Parallel Demonstration Program - c

An assignment that I've just now completed requires me to create a set of scripts that can configure random Ubuntu machines as nodes in an MPI computing cluster. This has all been done and the nodes can communicate with one another properly. However, I would now like to demonstrate the efficiency of said MPI cluster by throwing a parallel program at it. I'm just looking for a straight brute force calculation that can divide up work among the number of processes (=nodes) available: if one node takes 10 seconds to run the program, 4 nodes should only take about 2.5.
With that in mind I looked for a prime calculation programs written in C. For any purists, the program is not actually part of my assignment as the course I'm taking is purely systems management. I just need anything that will show that my cluster is working. I have some programming experience but little in C and none with MPI. I've found quite a few sample programs but none of those seem to actually run in parallel. They do distribute all the steps among my nodes so if one node has a faster processor the overall time will go down, but adding additional nodes does nothing to speed up the calculation.
Am I doing something wrong? Are the programs that I've found simply not parallel? Do I need to learn C programming for MPI to write my own program? Are there any other parallel MPI programs that I can use to demonstrate my cluster at work?
Thanks to the answers below I've managed to get several MPI scripts working, among which the sum of the first N natural numbers (which isn't very useful as it runs into data type limits), the counting and generating of prime numbers and the Monte Carlo calculation of Pi. Interestingly only the prime number programs realise a (sometimes dramatic) performance gain with multiple nodes/processes.
The issue that caused most of my initial problems with getting scripts working was rather obscure and apparently due to issues with hosts files on the nodes. Running mpiexec with the -disable-hostname-propagation parameter solved this problem, which may manifest itself in a variety of ways: MPI(R) barrier errors, TCP connect errors and other generic connection failures. I believe it may be necessary for all nodes in the cluster to know one another by hostname, which is not really an issue in classic Beowulf clusters that have DHCP/DNS running on the server node.

The usual proof of concept application in parallel programming is simple raytracing.
That being said, I don't think that raytracing is a good example to show off the power of OpenMPI. I'd put the emphasis on scatter/gather or even better scatter/reduce, because that's where MPI gets the true power :)
the most basic example for that would be calculating the sum over the first N integers. You'll need to have a master thread, that fits value ranges to sum over into an array, and scatter these ranges over the number of workers.
Then you'll need to do a reduction and check your result against the explicit formula, to get a free validation test.
If you're looking for a weaker spot of MPI, a parallel grep might work, where IO is the bottleneck.
You'll have to keep in mind that MPI is based on a shared nothing architecture where the nodes communicate using messages, and that the number of nodes is fixed. these two factors set a very tight frame for the programs that run on it. To make a long story short, this kind of parallelism is great for data-parallel applications, but sucks for task-parallel applications, because you can usually distribute data better than tasks if the number of nodes changes.
Also, MPI has no concept of implicit work-stealing. if a node is finished working, it just sits around waiting for the other nodes to finish. that means, you'll have to figure out weakest-link handling yourself.
MPI is very customizable when it comes to performance details, there are numerous different variants of MPI_SEND, for example. That leaves much room for performance tweaking, which is important for high performance computing, for which MPI was designed, but is mostly confusing "ordinary" programmers, leading to programs that actually get slower when run parallel. maybe your examples just suck :)
And on the scaleup / speedup problem, well...
I suggest that you read into Amdahl's Law, and you'll see that it's impossible to get linear speedup by just adding more nodes :)
I hope that helped. If you still have questions, feel free to drop a comment :)
maybe the best scaling problem that integrates perfectly with MPI is the empiric estimation of Pi.
Imaging a quarter circle with the radius 1, inside a square with sides of length 1, then you can estimate Pi by firing random points into the square and calculate if they're inside of the quarter circle.
note: this is equal to generating tuples (x,y) with x,y in [0, 1] and measuring how many of these have x² + y² <= 1.
Pi is then roughly equal to
4 * Points in Circle / total Points
In MPI you'd just have to gather the ratios generated from all threads, which is very little overhead and thus gives a perfect proof of concept problem for your cluster.

