Loading ResourceDictionary resource at runtime from assemblies with the same name - wpf

I encountered some problem when trying to load resources from two separate assemblies having the same name but located in a different folder:
A ResourceDictionary named Resources.xaml is embedded (as a Page) in each of these assemblies.
To load the first ResourceDictionary, I use the following snippet :
// Load the assembly in memory
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(#"c:\folder1\FCL.Dll");
// Get Dictionnary
var uri = string.Format("pack://application:,,,/{0};Component/Resources.xaml", assembly.GetName().Name);
var resourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(uri) };
This is running !
But when I try to load the second ResourceDictionary with the same snippet of code (just changing Assembly.LoadFrom(#"c:\folder1\FCL.Dll") by Assembly.LoadFrom(#"c:\folder2\FCL.Dll"), it does not load resources from c:\folder2\fcl.dll, but those stored in the previously loaded c:\folder1\fcl.dll :-(
The cause: The shortAssemblyName field of the URI is the same, in may case FCL:
var uri = string.Format("pack://application:,,,/{0};Component/Resources.xaml", assembly.GetName().Name)
Does someone know how to solve this problem?

You can't have two assemblies loaded with the same name, so I think the second Assembly.LoadFrom is just being ignored. You are probably going to have to rename one of the assemblies.


Export Struct-like objects for arrays

I have been bashing my head about this and can't seem to figure it out. In another engine, I could make a struct, then make an array of that struct that I could then edit in the inspector. There seems to be no way of doing this that I can find in Godot.
I want to have a Resource that holds the starting Value and Type of multiple faces on a dice. For example, one side could have "2 Damage" while another has "Heal 3." (this is a first-time godot experiment inspired by Slice&Dice). Every tutorial I watch however makes it seem like, if I want to do so, I'd have to make a completely new Resource for each combination of Value and Type (Damage 1 Resource, Damage 2 Resource, etc.)
class_name DiceResource extends Resource
class DiceFaceData:
export var BaseValue = 0
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
func _init():
Type = 2
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
export(Array) var Faces = [DiceFaceData.new()]
I cannot get DiceFaceData to show up in the Inspector's array, or be on the list of object types for an array. Extending Object doesn't work. Extending Node means I have to instantiate it, which I don't want to do for an editor-only Resource.
I find it hard to imagine Godot doesn't have anything like this available. Is there anything I can load in the inspector as just data and not have to instantiate it? Another option is create two arrays, one with int and another Resource, but that seems inconvenient to fill out. Or should I just give up with Resources and make everything a Node attached to a Node attached to a Node? Thanks!
Godot version 3.4.3
EDIT: If you're someone coming from Unity or Unreal, what you're looking for is Resource. While compared to ScriptableObjects or DataAssets from those other engines, that's not the complete answer. You would think, because of the way those game engines handle it, you can only create custom SO or DA as assets in the filesystem/content browser, but you can also use Resources as instanced classes. Instead of creating a new Resource in the filesystem, you can use
export(Resource) var n = preload("res://MyResourceScript.gd").new()
In the inspector, you can choose from the list New MyResourceScript and create it. You won't be referencing an externally made Reference file, you'll be creating a custom one right there. And look at the below answer as well on good tips for using Resources in cool ways.
First of all, I want to say that I sympathize. Custom resources and the inspector do not work well. There is a solution on the work… However that does not mean that the only thing we can do is keep Waiting For Godot.
Observations on your code
About your code, I want to point out that DiceFaceData is not a resource type. You could write it like this:
class DiceFaceData extends Resource:
export var BaseValue = 0
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
func _init():
Type = 2
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
And… That solves nothing.
And, also, by the way, I remind you can put it on its own file:
class_name DiceFaceData
extends Resource:
export var BaseValue = 0
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
func _init():
Type = 2
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
And… That is not the solution either.
Something else I want to point out is that GDScript has types. See Static typing in GDScript. Use them. To illustrate…
This is a Variant with an ìnt value
var BaseValue = 0
This is an int, typed explicitly:
var BaseValue:int = 0
And this is an int, typed implicitly with type inference:
var BaseValue := 0
And if you were using types Godot would tell you that this is an error:
BaseValue = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
Because BaseValue is an int, and you setting a resource to it.
The Array of Resources problem
First of all, this is a Variant that happens to have an Array value, and it is exported as an Array:
export(Array) var Faces = []
Let us type it as an Array:
export(Array) var Faces := []
And sadly we cannot specify the type of the elements of the arrays in Godot 3.x (we need Godot 4.0 for that feature). However we can specify how we export it.
So, this is an Array exported as an Array of Resource:
export(Array, Resource) var Faces := []
See Exporting arrays.
Before you could not get your custom resource type to show up. And now you have the opposite problem: all the resource types show up. And this includes your custom resource type, if it in its own file.
You would guess that we need to specify the resource type we want:
export(Array, DiceFaceData) var Faces = []
And that would be correct if it were a build-in resource type. But it is a custom one. We are expecting this to be fixed in a future version. Meanwhile we will have to leave it with export(Array, Resource).
Mitigating the problem with an addon
To alleviate the pain of having all the possible resource types, consider using the addon "Improved resource picker" by MakovWait. You can find it on itch, or on github.
A proper solution
Anyway, we can do better. But you are going to need to make your script a tool script (you do that by putting tool on the top of the script, and it means that the code from the script can and will run on the editor).
We are going to define a setter with setget, and in there we are going to make sure the elements are of the correct type:
export(Array, Resource) var Faces = [] setget set_faces
func set_faces(new_value:Array) -> void:
Faces = []
for element in new_value:
element = element as DiceFaceData
if element == null:
element = DiceFaceData.new()
