AngularJS filter on empty string - angularjs

I have a simple Angular filter setup between a select and a list. When a user selects an item from the dropdown, the list is updated to show the matching result. The problem is that I have a "Select..." option first in the dropdown with no value, and when that is the selected value, all items are shown. I suppose that makes sense, but I want the opposite. If the selected option has no value, I don't want to show the list. Here are some relevant bits, followed by a link to a full fiddle:
The dropdown:
<select class="world-list" ng-model="selectedWorld" ng-options="world.worldId as world.worldName for world in allWorlds">
<option value="">Select...</option>
The list:
<ul class="unstyled" id="charList">
<li ng-repeat="char in characters | filter:selectedWorld">
{{char.charName}} - {{char.charRace}} {{char.charClass}}
And here is a link to the full fiddle, which contains my JSON structures that drives all this:
What I'm trying to do is rather simple, and I'm pretty new to Angular so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. Checked the Jabbr room, nobody on. :(
Anyway, thanks for any and all help!

One way to accomplish this is to filter by specific properties of the iteration object:
<ul class="unstyled" id="charList">
<li ng-repeat="char in characters | filter:{worldId: selectedWorld}">
{{char.charName}} - {{char.charRace}} {{char.charClass}}

I noticed in your code "script.js" you don't seem to be accounting for the blank option.
I did not test this (I probably should prior to posing this answer), but it should work by placing the "blank" option within your script.js.
app.controller('WorldCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.allWorlds = [{
worldId: "",
worldName: ""
worldId: "b8ee0530-744b-463e-9428-23178f6c7bff",
worldName: "World 1"
worldId: "81211982-5613-4f9c-b704-7b6fa35faf84",
worldName: "World 2"
worldId: "df41208e-e8d2-46c9-8299-8f37632a51f8",
worldName: "World 3"
$scope.characters = [{
charClass: "Rogue",
charName: "Vaes",
charRace: "Human",
worldId: "b8ee0530-744b-463e-9428-23178f6c7bff"
charClass: "Warrior",
charName: "Azash",
charRace: "Orc",
worldId: "b8ee0530-744b-463e-9428-23178f6c7bff"
charClass: "Mage",
charName: "Anele",
charRace: "Ogre",
worldId: "81211982-5613-4f9c-b704-7b6fa35faf84"


Vue JS for updating checkboxes based on radio selection

I basically have the same question as this guy, but using Vue JS instead of jQuery.
I have a list of N groups bound to my array ensemble_groups and represented by radio buttons. Selected value is mapped to selected_group.
I have a list of actors bound to my array cast with the variables actor_id, actor_name and groups. Each actor is pre-assigned to any number of groups. They're represented by checkboxes and mapped to an array visible_actors (when checked).
Here's my Vue JS powering the above data (I imagine the method is all jacked up, and I probably need a computed property of some sort):
new Vue({
el: '#schedule-builder',
data: {
selected_group: 'Entire Cast',
visible_actors: [],
ensemble_groups: [
"Entire Cast",
"Deselect All",
cast: [
actor_id: "123",
actor_name: "Carl",
groups: ["Entire Cast","Leads",],
actor_id: "234",
actor_name: "Max",
groups: ["Entire Cast","Leads","Children",],
actor_id: "345",
actor_name: "Sheryl",
groups: ["Entire Cast","Dancers",],
actor_id: "456",
actor_name: "Chip",
groups: ["Entire Cast","Children",],
methods: {
selectGroup: function() {
// uncheck all
// add people in this group to visible_actors
for person in cast {
if (person.groups.indexOf(selected_group) > -1) {
When a user clicks on a radio button for a group, I want to select only the actors' checkboxes who are in that group. So if the user selects "Children", only the actors in the "Children" group should be checked (Max and Chip, per my example).
And, obviously, checking an actor (rather than a group) shouldn't affect the rest of the selections. I mention this because I got it partially working at one point, where selecting a group also selected the correct people, but when I clicked on a person suddenly everyone else was deselected. User can click either a group OR a person, and the expected behavior is that
Here's my HTML template:
<div id="schedule-builder">
<div class="select-groups">
<h3>Ensemble Groups</h3>
<template v-for="group in ensemble_groups">
<input name="select_group[]" id="group_#{{ $index }}"
<label for="group_#{{ $index }}">#{{ group }}</label>
<div class="select-individuals">
<h3>Cast Members</h3>
<template v-for="person in cast">
<input name="actors[]" id="actor-#{{ $index }}"
:checked="visible_actors.indexOf(person.actor_id) > -1"
<label for="actor-#{{ $index }}">
#{{ person.actor_name }}
Any help is appreciated... I've been banging my head on it for a couple days already.
This is a tough question to answer well but I'll try.
I would not rely on a computed property for the checked state. Let v-model handle that for you. You can do
and that will manage the array of selected_actors for you as their values change.
I'm at work and plan on elaborating on this answer a little later but here's a fiddle of how I'd approach the situation:

