AppEngine: Unable to update app: Failed to compile jsp files - google-app-engine

I just update my AppEngine SDK from 1.7.0 to 1.7.5 because of the problem related to adding document in Full Text Search API.
But now, I can not upload the application.
Here are the errors:
Deploying to Google' has encountered a problem
Unable to update app: Failed to compile jsp files.
In the log file:
Unable to update: Failed to compile jsp files.
Any help? Thanks

Well you need to have the JDK pointing in your build path of eclipse.
Click on Installed JREs and point it upto your JDK installed location.
If that even didn't work go to eclipse.ini file in your eclipse directory. Add the following argument.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk_1.6.30\bin\javaw.exe
Then restart your eclipse and things will start working.

Run the app on your local development server, you will discover the JSP files have errors that you need to sort out before compiling.


reactjs: files served into public folder resolve into a 404 error in production build but work in development with npm start

I am trying to serve 2 files needed by javascript for a web assembly package. The files example.wasm and are in the public folder in the react js project file structure. When running with a development server using npm start, the files can be found by the project and can be read correctly. When building the project the files end up in the root directory of the project as expected. In spite of using the current PUBLIC_URL path for the files, the files can not be found, but the paths in the web console seem to be correct.
I am hosting the reactjs app from IIS 7.
Can you help me with the process to debug the problem described above?
Thank you in advance for your help.
After the help of #LexLi I have enabled the Failed Request Tracing Module in the IIS following this documentation:
Reading the log generated by the Failed Request Tracing Module I saw that when requesting the files example.wasm and from the server the actual error was not 404 Not Found but:
After googling the error above I realized that the Default MIME Types configured in the IIS do not include files with extensions .data and .wasm. After adding those MIME Types to the IIS configuration using the MIME Type Module in the Web Server Level in IIS Management and restarting the server the problem was resolved.

Pycharm Run server error no app.yaml file at '.' for google app engine project

I'm pretty new with Pycharm and since this morning i have tried different configuration to use the Run command with an existing Google app engine project but without success.
I have a pretty clear error :) no app.yaml file at '.'
Nothing wrong with that because the existing project use a custom file call app_dev.yaml. So it's normal that Pycharm is unable to load the server.
How can i change this behaviour and tell Pycharm to use app_dev.yaml instead of app.yaml?
Is it possible?
I input an app.yaml on root directory and reloading my project, this working for me.
While the PY-9714 issue was, indeed, closed without a resolution, the automatic '.' added to the Run configuration has been reconsidered in PY-10675 in light of GAE support for multiple modules/services inside the same application and/or request routing using a dispatch.yaml file.
So in the more recent PyCharm versions it's possible to specify one or more .yaml files as options in the Run configuration. See for an example Pycharm multiple modules Run server
For those still running an older Pycharm version without the fix, a solution using a wrapper script is described in Run App Engine development server with modules in PyCharm

Oauth error no such method

I don't know why, but when I launch my application I suddenly always receive the following error (that before never appeared):
The line of code generating the error is:
That error wasn't appeared before, always in eclipse there wasn't an error and all was working fine.
I've never changed library. It seems that when I deploy to app-engine it doesn't upload the jar with that class?
Since you're only seeing this issue when you deploy, it sounds like you've included the gdata-java-client jars in a location so that they are visible to your local Java runtime, but are not sent to the App Engine server upon deployment.
The easiest way to resolve this is to include the gdata-java-client and its dependencies in the war/WEB-INF/lib directory of your application, and to reference those jars in your Java build path within Eclipse.

GAE - cannot add JSP file to project

I've been creating simple GAE project - all what I did before is index.html. Now, I want to add file createAccount.jsp to WAR directory. Eclipse gives me an error: "cannot compile jsp file..."
How can I fix it?
JSPs are supported on GAE:
As #Riley already noted in comment, it must be an error in JSP file. Start with a simple JSP and then start adding functionality.
As noted in comments, this was a problem of JDK version.

GAE/GWT: Error loading modules: Unable to find 'com/androidstartup/serialization/KPadProject.gwt.xml'

I am using Eclipse 3.5 with GAE SDK 1.3.7 and GWT SDK 2.1.0 and Restlet 2.0.3. When I run my app, the console log shows:
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/androidstartup/serialization/KPadProject.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] shell failed in doSlowStartup method
The main module /KPadProject.gwt.xml is in the root package. I checked out the configuration and I think it's all right.
At this point I don't know what to do to solve this problem.
In my experience, one of these two solves the problem:
Project -> Properties -> Java build path:
Is your XML included in the source?
Is the order okay?
In the project you are loading, include the KPadproject as follows:
<inherits name='com.androidstartyp.serialization.KpadProject'/>;
That is the entire path, with dots instead of slashes, and without the .gwt.xml extension.
