how to print struct timeVal - c

i have this line in my code
`printf("Rcvd pkt from %s:%d at <%ld.%06ld>\n", inet_ntoa(servAddr.sin_addr), ntohs(servAddr.sin_port), timeVal.tv_sec, timeVal.tv_usec);`
this is the warning i get with gcc while compiling it
`cc1: warnings being treated as errors
`client12.c: In function ‘main’:
`client12.c:131: warning: format ‘%06ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 5 has type ‘__darwin_suseconds_t’
`client12.c:131: warning: format ‘%06ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 5 has type ‘__darwin_suseconds_t’
what am i doing wrong??
PS - i have included time.h and sys/time.h

Cast the numbers to the correct types:
printf("Rcvd pkt from %s:%d at <%ld.%06ld>\n", inet_ntoa(servAddr.sin_addr), ntohs(servAddr.sin_port), (long int)(timeVal.tv_sec), (long int)(timeVal.tv_usec));

The type of the members of struct timeval will vary from system to system. As with many other C data types, the safe and portable thing to do is to cast the values when printing them:
printf("Rcvd pkt from %s:%d at <%ld.%06ld>\n",
inet_ntoa(servAddr.sin_addr), ntohs(servAddr.sin_port),
(long) timeVal.tv_sec, (long) timeVal.tv_usec);
This will work correctly for any data type smaller than or equal in size to a long. And this idiom is so common that people will think twice about making any of these common data types longer than a long, although be careful with data types that refer to file sizes (like off_t); those could be long long in some cases.
To be maximally safe, you'd cast to long long and use a %lld format, but that swaps one portability problem for another, since not all printf implementations support %lld yet. And I've not seen an implementation where those time values require that treatment.

See sys/types.h for an explanation of suseconds_t. Apparently, it is
a signed integral type capable of storing values at least in the range [-1, 1,000,000].
This means it might defined as an int on your system. Try removing the long specifier l from the format string and just print it as a regular decimal.
As per rra's answer, this will not be portable. It will only work on systems that define suseconds_t in the same way. We know from the spec that the type is a signed integral type of at least 32 bits. The most portable way is to cast it to the biggest signed integral intrinsic that you can get away with.


Do format specifiers perform implicit type conversion?

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int x = 5;
int y = &x;
printf("Signed Value of Y: %d \n", y);
printf("Unsigned Value of Y: %u", y);
return 0;
Since y is of int type, using %d gives a possibly-signed output, whereas %u gives an unsigned output. But y is of int type, so why does %u give unsigned output? Is there an implicit type conversion?
"Re: But y is of int type, So why does %u give unsigned output?"
From C11:
If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is
undefined. If any argument is not the correct type for the
corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.
undefined — The behavior for something incorrect, on which the
standard does not impose any requirements. Anything is allowed to
happen, from nothing, to a warning message to program termination, to
CPU meltdown, to launching nuclear missiles (assuming you have the
correct hardware option installed).
— Expert C Programming.
Effectively, a printf call is two separate things:
All the arguments are prepared to send to the function.
The function interprets the format string and its other arguments.
In any function call, the arguments are prepared according to rules involving the argument types and the function declaration. They do not depend on the values of the arguments, including the contents of any string passed as an argument, and this is true of printf too.
In a function call, the rules are largely (omitting some details):
If the argument corresponds to a declared parameter type, it is converted to that type.
Otherwise (if the argument corresponds to the ... part of a function declaration or the called function is declared without specifying parameter types), some default promotions are applied. For integers, these are the integer promotions, which largely (omitting some details) convert types narrower than int to int. For floating-point, float is promoted to double.
printf is declared as int printf(const char * restrict format, ...);, so all its arguments other than the format string correspond to ....
Inside printf, the function examines its format string and attempts to perform the directives given in the format string. For example, if a directive is %g, printf expects a double argument and takes bits from the place it expects a double argument to be passed. Then it interprets those bits as a double, constructs a string according to the directive, and writes the string to standard output.
For a %d or %u directive, printf expects an int or an unsigned int argument, respectively. In either case, it takes bits from the place it expects an int or an unsigned int argument to be passed. In all C implementations I am aware of, an int and an unsigned int argument are passed in the same place. So, if you pass an int argument but use %u, printf will get the bits of an int but will treat them as if they were the bits of an unsigned int. No actual conversion has been performed; printf is merely interpreting the bits differently.
The C standard does not define the behavior when you do this, and a C implementation would be conforming to the standard if it crashed when you did this or if it processed the bits differently. You should avoid it.
Is there an implicit type conversion?
Sort of. A function such as printf that accepts a variable number of arguments does not automatically know the number of variable arguments it actually receives on any call, or their types. Conversion specifications such as %d and %u collectively tell printf() how many variable arguments to expect, and individually they tell printf what type to expect for each argument. printf() will try to interpret the argument list according to these specifications.
The C language specification explicitly declines to say what happens when the types of printf arguments do not correspond properly to the conversion specifications in the accompanying format string. In practice, however, some pairs of data types have representations similar enough to each other that printf()'s attempt to interpret data of one type as if it were the other type is likely (but not guaranteed) to give the appearance of an implicit conversion from one type to the other. Corresponding signed and unsigned integer types are typically such pairs.
You should not rely on such apparent conversions actually happening. Instead, properly match argument types with conversion specifications. Correct mismatches by choosing a different conversion specification or performing an appropriate explicit type conversion (a typecast) on the argument.

