How to use string indexing with IDataReader in F#? - database

I'm new to F# and trying to dive in first and do a more formal introduction later. I have the following code:
type Person =
Id: int
Name: string
let GetPeople() =
//seq {
use conn = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString)
use cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn)
cmd.CommandType <- CommandType.Text
use reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
let mutable x = {Id = 1; Name = "Mary"; }
while reader.Read() do
let y = 0
// breakpoint here
x <- {
Id = unbox<int>(reader.["id"])
Name = unbox<string>(reader.["name"])
let y = GetPeople()
I plan to replace the loop body with a yield statement and clean up the code. But right now I'm just trying to make sure the data access works by debugging the code and looking at the datareader. Currently I'm getting a System.InvalidCastException. When I put a breakpoint at the point indicated by the commented line above, and then type in the immediate windows reader["name"] I get a valid value from the database so I know it's connecting to the db ok. However if I try to put reader["name"] (as opposed to reader.["name"]) in the source file I get "This value is not a function and cannot be applied" message.
Why can I use reader["name"] in the immediate window but not in my fsharp code? How can I use string indexing with the reader?
Following Jack P.'s advice I split out the code into separate lines and now I see where the error occurs:
let id = reader.["id"]
let id_unboxed = unbox id // <--- error on this line
id has the type object {long} according to the debugger.

Jack already answered the question regarding different syntax for indexing in F# and in the immediate window or watches, so I'll skip that.
In my experience, the most common reason for getting System.InvalidCastException when reading data from a database is that the value returned by reader.["xyz"] is actually DbNull.Value instead of an actual string or integer. Casting DbNull.Value to integer or string will fail (because it is a special value), so if you're working with nullable columns, you need to check this explicitly:
let name = reader.["name"]
let name_unboxed : string =
if name = DbNull.Value then null else unbox name
You can make the code nicer by defining the ? operator which allows you to write reader?name to perform the lookup. If you're dealing with nulls you can also use reader?name defaultValue with the following definition:
let (?) (reader:IDataReader) (name:string) (def:'R) : 'R =
let v = reader.[name]
if Object.Equals(v, DBNull.Value) then def
else unbox v
The code then becomes:
let name = reader?name null
let id = reader?id -1
This should also simplify debugging as you can step into the implementation of ? and see what is going on.

You can use reader["name"] in the immediate window because the immediate window uses C# syntax, not F# syntax.
One thing to note: since F# is much more concise than C#, there can be a lot going on within a single line. In other words, setting a breakpoint on the line may not help you narrow down the problem. In those cases, I normally "expand" the expression into multiple let-bindings on multiple lines; doing this makes it easier to step through the expression and find the cause of the problem (at which point, you can just make the change to your original one-liner).
What happens if you pull the item accesses and unbox calls out into their own let-bindings? For example:
while reader.Read() do
let y = 0
// breakpoint here
let id = reader.["id"]
let id_unboxed : int = unbox id
let name = reader.["name"]
let name_unboxed : string = unbox name
x <- { Id = id_unboxed; Name = name_unboxed; }


