First time asking a question on here. Apologies if there's already threads about this but i had a few searches and didn't quite find what i think i was looking for. I'm very new to C and am working through a few homework exercises for my microcontroller systems class. We're currently working through easy exercises before we get into embedded C and I'm trying to write a program that'll take a line of text consisting of 10 numbers separated by commas and fill an array of ints with it. As a hint we were told to use a substring and atoi. I think i'm close to getting it right but i can't get it to output my numbers properly.
Also i'm not looking spoon fed answers. A few hints would suffice for now. I'd like to try figuring it out myself before asking for the solution.
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int a[10];
char str[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; //contains string of numbers
int i;
puts("This prints out ten numbers:");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
a[i] = atoi(str);
printf("%d", a[i]);
//i'm guessing the problem lies in one of the above two lines
return 0;
This is outputting the following:
This prints out ten numbers:
Thanks to anyone that can help!
You said that you have to use a line of text separated by commas but you've actually declared a char array containing ten (binary) integers. To get that into a string you just need to do this:
char str[] = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10";
Then you'll need someway to process this string to get each number out and into your array of int.
First off, you should declare a string as follows:
char str[] = {"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"};
the " made the numbers a whole string. Next, you'll need to tokenize them and using the <string.h> library which will come quite handy in this situation.
Here is how you do tokenizing:
define a token buffer first:
char* token;
token = strtok(str,","); //think of it as substring, the part of the str before the comma
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
a[i] = atoi(token);
printf("%d\t", a[i]);
//i'm guessing the problem lies in one of the above two lines
token = strtok(NULL, ","); //this line is also required for tokenizing the next element
Using the strtok() function, you separated the elements between the comas, and got yourself the number strings. Used atoi() function to convert them into integers and printed them. You can see this reference for strtok() function for better understanding.
The problem lies in how you're creating the string.
Please excuse my previous answer, I misunderstood your question:
Simply put, the declaration should be as follows:
char str[] = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 12";
Next, you can use strtok to separate the string into an array of strings omittied the separator (which is in your case the comma), then pass the array members to atoi
Now, why is your code not working?
First, characters should be surrounded by the apostrophes or else the compiler will take the number you pass literally as the ASCII value.
Second, arrays in C like this:
char str[] = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5'}; don't mean a comma separated string, these commas separate the ARRAY members, each in its own index and not as a whole string.
Your definition of char str[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; actually sets
the values of the chars to 1 to 10.
In the ASCII-chart of characters, these are unprintable control-characters.
Writing '1' instead of 1 will set the value to the ASCII-value of 1, which is 0x31.
another mistake is that the commas in your definition only seperate the values in the definition, so the result is a array of chars without any seperation, so 12345678910.
so the correct way would be
char str[] = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10";
I read somewhere that when we use structs we can't just write something like « = "Jim";», instead of it we should write «strcpy(, "Jim");»
The thing is that I need to use a struct and I need to scanf (and right after that sscanf) some information that corresponds to a string and I don't know how I should do it.
Could somebody help me, please?
My code isn't complete and I know it's wrong, but I'll post it here so that you know what I am talking about:
int main(){
struct Cards{
int value;
char type[4];
for(i=1, 0 < i && i < 11, i++){
struct Cards cardi;
scanf("%d %s", &cardi.value, cardi.type);
/*at this point I just know it's wrong but I am really bugged.
I thought about something like «scanf("%d %s", &cardi.value, strcpy(cardi.type, "%s"));»
but I just know it's very wrong */
return 0;
This isn't true only about structs, but for all strings. You can use = for strings, only when you initialize them. You can scanf a string and place it in a string. Example:
scanf("%s", my_struct.str);
If you already have a string and you want to pass it in a struct, or in an other string variable you then need strcpy:
char str1[] = "abc", str2[4];
strcpy(str2, str1);
strcpy(my_struct.str, str1);
for(i=1, 0 < i && i < 11, i++) {
struct Cards cardi;
In your code cardi is not card0, card1 etc, it is a struct Cards variable with the name cardi.
If you want to store 10 cards, you sould make an array of struct Cards with capacity of 10 like:
struct Cards array[10];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
scanf("%d %s", &array[i].value, array[i].type);
Anyway i suggest that you focus on learning the basics on arrays, strings and pointers before you use structs.
Edit 2: You don't want to define structs inside your main, because in that way, if you write a function it will not "see" your struct. Structs usually are written in the top of the code.
Your use of scanf() is correct. However scanning strings using %s is dangerous and discouraged. This is because the type member of your structure has space for only 4 characters, including the terminating '\0' (NUL) character. Entering a string longer than 3 characters will result in the extra characters being written into an unknown area of memory likely corrupting other variables and leading to incorrect program execution or a program crash. You can correct this by adding a string length limit, simply replace %s with %3s, where 3 is the maximum numbers of characters that will be accepted (scanf will automatically add a '\0' (NUL) character following the last scanned character).
Below are some additional comments:
If you want to declare an array for 10 Cards, you could do it this way without any loops:
struct Cards cardi[10];
To scan values into the first card (C arrays are 0-based):
// this will scan into the first card; type field is restricted to at most 3 characters
scanf("%d %3s", &cardi[0].value, cardi[0].type);
At the top of the file you'll want to add:
#include <stdio.h>
This header file provides a prototype (declaration) for the scanf function (among many others).
I am trying to create a program that take the input from the user and prints the first character of each word but every time I try to Here is my code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char leng[100];
int len;
scanf("%s", &leng[100]);
len = strlen(&leng[100]);
char name[len];
//checking if at end or not
while (name[len] != '\0')
if (name[len] == ' ')
printf("%c", name[len + 1]);
Every time I give a name it shows an error something like:
index 3 out of bounds for type 'char [len]'
These two lines are incorrect:
scanf("%s", &leng[100]);
len = strlen(&leng[100]);
If you translate these into English, their meanings as written are:
Scan a string to the memory at the address of 101st element of the
leng array.
