increase variable from within another block - c

I'm currently writing a simple C program to create a specified number of child-processes from the parent process, and I'm trying to keep track over how many of them that was actually successfully initiated by increasing the variable active every time a child-process was successful.
However, the stupid piece of #!%€ variable won't let me modify it.. I'm new to C (hence the simplicity and questionable usability of the program) and I'm having a bit of a problem understanding the different variable-scopes and when, and how you can modify them so that the new value sticks...
So, my questions is; how do I make the variable "active" increase by 1?
I've already made sure that the newChild() function returns 1 as it should, and other code within that if-statement works, so it's not that. And, I've also tried using pointers, but without success... :(
# include <stdio.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <sys/wait.h>
printf("Parent CREATED\nRunning code...\n");
// INITIATE Variables
int children = 5;
int active = 0;
int parentID = getpid();
// INITIATE Random Seed
// CREATE Children
int i, cpid, sleepTime;
for (i = 0; i < children; i++)
// Only let the parent process create new children
if (getpid() == parentID)
// GET Random Number
sleepTime = rand() % 10;
// CREATE Child
if (newChild(sleepTime) == 1)
// Mark as an active child process
if (getpid() == parentID)
// Let the parent process sleep for a while...
printf("Parent is now SLEEPING for 20 seconds...\n");
printf("Parent is now AWAKE\nActive children: %d\n", active);
// WAIT for Children
int cpid, i;
int status = 0;
for (i = 0; i < active; i++)
// WAIT for Child
cpid = wait(&status);
// OUTPUT Status
printf("WAITED for Child\nID: %d, Exit Status: %d\n", cpid, status);
printf("All children are accounted for.\nEXITING program...\n");
int newChild(int sleepTime)
// INITIATE Variable
int successful = 0;
// CREATE Child Process
int pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
// OUTPUT Error Message
printf("The child process could not be initiated.");
else if (pid == 0)
// Mark child process as successfully initiated
successful = 1;
// OUTPUT Child Information
printf("Child CREATED\nID: %d, Parent ID: %d, Group: %d\n", getpid(), getppid(), getpgrp());
// Let the child process sleep for a while...
printf("Child %d is now SLEEPING for %d seconds...\n", getpid(), sleepTime);
printf("Child %d is now AWAKE\n", getpid());
return successful;

There are three outcomes from calling fork() which your code is incorrectly condensing down to two:
A return value of -1 indicates that fork failed. This is an uncommon error condition.
A return value of 0 indicates that fork succeeded and you're now in the child process.
A return value of >0 indicates that fork succeeded and you're in the parent process.
Notice how cases 2 and 3 are both "successful". But your newChild() function returns 1 for case 2 and returns 0 for case 3. Instead what it should do is return 1 for case 3, and for case 2 it shouldn't even return. If you're in case 2 then you're in the child process and so you should just do your child process stuff and then exit, never returning to the caller.
if (pid == -1)
// OUTPUT Error Message
printf("The child process could not be initiated.");
else if (pid == 0)
// OUTPUT Child Information
printf("Child CREATED\nID: %d, Parent ID: %d, Group: %d\n", getpid(), getppid(), getpgrp());
// Let the child process sleep for a while...
printf("Child %d is now SLEEPING for %d seconds...\n", getpid(), sleepTime);
printf("Child %d is now AWAKE\n", getpid());
// This is the child process, so we should NOT EVEN RETURN from newChild().
successful = 1;
The key observation here is that when you call fork() your process is going to split into two separate processes that both continue executing from the point where fork() returns. The difference between them is that one will get a 0 return value and the other will get a >0 return value. The former is the child and the latter is the parent.
After fork() you now have two copies of the same code running, with two separate invocations of newChild() running, and with two separate copies of the active variable. After forking there are two of everything.


