SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plan w/ Full and Transaction log - sql-server

I am attempting to create Maintenance Plan to backup my database in SQL 2005. SQL 2005 does not have the option of setting a different schedules for Full Backup and Transaction log. Should I create two different maintenance plans to accomplish my goal of having my database do a FULL backup each night at midnight and a TRANSACTION LOG backup every 30 minutes?

No need to add a separate maintenance plan. In SSMS Maintenance Plan designer you can add a Subplan to do your trans log backups with any schedule you want, independent of other Subplans. It will add a separate SQL Agent job for the subplan.


SQL Server 2016 - Log rotation

I am working with SQL Server 2016 and TFS 2018.
In my TFS I have a collection : DefaultCollection.
This collection has a log file (DefaultCollection_Log) which is growing fast.
I'd like to set a time period (let's say 2 weeks for examples) for log retention. This is, every day (for example) SQL Server should delete data in my DefaultCollection_Log file older than 2 weeks.
How can I acomplish that?
Transaction log backups to be configured. In this case, virtual log files will be reused, so transaction log file will not grow unless long-running transactions.
Note, that you have to setup backup routines using TFS Administration Console, regular backups using T-SQL scripts are not sufficient, because of multi-database restore in TFS.
Process in few steps:
Create scheduled backups:
Provide a path where backups to be stored
Include transaction log backups into a configuration:
SQL Server Transaction Log Architecture and Management Guide:
Log truncation occurs automatically after the following events, except when delayed for some reason:
Under the simple recovery model, after a checkpoint.
Under the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model, after a log backup, if a checkpoint has occurred since the previous

Automated Incremental backup sql only 5 days

This is my final hopes for expecting answer. Question is: How to do automated incremental backup in SQL Server only for 5 days? and how to schedule in task schedule tool. Please help me.
You might be confusing differential backups with incremental Backups.SQLServer doesn't have a concept of incremental backups..
You might get incremental effect (only backup what has been changed,from last backup) using Tlog*..Idea goes like this..
1.Take a Full Backup
2.Each day, by the end of day take Tlog backup
To Clarify,When you need to restore the backups /make database usable,you will need to restore Fullbackup ,followed by Tlog backups in order
*This is very Risky since ,it reduces your risk of restoring to a point in time
You can create a maintenance plan in SQL Server containing 2 parts:
A back up task for executing a backup every day (or every 5 days)
A clean up task for deleting all the backups older than 5 days.
Once created, you can plan it as a job in SQL Agent. Here's a great example about how to do it: Create a maintenance backup plan in SQL Server 2008 R2 using the wizard by Kyle Laffoon.

Trigger for take daily backup of sql server database

I work on database task. I have to take database backup at all day at 12:00 AM.
I can't find trigger for it but i find one job for it on this.
Job for backup for backup database and also it work good but I want trigger if it is possible.
Please any help.
You don't want to use triggers to initiate a database backup.
The correct approach for this is to put the SQL you have to take the database backup into a SQL Server Agent job and to schedule that job at whatever time you want it to "trigger" off. I recommend you pick the schedule time when you know there is minimal to no activity on your SQL Server so the database backup does not impact the SQL Server performance.

Does SQL Server 2008 have any default mantenance plans?

I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise version. I want to know if I do not explicitly set any maintenance jobs, are there any default maintenance jobs SQL Server will perform (like backup? rebuild index? truncate transaction log?)? Where to find the current maintenance jobs?
thanks in advance,
No. Out of the box SQL Server will not backup automatically nor will it do any maintenance for you. As far as truncating the transaction log goes, you can do that automatically by setting the database mode to SIMPLE, but in a production environment, you do NOT want to do this, because it breaks your transasction log backup chain. In a production environment, you will need to set up a plan to back up your transaction logs and your databases, and to do index maintenance.
In SSMS, in the Object Explorer, there's a Maintenance folder. There's a "Maintenance Plans" folder under there.

Can SQL Server 2005 Express perform full backups?

I need some help for executing my planned backup strategy.
My database is about 1 gig in size.
I want to perform a full backup once per week, and incremental every hour.
Is all of this built into SQL Server 2005 Express?
Is it possible to roll over the backups so I only keep 1 months of backups?
Meaning the full weekly backup has 1 for each week, on the 5th week it writes over the oldest full backup.
You can do it, it's just harder.
You don't have maintenence plans, but that doesn't matter becuase they often cause more headaches than they solve. You will want to script the backup yourself.
The other issue is you won't have the SQL Server Agent, which is used for scheduling your scripts. You can solve this by using sqlcmd and the windows scheduler.
SQL Server express does not have the ability to setup maintenance plans, therefore you must manually execute the scripts. AFAIK.
With all other editions, a simple DB Maint. plan can be setup to do all of this, and it will even walk you through the process.
