Drupal 7 Apache Solr search missing fields in Facets config overlay - solr

I'm new to Drupal, apachesolr and facetapi. I have a default server defined in my search environment; the Facets configuration doesn't list some of my article fields (the article entity type is configured for indexing). I created a second environment and this lists the same limited facets as the default environment. Any suggestions on how I can get all the article fields listed?

The fields Apache solr includes in its facets configuration page should be only fields that are select-type fields or taxonomy terms, or something similar.
If you have a field that's just a regular 'Text' or 'Integer' or 'Link' field, it won't appear in that facets configuration page, because those type of fields don't work well as facets.
If you want a field you have to be used as a facet, make sure you make its type be something that can be selected from a list. Does that make sense? Was that the problem in your case?


SOLR indexing arbitrary data

Let's say you have a simple forms automation application, and you want to index every submitted form in a Solr collection. Let's also say that form content is open-ended so that the user can create custom fields on the form and so forth.
Since users can define custom forms, you can't really predefine fields to Solr, so we've been using Solr's "schema-less" or managed schema mode. It works well, except for one problem.
Let's say a form comes through with a field called "ID" and a value of "9". If this is the first time Solr has seen a field called "ID", it dutifully updates it's schema, and since the value of this field is numeric, Solr assigns it a data type of one of it's numeric data types (we see "plong" a lot).
Now, let's say that the next day, someone submits another instance of this same form, but in the ID field, they type their name instead of entering a number. Solr spits this out and won't index this record because the schema says ID should be numeric, but on this record, it's not.
The way we've been dealing with this so far is to trap the exception we get when a field's data type disagrees with the schema, and then we use the Solr API to alter the schema, making the field in question a text or string instead of a numeric.
Of course, when we do this, we need to reindex the entire collection since the schema changed, and so we need to persist all the original data just in case we need to re-index everything after one of these schema data-type collisions. We're big Solr fans, but at the same time, we wonder whether the benefits of using the search engine outweigh all this extra work that gets triggered if a user simply enters character data in a previously numeric field.
Is there a way to just have Solr always assign something like "text_general" for every field, or is there some other better way?
I would say that you might need to handle the Id values at your application end.
It would be good to add a validation for Id, that Id should be of either string or numberic.
This would resolve your issue permanently. If this type is decided you don't have to do anything on the solr side.
The alternative approach would be have a fixed schema.xml.
In this add a field Id with a fixed fieldType.
I would suggest you to go with string as a fieldType for ID if don't want it to tokenize the data and want the exact match in the search.
If you would like to have flexibility in search for the Id field then you can add a text_general field type for the field.
You can create your own fieldType as well with provided tokenizer and filter according to your requirement for you the field Id.
Also don't use the schemaless mode in production. You can also map your field names to a dynamic field definition. Create a dynamic field such as *_t for the text fields. All your fields with ending with _t will be mapped to this.

SOLR synonyms only on specific fields

How can I configure SOLR to use synonyms ONLY on specific fields? I can't find anything in docs and I am using "SynonymGraphFilterFactory" in managed-schema.
Solr does this by default. Solr uses synonyms only in fields where the definition of the field references the SynonymGraphFilterFactory filter (notice that this can be directly defined on the field/field type or indirectly.)
For example, the default definition of the text_general references the synonyms.txt and so does the text_en but not string or text_ca.
If you have fields where you don't want synonyms to be applied you could create a new field definition similar to text_general and make sure it does not uses the synonyms filter.
For information about the SynonymGraphFilterFactory take a look at the Filters section in the Solr guide. For information about how Analyzers, Tokenizers, and Filters work together take a look at this tutorial.

Solr query searching on non-indexed fields

Solr version 6.1.0
Created a schema with some fields as indexed=true on which I specifically want the solr main-query q to search.
And also added more fields, which I just wanted to select, so marked them as stored=true and indexed=false.
Issue now is that, main query q=India is searching on non-indexed fields like country, which I have specified in the image.
See the result below
It is selecting the non-indexed field only when I specify the full value of non-indexed field.
See result for q=Indi
How can I restrict solr from searching on non-index fields?
According to the screenshot above you're copying the content sent to the field country into the field _text_. When you're not giving Solr a specific field to search (i.e. you're not using one of the dismax handlers with qf or not prefixing your term with the field name field:value), it falls back to the default search field. This is set to _text_ by default. This field is indexed, and since you're copying the content from your country field into the _text_ field, the values from country will give a hit.
If you don't want this to happen, don't copy the content from country into _text_, or give Solr the actual field you want to search.

Frequently Index SearchTerm to Solr

I am working on eCommerce web application which is developed using DOT NET MVC. I use Solr to index product details. So that I have mentioned Product related fields to my Solr Schema file.
Now I also want to index SearchTerm to Solr. For this how can I manage my Schema file to store/index searchterm as my Schema file is product specific?
Can anyone please suggest?
You can have a separate core for this and define the new schema.xml for it or if you want to use the existing schema.xml then you can make use of the dynamic fields by which you need not have bother in future if any other field you need to add..
You can use Dynamic fields.
Dynamic fields allow Solr to index fields that you did not explicitly define in your schema.
This is useful if you discover you have forgotten to define one or more fields. Dynamic fields can make your application less brittle by providing some flexibility in the documents you can add to Solr.
A dynamic field is just like a regular field except it has a name with a wildcard in it. When you are indexing documents, a field that does not match any explicitly defined fields can be matched with a dynamic field.
For example, suppose your schema includes a dynamic field with a name of *_i.
If you attempt to index a document with a cost_i field, but no explicit cost_i field is defined in the schema, then the cost_i field will have the field type and analysis defined for *_i.
Like regular fields, dynamic fields have a name, a field type, and options.
<dynamicField name="*_i" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

Solr: one of each in all categories

I have product index at solr, product has category field and I need to select one product (better would be random) from each category, how query would look like?
if you are looking for sql group by feature,
with solr 3.3 on-wards,
it has the similar feature called FieldCollapsing
Field Collapsing collapses a group of results with the same field value down to a single (or fixed number) of entries. For example, most search engines such as Google collapse on site so only one or two entries are shown, along with a link to click to see more results from that site. Field collapsing can also be used to suppress duplicate documents.