Fork() code not working as expected - Hierarchy making

Good afternoon.
I am currently working on a C program that takes one and only one parameter which designates the number of "child generation"s to be created (the own father counts as 1 already). "wait()" system calls are not to be used for this exercise (the version with "wait" calls happens to work exactly as expected).
For instance, the call $program 4 should generate a hierarchy like this:
Process A creates B
Process B creates C
Process C creates D
The printed messages are not important, as they are merely orientative for the task. With the following code (which happens to work exactly how I want with a "wait()" call) states that all the child processes derive from the same father, which I don't understand why it's happening.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int counter; pid_t result; int i;
We are going to create as many processes as indicated in argv[1] taking into account that the main father already counts as 1!
if (argc > 2 || argc == 1) {puts("IMPOSSIBLE EXECUTION\n"); exit(-1);}
int lim = atoi(argv[1]);
//We eliminate the impossible cases
if (lim < 1) {puts("IMPOSSIBLE EXECUTION\n"); exit(-1);}
if (lim == 1) {puts("The father himself constitutes a process all by his own, therefore:\n");
printf("Process%d, I'm %d and my father: %d\n", counter, getpid(), getppid());
else {
for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
result = fork();
if (result < 0) {
printf("Call%d \n", counter); perror("Has failed!");
else if (result) {
break; //Father process
else {
counter++; //Child processes increment the counter
printf("Process%d, I am %d and my father: %d\n", counter, getpid(), getppid());
The hierarchy generated by the code above is not the one I expected...
All help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
With the following code (which happens to work exactly how I want with
a "wait()" call) states that all the child processes derive from the
same father, which I don't understand why it's happening.
I don't see that in my tests, nor do I have any reason to expect that it's actually the case for you. HOWEVER, it might appear to be the case for you if what you see is some or all of the child processes reporting process 1 as their parent. That would happen if their original parent terminates before the child's getppid() call is handled. Processes that are orphaned in that way inherit process 1 as their parent. If the parent wait()s for the child to terminate first then that cannot happen, but if instead the parent terminates very soon after forking the child then that result is entirely plausible.
Here's a variation on your loop that will report the original parent process ID in every case:
pid_t my_pid = getpid();
for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
result = fork();
if (result < 0) {
printf("Call%d \n", counter); perror("Has failed!");
} else if (result) {
break; //Father process
} else {
pid_t ppid = my_pid; // inherited from the parent
my_pid = getpid();
counter++; //Child processes increment the counter
printf("Process%d, I am %d and my father: %d\n", counter, (int) my_pid, (int) ppid);
You are missing a crucial function call.
for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
fflush(stdout); // <============== here
result = fork();
Without it, your fork duplicates parent's stdout buffer into the child process. This is why you are seeing parent process output repeated several times --- its children and grandchildren inherit the output buffer.
Live demo (with fixed formatting for your reading convenience).

I try to create a process using 'fork'

I'm start to studying the fork. while using the fork, I have some problems.
I'm trying to create a single parent process with two child
and two child trying to make each three grandchild.
When I run my code, unlike my expectations, so many child and grandchild come out.
Here my code:
int main()
int i, j, rev;
if((rev=fork())<0) { printf("fork() error\n"); exit(-1); }
else if(rev==0)
printf("child %d %d \n",getpid(),getppid());
if((rev=fork()) <0) { printf("fork() error\n"); exit(-1); }
else if(rev == 0)
printf("grandch %d %d \n",getppid(),getpid());
printf("parent %d %d \n",getpid(),getppid());
How can I correct this code?
One important example before using fork() statements :
//Calculate number of times hello is printed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main()
return 0;
Number of times hello printed is equal to number of process created. Total Number of Processes = 2^n where n is number of fork system calls. So here n = 3, 2^3 = 8.
fork (); // Line 1
fork (); // Line 2
fork (); // Line 3
L1 // There will be 1 child process
/ \ // created by line 1.
L2 L2 // There will be 2 child processes
/ \ / \ // created by line 2
L3 L3 L3 L3 // There will be 4 child processes
// created by line 3
So if you are trying to make two child process and then three grand
child follow something of this sort:
What you should do is something like this for two child processes
if(fork()) # parent
if(fork()) #parent
else # child2
else #child1
After you create process , you should check the return value. If you don't , the second fork() will be executed by both the parent process and the child process, so you have four processes.
If you want to create n child processes , just :
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
pid = fork();
if (pid) { //means pid is non-zero value, i.e, pid>0
} else if (pid == 0) {
} else {
printf("fork error\n");
The section of code that runs for the child processes doesn't exit. As a result, they continue on to run more iterations of the outer loop which only the parent process is supposed to run, so they spawn more children.
You need to call exit, or better yet _exit, so that the children don't do that:
int main()
int i, j, rev;
if((rev=fork())<0) { printf("fork() error\n"); exit(-1); }
else if(rev==0)
printf("child %d %d \n",getpid(),getppid());
if((rev=fork()) <0) { printf("fork() error\n"); exit(-1); }
else if(rev == 0)
printf("grandch %d %d \n",getpid(),getppid());
sleep(1); // stick around so the grandchild can print the parent pid
_exit(0); // exit the child
printf("parent %d %d \n",getpid(),getppid());
sleep(1); // stick around so the child can print the parent pid

Only 1 child after 5 forks (C)

