Preparing for a flash crowd on Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I recently experienced a sharp, short-lived increase in the load of my service on Google App Engine. The load went from ~1-2 req/second to about 10 req/second for about a couple of hours. My number of dynamic instances scaled up pretty quickly but in the process I did get a number of "Request waited too long" timeout messages.
So the next time around, I would like to be prepared with enough idle instances to handle my load. But now the question is, how do I determine how many is adequate. I expect a much larger burst in load this time - from practically nothing to an average of 500 requests/second, possibly with a peak of 3000. This is to last between 15 minutes and 1 hour.
My main goal is to ensure that the information passed via HTTP Post is saved to the datastore by means of a single write.
Here are the steps I have taken to prepare for the burst:
I have pruned the fast path to disable analytics and other reporting, which typically generate 2 urlfetch requests.
The datastore write is to be deferred to a taskqueue via the deferred library
What I would like to know is:
1. Tips/insights into calculating how many idle instances one would need per N requests/second.
2. It seems that the maximum throughput of a task queue is 500/second. Is this the rate at which you can push tasks, and if not, then is there a cap on that? I'm guessing not, since these are probably just datastore writes, but I would like to be sure.
My fallback plan if I am not confident of saving all of the information for this flash mob is to set up a beefy Amazon EC2 instance, run a web server on it and make my clients send a backup request to this server.

You must understand that Idle Instances are only used when new frontend instances are being spun-up. This means that they are only used during traffic increases. When traffic is steady they are not used.
Now if your instance needs 20 sec to spin up and can handle 10 req/sec of steady traffic and you traffic INCREASE is 5 req/sec, then you'll need 20 * 5 / 10 = 10 idle instances if you don't want any requests dropped.
What you should do is:
Maximize instance throughput (number of requests it can handle): optimize code, use async db operations and enable Concurrent Requests.
Minimize your instance startup time. This is important because idle instances are used during spinning up of new instances and the time it takes to spin up a new instance directly relates to how many idle instances you need. If you use Java this means getting rid of any heavy frameworks that do classpath scanning (Spring, etc..).
Fourth, number of frontend instances needed is VERY application specific. But since you already had traffic increase you should know how many requests your frontend instance can handle per second.
Edit: There is one more obvious thing you should do: HTTP caching. GAE has a transparent HTTP cache which can be simply controlled via Cache-Control headers.
Also, if analytics has a big performance impact on your server, consider using client side analytics services (like Google Analytics). They also work for devices.


Concurrent requests handling on Google App Engine

I was experimenting with concurrent request handling on few platforms.
The aim of the experiment was to have a broad measure of the capacity bounds of some selected technologies.
I set up a Linux VM on my machine with a basic Go http server (the vanilla http.HandleFunc of the http default package).
The server would then compute a modified version of the fasta algorithm that restricted threads and processes to 1, and return the result. N was set to 100000.
The algorithm runs in roughly 2 seconds.
I used the same algorithm and logic on a Google App Engine project.
The algorithm is written using the same code, just the handler set up is done on init() instead of main() as per GAE requirements.
On the other end an Android client is spawning 500 threads each one issuing in parallel a GET request to the fasta computing server, with a request timeout of 5000 ms.
I was expecting the GAE application to scale and answer back to each request and the local Go server to fail on some of the 500 requests but results were the opposite:
the local server correctly replied to each request within the timeout bounds while the GAE application was able to handle just 160 requests out of 500. The remaining requests timed out.
I checked on the Cloud Console and I verified that 18 GAE instances were spawned, but still the vast majority of requests failed.
I thought that most of them failed because of the start-up time of each GAE instance, so I repeated the experiment right after but I had the same results: most of the requests timed out.
I was expecting GAE to scale to accomodate ALL the requests, believing that if a single local VM could successfully reply to 500 concurrent requests GAE would have done the same, but this is not what happened.
The GAE console doesn't show any error and correctly reports the number of incoming requests.
What could be the cause of this?
Also, if a single instance could handle all the incoming requests on my machine by virtue of only goroutines, how come that GAE needed to scale so much at all?
To make optimal usage in terms of minimizing costs you need to configure few things in app.yaml:
Enable threadsafe: true - actually it's from Python config and not applicable to Go but I would set it just in case.
Adjust scaling section:
max_concurrent_requests - set to maximum 80
max_idle_instances - set to minimum 0
max_pending_latency - set it to automatic or greater then min_pending_latency
min_idle_instances - set it to 0
min_pending_latency - set to higher number. If you are OK to get 1 second latency and you handlers take on average 100ms to process set it to 900ms.
Then you should be able to proceed a lot of request on single instance.
If you OK to burn cash for the sake of responsiveness & scalabiluty - increase min_idle_instances & max_idle_instances.
Also do you use similar instance types for VM and GAE? The GAE F1 instance is not too fast and is more optimal for async tasks like working with IO (datastore,http,etc.). You can configure usage of more powerful instance to better scale for computation intensive tasks.
Also do you test on paid account? Free accounts have quotas and AppEngine would refuse percentage of requests if it believe the load would exceed the daily quota if continuous with the same pattern.
Extending on Alexander's answer.
The GAE scaling logic is based on incoming traffic trend analysis.
The key for being able to handle your case - sudden spikes in traffic (which can't be takes into account in the trend analysis due to its variation speed) - is to have sufficient resident (idle) instances configured for your application to handle such traffic until GAE spins up additional dynamic instances. It can handle as high peaks as you want (if your pockets are deep enough).
See Scaling dynamic instances for more details.
Thanks everyone for their help.
Many interesting points and insights have been made by the answers I had on this topic.
The fact the the Cloud Console were reporting no errors led me to believe that the bottleneck was happening after the real request processing.
I found the reason why the results were not as expected: bandwidth.
Each response had a payload of roughly 1MB and thus responding to 500 simultaneous connections from the same client would clog the lines, resulting in timeouts.
This was obviously not happening when requesting to the VM, where the bandwith is much larger.
Now GAE scaling is in line with what I expected: it successfully scales to accomodate each incoming request.