Now, in the inspector panel when you increase the size of the array, Godot will insert a new null element to the array, which makes the setter we defined run, which will find that null and convert it to a new instance of your custom resource type, so you don't have to pick the resource type in the inspector panel at all.
A "hacky" solution
As you know, this does not work:
export(Array, DiceFaceData) var Faces = []
However, we can replace an export with _get_property_list. What happens is that Godot asks the object what properties it has to show up in the inspector panel. Godot does this by calling get_property_list And it will statically report the ones it found while parsing (the ones with export). However, Godot also defines a function _get_property_list where we can add more at run time.
See also Advanced exports.
Which begs the question, could we possibly make it work with _get_property_list? Kind of. The The code like this:
var Faces := []
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
return [
name = "Faces",
type = TYPE_ARRAY,
hint = 24,
hint_string = "17/17:DiceFaceData"
It will show up on the inspector as an array where the elements can only be of your custom resource type.
The issue is that it causes some error spam. Which you might or might not be OK with. It is your project, so it is up to you.
I know it looks like voodoo magic in part because we are using some undocumented stuff. If you want an explanation of that 24 and that 17/17: see How to add Array with hint and hint_string?.
About the sub-resources
Every tutorial I watch however makes it seem like, if I want to do so, I'd have to make a completely new Resource for each combination of Value and Type (Damage 1 Resource, Damage 2 Resource, etc.)
I'm not sure what you are getting to with "a completely new Resource", but yes. A resource is an instance of a resource type. And each of those combination would be a resource.
Perhaps "Damage", "Heal" and so on are resources too. Let us see… I'm guessing that is what the Type is for:
export(Resource) var Type = preload("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/Damage.tres")
Godot would be showing all the resource types it is aware of, which is a pain. I'm going to suggest a different approach than those above for this: Make an String enumeration.
export(String, "Damage", "Heal") var Type:String
That will show up as a drop down list on the inspector panel, with the options you specified.
Why String and not int? Ah, because you can then do this if you so desire:
var type_resource := load("Resources/DiceFaceTypes/" + Type + ".tres")
I'm assuming that those have the code that actually does damage or heal or whatever.
Alright, but when you add a new type of dice face, you would have to come here and update it… Or do you? With the power of tool scripts we are going to update that list to reflect the files that actually exist!
First of all, we are not going to use export, so it will be just:
var Type:String
And now we can export it from _get_property_list. There we can query the files. But before we do that, so we are clear what we have to do, the following code is equivalent to the export we had before:
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
return [
name = "Type",
hint_string = "Damage,Heal"
No undocumented stuff here.
Our task is to build that hint_string with the names of the files. And that looks like this:
const path := "res://"
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
var hint_string := ""
var directory := Directory.new()
if OK != directory.open(path) or OK != directory.list_dir_begin(true):
push_error("Unable to read path: " + path)
return []
var file_name := directory.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if not directory.current_is_dir() and file_name.get_extension() == "tres":
if hint_string != "":
hint_string += ","
hint_string += file_name
file_name = directory.get_next()
return [
name = "Type",
hint_string = hint_string
Ah, yes, set the path constant to the path of the folder where the resources types you have are.
Addendum post edit
I want to elaborate on this example:
export(Resource) var n = preload("res://MyResourceScript.gd").new()
Here we are exporting a variable n as a Resource, which will appear in the Inspector panel. The variable is currently a Variant, we could type it Resource:
export(Resource) var n:Resource = preload("res://MyResourceScript.gd").new()
And then we don't need to tell Godot to export it as a Resource, because it is a Resource:
export var n:Resource = preload("res://MyResourceScript.gd").new()
Something else we can do is preload into a const. To be clear, preloads are resolved at parse time. Like this:
const MyResourceScript := preload("res://MyResourceScript.gd")
export var n:Resource = MyResourceScript.new()
This way, if you need to use the same script in multiple places, you don't need to repeat the path.
However, you might not need the path at all. If in the script res://MyResourceScript.gd we add a class_name (at the top of the script):
class_name MyResourceScript
Then we don't need to use preload at all. That name will be available everywhere, and you can just use it:
export var n:Resource = MyResourceScript.new()
Where is that resource stored?
Potentially nowhere. Above we are telling Godot to create a new one when our it initializes our object (e.g. which could be a Node, or another Resource - because, yes, Resources can have Resources) and those would only exist in RAM.
However, if you modify the Resource from the Inspector panel, Godot needs to store those changes somewhere. Now, if you are editing a Node, by default they go to the scene file. If you are editing another Resource, then it goes to wherever that Resource is stored. To be clear, scenes are resources too (PackedScene). And, yes, that means a file can have multiple Resources (A main resurce and sub-resources). You could also tell Godot to store the Resource in its own file from the Inspector panel. The advantage of giving a file to a Resource is in reusing it in multiple places (multiple scenes, for example).
So, a Resource could be stored in a file, or not stored at all. And a resource file could have a Resource alone, or it could also have sub-resources as well.
I'll take a moment to remind you that scenes can have instances of other scenes inside. So, there is no line between scenes and the so called "prefabs" in Godot.
… Did you know?
You can save the resources you created in runtime, using ResourceSaver. Which could be a way to save player progress, for example. You can also load them using load or ResourceLoader (in fact, load is a shorthand for ResourceLoader.load).
In fact, if you can use load or preload on something, it is a Resource. Wait a minute, we did this above:
const MyResourceScript := preload("res://MyResourceScript.gd")
Yep. The Script is a Resource. And yes, you can create that kind of resources in runtime too. Create a GDScript object (GDScript.new()), set its source_code, and reload it. Then you can attach it to an Object (e.g. a Node) with set_script. You can now start thinking of meta-programming, or modding support.