Need to optimize the code for mapping codes to description

I have a Text field that has semicolon separated codes. These code has to be replaced with the description. I have separate map that have code and description. There is a trigger that replace the code with their description. the data will loaded using the dataloader in this field. I am afraid, it might not work for large amount of data since I had to use inner for loops. Is there any way I can achieve this without inner for loops?
public static void updateStatus(Map<Id,Account> oldMap,Map < Id, Account > newMap)
Map<String,String> DataMap = new Map<String,String>();
List<Data_Mapper__mdt> DataMapList = [select Salseforce_Value__c,External_Value__c from Data_Mapper__mdt where
active__c = true AND Field_API_Name__c= :CUSTOMFIELD_MASSTATUS AND
Object_API_Name__c= :OBJECT_ACCOUNT];
for(Data_Mapper__mdt dataMapRec: DataMapList){
for(Account objAcc : newMap.values())
if(objAcc.Status__c != ''){
String updatedDescription='';
List<String> delimitedList = objAcc.Status__c.split('; ');
for(String Code: delimitedList) {
updatedDescription = DataMap.get(Code);
objAcc.Status__c = updatedDescription;
It should be fine. You have a map-based access acting like a dictionary, you have a query outside of the loop. Write an unit test that populates close to 200 accounts (that's how the trigger will be called in every data loader iteration). There could be some concerns if you'd have thousands of values in that Status__c but there's not much that can be done to optimise it.
But I want to ask you 3 things.
The way you wrote it the updatedDescription will always contain the last decoded value. Are you sure you didn't want to write something like updatedDescription += DataMap.get(Code) + ';'; or maybe add them to a List<String> and then call String.join on it. It looks bit weird. If you truly want first or last element - I'd add break; or really just access the last element of the split (and then you're right, you're removing the inner loop). But written like that this looks... weird.
Have you thought about multiple runs. I mean if there's a workflow rule/flow/process builder - you might enter this code again. And because you're overwriting the field I think it'll completely screw you over.
Map<String, String> mapping = new Map<String, String>{
'one' => '1',
'two' => '2',
'three' => '3',
'2' => 'lol'
String text = 'one;two';
List<String> temp = new List<String>();
for(String key : text.split(';')){
text = String.join(temp, ';');
System.debug(text); // "1;2"
// Oh noo, a workflow caused my code to run again.
// Or user edited the account.
temp = new List<String>();
for(String key : text.split(';')){
text = String.join(temp, ';');
System.debug(text); // "lol", some data was lost
// And again
temp = new List<String>();
for(String key : text.split(';')){
text = String.join(temp, ';');
System.debug(text); // "", empty
Are you even sure you need this code. Salesforce is perfectly fine with having separate picklist labels (what's visible to the user) and api values (what's saved to database, referenced in Apex, validation rules...). Maybe you don't need this transformation at all. Maybe your company should look into Translation Workbench. Or even ditch this code completely and do some search-replace before invoking data loader, in some real ETL tool (or even MS Excel)

Making a command that shows all your cooldowns and the time remaining

I need a command that shows the list of the commands with cooldowns and the time remaining to use the command again. Is it possible especially putting the command in a cog? If yes, can you help me how to do the command?
It's definitely possible, to get all commands in cooldown and their remaining time. However, does not give direct access to it, and thus we have to abuse private class variables to get them
import datetime
async def cooldowns(ctx: commands.Context):
string = ""
for command in client.walk_commands():
dt = ctx.message.edited_at or ctx.message.created_at
current = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
bucket = command._buckets.get_bucket(ctx.message, current)
if not bucket:
retry_after = bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
if retry_after:
string += f"{} - {retry_after} Seconds\n"
string += f"{} - `READY`\n"
string = string or "No commands are on cooldown"
await ctx.send(string)
Here is what the above code will look like for commands not on cooldown:
It will follow:
command 1 - READY
command 2 - READY
command n - READY (and so on)
and, here is how it will look if commands are on cooldown:
Explaining how the code works:
string = ""
We initialize an empty string in a string variable, this is the string we will add our lines to and send it all at once.
for command in bot.walk_commands():
dt = ctx.message.edited_at or ctx.message.created_at
current = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
bucket = command._buckets.get_bucket(ctx.message, current)
bot.walk_command() is a method that gives us a generator object, which is essentially a generator of all the command objects the bot has stored (i.e: everything under #bot.command(), #commands.command, and
dt is just storing the current time the message was created at, it's a datetime object
message.created_at is a time naive offset and so we bind a timezon to it with its replace method and then we get a timestamp of that with the timestamp() method of datetime.datetime objects
all of the things we did is a waste, the third line is the meat and potatoes of what we want. command._buckets.get_bucket is an internal, we provide the current message object and the timestamp we created earlier.
This gives us our Cooldown object (The one you create with #commands.cooldown(1, 5, commands.BucketType.user), it basically yields what is inside the ()) [This is None for commands with no cooldowns]
here is what it looks like, just for understanding.
if not bucket:
retry_after = bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
if retry_after:
string += f"{} - {retry_after} Seconds\n"
string += f"{} - `READY`\n"
await ctx.send(string)
if not bucket:
If a bucket is not found, command does not have cooldown, meaning we can skip over it.
retry_after = bucket.update_rate_limit(current)
This basically gets us our remaining time (it's a float)
returns None if it's not on cooldown
if retry_after:
string += f"{} - {retry_after} Seconds\n"
string += f"{} - `READY`\n"
the if statement checks if it returned a float, if yet then command is on cooldown and we add the command name along side the cooldown time
the else is for if it's not on cooldown, then it adds the command name and READY along side it.
And at the end we send the entire string.
In my case, I only have one command that had cooldown, which is spotify.
Creating a command that shows all cooldowns is possible. You can do this with a for loop and the is_on_cooldown() function.
Here is an example of a command to return a list of commands and if they are on cooldown:
async def cooldowns(ctx):
cooldown_string = ""
for command in client.commands:
if command.is_on_cooldown(ctx):
cooldown_string += f"\n{command} - **Time Left:** {command.get_cooldown_retry_after(ctx)}MS"
await ctx.send(cooldown_string)
From here you can add condition statements to only show commands on cooldown.

