Which mobile browsers has GPU acceleration for HTML5 Canvas? - mobile

I'm searching for a very long time on the internet about browsers that support GPU acceleration for HTML5 Canvas. I know that Chrome on Android does (which is not the standard browser of Android). So I was wondering:
Does the standard browser of Iphone/Ipad support GPU acceleration for Canvas?
Ditto for the standard browser Android.
Ditto for the Windows Phone.
And if yes, since which version is it implemented?

From what I can tell the following builds support GPU acceleration:
iOS5 with Nitro Javascript
Chrome for Android on Android4+ (default browser)
Windows Phone 7 with IE9
Several articles confirmed this, here's one.


When to use HLS or DASH format for web application

I'm building a web application (reactjs) to share videos.
For each video I have a HLS and a DASH format generated (since HLS is not supported on every device).
I would like to have a server side browser detection and use the right format for each device (using a web player - for now I'm using video.js)
What I know for sure is that for each iOS device HLS should work (on Safari, Chrome and Firefix). Is this correct ?
I have searched for more details but I'm having trouble having a list with the format for the main browsers and OS (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, MacOS, Android and Windows).
Can anyone help me with that ?
The general HLS compatibility can be simplified as:
Browsers with native HLS compatibility (iOS browsers, Safari, few others)
Browsers with MediaSource Extensions support (https://www.caniuse.com/mediasource)
You'll note that when combining both of these aspects, HLS is supported on most browsers on most platforms. If you are streaming video, it's the most compatible of technology options you have.
DASH has similar compatibility groups, but there are no current browsers that support DASH natively. Instead, DASH is supported entirely via MediaSource Extensions. This enables DASH to be more flexible to future changes. The only thing blocking it is Apple's business practices. Apple doesn't enable MediaSource Extensions on iOS, does not allow alternative browser engines on iOS, and therefore dictates the lowest common denominator format for the entire industry.

What percentage of mobile browsers support CSS media queries?

I'm developing a new website with mobile support, and I want to try using "responsive design"/"adaptive design"/CSS media queries. I'm wondering if there's a recent report of mobile browsers that support media queries. If not, what is a reasonable approximation?
I use this site all the time when I need to check out cross-browser support:
caniuse.com This site says support for media queries (across all browsers) is at 78.37%
Support for mobile browsers is at 100%.
About 80%. You don't need to worry about Android, Opera Mini and iOS, but then there's the other 20% with Bada, old Blackberry phones, Windows Mobile... So you should add a polyfill life respond.js which will be helpfull for desktop browsers than don't support media queries like IE8 and bellow.
About 87.14% support and 0.01% partial support. See more: http://caniuse.com/css-mediaqueries

Does media queries work for all smart phones

I am trying to develop a mobile application, which should run on all smartphones, tablets and some feature phones. I have used CSS3 media queries before and tested in Android and iOS, where it works like a charm. But what about Nokia and Bada OS, does this work ?
You can take a look at the indispensable Mobile compatibility chart from Peter-Paul Koch. Media Queries are pretty well supported, as long as the browser is Opera, Firefox or uses the Webkit engine (virtually all modern mobile browsers do). You might have some trouble getting it to work on older Blackberries and Windows Mobile 7 and lower though.

Mobile Phone emulator

Is there a good all in one emulator for testing mobile websites. Just using 'media queries and need to test on predominantly iphone, blackberry, android, and windows 7 phones.
Many thanks,
There is no one solution that will work on all these platforms however the SDKs for all include simulators/emulators and the best part is that all but for the iPhone are free.
BlackBerry Simulators
Android Emulator
Windows Phone 7 Emulator
The iPhone SDK also includes a simulator (Mac only) but if you need to test on a PC, you can do a pretty good job using http://iphone4simulator.com/ running in Safari for Windows.
As with all simulator/emulator usage, these are good for initial testing but you need to use an actual device to get true results.
Also note that different BlackBerry devices use different default browsers. Android devices also use varying versions of WebKit so you may see some variation between actual devices which isn't shown in the emulator.
In addition to Matt's reply, I think you should also test the different browsers available for smartphones.
For example the popular Opera mobile: http://www.opera.com/mobile/demo/
You might find http://quirktools.com/screenfly/ very useful for testing mobile websites on different screen sizes. It's not as true as a native emulator, but it allows you to test several phones, tablets, etc. at one site and you don't have to install any software.
try http://www.browserstack.com/. This one is not free, but it gives a trial period of 30 minutes for each account we create
Try Mobile web browser emulator this free tools help you testing mobile websites
If you just want to simulate the mobile device user agent and screen resolutions, also check out chrome's mobile device simulator https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/device-mode#enable-device-mode

Does Appcelerator Titanium (desktop) work with Flash/Silverlight?

In addition to supporting traditional Web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Titanium supports applications developed using Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, or any third-party AJAX library, on Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Android or iPhone platforms.
While the Appcelerator forums contain several issues concerning Flash, I haven't found anything in the API docs. So,
How would I integrate Flash/Silverlight in my Titanium app?
Any limitations?
Does it use any present browser plug-ins on the user's machine?
Cross-OS compliance? (Silverlight on iPhone!?)
I think this answer will depend on the platform. But I know on the iPad / iPhone you can call up webpages in essentially an embedded browser. You can also show PDFs this way and other things. This uses Safari on the iPhone / iPad. Since it's on the mobile device Flash / Silverlight won't work since it needs plugins.
However, I would think on the desktop where you could install Silverlight and Flash that it's very possible to use the web browser within Titanium to load an HTML file that contains your Flash or Silverlight embed. This would then display it within your application.
I've not done this as I just use Titanium for mobile, but seems like it would work for desktop.
