generic mark up language parser [closed] - c

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to parse a html page and extract the tags from it. I need suggestions on some good algorithms to do this in C? I have tried looking for libraries but most of them seem to support python, ruby or java but sadly nothing is there for C.

try using HTML tidy
More reference can be found here:


react styled-components VS emotion [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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You are about to select a style module during the new project.
The two ways of using them seem almost the same.
Which one does it look good to choose?
Project wants to do stack overflow clone coding

create a c programming IDE app with flutter [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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which dependency can help me to run c programming language and show me the result. Creating c programming IDE is possible with flutter or not?
You can use this for syntax highlighting:-
For compiling C though you can use Online Compiler APIs like:-
For emulating the terminal you can use Xterm:

How to represent optional attributes in an ER diagram? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I know you can do the line/circle notation, but our lecture says we're not supposed to use those attributes. We're supposed to find a better solution. I've been reading the recommended database book, but the author DOES use the notation..? He doesn't seem to present an alternative.
Optional attributes can be represented with a dotted line connection to their respective entity. For example:optional attribute

How to generate clean API Docs for my CakePHP project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What's the best and easiest way to generate clean and simple API Docs for my CakePHP Project?
All Methods are commented using PHPDoc Standard.
Probably the Api Generator project developed by the CakePHP team:

CakePHP: Full blown internationalized web application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can any one point to resources for internationalizing a web application using CakePHP.
Opinions differ, but I personally feel that the documentation for CakePHP on i18n is not up to the mark [please don't post your opinions though].
A full blown example will definitely be quite handy! Any resources?
You can look into the source code of a available cakephp application (maybe croogo)