Ordering when using scala.collection.Searching

I have an Array of [Long, Q] and would like to make a binary search on it. I tried below :
import scala.collection.Searching._
class Q (val b:Double, val a:Double)
val myArray = Array(5L -> new Q(1,2), 6L-> new Q(6,9), 7L-> new Q(7,6))
val i =
but had this error
No implicit Ordering defined for Any
Unspecified value parameter ord.
I understand that I need to specify an odering rule for this collection Array[(Long,Q)] but can't figure this out myself.
Please help
Signature of search is search[B >: A](elem: B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]). You've got an array of type [Long, Q]. So in order for the compiler to infer Ordering correctly, you'd have to invoke search like that:> q/*Q(6,9)*/)( //ordering by the first value in a tuple.
and what you're doing is: If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, it's probably to find both value and position in the array.
You could solve it by using two separate data structures:
keys could be stored in the array, like this:
val myArray = Array(5L, 6L, 7L).toList
and if you'd need values, you could use map which would work as a dictionary:
val dictionary = Map(
5L -> new Q(1,2),
6L-> new Q(6,9),
7L-> new Q(7,6)
Actually, I noticed something like that would work:
val dummy = new Q(0,0) //any instance of Q> dummy)( //1
It works since for lookup of the insertion point Ordering is used and no equality test is performed.

Xamarin Sqlite query with sum()

i got a sqlite db with some values, one of it is called "NWPrice". i want to Sum() the price, so i can put it into a string(label) later on. its like in a normal online shop, you got some stuff with a price and its added to "summe" in the end. (dont worry, its not a real shop, was just an exampel). so here is the code i got( i tried it in 2 ways, so thats why there are "summe" and "z"):
var summe = await _connection.QueryAsync<Bestellung>("SELECT SUM(NWPrice) FROM Bestellung");
var z = summe.ToList().FirstOrDefault();
SummeEinkauf.Text = summe.ToString();
Summenlabel.Text = z.ToString();
and the outcome for z its writing "Projektname.PackegeName" and for summe its writing "system.collections.generic.list´1[projektname.models.classname]"
can you help me :D?
by the way(found this allready here):
var ent = conn.Table<Transaction>().Where(t => t.price > 0);
entLabel.Text = (ent.Sum(t => t.price)).ToString();
this one doesnt work, it says it cant convert a string to a bool in the "where-
Finally here´s an answer:
var ent = await _connection.ExecuteScalarAsync<int>("SELECT SUM(NWPreis) FROM BESTELLUNG");
SummeEinkauf.Text = ent.ToString();
if there s anybody who can tell me (exactly for my case) how i can write the answer in this format "0.00" and not (like it is now) in thie "0" or this "0.0" it would be grat. but the most is done :)

How to simplify Swift array initialization

This is in reference to
The following statement is given:
let fooPaths: [WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>] = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\, WritableKeyPathApplicator(\Foo.baz)]
Is there an init or something else that can be done so that the following (or something similar) might also work?
let fooPaths: [WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>] = [\, \Foo.baz]
The original statement is just too much typing! My "preferred" method currently gives the error:
error: cannot convert value of type 'WritableKeyPath<Foo, String>' to expected element type 'WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>'
The type is unnecessary:
let fooPaths = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\, WritableKeyPathApplicator(\Foo.baz)]
The second Foo is unnecessary.
let fooPaths = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\, WritableKeyPathApplicator(\.baz)]
Also the first one if you do provide the type:
let fooPaths: [WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>] = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\.bar),
If the major concern is typing, add a local typealias:
typealias WKPA<T> = WritableKeyPathApplicator<T>
let fooPaths: [WKPA<Foo>] = [WKPA(\.bar),