Format specifiers for implementation-defined types like time_t

I want to make my code more platform-/implementation-independent. I don't know what a time_t will be implemented as on the platform when the code is being compiled. How do I know the type of t to determine what format specifier to use?
time_t t = time(NULL);
printf("%s", t);
Usually you can use a cast to convert the operand to some type for which you know the right format.
Your proposed solution:
time_t t = time(NULL);
printf("%s", t);
clearly will not work, since time_t is a numeric type, not char*.
We know, in general, that time_t is an arithmetic type. Something like this:
printf("%ld\n", (long)t);
is likely to work on most systems. It can fail (a) if time_t is an unsigned type no wider than unsigned long and the current value of t exceeds LONG_MAX, or (b) if time_t is a floating-point type.
If you have C99 support, you can use long long, which is a little better:
printf("%lld\n", (long long)t);
If you really want to go overboard with portability, you can detect what kind of type time_t is:
if ((time_t)-1 > 0) {
// time_t is an unsigned type
printf("%ju\n", (uintmax_t)t);
else if ((time_t)1 / 2 > 0) {
// time_t is a signed integer type
printf("%jd\n", (intmax_t)t);
else {
// time_t is a floating-point type (I've never seen this)
printf("%Lg\n", (long double)t);
You might want to tweak the %Lg format to something like %Lf or %.10Lf, depending on what output format you want.
Again, this assumes C99 support -- and you'll need #include <stdint.h> to make uintmax_t and intmax_t visible.
time_t and clock_t are a bit unusual, in that the standard says only that they're arithmetic type capable of representing times. (In principle they could be complex types, but I'd say ignoring that possibility is worth the risk.)
In most other cases, you'll probably know whether a given type is signed, unsigned, or floating-point, and you can just convert to the widest type of that kind.
Note that if you don't know how time_t is represented, you probably won't understand the output of the printf (such as 1379375215) either -- unless your goal is to figure that out.
(If you were programming in C++ rather than C, std::cout << t << "\n"; would automatically use the correct overloaded operator<<.)
If you want human-readable output (like Mon 2013-09-16 16:46:55 PDT), you'll want to use one of the conversion functions declared in <time.h>, such as asctime() or strftime().
Generally, the way to display the value of a time_t is to break down its components to a struct tm using gmtime or localtime and display those or convert them as desired with strftime, or ctime to go directly from time_t to a string showing local time.
If you want to see the raw value for some purpose, the C standard specifies that time_t is real, which means it is integer or floating-point (C 2011 (N1570) 6.2.5 17). Therefore, you should be able to convert it to double and print that. There is some possibility that time_t can represent values that double cannot, so you might have to guard against that if you want to take care regarding exotic implementations. Since difftime returns the difference of two time_t objects as a double, it seems C does not truly support time_t with more precision than a double.
You can use difftime() to obtain a double:
time_t t = time(NULL);
printf("seconds 1970->now: %.f\n", difftime(t, (time_t) 0));
It is simple and I think it is portable.
The C standard says time_t will be a 'real type' (meaning an integer type or a floating point type, though in practice it is always an integer type).
With time_t, your best bet is to format it with strftime() after analyzing it with localtime() or gmtime() — this can be done portably.
Unportably, you have to determine by some mechanism what is the correct format specifier. You might use PRI_[Xxodi]_time and SCN_[Xxodi]_time or something similar as a non-standard but close-to-standard (without trampling on the reserved namespace — which is names starting PRI or SCN followed by a lower-case letter or X). You use some mechanism to specify that...encapsulating the unportable information in one place.