Like with any other computing paradigm, there are certain well established patterns in use with distributed memory programming. One such pattern is the "bag of jobs" or "controller/worker" (previously known as "master/slave", but now the name is considered politically incorrect). It is best suited for your case because:
under the right conditions it scales with the number of workers;
it is easy to implement;
it has built-in load balancing.
The basic premises are very simple. The "controller" process has a big table/queue of jobs and practically executes one big loop (possibly an infinite one). It listens for messages from "worker" processes and responds back. In the simplest case workers send only two types of messages: job requests or computed results. Consequently, the controller process sends two types of messages: job descriptions or termination requests.
And the canonical non-trivial example of this pattern is colouring the Mandelbrot set. Computing each pixel of the final image is done completely independent from the other pixels, so it scales very well even on clusters with high-latency slow network connects (e.g. GigE). In the extreme case each worker can compute a single pixel, but that would result in very high communication overhead, so it is better to split the image in small rectangles. One can find many ready-made MPI codes that colour the Mandelbrot set. For example this code uses row decomposition, i.e. a single job item is to fill one row of the final image. If the number of MPI processes is big, one would have to have fairly large image dimensions, otherwise the load won't balance well enough.
MPI also has mechanisms that allow spawning additional processes or attaching externally started jobs in client/server fashion. Implementing them is not rocket science, but still requires some understanding of advanced MPI concepts like intercommunicators, so I would skip that for now.


At what point does adding more threads stop helping?

I have a computer with 4 cores, and I have a program that creates an N x M grid, which could range from a 1 by 1 square up to a massive grid. The program then fills it with numbers and performs calculations on each number, averaging them all together until they reach roughly the same number. The purpose of this is to create a LOT of busy work, so that computing with parallel threads is a necessity.
If we have a optional parameter to select the number of threads used, what number of threads would best optimize the busy work to make it run as quickly as possible?
Would using 4 threads be 4 times as fast as using 1 thread? What about 15 threads? 50? At some point I feel like we will be limited by the hardware (number of cores) in our computer and adding more threads will stop helping (and might even hinder?)
I think the best way to answer is to give a first overview on how threads are managed by the system. Nowadays all processors are actually multi-core and multi-thread per core, but for sake of simplicity let's first imagine a single core processor with single thread. This is physically limited in performing only a single task at the time, but we are still capable of running multitask programs.
So how is this possible? Well it is simply illusion!
The CPU is still performing a single task at the time, but switches between one and the other giving the illusion of multitasking. This process of changing from one task to the other is named Context switching.
During a Context switch all the data related to the task that is running is saved and the data related to the next task is loaded. Depending on the architecture of the CPU data can be saved in registers, cache, RAM, etc. The more the technology advances, the more performing solutions have been discovered. When the task is resumed, the whole data is fetched and the task continues its operations.
This concept introduces many issues in managing tasks, like:
Race condition
There are other points, but this is just a quick list since the question does not focus on this.
Getting back to your question:
If we have a optional parameter to select the number of threads used, what number of threads would best optimize the busy work to make it run as quickly as possible?
Would using 4 threads be 4 times as fast as using 1 thread? What about 15 threads? 50? At some point I feel like we will be limited by the hardware (number of cores) in our computer and adding more threads will stop helping (and might even hinder?)
Short answer: It depends!
As previously said, to switch between a task and another, a Context switch is required. To perform this some storing and fetching data operations are required, but these operations are just an overhead for you computation and don't give you directly any advantage. So having too many tasks requires a high amount of Context switching, thus meaning a lot of computational time wasted! So at the end your task might be running slower than with less tasks.
Also, since you tagged this question with pthreads, it is also necessary to check that the code is compiled to run on multiple HW cores. Having a multi core CPU does not guarantee that you multitask code will run on multiple HW cores!
In your particular case of application:
I have a computer with 4 cores, and I have a program that creates an N x M grid, which could range from a 1 by 1 square up to a massive grid. The program then fills it with numbers and performs calculations on each number, averaging them all together until they reach roughly the same number. The purpose of this is to create a LOT of busy work, so that computing with parallel threads is a necessity.
Is a good example of concurrent and data independent computing. This sort of tasks run great on GPU, since operations don't have data correlation and concurrent computing is performed in hardware (modern GPU have thousands of computing cores!)