I am trying to make a processor farm in C. I start with opening message queues, and afterwards try to make worker processes: (note that NROF_WORKERS is 5)
static void
makechildren (void) {
// Only the parent should fork. Any children created will become workers.
pid_t processID;
pid_t farmerPID = getpid(); // To identify who the farmer is
// Loop creating processes, indexed by NROF_WORKERS
int i = 0;
while (i < NROF_WORKERS){
if (getpid() == farmerPID){
printf ("Parent is creating a child!%d\n", getpid());
processID = fork();
if (processID < 0){
perror("fork() failed");
else {
// If parent, start farming
if (processID == farmerPID) {
printf("Parent reporting in!%d\n");
// If child, become a worker
if (processID == 0) {
printf("Child reporting in!%d\n", getpid());
As you can see, I want the parent to report any time a child is created, and afterwards I want the parent and all children to report. However, this is all I get:
Parent is creating a child!11909
Parent is creating a child!11909
Parent is creating a child!11909
Parent is creating a child!11909
Parent is creating a child!11909
Child reporting in!11914
Now, I do notice the difference in 11909 and 11914 is 5. So my question: are the other processes created? If so, how come they don't report? And if not, what am I doing wrong? Also, the parent is not reporting at all, how is this caused?
All of the children are created, but will loop forever in the while loop, as i is incremented only for the parent:
int i = 0;
while (i < NROF_WORKERS){
if (getpid() == farmerPID){
i++; // <---- This is happening for the parent process only.
printf ("Parent is creating a child!%d\n", getpid());
processID = fork();
The only child to terminate is the last one, for which the i is equal to NROF_WORKERS.
Also parent is "not reporting" since the processID you are checking to be equal to the parent PID is never equal to it, as it is equal to the latest fork result, i.e. the latest created child PID:
processID = fork();
if (processID == farmerPID) {
printf("Parent reporting in!%d\n");
You always print the farmerPid! But as the message is printed 5 times, you effectively created 5 processes:
while (i < NROF_WORKERS){
if (getpid() == farmerPID){
printf ("Parent is creating a child!%d\n", getpid());
processID = fork();
If you want to print the children pids then your code must makes a difference in between parent and child, as in:
while (i < NROF_WORKERS){
if (getpid() == farmerPID){
printf ("Parent is creating a child!\n");
processID = fork();
if (processID==0) { // child
printf("I am the child %d\n",getpid());
} else { // parent
printf("Parent just created child %d\n",processID);

using fork() to make 3 children out of 1 parent in C (not C++)

Hi there I've been working on a program that forks children and later will fork more children from each child but that's not what I need help with. When I run my program (in here it is a function but works the same) I am supposed to have one parent(PPID) spawn 3 children (PIDS= 1,2,3) but what I get is either the same PID and PPID 3 times (my current code) or before I was getting 3 parents with each parent having one child and the PPIDS were different as well as the PIDS, but the PPIDs were just the same as the previous child PIDs. In my latest attempts it never displays the parent(dad) message above the child(son). It should look like this
[dad] hi am I PID 1234 and I come from ####(dont care what this number is)
[son] hi i am PID 1111 and I come from PPID 1234
[son] hi i am PID 1112 and I come from PPID 1234
[son] hi i am PID 1113 and I come from PPID 1234
here is my code. I'm just looking for hints if possible unless it's just a silly mistake I've made like "oh just move the fork() to the child process" or something like that.
Also I have a child_count just so I can easily count the children.
int forking(null)
void about(char *);
int i=0;
int j=0;
int child_count =0;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
pid_t child = 0;
child = fork();
if (child < 0) { //unable to fork error
perror ("Unable to fork");
else if (child == 0){ //child process
about ("son");
printf("I am child #%d \n",child_count);
else { //parent process (do nothing)
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++ ){
wait(NULL);//wait for parent to acknowledge child process
return 0;
The parent needs to
- print a message
- call fork three times
- wait for the three children to exit
Each child needs to
- print a message
- exit
So the code is as simple as
int main( void )
printf( "[dad] pid %d\n", getpid() );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( fork() == 0 )
printf( "[son] pid %d from pid %d\n", getpid(), getppid() );
exit( 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
wait( NULL );
which generates this output
[dad] pid 1777
[son] pid 1778 from pid 1777
[son] pid 1779 from pid 1777
[son] pid 1780 from pid 1777
The one thing you have to remember is that, when you fork, both the parent and child will continue on running the code at that point.
So, if you don't do child/parent detection correctly, the children will most likely start up their own children.
One good way for you to start up three children and no grandchildren is to use a counter in conjunction with the returned process ID from the fork call, along the lines of the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define COUNT 3
int main(void) {
# Desired and actual count.
int count = COUNT, children = 0;
// Force parent initially.
pid_t retpid = 1;
// Only fork if limit not reached AND is parent (children
// will exit loop with retpid == 0).
while (count-- > 0 && retpid > 0)
// Adjust actual count if successful.
if ((retpid = fork()) > 0)
// Detect parent, all forks returned non-zero.
if (retpid != 0) {
printf("Parent %d spawned %d/%d children\n",
getpid(), children, COUNT);
// Wait for children to finish.
while (children-- > 0)
} else {
// Otherwise you were one of the children.
printf("Child %d, sired by %d\n", getpid(), getppid());
return 0;
This outputs what you seem to be after though, due to the vagaries of scheduling, not necessarily in that order:
Parent 26210 successfully spawned 3/3 children
Child 26212, sired by 26210
Child 26213, sired by 26210
Child 26211, sired by 26210
The checking of the returned PID will ensure only the parent does any forking, and the count will limit it to a specific quantity.
One thing you also need to watch out for is output buffering. When you fork, you may end up with two processes with buffered output data.
Where the output device can be detected to be a terminal, flushing will normally occur on a newline being output, so your printf calls probably won't duplicate output for a normal run.
You just need to be aware that you may get interesting results if you redirect your output to a file, for example.

