JAX-RS services in Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I'm developing a Google App Enigne application that uses some REST services and offers in turn web services. I'm using the GAE Eclipse plugin. I have 2 questions:
What is the best JAX-RS library to use with GAE nowadays? I'd like to use Jersey because I understand is the most "standard" library (isn't it?), but I could use any in principle... I've been looking for documentation, but I've only found some samples in blogs that only work with old versions of Jersey, etc...
For the web services I have to offer, I thought of using JAX-RS as well, but now I'm not sure if it's the best option...

You can use Jersey 1.5. You can see all frameworks that will play on GAE at http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/WillItPlayInJava
But GAE has realized on version 1.7.5 as experimental service Endpoints which in term are rest service. Check https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/endpoints/
For web service I don't know if you mean soap service..JAX-RS is the specification for rest service, instead you should use JAX-WS I don't try the compatibility with this specification.

After a little research on this subject, I've found out that the best way to offer web services from Google App Engine is using Google Cloud Endpoints, which is still an experimental technology but as far as I've tried, it works well. Furthermore it is very well integrated with GAE and the Google Plugin for Eclipse.
To cosume REST services from Google App Engine, I've opted for using just Java build-in HTTP client library as explained here. I don't know if it's the best way, but it is very simple and you avoid compatibility problems that could arise between GAE and JAX-RS APIs such as Jersey.
In order to work with JSON in GAE (very useful for RESTful services), I'm using Google's gson, which is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation and vice-versa.


Can I use Endpoints Frameworks with GAE if it supports only Python 2.7.x. It doesn't support Python 3.x?

I am setting up a new API and Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks looks like a good candidate to use with an AppEngine standard handler. The API handler is to accesses BigQuery in the backend - This seems to prefer newer cloud-api-client libraries.
Python 2.7 is deprecated at the start of 2020. I can't find any guidance on whether Google is going to update endpoints to support GAE on Python3.x or removed (replaced with some other product perhaps?)
App Engine now supports Python 3.x.
Should I be considering cloud endpoints framework for a new project?
You're right, Endpoints Frameworks do not support Python 3.x yet.
A possible solution would be to use Cloud Endpoints on App Engine flexible environment.

Developing a web client without servlet

I m new to appengine development.I have a few basic question about web client for appengine.When we make a google cloud module in Android Studio, an android client, a back end and a WEB CLIENT is auto-generated.A few files are auto-generated for web interface. My questions are:
why do I need WEB-INF/web.xml for web client? I also found there's a servlet api dependency added in gradle, though I didnt find and servlet file, what is it used for ?
I want to make a web interface/client for my andorid app, but I dont
know servlet,jsp, can I make it with pure javascript or js lib?
Will the default template for web client work from any other web-hosting
than appengine?
How can I make a web client with pure javascript,css,html, will the
google cloud doc for javascript suffice for this purpose?
why do I need WEB-INF/web.xml for web client? I also found there's a
servlet api dependency added in gradle, though I didnt find and
servlet file, what is it used for ?
Both are base elements for Java web applications even though you are not using servlets most modern web frameworks are built on top of them.
I want to make a web interface/client for my andorid app, but I dont
know servlet,jsp, can I make it with pure javascript or js lib?
Yes, GAE are standard web applications so you can build and app using pure HTML + js.
Will the default template for web client work from any other
web-hosting than appengine?
short answer, no. The App engine SDK depends on several APIs available strictly on the GAE environment. Shouldn't be hard to get an empty webapp template working on a tomcat thought.
How can I make a web client with pure javascript,css,html, will the
google cloud doc for javascript suffice for this purpose?
I dont know exactly what you mean by "the Google cloud Doc" but mostly the answer is yes, all App Engine, Cloud Compute and Google Drive are capable of hosting HTML+JS.

App Engine Endpoints

Im starting a new application with AppEngine and I need a REST Service.
I was looking at Endpoints and I think they are exactly what I need.
I also read Google don't recommend to use Endpoints in production but my app first version is not going out until April approximately.
How mature do you think App engine Endpoints are?
Do you recommend to use them or should I find another REST framework.
If so, Are there any other REST framework similar to App Engine Endpoints?
Which one do you recommend, Restlet? or use it with Spring MVC?
I'm a bit biased (being a Googler and member of the App Engine team), but I think Endpoints is worth a try. With regards to the general disclaimer on using Endpoints in production, we have allowed some developers to launch in production as long as they have spoken to us first.
I provided another answer to a related question on RESTful development here. The developer tried Endpoints and decided to use it over other options.

Does AppEngine support OAuth 2.0?

Does Google AppEngine support OAuth 2.0? And, if so, can you suggest a good tutorial?
The short answer is yes, and they are moving access to their APIs to use 2.0. I have not come across any great tutorials out there but Google is building on their documentation for this. They do have code samples for non App Engine stuff out there.
For Google APIs there are libraries in:
that you can use on App Engine to access Google APIs using OAuth 2.0. The Python and Java libraries are built on top of a generic library that enables OAuth 2.0 functionality, so if you're accessing non-Google APIs that may be helpful. There may be libraries for other API platforms as well, but your mileage may vary.

GWT and Google Docs API

I'm using GWT to create a simply app that allows teachers to create easily their own lessons.
The App is going to be on Google App Engine but I want to store lessons in user's Google Docs space .
Is it possible?
As far as I know gwt transforms java into javascript but google docs api is java, do i have to upload the java library to de app engine storage?
any place to start? any advice?
You need server side proxy for GWT client.
Your GWT client communicates with the servlet. The servlet is the actual agent using the google docs API.
Please read my explanation at http://h2g2java.blessedgeek.com/2010/05/accessing-google-userservice-from-gwt.html.
It explains how to get a GWT client could communicate with a Java based Google API. It explains that since GWT requires all Java source involved to be available to the GWT compiler, there are cases that you simply cannot get GWT client to do the task directly.
http://h2g2java.blessedgeek.com/2009/08/tablemgr-gae-gwt-gdata-with-rpc.html similarly explains how to combine gae + gwt + google docs, using the proxy approach. The posting is quite old and therefore the web site it points to does not work anymore because I have not updated the gae app with google mandated authentication measures. But it should work on your local machine.
The above subscribes to a webserver flow paradigm.
However, Google APIs are essentially REST APIs, which allows you to access them directly using your javascript or GWT client. So, instead of using the Java docs for Google APIs, you need to read the Google REST API docs.
http://code.google.com/more/, among other whatnots, provides a list of all the Google cloud APIs. To avoid using the webserver-proxy flow paradigm, choose the javascript or REST version of the API docs.
Here is the google docs/data API:
Choose the javascript API:
I advise you to first practice using these APIs by coding in javascript. Then you would get a good grasp of what you need to do in GWT.
You should use the GWT API for authentication prior to accessing the Google REST APIs.
Essentially, you are obtaining an authenticated token which your client could use to access Google's data thro their REST APIs.
FYI, REST APIs are, in plain speak, URLs in a defined specification, where data transmission is by convention mostly in JSON or XML.