How to choose for multithreading - c

I have to do a program client-server in c where server can use n-threads that can work simultaneously for manage the request of clients.
For do it I use a socket that use a listener that put the new FD (of new connection request) in a list and then the threads can take it when they are able to do.
I know that I can use pipe too for communication between thread.
Is the socket the best way ? And why or why not?
Sorry for my bad English
To communicate between threads you can use socket as well as shared memory.
To do multithreading there are many libraries available on github, one of them I used is the below one.
I tried and tested the same way what you want. it works perfect!
There's one very nice resource related to socket multiplexing which I think you should stop and read after reading this answer. That resource is entitled The C10K problem, and it details numerous solutions to the problem people faced in the year 2000, of handling 10000 clients.
Of those solutions, multithreading is not the primary one. Indeed, multithreading as an optimisation should be one of your last resorts, as that optimisation will interfere with the instruments you use to diagnose other optimisations.
In general, here is how you should perform optimisations, in order to provide guaranteed justifications:
Use a profiler to determine the most significant bottlenecks (in your single-threaded program).
Perform your optimisation upon one of the more significant bottlenecks.
Use the profiler again, with the same set of data, to verify that your optimisation worked correctly.
You can repeat these steps ad infinitum until you decide the improvements are no longer tangible (meaning, good luck observing the differences between before and after). Following these steps will provide you with data you can show your employer, if he/she asks you what you've been doing for the last hour, so make sure you save the output of your profiler at each iteration.
Optimisations are per-machine; what this means is that an optimisation for your machine might actually be slower on another machine. For example, you may use a buffer of 4096 bytes for your machine, while the cache lines for another machine might indicate that 512 bytes is a better idea.
Hence, ideally, we should design programs and modules in such a way that their resources are minimal and can be easily be scaled up, substituted and/or otherwise adjusted for other machines. This can be difficult, as it means in the buffer example above you might start off with a buffer of one byte; you'd most likely need to study finite state machines to achieve that, and using buffers of one byte might not always be technically feasable (i.e. when dealing with fields that are guaranteed to be a certain width; you should use that width as your minimum limit, and scale up from there). The reward is ultra-portable and ultra-optimisable in all situations.
Keep in mind that extra threads use extra resources; we tend to assume that the stack space reserved for a thread can grow to 1MB, so 10000 sockets occupying 10000 threads (in a thread-per-socket model) would occupy about 10GB of memory! Yikes! The minimal resources method suggests that we should start off with one thread, and scale up from there, using a multithreading profiler to measure performance like in the three steps above.
I think you'll find, though, that for anything purely socket-driven, you likely won't need more than one thread, even for 10000 clients, if you study the C10K problem or use some library which has been engineered based on those findings (see your comments for one such suggestion). We're not talking about masses of number crunching, here; we're talking about socket operations, which the kernel likely processes using a single core, and so you can likely match that single core with a single thread, and avoid any context switching or thread synchronisation troubles/overheads incurred by multithreading.

How to get the fastest data processing way: fork or/and multithreading

Imagine that we have a client, which keeps sending lots of double data.
Now we are trying to make a server, which can receive and process the data from the client.
Here is the fact:
The server can receive a double in a very short time.
There is a function to process a double at the server, which needs more than 3 min to process only one double.
We need to make the server as fast as possible to process 1000 double data from the client.
My idea as below:
Use a thread pool to create many threads, each thread can process one double.
All of these are in Linux.
My question:
For now my server is just one process which contains multi-threads. I'm considering if I use fork(), would it be faster?
I think using only fork() without multithreading should be a bad idea but what if I create two processes and each of them contains multi-threads? Can this method be faster?
Btw I have read:
What is the difference between fork and thread?
Forking vs Threading
To a certain degree, this very much depends on the underlying hardware. It also depends on memory constraints, IO throughput, ...
Example: if your CPU has 4 cores, and each one is able to run two threads (and not much else is going on on that system); then you probably would prefer to have a solution with 4 processes; each one running two threads!
Or, when working with fork(), you would fork() 4 times; but within each of the forked processes, you should be distributing your work to two threads.
Long story short, what you really want to do is: to not lock yourself into some corner. You want to create a service (as said, you are building a server, not a client) that has a sound and reasonable design.
And given your requirements, you want to build that application in a way that allows you to configure how many processes resp. threads it will be using. And then you start profiling (meaning: you measure what is going on); maybe you do experiments to find the optimum for a given piece of hardware / OS stack.
EDIT: I feel tempted to say - welcome to the real world. You are facing the requirement to meet precise "performance goals" for your product. Without such goals, programmer life is pretty easy: most of the time, one just sits down, puts together a reasonable product and given the power of todays hardware, "things are good enough".
But if things are not good enough, then there is only one way: you have to learn about all those things that play a role here. Starting with things "which system calls in my OS can I use to get the correct number of cores/threads?"
In other words: the days in which you "got away" without knowing about the exact capacity of the hardware you are using ... are over. If you intend to "play this game"; then there are no detours: you will have to learn the rules!
Finally: the most important thing here is not about processes versus threads. You have to understand that you need to grasp the whole picture here. It doesn't help if you tune your client for maximum CPU performance ... to then find that network or IO issues cause 10x of "loss" compared to what you gained by looking at CPU only. In other words: you have to look at all the pieces in your system; and then you need to measure to understand where you have bottlenecks. And then you decide the actions to take!
One good reading about that would be "Release It" by Michael Nygard. Of course his book is mainly about patterns in the Java world; but he does a great job what "performance" really means.
fork ing as such is way slower than kicking off a thread. A thread is much more lightweight (traditionally, although processes have caught up in the last years) than a full OS process, not only in terms of CPU requirements, but also with regards to memory footprint and general OS overhead.
As you are thinking about a pre-arranged pool of threads or processes, setup time would not account much during runtime of your program, so you need to look into "what is the cost of interprocess communications" - Which is (locally) generally cheaper between threads than it is between processes (threads do not need to go through the OS to exchang data, only for synchronisation, and in some cases you can even get away without that). But unfortunately you do not state whether there is any need for IPC between worker threads.
Summed up: I cannot see any advantage of using fork(), at least not with regards to efficiency.

OpenCL large global size or for loops per work item?

I'm learning OpenCL in order to implement a relatively complex image processing algorithm which includes several subroutines that should be implemented as kernels.
The implementation is intended to be on Mali T-6xx GPU.
I read the "OpenCL Programming by Example" book and the "Optimizing OpenCL kernels on the Mali-T600 GPUs" document.
In the book examples they use some global size of work items and each work item processes several pixels in for loops.
In the document the kernels are written without loops as in there is a single execution per work item in the kernel.
Since the maximum global size of work items that are possible to spawn on the Mali T-600 GPUs are 256 (and thats for simple kernels) And there are clearly more pixels to process in most images, in my understanding the kernel without loops will spawn more work item threads as soon as possible until the global size of work items completed executing the kernel and the global size might just be the amount of pixels in the image. Is that right? Such that it is a kind of a thread spawning loop in itself?
On the other hand in the book. The global work size is smaller than the amount of pixels to process, but the kernel has loops that make each work item process several pixels while executing the kernel code.
So I want to know which way is the proper way to write image processing kernels or any OpenCL kernels for that
matter and in what situations one way might be better than the other, assuming I understood correctly both ways...
Is that right? Such that it is a kind of a thread spawning loop in itself?
So I want to know which way is the proper way to write image processing kernels or any OpenCL kernels for that matter and in what situations one
I suspect there isn't a "right" answer in general - there are multiple hardware vendors and multiple drivers - so I suspect the "best" approach will vary from vendor to vendor.
For Mali in particular the thread spawning is all handled by hardware, so will in general be faster than explicit loops in the shader code which will take instructions to process.
There is normally some advantage to at least some vectorization - e.g. processing vec4 or vec8 vectors of pixels per work item rather than just 1 - as the Mali-T600/700/800 GPU cores uses a vector arithmetic architecture.

About Dijkstra omp

Recently I've download a source code from internet of the OpenMP Dijkstra.
But I found that the parallel time will always larger than when it is run by one thread (whatever I use two, four or eight threads.)
Since I'm new to OpenMP I really want to figure out what happens.
The is due to the overheard of setting up the threads. The execution time of the work itself is theoretically the same, but the system has to set up the threads that manage the work (even if there's only one). For little work, or for only one thread, this overhead time makes your time-to-solution slower than the serial time-to-solution.
Alternatively, if you see the time increasing dramatically as you increase the thread-count, you could only be using 1 core on your computer and tricking it into thinking its 2,4,8, etc threads.
Finally, it's possible that the way you're implementing dijkstra's method is largely serial. But without looking at your code it would be too hard to say.