When does Google App Engine start or stop an instance?

We have an App Engine app that handles an average .5 requests per second, and seemingly all those requests can be handled by the same instance running a Go app as the main version.
However, sometimes App Engine kicks off a second instance (and sometimes even a third one), that doesn't seem to do anything past handling one or two requests. Here's an example.
Shutting down that instance manually doesn't seem to cause any harm, so my question is, why does App Engine not kill the instance after it did not get any requests for a while? (The above example had four requests in the past hour, often the requests/age ratio gets even lower).
A similar situation is when an instance is started on a different version. App Engine only seems to kill the instance after hours of not getting any requests.
Under Application Settings → Performance,
Idle Instances is set to Automatic – 20
Pending Latency is set to 150ms – 250ms
I wish I knew what controls if/when it kills idle instances, but I can't see any documentation of it.
To avoid excess instances starting, I think the main thing you can do here is increase the pending latency:
The Pending Latency slider controls how long requests spend in the pending queue before being served by an Instance of the default version of your application. If the minimum pending latency is high App Engine will allow requests to wait rather than start new Instances to process them. This can reduce the number of instance hours your application uses, but can result in more user-visible latency.
Even if you only average 4 requests/hour, if you happen to get two closely spaced I suppose it's possible it would start a new instance.
You can also see some small amount of information in the logs about why it started a new instance.
The "How Applications Scale" section of the Google App Engine documentation states:
Scaling in Instances
Each instance has its own queue for incoming requests. App Engine monitors the number of requests waiting in each instance's queue. If App Engine detects that queues for an application are getting too long due to increased load, it automatically creates a new instance of the application to handle that load.
App Engine also scales instances in reverse when request volumes decrease. This scaling helps ensure that all of your application's current instances are being used to optimal efficiency and cost effectiveness.
It also states you can "specify a minimum number of idle instances", and to "optimize for high performance or low cost" in the administration console.
Try setting the "Idle instances" field to something like 3 - 5, and "optimize for low cost" and see if that affects the instance kill time.

GAE: Why do I experience loading requests even though I have fixed the number of instances to exactly one?

I have a low-load application which experienced latency spikes (requests taking up to 10s to return) due to loading requests, as seen in the logs:
This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time.
Here I assume that "new process" means "new instance".
In order to avoid this, I fixed the number of idle instances to exactly one (max=1 and min=1), so there is always one instance running ("resident instance") and GAE shouldn't start new ones. Billing is enabled.
However, I still experience loading requests. Why? Can anything be done about this?
Idle instances are "reserve" instances - they are meant to handle spikes when traffic increases, not the "normal" traffic. Idle instances are used only during the spin-up of the dynamic instances.
So, when you have one idle instance and no dynamic instances running and you get a request, than the idle instance should handle the request, but a new dynamic instance will still be spun up.
I too experienced the same problem with my low-traffic app and here is the practical solution that almost always prevents my users to face a cold start :
- 1 resident F4 instance
- pending latency to 15 sec
- i worked so that my warmup request are as fast as possible (under 10 sec), still quite long cause i use the frameWork Play (Java)
- and when i really don t want to have any problems i create fake traffic by pinging my app.
With this config, the resident usually serves around 50 requests, during that time, a dynamic instance receives a warmup and then start serving.