Can't find file with UserControl but not (in this case) Label

I have a UserControl in a the DLL Controls, a converter in the DLL Base and language resources in the DLL Languages.
When I combine everything the following way, everything works fine:
<Label Content="{Binding FallbackValue='[Design] Name', ConverterParameter='Name', Converter={StaticResource Translate}}"
No errors and when I run my application the correct word for the parameter Name is loaded (in my case Naam for Dutch).
I also try this on my WatermarkTextBox like this:
<c:WatermarkTextBox Watermark="{Binding FallbackValue='[Design] Name *', ConverterParameter='Name', Converter={StaticResource Translate}}" />
But then I get the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:...\Languages.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Why does this happen with my WatermarkTextBox in Controls DLL and not with the Label?
The first step here is to make sure, that the assembly file Languages.dll is actually present in the application directory (usually, bin/Debug/). If it isn't - as the error message says - the system cannot find the file specified... The solution in this case is to reference the assembly Languages.dll in your application project. To avoid this, make sure that every time you add a reference to an assembly, you also add references to this assembly's dependencies. I.e. if you have an application project App which references a library LibA.dll and LibA references a library LibB.dll, you should add a reference to LibB.dll in your App project as well. That way, all required assemblies will always be copied to the output directory.
If the assembly is correctly located in the output directory, but you still get the error message, in 99% of the cases the problem is a mismatch in the building targets, alas the platform for which the assemblies were built. Make sure all projects target the same platform (x86, for example). You can check the target in the projects Properties tabs.
Ok, I just now understood you're talking about the design time error in Visual Studio's XAML Designer :) The issue is the name of the assembly: Noru.Languages.dll. I suppose, the ending .Languages is considered a resource name and Visual Studio prohibits resource names in assembly names. There's a registry entry HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Designers\AllowResourcesInFilename, maybe experimenting with that can resolve the issue. Not 100% sure, though. Anyway, if you rename the assembly to Nori.Language.dll in the project's properties and rebuild everything, design time support is back and the controls show up correctly in the designer.
Really strange behavior altogether... Well, this line in the Class Language might very well be the cause? Try specifying the full string here... Does this work?
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Noru.Languages.Language", System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("Noru.Languages.dll"));
Obviously, the problem was the line I mentioned above in Edit 2. I've experimented a bit:
/// <summary>
/// Will return the requested text in the language the application is in. Case sensitive.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">Provide a listed String from the language files.</param>
/// <returns>Will return a System.String in the language of the application.</returns>
public static string GetText(string s)
//return Culture.ToString();
//return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;
//ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Noru.Lang.Resource1", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Language)));
//ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(Culture, true, true);
var rs = LanguageResource.ResourceManager;
return rs.GetString(s);
catch (Exception)
return "not found";
The last version (not commented out) works, because I've generated code for the resource files by setting AccessModifier to public in the resource editor (double click on the resource file, you'll find it in the toolbar).
This version (never mind about the resource name, I tried different versions here):
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Noru.Lang.Resource1", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Language)));
threw another error, saying it cannot find the resource inside the assembly. I think there was something wrong about the usage of ResourceManager here. I'm not an expert here, so I can't tell why. I just know that the last version seems to work as expected... I hope, you'll find the same ;)

