you actually run the app. This is a limitation of Blend at the moment due to the fact that they don't appear to be using Mocks, but rather complete replacement objects. If blend ever adds the ability to create a new fake data source by clicking on "New DataSource -> Based on Referenced Object -> MyCustomerObject", then you will be in business.
It's possible you could overcome this limitation with some attached property trickery of your own, but it would be difficult at best.
An alternative that will work in every situation, but is a bit more cumbersome to setup is setting up StaticResources that swap out fake data for real data during runtime, but in the designer show static sample data.
Here's a really great article by Karl Shifflett that includes some of these techniques and a few videos on it:
Hope this helps,
This strategy will allow you to see
how the DataTemplate will work while
editing it directly, however you won't
be able to see the result on any view
that utilizes that DataTemplate unless
you actually run the app. This is a
limitation of Blend at the moment due
to the fact that they don't appear to
be using Mocks, but rather complete
replacement objects. If blend ever
adds the ability to create a new fake
data source by clicking on "New
DataSource -> Based on Referenced
Object -> MyCustomerObject", then you
will be in business.
If I want to use acutal ViewModel mocks I guess it is the best way to create actual ViewModel instances and the references them with d:DataContext (e.g. using a ObjectDataProvider or x:Static)