Get the length of the string that starts at the address
of the 101st element of the leng array.
The array index is out of bounds because leng[100] is past the end of the array. Remember that a 100 element array goes from 0 to 99, not from 1 to 100!
You want to be scanning into the base address of the array, and passing the base address of the array into strlen(). I'll leave the syntax for you to figure out from your textbook.
And by the way, you also have a problem in your code because you're reading your data into an array named leng, but your loop is working with an array named len. There are at least two additional problems in your code, but I'll leave them for you to debug.
There are a few things to consider with your code. As #richardschwartz already mentioned, you are not referencing your char arrays correctly. you have:
scanf("%s", &leng[100]);
len = strlen(&leng[100]);
You may want the following instead:
scanf("%s", leng);
len = strlen(leng);
Also, keep in mind that scanf with the %s flag will stop reading input once white-space is detected. For example, if you input "hello world",
scanf("%s", leng);
will only catch the characters "hello". To get around this, you could loop scanf to read multiple words and return the first character of each word as you desire.
Lastly, scanf is not advised for beginners though. See paxdiablo's excellent reason regarding lack of overflow protection, here:
I'm quite new to C and as part of my task, I must remove the the newline character that is added at the end of a string using fgets().
My lecturer advised this method:
char names[20];
I've omitted some of the code as I'm only demonstrating the method.
However, in our task, we have to deal with arrays of strings.
I've tried...
but seems to only find the length of the string, deduct 1 and then use that number in the index which then sets a string further down the array to \0
Is there a way to access the individual characters of the strings?
I know I can access the strings using
names[i] // where i is the numeric index
but I need to access the individual characters within that string.
This is my first time posting on StackOverflow so please inform me if I haven't included enough detail or have formatted my question poorly.
Thanks in advance.
As noted, in C a string is an array of characters. So, you can access the individual characters like you access any array. For your task what you need to do is
char names[100][20];
//Now this declares 100 strings of size 20 each.
//To access a single character in the position '4' from string 0 you can write
//To modify the string in position 'i' you will use
The last line is very similar to what you have written for a single string.
With the first index 'i' you access the string in that position. and with the second index you access a particular character of that string.
Try this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char names[10][10];
char c = 'A';
for(int index = 0; i < strlen(names) - 1)
names[0][index] = c++;
printf("%s", namws[0]);
return 0;
In c, string is actually an array of char.
char[] charArray = "string";
charArray[0] will give you 's'.
I'm extremely new to C and am doing a few problems I found in a book I bought. What is wrong with this program?
int main (void)
char text[50]='\0';
scanf ("%s", text);
printf("%c", text[49]);
printf("%s", text);
return 0;
char text[50]='\0';
is not valid. You could skip initialising text and just declare it
char text[50];
or you could initialise its first element
char text[50]={'\0'};
You're also missing an include of stdio.h and should really check that your scanf call read a string and could give it a max length for the string
if (scanf("%49s", text) == 1)
You want to get rid of:
printf("%c", text[49]);
as you have no idea what's at that memory location if the string is less than 49 chars long.
There is a difference of single quotes and double quotes in C.
double quotes means string
single quotes means character
Line 3 will not compile because the compiler wants you to assign a string to the array of characters.
You can do
char text[50]="\0";
which in effect fills all the 50 bytes with zeros.
You could also do
char text[50]="bla";
which fills the first 3 bytes with "bla" and the rest with zeros. At least my compiler does it like that.
You could also do nothing because you anyway fill it with user input just the next statement.
char text[50];
scanf ("%s", text);
But then you have a problem. Because the very next statement will give you random output if the user has entered a string with less than 49 characters. But if you initialize, well then you output the zero byte, which is also quite useless.
The main point however is to learn the different behaviour of C when dealing with an array of characters.
int main ()
char text[50]={'1','2','3','4'};
printf("%c", text[1]);
return 0;
do like this..
I know it's a little unorthodox and will probably cost me some downvotes, but since it's due in 1 hour and I have no idea where to begin I thought I'd ask you guys.
Basically I'm presented with a string that contains placeholders in + form, for example:
I have to create a function to print out all the possibilities of placing different combinations of any given series of digits. I.e. for the series:
[9,8,6] // string array
The output will be
So for each input I get (number of digits)^(number of placeholders) lines of output.
Digits are 0-9 and the maximum form of the digits string is [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].
The original string can have many placeholders (as you'd expect the output can get VERY lengthly).
I have to do it in C, preferably with no recursion. Again I really appreciate any help, couldn't be more thankful right now.
If you can offer an idea, a simplified way to look at solving this, even in a different language or recursively, it'd still be ok, I could use a general concept and move on from there.
It prints them in different order, but it does not matter. and it's not recursive.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int // 0 if no more.
get_string(char* s, const char* spare_chr, int spare_cnt, int comb_num){
for (; *s; s++){
if (*s != '+') continue;
*s = spare_chr[comb_num % spare_cnt];
comb_num /= spare_cnt;
return !comb_num;
int main(){
const char* spare_str = "986";
int num = 0;
while (1){
char str[] = "1+2+5";
if (!get_string(str, spare_str, strlen(spare_str), num++))
break; // done
printf("str num %2d: %s\n", num, str);
return 0;
In order to do the actual replacement, you can use strchr to find the first occurrence of a character and return a char * pointer to it. You can then simply change that pointer's value and bam, you've done a character replacement.
Because strchr searches for the first occurrence (before a null terminator), you can use it repeatedly for every value you want to replace.
The loop's a little trickier, but let's see what you make of this.