Unable to Create Application, is this planned 'no new users' time or something else? - google-app-engine

Very simple problem - stuck at step 0.
I've downloaded the SDK, got my application working locally etc.
However when I visit https://appengine.google.com/start and click 'Create Application' I get a page that says
Server Error
A server error has occurred.
This is my first time using App Engine so I can't access dashboards/control panels/account areas or whatever is deeper than the non-functional 'Create Application' button.
I realise that this isn't a programming problem (well, in a sense it is but it's not my programming problem) but I'd really appreciate some help.

Login at appengine with your gmail account.


Unable to create a new project in the Google Developer Console

I'm unable to create a new project in the Google Developer Console. I have a single project there but any attempts to add a new one returns a Forbidden error message in the Activities log window (see http://i.stack.imgur.com/hpGI3.png).
I've tried different project names and changed the data location from US to EU but nothing is working.
I've had the same problem and after a day of hitting my head against it I figured it out.
Basically you need to enable 'Google Developers Console' in the apps section of Google Admin.
Go to admin.google.com
Go to Apps
Go to Additional Google Services
Go To Google Developers Console:
Make sure that that the developers console is enabled for the organisation who is getting the forbidden error message.
Note: If you have to enable it for an organisation or everyone this change can take upto 24 Hours. For me it took about 10 minutes to take effect.

Having issues getting WordPress running under GAE + Cloud SQL

I tried to set up WordPress under Google App Engine earlier tonight (following the instructions here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/wordpress).
It runs fine locally, but when I push to remote I get a database error (visible at https://wp-dot-frontiermediag.appspot.com/). If we throw on a /wp_admin/install.php you get:
This either means that the username and password information in your
wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server
at :/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp. This could mean your host's database
server is down.
Here's the relevant code in wp-config:
/** MySQL hostname */
if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'Google App Engine') !== false) {
define('DB_HOST', ':/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
frontiermediag:fmwp is showing "Status Runnable" in Developers Console > Cloud SQL.
I did this once before and it worked so I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I thought it might have been because I'm using WP 3.8.1. but rolled back to 3.5.1 and same thing's happening.
Any ideas? frontiermediag is listed as an authorized application on the :fmwp ACL.
This situation happened to me earlier.However, I edited my Cloud SQL instance , and set "Preferred Location" as "Follow App Engine App" from Google Developers Console. This database connection problem was solved in my case.
I tried the instructions with wordpress 3.5.1 and the instructions seem to work for me. The code snippet you have above seems right and I am not sure what could be wrong without looking at rest of your code. Can you try the instructions from the beginning one more time with 3.5.1?
I had this issue, because "Follow App Engine App" doesn't seem to be an option for second generation instances in my case, and so the instance connection name includes the region setting.
Look at the instance details, and under properties, find "Instance connection name". That is the text that should follow :cloudsql/.

Problems using Twitter4j on GAE throws 401 just after deploy

Well, I'm having a weird error here:
I'm developing one GAE app to read some Twitter Data, and after read a lot of docs, I have it working on my test server (Running on my pc) but after deploy and test on the real (my appspot domain) it shows this message:
401:Authentication credentials (https://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth) were missing or >incorrect. Ensure that you have set valid consumer key/secret, access token/secret, and the >system clock is in sync.
message - Could not authenticate you
code - 32
I've tried to recreate my OAuthAppToken and OAuthAppTokenSecret keys, even changing the permissions to "Write, Read and Direct Messages" and even assingning one Callback URL but nothing seems to work...
I've tried using twitter4j.properties OR using setOAuthConsumer(TW_CONSUMER_KEY, TW_CONSUMER_SECRET) OR a ConfigurationBuilder whith the correct constants and I'm experimenting the same Issue.
I'm working with AppEngine 1.8.3 and Twitter4j 3.0.4
Iv'e been writing on log and the Twitter object seems to be well created... I dont understand why is working on my PC but not on the real app.
On some other post someone says that could be because it needs to use Sync clock.. but he doesn't explains where to change that property...
Did someone had a clue?
Ok, the problem was me (and Twitter.... well..... I really think it was Twitter problem for being so dark on his api messages)...
On testing server I was looking for an existing account and on the cloud I was looking for an inexistent one. So, It was my mistake. But seriously, what about Twitter saying: "Access Forbidden"? That doesn't have any sense...

How can i get a connection ticket to quickbooks online for dev/testing a one off web app?

I'm trying to build a one off webapp that will communicate with our business QuickBooks Online account. Most of the research I've found says for development and testing, use the "desktop" way of connecting (to avoid cert headaches). So I've registered an app and got the id from here:
The problem is, everywhere I've seen tell me then to go here to get a connection ticket
When I do that however, it redirects me to here
I mucked around with and finally find some way to access the "old" quick books stuff, when i went to setup a test company it sent me here
which tells me
"The QBO PTC environment is no longer available, and was replaced by the new E2E environment. Please go to https://e2e.qbo.intuit.com/ going forward. We are very sorry for any inconvenience and confusion. If you have questions, please reach out to Eric Bullen"
How can I get a connection to a test account to do some development?
How can I get a connection to a test account to do some development?
Unless you're an Intuit employee, you can't get a test account.
With that said, you don't need to.
Just use your live QuickBooks Online account. You can sign up on their website to get a 30-day free trial if you need to.
When you register at https://appreg.intuit.com new link - http://developer.intuit.com/Application/Create/QBOE, make sure you register in DESKTOP mode, for the PRODUCTION environment.
Then use the production URL to get your connection ticket:
(substitute in your application ID that you get back from appreg)
More info and examples on our QuickBooks integration wiki.

Windows Live ID Error 1017

I have a web application that has been up and running for quite some time now using the Windows Live ID delegated authentication. It's been in production for a couple of months, and all of a sudden this morning, it failed with the following error:
There's a problem with the site you are trying to share your information with. Please try again later.
The url of the error page is
We require users consent to be able to see what e-mail address they used to log in. Has anybody run into this before? If so, what did you do to resolve it?
Thanks very much!
Still not sure what the error actually means, but the following forum posts give some more details. Basic problem: Microsoft changed the API and didn't tell anyone, Contact.View should be ContactsSync.FullSync when using the contacts API.
