Displaying Reports on SharePoint - sql-server

First of all, I must say that I'm new to this. I'm a 3rd year ICT & Business student and an intern in a international company. My assignment is to create a reporting service on the company's intranet (SharePoint).
The company wants to have a section on the intranet where only managers can access. To give you an idea, lets say one of the managers wants a report like this:
"Show the names of the male interns who worked between 2012 – 2013".
And lets say the interface on the intranet is going to be like the image below.
Once the manager fills in the required fields and presses the button;
1.SharePoint is going to create the query,
2.SharePoint is going to ask for the data which is stored in the SQL Server,
3.SQL Server is going to send the data to SharePoint,
4.SharePoint is going to create an Excel File.
In order to achieve such a reporting system, where and how do you suggest me to start? Any links, guides etc. would be much appretiated. Even a general response would help me to understand the basics.
NOTE: Our IT department will handle the connections between the SharePoint and SQL server. I don't have to worry about that. All I need is to find out how you create a query on Sharepoint which will connect to SQL server and ask for data and display it on SharePoint (or Excel in this case).
Thanks in advance.

If you're not already, you need to use SharePoint Designer.
Create a new site in SharePoint. You'll need to manage the permissions as to prevent non-management from accessing the new site.
Open the new site in SP Designer. Bring up the Data Source Library (Data View > Manage Data Sources). There you can 'Connect to a database...'. I can't help you there. For this you'll need the DB connection string and you'll have to design a query that gets a super set of interns (to your example). You can then use filters to extract the specific intern. This also will take some exploring on your part.
You may be able to customize the SQL query using form elements but I haven't seen that done before. Typically the DB connection pulls down a data table and that is consumed by the web parts on the page.
Hope this at least gets you started...


SSRS report with different data

I have an SSRS report where I receive a table of files which stuck in transition. In that table may be more than one user who should do some action. I want to create one report and change (using SQL query) the user for whom this table generated and send personalized reports to them. We are using MS SQL Standard 2014. So I've found a workaround on how to generate a data-driven subscription and it works fine. But reports which will send by RS still contain information for all users. I mean report which contains all people who should do some stuff is sending only for people mentioned in this report, not to all users in the base. Because of this, it's not usable and it really hard to find which files belong to you.
I'm stuck on the step: Is it possible for each iteration of running the same report to use different user names to generate personalized reports? For example except this, I want users will receive that.
For data-driven subscription I used this instruction.
I know the simple way is to create many reports for one user and trigger it, but I think it's monkey business.
Thank's to Tyron78. I tried SSIS and it 100% what I needed.
I've built a small workflow with SQL query and c# script. c# script generates pdf files and sends them to a list of users which emails users get from SQL query.

Output Export to excel

We having SQL Server Management Studio , we had written several stored procedures in it. Currently we taking output in HTML and mailing to desired email id's. Now our requirement is instead of HTML we need to take output in excel and mail to desired Id's.
I would use the SQL Server Reporting services, and add subscriptions that send the created result by email as an Excel or CSV file.
Excellent question.
As Michael mentioned, you may use SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to create a report that automatically sends the excel file to your chosen subscribers.
This might be an ideal solution if:
Your business unit would like the report to have specific fonts, color schemes, and column formatting as this is a user-friendly way to format the report and test as needed prior to adding on the email subscriptions. Of course, this depends on your audience and the way that the excel file might be used.
You have support analysts or specialists on your team that have been granted access to SSRS, but not necessarily SQL Server Management Studio. From my experience, granting access to one but not the other may lessen the liability of stored procedures or tables being written over, deleted, executed improperly, etc.
Your business unit frequently has changes to the subscription list, as you would be able to hand the responsibility of editing the list over to designated user-support team members rather than bogging down your SQL Developers.
However, if you'd prefer to create a stored procedure to send the emails or don’t have access to SSRS, then you should be able to use the Bulk Copy Program (BCP) command-line utility to generate a simple CSV file. Here are a couple of resources that provide further detail on this option:
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m always happy to help whenever I’m able.

How to setup Microsoft Word to fill in certain fields with data from a SQL Server database using a web service?

