Using jquery accordion tabs on my page will affect the SEO? - jquery-ui-accordion

I've put all the contents of the pages in jquery accordion tabs, I mean like "ABC information", "ABC procedure" and "ABC video", so by default only one tab will be open when the page's open and the other two tabs will be close.
So my question is, is it alright to use accordion jQuery? Will Google crawl all the content I've inside accordion tabs? Will it affect my on-page SEO?
Here's the link to one of the page:

As long as it's not AJAX tabs, yes it will because it's all HTML. Google doesn't check which block is displayed and which isn't.


How to show sap.tnt.SideNavigation over the view content on mobile?

In the mobile mode, the sap.tnt.SideNavigation controller can be either expanded or collapsed (expanded = "true"/"false"). The problem is that when the sidebar expanded, it shifts the view content aside:
Is it possible to show the sidebar over the view content and not to shift it? Just like it's implemented almost in any mobile apps, e.g. in Gmail or Telegram?
BTW, the sidebar in the UI5 documentation also is shown over the page content in the mobile mode.

Navigating to a different section of my page in react

How can I go to a different section of a page in react. Right now, I have separated different sections in folders but not sure how to make a button that clicks to a different section in react. Any suggestions or ideas?
You should be able to use anchor tags in react as you would in HTML.
using JSX, tag the place on the page you want to go to with an ID:
<h3 id="education">Education</h3>
Then where you want the link to be located, place an a tag using the # syntax:
Clicking on the a tag should scroll the page to the education H3 tag.

Disable drag actions in ionic project

I'm developing an ionic app which, on one page, uses touch to scroll down in a table. However, the default "draggableness" of the whole page interferes with what I want to achieve. How can I prevent the content from moving when dragging?
I only found answers about the sidemenu.
Example of draggable content: (just try to drag up/down on white background)
Thanks in advance
Use <ion-pane> to wrap the entire page, and insert <ion-scroll> where you have content that you want to be able to scroll (such as the table). You just have to make sure to set the height of the scrollable area. If your page is wrapped in an <ion-content> element, it will be scrollable by default.
From the docs:
If you'd just like to have a center content scrolling area, use
ionContent instead.

How to have the function of presentPage on onsen ui new version 1.1.4

The previous version of Onsen UI, there was a function call presentPage, so you could show a page without any characteristics of the previous page. It would clear the stack.
It was useful for examples, to be able to have just a page with a Sliding menu, but subsequent pages would not.
How can this in the latest Onsen UI (currently at v1.14)?
I tried using the resetToPage function, but that doesn't stop the Sliding menu.
Let me try to answer this one. I believe I understood the question :)
So, you have a "sliding menu" page with a main page, then a hidden menu page that could slide out when you swipe. Now you want a new page that show but doesn't have any sliding menu in it, just a regular page?
If so, you can achieve it by using ons-sliding-menu on top of an ons-nagivator
Take a look at this sample, I modified the sliding-menu code sample from onsen documentation: ''
Link to Page2 from the menu will open up a new page without any sliding menu in it.
Give + if this helps!

AngularJS Loading a page into a div

I have a few static html pages of content. I want to make an index page that has two div's One for a sidebar menu and one to hold content. When one of the menu links in the sidebar is clicked I want to load one of the other static html pages into the content div.
I just cant find any documentation that shows how to do this, so i'm not even sure if it's possible. Can anyone help?
You can also use ng-view to setup routes that will load your templates into your div. It's pretty straight forward, and there's a good example #
Use ng-include:
