Which way should I compile my C code? - c

I have three files, test.c, foo.c, foo.h.
In foo.c i
#include "foo.h"
In test.c i
#include "foo.c."
Then when I compile my code, I use gcc -o test test.c, and it compiles.
However, my professor told me, I should use
#include "foo.h"
inside my test.c rather than #include foo.c, and I should compile it this way
gcc -o test test.c foo.c
Is the second way more preferred? If it is, why? What's the difference between these two compilation?

In most cases you should never include source files (apart from cases where you would probably want to include a piece of code generated dynamically by a separate script). Source files are to be passed directly to the compiler. Only header files should be included.
Although the way that your professor suggests is correct, the following way has more educational value in this case:
gcc -c test.c
gcc -c foo.c
gcc -o test foo.o test.o
The first two lines compile each source file to an object file, and the third line doesn't really compile but only invokes the linker to produce an executable out of the 2 object files. The idea is to make a distinction between compiling and linking, which would be performed transparently in the way your professor suggests.

The major reasons not to #include .c files in other .c files are:
Avoid duplicate definition errors: suppose foo.c defines the function foo(). You have two other files that use foo(), so you #include "foo.c" in both of them. When you try to build your project, the compiler will translate foo.c multiple times, meaning it will see multiple attempts to define the foo function, which will cause it to issue a diagnostic and halt.
Minimize build times: even if you don't introduce duplicate definition errors, you wind up recompiling the same code needlessly. Suppose you #include "foo.c" in bar.c, and you discover you need to make a one-line change in bar.c. When you rebuild, you wind up re-translating the contents of foo.c unnecessarily.
C allows you to compile your source files separately of each other, and then link the resulting object files together to build your applications or libraries. Ideally, header files should only contain non-defining object declarations, function prototype declarations, type definitions, and macro definitions.

It is common practice to #include header files instead of source files, and compile source files individually. Separation of concerns makes it easier to work with in large projects. In your example, it may be trivial, but could be confusing when you have hundreds of files to work with.
Doing it the way your professor suggests means you can compile each source separately. So, if you had a large project where the sources were thousands of lines of code, and you changed something in test.c, you can just recompile test.c instead of having to recompile foo.c along with it.
Hope this makes some sense :)

If you want to compile several files in gcc, use:
gcc f1.c f2.c ... fn.c -o output_file

Short answer:
YES the second way is more preferred.
Long answer:
In this specific case you will get the same result.
To have a dipper understanding you need first to know that "#include" statement basically copy the file it's include and put its value instead of the "#include" statement.
Therefore "h" files are used for forward declaration which you have no problem several different file will include.
while "c" files have the implementations, in that case if both files will implement the same function you will have error in linking them.
Lets say you would have "test2.c" and you will also include foo.c and try to link it with the test.c you will have two implementations of foo.c. But if you only include foo.h in all 3 files (foo.c, test.c and test2.c) you can still link them cause foo.h shouldn't have any implementations.

It is not good practice to include .c files.
In your case
Include foo.h in both test.c and foo.c , but add this inside your header file
#ifndef foo.h
#define foo.h
..your header code here
Writing the header the above way , ensures that you can include it multiple times , just to be on the safe side.
Coming to how you must put your code in files>
In foo.h
You place all your global structures ,and variables along with function prototypes , that you will use.
In foo.c
Here you define your modular functions
In test.c
Here you generally have your main() , and you will call and test the functions defined in foo.c
You Generally put all the files in the same folder , and the compiler will find them and compile them individually , they will be connected later by the linker.