Two-tier sorting for ng-repeat

For example, I have the following collection used for ng-repeat:
$scope.pokedex = [{
type: "Fire",
pokemon: ["Charizard", "Moltres"]
type: "Rock",
pokemon: []
type: "Fighting",
pokemon: ["Machamp", "Hitmonchan"]
type: "Dragon",
pokemon: []
This collection will be churned out in a ng-repeat directive. In the actual application, the collection will be retrieved from a database, so it may be unsorted. I want to sort it in the following manner: priority sort types with Pokemon to the top, then sort each group by name.
Edit: I need to clarify what the backend data consists of. In the above example, $scope.pokedex consists of a constant number of types - these are categories. The application retrieves Pokemon from the database and fill up each category's list accordingly. The full range of types is intentionally hardcoded into the array and will remain unchanged regardless of whether the list of Pokemon in it is empty or not.
When the web page is generated using ng-repeat, the desired end state is as follows:
An accordion is displayed with each type as a header, and the list of Pokemon in the body as a list/table.
All empty categories shall be disabled but still visible, their headers given a particular CSS format, and all of them PUSHED TO THE BOTTOM beneath the non-empty categories.
The empty group and non-empty group shall individually be sorted by category/type name.
Everything except the pushing of empty groups to the bottom and the sorting by name have been implemented. These are my final requirements to implement.
How can I do that? Is there a way to do it in advance, or via orderBy during ng-repeat, or any other workable solution?
You Can Try like this This
<li ng-repeat="people in peoples | orderObjectBy:'pokemon':true">{{ }}</li>
Please try the code below
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="pokemonController">
<li ng-repeat="people in peoples | orderBy:['-pokemon.length','name']">
name: {{}} - number of Pokemons: {{people.pokemon.length}}
<hr />
var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);
app.controller('pokemonController', ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.peoples = [{
name: "Obama",
pokemon: ["Charizard", "Dragonite", "Moltres"]
name: "Merkel",
pokemon: []
name: "Putin",
pokemon: ["Machamp", "Hitmonchan"]
name: "Kim",
pokemon: []

how do i filter items by property in ng-options?

I have some data and a select control as you can see from my code sample below. It works for me but I want to be able to filter the data by type. In my code sample, I show one way I have tried to filter the data based on the type being a value of one. I am not sure if the way I am creating the select is causing this simple inline filter to not work or if I am doing something wrong?
$ = [{
name : "5 play",
type : 1
}, {
name : "one on one",
type : 2}, {
name : "two on one",
type : 2}];
<select class="form-control" ng-model="selectedRule"
ng-options="item as (item.Name) for item in data track by item.Name | filter:{type:1}"></select>
As stated in angular docs, track by must always be the last expression:
Note: track by must always be the last expression
My guess is that all that follows is not considered, so that´s why your filter wasn´t applying. Moving the track by to the right place should fix it
Yes, as mentioned. Move the track by at the end and make the letter N lowercase like in the following demo or in this fiddle.
angular.module('demoApp', [])
.controller('mainController', MainController);
function MainController($scope) {
$ = [{
name: "5 play",
type: 1
}, {
name: "one on one",
type: 2
}, {
name: "two on one",
type: 2
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="mainController">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="selectedRule" ng-options="item as for item in data | filter:{type:1} track by"></select>

