Can I use one entity for mulitple datasources in Solr? - solr

I want to import mutiple sharding databases into one entity in Solr. The sharding databases have the same scheme.
Is it possible?

Sure, it should possible. Are you using DataImportHandler (the question does not say)?
Have you already done a DIH import of a single database and want to just have that definition apply to multiple sources?
If so, you have two basic options to go forward:
Copy the entity definition with appropriately changed sources. When you run DIH, it will execute first entity, then the other
Create an outer entity with rootEntity = false and with your database entity inside of it. Then, your outer entity needs to generate some sort of variable with each round corresponding to different shard. Your inner entity will use that variable to connect to the correct shard and execute the load. You could , for example, have an XML file with your dataSource names for the outer entity to parse it with XPathEntityProcessor


Apache Solr Querying by search term from multiple tables and in all columns

I am new to Apache Solr and have worked with single table and importing it in Solr to get data using query.
Now I want to do following.
query from multiple tables ..... Like if I find by a word, it should return all occurances in multiple tables.
Search in all fields of table I query by word in all fields in single table too.
Do I need to create single document by importing data from multiple tables using joins in data-config.xml? And then querying over it?
Any leads and guidance is welcome.
Do I need to create single document by importing data from multiple tables using joins in data-config.xml? And then querying over it?
Yes. Solr uses a document model (rather than a relational model) and the general approach is to index a single document with the fields that you need for searching.
From the Apache Solr guide:
Solr’s basic unit of information is a document, which is a set of data
that describes something. A recipe document would contain the
ingredients, the instructions, the preparation time, the cooking time,
the tools needed, and so on. A document about a person, for example,
might contain the person’s name, biography, favorite color, and shoe
size. A document about a book could contain the title, author, year of
publication, number of pages, and so on.

How to send data from OLE DB source to Anchor model tables using ETL procedure?

I'm currently solving this task: some data should be sent from AdventureWorks2012 to Anchor model tables on the same server in MsSQL.
This is my Anchor Model
At this point I have a pretty simple Integration Services project in Visual Studio and it looks like this.
Control flow:
For example Load_territories is:
The main requirement is to fill all tables of Anchor model tables in MsSQL but I'm constantly facing a problem: the amount of attributes in tables are different and some of them are repeating
At this picture in the second table basically TR_ID,TR_GRP_TR_ID, TR_TID_TR_ID, TR_TNM_TR_ID contain the same values from dwh_key but it's impossible to create a one-to-many relation between attributes. My tutor has recommended me to use Lookup but I cannot figure out how to implement them in this project
This may be considered as cheating, but if you insert data into the latest view rather than the separate 6NF tables all of those ID fields will be populated by underlying trigger logic. I suspect that this would defeat the purpose of using SSIS though, since you would effectively be loading attributes sequentially rather than in parallel.
Another option is to leave surrogate key management to the ETL tool. This would require that you switch the data type for your identities from integers to GUID:s. SSIS can then generate a GUID and you can then use that very same GUID to populate all the attributes. Note that the anchor would have to be loaded first, or you will get a foreign key violation.
The most common solution though, is to leave surrogate key management to the database (and use integers). You would have a step in which you populate the metadata column in the anchor with the desired number of new identities to be created. Using the metadata number you can then select the newly generated identities and merge them into your data flow. It doesn't matter which number gets assigned to which row. After that all attributes can be populated in parallel, including their ID columns.
Of course, if this is intended to be used for more than an initial load, you would also have to add steps to detect if the data you are loading is already known or not.
I can also recommend watching the video tutorial referenced in this blog post:

Designing a database with similar, but different Models

I have a system whereby you can create documents. You select the document type to create and a form is displayed. Data is then added to the form, and the document can be generated. In Laravel things are done via Models. I am creating a new Model for each document but I don't think this is the best way. An example of my database :
So at the heart of it are projects. I create a new project; I can now create documents for this project. When I select project brief from a select box, a form is displayed whereby I can input :
Project roles
Project Data
It's three text fields and a standard input field. If I select reporting doc from the select menu, I have to input the data for this document (which is a couple of normal inputs, a couple of text fields, and a date). Although they are both documents, they expect different data (which is why I have created a Model for each document).
The problems: As seen in the diagram, I want to allow supporting documents to be uploaded alongside a document which is generated. I have a doc_upload table for this. So a document can have one or more doc_uploads.
Going back to the MVC structure, in my DocUpload model I can't say that DocUpload belongs to both ProjectBriefDoc and ProjectReportingDoc because it can only belong to one Model. So not only am I going to create a new model for every single document, I will have to create a new Upload model for each document as well. As more documents are added, I can see this becoming a nightmare to manage.
I am after a more generic Model which can handle different types of documents. My question relates to the different types of data I need to capture for each document, and how I can fit this into my design.
I have a design that can work, but I think it is a bad idea. I am looking for advice to improve this design, taking into account that each document requires different input, and each document will need to allow for file uploads.
You don't need to have a table/Model for each document type you'll create.
A more flexible approach would be to have a project_documents table, where you'll have a project_id and some data related to it, and then a doc_uploads related to the project_documents table.
This way a project can have as many documents your business will ever need and each document can have as many files as it needs.
You could try something like that:
If you still want to keep both tables, your doc_upload table in your example can have two foreign keys and two belongsTo() Laravel Model declarations without conflicts (it's not a marriage, it's an open relationship).
Or you could use Polymorphic Relations to do the same thing, but it's an anti-pattern of Database Design (because it'll not ensure data integrity on the database level).
For a good reference about Database Design, google for "Bill Karwin" and "SQL Antipatterns".
This guy has a very good Slideshare presentation and a book written about this topic - he used to be an active SO user as well.
I have a don't have to have such a tight coupling on the doc_upload references. You can treat this actually as a stand alone table in your model that is not pegged to a single entity.. You can still use the ORM to CRUD your way through and manage this table..
What I would do is keep the doc_upload table and use it for all up_load references for all documents no matter what table model the document resides in and have the following fields in the doc_upload table
documenttype (which can be the object name the target document object)
documentid_fk (this is now the generic key to a single row in the appropriate document type table(s)
So given a document in a given table.. (you can derive the documenttype based on the model object) and you know the id of the document itself because you just pulled it from the db context.. should be able to pull all related documents in the doc_upload table that match those two values.
You may be able to use reflection in your model to know what Entity (doc type ) you are in.. and the key is just the key.. so you should be able.
You will still have to create a new model Entity for each flavor of project document you wish to have.. but that may not be too difficult if the rate of change is small..
You should be able to write a minimum amount of code to e pull all related uploaded documents into your app..
You may use inheritance by zero-or-one relation in data model design.
IMO having an abstract entity(table) called project-document containing shared properties of all documents, will serve you.
project-brief and project-report and other types of documents will be children of project-document table, having a zero-or-one relation. primary key of project-document will be foreign key and primary key of the children.
Now having one-to-many relation between project-document and doc-upload will solve the problem.
I also suggest adding a unique constraint {project_id, doc_type} inside project-document for cardinal check (if necessary)
As other answers are sort of alluding to, you probably don't want to have a different Model for different documents, but rather a single Model for "document" with different views on it for your different processes. Laravel seems to have a good "templating" system for implementing views:

What is the difference between a table and entity in the context of Model in cakephp v3.x and what kind of code goes in?

In cakephp v3.x, the Model folder contains 3 folders - Behavior, Entity, Table. I am confused over what kind of code should I put in the Entity and Table files.
Should code related to retrieving data and resultsets be all be placed in the Table files? If yes, what sort of code should one place in the Entity files?
According to the cakephp 3.0 manual, the Model layer has been re-written and replaced. Consider reading the ORM Migration in order to understand the differences better.
Cake\ORM\Table - The main entry point into the new ORM. Provides
access to a single table. Handles the definition of association, use
of behaviors and creation of entities and query objects.
Cake\ORM\Entity - Represents a single row result. Makes accessing data
and serializing to various formats a snap.

TPT entities derived from TPH base classes in Entity Framework 6?

I have a project that is using EF6 Database first mapped to a SQL database. This is all new so I control the EF model as well as the database schema.
I currently have a table that I'll call Vehicle for simplicity. I use a discriminator column to get subclass Entities Car and Truck. This all works fine.
Now I need to do a 'soft delete' and move any deleted vehicles to a VehicleHistory table. (After trying this w/ EF i will probably use a SQL transaction). This needs to be reviewable so I need this history table mapped as well, but I would like to keep it within the inheritance hierarchy so its easily reused in other classes.
My idea was to create 'vehiclecurrent' and 'vehiclehistory' tables with FK's to Vehicle for shared columns. i would then use TPT in EF to get 'carcurrent','carhistory', ect... derived from my TPH classes(so e.g. carhistory->car->vehicle). This is not working and I get Error 3034: "Entities w/ different keys are mapped to the same row"
So my question is basically how can I pull this off? Will this approach work and how, or is there another way to accomplish this? Thanks!