gcc f1.c f2.c ... fn.c -o output_file


How to divide C code in different files

I'm doing a code in C right now and the problem is that it's quite large. I've been doing some research about how to separate this code and the solution more attracting is to try and put some generic functions in a header file instead of putting them at the beginning of my .c code.
The problem comes when I read about this header files and I see that they are used to define MACROS. I started reading about it and what I see is strange definitions for me of variables (I mean strange because I normally don't define that kind of variables in a .c file).
Any thoughts on how to do this before I get my hands dirty?
As long as I understand your problem, you are trying to make an header file for your project, am I right? If this is the case, perhaps you are referring to #ifndef, #endif etc. etc. These are commands that will be executed by the preprocessor. You should give it a read. When you have finished your header save it in .h extension. Furthermore, when including your header, this has to be in the same folder of the .c file and you have to include it like that :
#include "myHeader.h"
In the header you just have to write down the prototype for your function. Then create a .c file myHeader.c and do the actual function. Remember to include you header in both of your .c files.
To compile it use the following :
gcc -c myFile.c -o myFile.o
gcc -c myHeader.c -o myHeader.o
Then you have to link the objects and you are done :
gcc myFile.o myHeader.o -o filename

Duplicate error: C file include

One of my questions, as I'm pretty new to C is about ways to avoid getting the duplication error. Basically, when I build the project in Netbeans if I have the file in the project and also include it, I get that error.
Defining the functions static, is a correct way to avoid it? What other solutions are there? Thanks
.c/.cpp files shouldn't be included.
Move declarations to a common header file and include that.
As K. Horvath says, you shouldn't be including one c file in another. This means you have to provide an .h for each .c, compile the .c files into object files, then include the .h files as necessary and compile all the objects together with the .c containing main(). You can still end up with duplication in the .h declarations, however, which is where include guards come in.
#ifndef MY_HEADER
#define MY_HEADER
// all your type definitions, function prototypes, etc
WRT compiling each .c first, here's an example for gcc: you have a util.c file with various functions you want to use in main.c; util.c should then have a corresponding util.h you #include in main.c. Then:
gcc -Wall -g -c util.c
"-Wall" enable compiler warnings
"-g" include debugger symbols
"-c" will produce a .o (unlinked intermediate object) file instead of a normal executable.
gcc -Wall -g util.o main.c
This compiles main.c and includes the stuff from util.c which was compiled into util.o.
Since you're using netbeans, this may be theoretical -- generally IDE's do all that for you. However, understanding the fundamental process may make it easier to understand your IDE ;)

using a function in different .c files (c programming 101)

/me/home/file1.c containes function definition:
int mine(int i)
/* some stupidity by me */
I've declared this function in
int mine(int);
if I want to use this function mine() in /me/home/at/file2.c
To do so, all I need to do is:
#include "../file1.h"
Is that enough? Probably not.
After doing this much, when I compile file2.c, I get undefined reference to 'mine'
You will also need to link the object file from file1. Example:
gcc -c file2.c
gcc -c ../file1.c
gcc -o program file2.o file1.o
Or you can also feed all files simultaneously and let GCC do the work (not suggested beyond a handful of files);
gcc -o program file1.c file2.c
Don't use ../ in a header. Instead, instruct gcc to use the parent directory as include path:
(in the at directory):
gcc -I../ -c file2.c
After doing this much, when I compile file2.c, I get undefined reference to 'mine'
No, you don't. It's not compiling that causes those errors. It's this other thing, called "linking".
The compiler compiles one "translation unit" - the result of running the preprocessor on one source file, possibly pulling in more stuff via #include - at a time, and then the linker sticks these together to make an executable. Typically the same program serves as both the compiler and linker, with different flags, and typically you can tell it to do everything at once (and not save any temporary files for the compiled translation units). But you do need to tell it what to link, and you do need to compile everything that will be linked.