I would like to fill in a Microsoft Word document using a SQL Server database, preferably without doing the document processing on the server side.
From what I read, Microsoft does not recommend server side word processing as it was not designed to be scalable, the UI will come up and there would be no one to click it, and licensing issues.
Therefore I would be interested in a way that a client could type up a Word document and then put something like Name: <!name> and then connect somehow through a web service to receive a record set or something that will fill in all the tags with the information from the database.
How would I go about doing this? If this is not possible, is there any way a client can design the form they want to use, and have our program fill in the template fields?
If Word cannot do it, can Open Office?
Thank you.
With OpenOffice, this is at least as hard as with Microsoft Office. Unless you are more experienced with OpenOffice development than with Microsoft Office. I find it very hard to gather technical documentation on OpenOffice customization development, while Microsoft does it best to attract developers.
If you like to pre-fill a Word document with data from SQL Server or for instance Teradata on a PC using Microsoft Office, I can recommend you Invantive Composition for filling Word documents from the database (please note that I've been involved with that product). You can extend it further using C#, but out-of-the-box it is already able to connect to various database platforms through a webservice. I think it can also connect directly to SQL databases, but that requires maintenance on local database drivers.
Please note that Invantive Composition is preliminary aimed at non-developers; a financial or legal employee with high school or university must be able to create templates for the rest of their collegeaus. Of course, IT and security department still need to make sure only the data that should be available on a need-to-know-basis is made available. That can be done on the central webservice or using a separate database or separate database views.

Write Access Client App for SQL Server 2005 Backend

I'm writing an inventory/payroll system, and I'm storing all the records on a remote server running SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2008 R2. I was wondering how I could start writing forms(very basic) in MS-ACCESS 2010 to upload things to the database. I just want to test it out to make sure that once I implement the entire database, things will work smoothly and without error. I want to figure out how to just make a single form that will be connected to the database, right now the form will just be a simple single text input with a submit button, that will be uploading barcodes(strings not images).
If I need to clarify anything, please just ask.
Thanks in advance for any help
Microsoft has tons of useful "Getting Started" articles.
This one explains how to connect to SQL Server: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access-help/import-or-link-access-to-sql-server-data-HA010341762.aspx
This one covers all sorts of forms: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access-help/CH010369205.aspx
Go there, you will find a lot that can help you with whatever you are going to do.
Make sure you have the SQL Client driver installed on the workstation where you'll be using MS Access. You can download it here (look for sqlcnli).
The simplest way to get started is to build an ODBC DSN. Access can then link to your SQL Server tables using that DSN. How to Create a DSN
In Access, Go to the "External Data" option and choose ODBC. Locate your DSN and then select which tables you want Access to be linked to.
After your linked tables are showing up in the tables list, click on one of the tables, go to the Create tab (2007, not sure about 2010) and choose Form. This should automatically create a form for you using the table you had selected when you clicked the Form button. There's no need to write code or add buttons to this form. The default form can do all CRUD operations as long as permissions for all CRUD have been granted to the username you used when you created your DSN.
Some developers prefer to use ADO (code only, no linked tables or form wizards) or Pass Through Queries to access SQL Server from Access. I can't really tell you what you should be using because it depends on so many different factors including (but not limited to) size of project, amount of records, skill level, personal preferences, etc.

is there a simple front for sql server?

i am in a multi-user environment
i am using access as a front end connecting to sql server database. i am allowing users to edit only one table in sql server.
i dont want to continue using access to edit a sql-server table.
can someone recommend another tool to do this?
The Access 2007 runtime and the Access 2010 runtime is free for the download from Microsofts website. Of course you'd want to purchase Access licenses for power users who want to create their own queries usually for export to Excel.
Either Access or Excel are almost certainly the simplest solutions available that meet your requirements, when you consider both the simplicity of the user interface itself and the simplicity of implementing, deploying, and maintaining the solution for the users. Creating even a simple web page isn't nearly so simple – you'll need to setup a web server, configure user security, develop the web page, etc.
Use SSMS -- Sql Server Management Studio.
Found a near duplicate #SU: Less daunting front end for SQL Server
Update 2
Try to use Microsoft ASP.NET Dynamic Data. And a tutorial on YouTube, of course.
Sounds like you need to give CRUD access to a table in a SQL Server database.
Suggest making a simple page - use ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Watch this video to get started with ASP.NET Dynamic Data.
Failing that, provision the user with Microsoft Access.
setup a new user in SQL Server, and give it permissions on that table only.
setup Access to read, update, create and delete that table. Use the credentials of the user in the bullet above. This will ensure they can't mess anything else up.
Only bring that table into the user's view.
If you pull down a copy of visual studio express you could build a single screen application that allows editing a table with just drag and drop from the server explorer. No coding needed unless you're looking to add some more advanced logic.
Alternatively you could just use Access to also build a one screen front end - with that as the start up form to your Access DB your users wouldn't even know they're in Access.
Assuming you're in a windows domain - put all your users in to a security group and then grant this group access to the SQL Server. Only grant the group permissions on the specific objects that they need to edit.
Create a blank Access DB.
Link your SQL Server table in to the Access DB - e.g. in 2007 the option is in the External Data ribbon > more... > ODBC database.
Once you have the table linked create a form to edit the data by doing Create > more > Form Wizard.
This allows you to pick the exact columns you want them to edit, pick a layout etc.
From here the options are really only limited by how much effort you want to put in but it's a good start in contrast to direct table access.
I believe it's still in Beta but you might want to also take a look at WebMatrix.