What is a Google App Engine instance?

I am trying to estimate the monthly costs for having GAE for in-app store and I do not really understand what is an instance and what can I do within one instance.
Can I just have one instance with multiple threads to deal with multiple clients? And as I have 28 hours of free instance per app per day (, does it mean that I would not pay for my server app running all the time?
An instance is an instance of a virtual server, running your code, that is able to serve requests to clients. This is usually done in parallel (Goroutines, Java threads, Python threads with 2.7) for most efficient usage of available resources.
Response times depends on what you're doing in your code, and it's usually IO dependent. If you have a waterfall of serial database lookups, it takes longer than if you only have a single multiget and perhaps an async write.
Part of the deal with GAE is that Google handles the elasticity for you. If there are a lot of connections waiting, new instances will start as needed (until your quota is exhausted). That means it can be difficult to estimate cost upfront, because you don't know exactly how efficient your code is and how much resources you'll need. I recommend a scheme where more usage means more income, and income per request is higher than cost per request. :)
You can tweak settings, saying you want requests to wait in queue, or always have a couple of spare instances ready to serve new requests, which will affect cost for you and response times for users.
In an IaaS scenario you could say that you will use five instances and that's the cost, but in reality you might need only 1 at night local time, and 25 the rest of the day, which means your users would most likely see dropped connections or otherwise have a negative user experience.
A free instance is normally able to handle test traffic during development without exhausting the quota.
Well AppEngine may decide you need to have more than one instance running to handle the requests and so will start another one. You won't be able to limit it to one running instance. In fact, it's sometimes unclear why AE starts another instance when it seems like the requests are low, but it will if it decides it needs another warm instance to be ready to handle requests if the serving instance(s) are too near their limit.

Google AppEngine sending all requests to same instance

Lately, I have seen GAE taking much, much longer to process requests than it did just a week ago. Nothing changed in my code, but GAE now is taking 4000-12000ms to respond to requests. What makes is worse is that I have plenty of instances available with 0 requests on them.
Has anyone else seen this happen?
What can I do to fix it?I have gone as far as to spin up 15 extra instances (and paid through the nose for them) but nothing seems to send requests to the other idle instances reliably.
My bill has gone from 70-90c/day to $5-8/day without any code change or increase in traffic. In fact, I am losing traffic because of the huge latency.
QPS* Latency* Requests Errors Age Memory Availability
0.000 0.0 ms 1378 0 10:10:09 57.9 MBytes Dynamic
0.000 0.0 ms 1681 0 15:39:57 57.2 MBytes Dynamic
0.017 9687.0 ms 886 0 10:19:10 56.7 MBytes Dynamic
I recommend installing AppStats to get a picture of what's taking so long in each request. I'd guess that you're having some contention issues or large numbers of reads/writes caused by some new data configuration.
The idle instances won't help decrease latency - it looks like every request takes a long time, and with less than one request per minute (in this sample anyway), 10s requests could run serially on the same instance.
We have a similar problem in our app. In our case, we are under the impression that GAE's scheduler did a poor job in balancing requests to existing instances.
In some cases, the scheduler decided to spin up new instances instead of re-using already existing ones. Since spinning a new instance took 5 to >45 seconds, I suspect this might be what happened to you.
Try to investigate the following and see if it helps you:
Make sure your app has thread-safe enabled so that you could process concurrent requests. You could configure this in your app.yaml if you are using Python, or in your appengine-web.xml if you use Java. Of course, you also need to make sure that the code in your app is threadsafe.
In your application settings, if it is still set on automatic, change the minimum pending latency to a non-automatic setting. I'd suggest around 10 seconds for now, but you could experiment later on which setting would suit you the most. This force the scheduler to wait for a certain time to see if any instance is available within the time before spinning up a new instance.
Now, to answer your original question regarding sending all requests to same instance, as far as I know there is no way to address a specific front-end instance in order to direct the requests to that particular instance.
What you could do is migrate your app to use backend instances instead of the regular frontend instance. Backends provides a way to directly target any particular instance within it. You could deploy your app in a single backend to have more control on the number of instance that you spawn. And since using the backend bypass the scheduler, you would not encounter latencies caused by new instances spinning up.
The major drawback of using this approach is that you lose the auto-scalability benefit of using front-end instances. But seeing from your low daily billing, I think scalability is not yet a major concern for the scale of your app.