Ng-repeat inside ng-repeat

<ul ng-repeat="cate in restaurant.categories"><li>{{cate}}</li>
<li ng-repeat="menuItem in restaurant.menuItems" ng-show="menuItem.category == cate">{{}}</li></ul>
I want one ng-repeat loop inside another and to show the menu only if the menuItem is in the category. I only have items in the first category loop, and empty for all the other categories.
Categories and menuItem are 2 different arrays. If the menuItem's category is under the current category it should be added to the page.
menuItems = {{name: dish1, category:soup},
{name: dish2, category:beef}}
categories = {beef, soup}
#show-me-the-code : Bill Bi has two different array. So the best option to achieve this is by filter in inside loop as stated in my comment.
Here is the final code with filter for inside loop. I am including fiddler for quick reference.
<div ng-app ng-controller="testCtrl">
<ul ng-repeat="cate in categories">
<li ng-repeat="menuItem in menuItems | filter:{category: cate}">{{}}</li>
function testCtrl($scope) {
$scope.menuItems = [{name: 'dish1', category:'soup'},
{name: 'dish2', category:'beef'}];
$scope.categories = ['beef', 'soup']
Fiddle : JSFiddle
I would change my data representation to match what you are actually trying to display like so:
$ = {
categories: [{
name: "beef",
menuItems: [{
name: "dish1",
"price": "$10"
}, {
name: "dish2",
"price": "$15"
}, {
name: "soup",
menuItems: [{
name: "dish1",
"price": "$20"
}, {
name: "dish2",
"price": "$25"
This way you could easily match your two nested loops like this:
<div ng-app ng-controller="testCtrl">
<ul ng-repeat="cate in restaurant.categories">
<li ng-repeat="menuItem in cate.menuItems">{{}} - {{menuItem.price}}</li>
Check out this fiddle if you would like to see it in action.
If you need to stick to your JSON data, you will have to do filtering to pull the contents you want to display.

Edit ng-repeated item using ngclick

Im learning Angular and am trying to build bits and bobs to learn. Ive tried to explain myself as clear as possible below - any help will be much appreciated.
I've created myself this bit of data
$scope.people =
"personID": 1,
"first_name": "Sam",
"last_name": "Stimpson",
"attending": false
"personID": 2,
"first_name": "Alison",
"last_name": "van Schoor",
"attending": true
"personID": 3,
"first_name": "Lindsay",
"last_name": "van Schoor",
"attending": false
I've created an output in my view like this:
<div ng-repeat="person in people">
<a href="" ng-click="isAttending()">
{{person.first_name}}{{person.last_name}} - {{person.attending}}
Now the bit I'm stuck on. I want to be able to click on a person and update their attending field from false to true. I understand I can use ng-click like this
$scope.isAttending = function() {
alert("is attending");
but do not have a clue how to update the person Ive clicked to change false to true in the $scope.people.
When I have achieved this I plan to have another ng-repeat with a filter to show those attending but Ill be able to do that part I believe.
can anyone help me or give me some advise, anything will be much appreciated at the moment.
Thanks in advanced.
I wrote out an example of what I'm trying to do here:,js,console,output
You could just pass the repeated person <a href="" ng-click="isAttending(person)"> and have your handler method take that object, so you can update its property (well you could do that inline as well in the view, but it is better to separate out and place the logic in the controller as you originally had).
$scope.isAttending = function(person) {
person.attending = true;
Just add a filter as well on both the sections to show who are all attending and who are not.
<div ng-repeat="person in people | filter:{attending:false} track by person.personID">
<a href="" ng-click="toggleAttending(person)">
{{person.first_name}}{{person.last_name}} - {{person.attending}}
$scope.toggleAttending = function(person) {
person.attending = !person.attending;
In your case you could probably optimize better (you have 2 filters on same list of people) by filtering out from the controller and populate to 2 list of people people.invited and people.attendance.
function updatePeopleAttendance(){
$scope.people.attending = [];
$scope.people.invited = [];
angular.forEach(people, function(person){
$scope.people[person.attending ? 'attending' : 'invited'].push(person);
or even better you could pass the id, index and status in the method and pull the item out of one array and push it the other one.