reading hex data from file fscanf format compile time warning

I'm reading some data from a file. The format is stated tobe
ASCII text with UNIX-style
line-endings, a series of 32-bit
signed integers in hexadecimal.
I'm using fscanf to read in this data.
long data_size;
FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("test01.bin", "r"); // open for reading
if (fp==0) {cerr << "Error openeing file"<<endl; return 1;}
fscanf(fp, "%x", &data_size);
Everything runs ok with my test file but I get the compile-time warning,
warning: format ‘%x’ expects type ‘unsigned int*’, but argument 3 has type ‘long int*’
however a hex value is unsigned and is being cast to a long dose this matter? As long will take the most significant bit as notifying the sign? Or will I end up with problems? Or am I well off the mark in my understanding?
You should support the same pointer type as the warning states, or else you will run into serious troubles if you want to port your code to other architectures (e.g: 64 bit architectures) where long has a different size than int. This is especially tricky if you are using pointers. (I once had a bug originating from exactly this problem)
Just use int data_size and you will be fine.
The problem is that %x requires an unsigned int * to read the value in, but you have a long *. <stdint.h> header provides value types with fixed length, and <inttypes.h> defines corresponding macros for use with printf, scanf, and their derivatives. I think it'll be better for you to fscanf the data into an int32_t variable using the macro provided by <inttypes.h>:
#include <inttypes.h>
int32_t data_size;
fscanf(fp, "%" SCNx32, &data_size);

C int datatype and its variations

Greetings , and again today when i was experimenting on language C in C99 standard , i came across a problem which i cannot comprehend and need expert's help.
The Code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int Fnum = 256; /* The First number to be printed out */
printf("The number %d in long long specifier is %lld\n" , Fnum , Fnum);
return 0;
The Question:
1.)This code prompted me an warning message when i try to run this code.
2.)But the strange thing is , when I try to change the specifier %lld to %hd or %ld,
the warning message were not shown during execution and the value printed out on the console is the correct digit 256 , everything also seems to be normal even if i try with
%u , %hu and also %lu.In short the warning message and the wrong printing of digit only happen when I use the variation of long long specifier.
3.)Why is this happening??I thought the memory size for long long is large enough to hold the value 256 , but why it cannot be used to print out the appropriate value??
The Warning Message :(For the above source code)
C:\Users\Sam\Documents\Pelles C Projects\Test1\Test.c(7): warning #2234: Argument 3 to 'printf' does not match the format string; expected 'long long int' but found 'int'.
Thanks for spending time reading my question.God bless.
You're passing the Fnum variable to printf, which is typed int, but it's expecting long long. This has very little to do with whether a long long can hold 256, just that the variable you chose is typed int.
If you just want to print 256, you can get a constant that's typed to unsigned long long as follows:
printf("The number %d in long long specifier is %lld\n" ,256 , 256ULL);
or cast:
printf("The number %d in long long specifier is %lld\n" , Fnum , (long long int)Fnum);
There are three things going on here.
printf takes a variable number of arguments. That means the compiler doesn't know what type the arguments (beyond the format string) are supposed to be. So it can't convert them to an appropriate type.
For historical reasons, however, integer types smaller than int are "promoted" to int when passed in a variable argument list.
You appear to be using Windows. On Windows, int and long are the same size, even when pointers are 64 bits wide (this is a willful violation of C89 on Microsoft's part - they actually forced the standard to be changed in C99 to make it "okay").
The upshot of all this is: The compiler is not allowed to convert your int to a long long just because you used %lld in the argument list. (It is allowed to warn you that you forgot the cast, because warnings are outside standard behavior.) With %lld, therefore, your program doesn't work. But if you use any other size specifier, printf winds up looking for an argument the same size as int and it works.
When dealing with a variadic function, the caller and callee need some way of agreeing the types of the variable arguments. In the case of printf, this is done via the format string. GCC is clever enough to read the format string itself and work out whether printf will interpret the arguments in the same way as they have been actually provided.
You can get away with slightly different types of arguments in some cases. For example, if you pass a short then it gets implicitly converted to an int. And when sizeof(int) == sizeof(long int) then there is also no distinction. But sizeof(int) != sizeof(long long int) so the parameter fails to match the format string in that case.
This is due to the way varargs work in C. Unlike a normal function, printf() can take any number of arguments. It is up to the programmer to tell printf() what to expect by providing a correct format string.
Internally, printf() uses the format specifiers to access the raw memory that corresponds to the input arguments. If you specify %lld, it will try to access a 64-bit chunk of memory (on Windows) and interpret what it finds as a long long int. However, you've only provided a 32-bit argument, so the result would be undefined (it will combine your 32-bit int with whatever random garbage happens to appear next on the stack).

printing uid of a file on linux system

i am learning c programming. I am trying to make my own program similar to ls command but with less options.what i am doing is taking input directory/file name as argument and then gets all directory entry with dirent struct(if it is directory) .
After it i use stat() to take all information of the file but here is my problem when i use write() to print these value its fine but when i want to print these with printf() i get warninng : format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 2 has type ‘__uid_t’. I don't know what should use at place of %ld and also for other special data types.
There is no format specifier for __uid_t, because this type is system-specific and is not the part of C standard, and hence printf is not aware of it.
The usual workaround is to promote it to a type that would fit the entire range of UID values on all the systems you are targeting:
printf("%lu\n", (unsigned long int)uid); /* some systems support 32-bit UIDs */
You could cast it to a long int:
printf("foobar: %ld\n", (long int)your_uid_t_variable);