Concatenate Array of PDF Files Using File Paths not working

I was following the Guide on "How to concatenate array of pdf using file path" on this page But with no luck.
example: Using the code
using Aspose.Pdf.Facades;
string[] filesArray = new string[2];
filesArray[0] = #"D:\MergedPDF\Ball_007811263X\baL1263x_ch01_001-029.pdf";
filesArray[1] = #"D:\MergedPDF\Ball_007811263X\baL1263x_ch02_030-061.pdf";
// create PdfFileEditor object
PdfFileEditor pdfEditor = new PdfFileEditor();
// display the resultant concatenated PDF file in
pdfEditor.Concatenate(filesArray, "outputfoe.pdf");
but it give me an error on the pdfEditor part of pdfEditor.Concatenate(filesArray, "outputfoe.pdf");
The error says:
Error 1 The type 'System.Web.HttpResponse' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. C:\Users\rsubedi\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MergePDFManual\MergePDFManual\Program.cs 26 13 MergePDFManual
It's trying to open the web browser to display the new PDF. Try adding the assembly System.Web and see what happens

Database.open - 'The name 'database does not exist in the current context'

I followed the following tutorial to help me create a datagrid (http://www.asp.net/web-pages/videos/aspnet-razor-pages/displaying-data-in-a-grid), however, I keep getting the error in the title under the word database. I've tried replacing it with the name of my database (Products) however that didnt work. Does anyone know why it could be happening? This piece of code sits at the top of my view page:
var _db = database.open("Products");
var selectQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Products ORDER BY DateBought, SortOrder";
var data = _db.query(selectQueryString);
var grid = new WebGrid(Model);
When I check the values I receive in the drop down menu when I type var _db = datab.. I only have the following available:
Databinding, Databinder, DatabindingCollection, Databindinghandlerattribute, databindingliteralcontrol, Designerdataboundliteralcontrol, Idatabindingsassessor
You need to add a Reference to WebMatrix.Data.dll
Database class is part of WebMatrix.Data there for is only available through that dll.
You can find WebMatrix.Data.dll in [Program Files Directory]\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\Assemblies or v2.0\Assemblies regarding the version you have installed.
I had the same error and I found this solution that worked for me:
It seems that Webmatrix2 doesn't include the said .dll by default. I only had to download the nuget package from Webmatrix's gallery and it worked.
I hope it helps others.

list files in a silverlight project

I'd like to list files in a given folder (which is in another project) in Silverlight. Actually, they are images.
Project A : "/Images/a.png" "/Images/b.png"
Project B : I want to list the files in "Project A/Images/"
I haven't found a way to do it, can you help me ?
You can use reflection to perform this at runtime. If you set the build action of your images to "embedded resource", you can enumerate them at runtime.
// locate the assembly
Assembly thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
// list all the resources
string[] resNames = thisAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach (string resName in resNames)
if (resName.ToLower().EndsWith(".png"))
// do something!
Note, if the images are in a different project / assembly, you may have to navigate to this assembly before enumerating the resources.