Theory,Processes fork()

Goodmorning, i would like to ask 2 things..
1) what returns a fork() did on a child which has already a pid==0 ? if i continue to fork on every son, each of them will have 0 as pid ?? or not ?
2) this is my file Buffer.c and it runs on a single process.
At the beginning it forks() out some Producers who produce() and some Consumers who consume() ,but I am afraid that every producers enters in the next for cicle and it starts to produce himself other consumers!! because it write pid=-1 so...
I want that this piece of code produce only P producers and C consumers, but i need to know why every producer do not create other consumers!
Can you help me,maybe giving me a scheme of how many processes i will create with this code?
Maybe doing a scheme as this:
8 producers
each of them produces: 5 consumers
etc etc......
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
pid_t pid;
pid_t cons_pid[C];
/* fork producers */
pid = -1;
for(i=0; i<P && pid!=0; i++)
switch(pid) {
case -1:
case 0:
/* PRODUCE() */
printf("Producer %d exits\n",i);
return 0;
/* fork consumers */
pid = -1;
for (j=0; j<C && pid!=0; j++)
pid = cons_pid[j] = fork();
switch(pid) {
case -1:
case 0:
return 0;
what returns a fork() did on a child which has already a pid==0
0 is not a valid PID, hence by definition there can't be an process with PID=0 and thus PID=0 is a perfectly well defined return for indicating child status.
if i continue to fork on every son, each of them will have 0 as pid
No process ever has PID=0. All PIDs are greater than zero! A zero is just the return value received by the newly forked process to indicate that it's the child. The actual PID a child process got is queried using the getpid function from the child process. However the parent process can't perform such a query, since in the time between fork and a assumed query function call, the child may already have terminated (race condition). So you want fork to return the PID to the parent directly.
BTW: The terminology is parent and child not father and son (processes are things not people, despite what the TRON movies depict).
Regarding your code snippet: A switch statement is the wrong choice here. You want to use an if statement.
fork() splits up the current process into a father and a child. The child will have a new PID, the father retains the old PID. In both processes fork() returns after the splitting. In the father the return value will be the PID of the child (to make it known), and in the child the return value will be 0.
1) The lowest possible process ID is 1, this is the ID of the init process from which all other processes are forked. Therefore, it is not possible for a child or for your parent process to "already have ID 0". Your child's process ID is necessarily greater than 1. Thus, the problem that you are afraid of cannot happen.
2) The confusion that you state is the reason why fork (which returns twice, once for the parent and once for the newly created child!) has a somewhat "weird" return value which can have so many different values:
it can be -1, then something went wrong, and no child was created.
it can be a positive value, then you are in the parent process, and the value is the child's process ID. It's as if you called any other "normal" function that just returned normally.
it can be 0, then your code knows it is now running in the child process.
You must examine the return value (if()) so you know what process you are in. Then no such thing as you decribe can happen (or, should happen, this presumes your code does not have any bugs).
The code can be rewritten slightly so it gets rid of the && pid!=0 inside the loop and thus looks a bit less scary overall:
int main()
int pid, i;
pid_t cons_pid[C];
for(int i=0; i<P; ++i)
if(pid == -1) exit(1); /* fork error */
if(pid == 0) { producer(); return 0; }
for(i=0; i<C; ++i)
pid = fork();
if(pid == -1) /* fork error */
{ /* should do a kill_producers(); here */ exit(2); }
else if(pid == 0) /* consumer */
{ consumer(); return 0; }
else /* master process, remember all consumer pids */
{ cons_pid[j] = pid; }
/* ... */
return 0;