Functions and header files (ansi c)

This is a question from job interview.Let's say we have "a.c" source file with some function and "a.h" as its header file.Also we have main.c file which calls that function.Now let's suppose we have "a.h" and "a.o"(object file) and a.c is unavailable.How do we call this function now?
(I had a hint that we need to use function pointers.Another hint is to do this using pre-compiler directives such as #define and #ifndef).
Also i would like to know how in .h file we know if we are linked properly to source file?
Thank You
Just include a.h from main.c and you can use the functions declared in a.h. Then just compile it with the same compiler version as a.o is build:
gcc -c main.c
gcc main.o a.o
To compile main.c, you need the function definition. You already have that in a.h. So you would write:
// main.c
#include "a.h"
int main()
foobar(); // Let's say this is the function from a.h
When compiling it, you would have to include the object file at the linking stage. So using gcc...
gcc -c main.c // Compile main.c to main.o
gcc -o main main.o a.o
No function pointers or macros needed.
The way you describe it, you only need a header file to call the function. The header file contains the prototype of the function, which allows the compiler to know what the signature of the function is.
You would then link in your object file (which contains the compiled version of function) and everything would be OK.
I don't know why you would need functions pointers or pre-compiler directives. Maybe you didn't understand the question 100%?
In main.c, call the function as normal.
Then compile main.c to main.o. gcc -c main.c
Then link a.o and main.o. gcc main.o a.o
Something about this question sounds garbled. How you write the function call in main depends solely on its declaration in a.h. The presence or absence of a.c doesn't change that. Certainly nothing involving macros or function pointers.
Compiling and linking are two distinct steps; the compiler checks that you're passing the right number and types of arguments and assigning the result to the right type of object based on the function's declaration, while the linker attempts to resolve the reference to the function's implementation in the machine code.
The result of compiling and linking is a binary sludge that may or may not have any obvious relationship to the original source code1. Debug versions preserve varying levels of information to support source-level debuggers, but you can pretty much rely on release versions not preserving any useful source information.
1. Every now and again someone asks for a tool to recover source code from an executable; this is often described as attempting to turn hamburger back into cows.

Including source files in C

So I get the point of headers vs source files. What I don't get is how the compiler knows to compile all the source files. Example:
#ifndef EXAMPLE_H
#define EXAMPLE_H
int example(int argument); // prototype
#include "example.h"
int example(int argument)
return argument + 1; // implementation
#include "example.h"
int whatever;
whatever = example(whatever); // usage in program
How does the compiler, compiling main.c, know the implementation of example() when nothing includes example.c?
Is this some kind of an IDE thing, where you add files to projects and stuff? Is there any way to do it "manually" as I prefer a plain text editor to quirky IDEs?
Compiling in C or C++ is actually split up into 2 separate phases.
The compiler doesn't know about the implementation of example(). It just knows that there's something called example() that will be defined at some point. So it just generated code with placeholders for example()
The linker then comes along and resolves these placeholders.
To compile your code using gcc you'd do the following
gcc -c example.c -o example.o
gcc -c main.c -o main.o
gcc example.o main.o -o myProgram
The first 2 invocations of gcc are the compilation steps. The third invocation is the linker step.
Yes, you have to tell the compiler (usually through a makefile if you're not using an IDE) which source files to compile into object files, and the compiler compiles each one individually. Then you give the linker the list of object files to combine into the executable. If the linker is looking for a function or class definition and can't find it, you'll get a link error.
It doesn't ... you have to tell it to.
For example, whe using gcc, first you would compile the files:
gcc file1.c -c -ofile1.o
gcc file2.c -c -ofile2.o
Then the compiler compiles those files, assuming that symbols that you've defined (like your example function) exist somewhere and will be linked in later.
Then you link the object files together:
gcc file1.o file2.o -oexecutable
At this point of time, the linker looks at those assumtions and "clarifies" them ie. checks whether they're present. This is how it basically works...
As for your IDE question, Google "makefiles"
The compiler does not know the implementation of example() when compiling main.c - the compiler only knows the signature (how to call it) which was included from the header file. The compiler produces .o object files which are later linked by a linker to create the executable binary. The build process can be controlled by an IDE, or if you prefer a Makefile. Makefiles have a unique syntax which takes a bit of learning to understand but will make the build process much clearer. There are lots of good references on the web if you search for Makefile.
The compiler doesn't. But your build tool does. IDE or make tool. The manual way is hand-crafted Makefiles.
