Windows NT user or group 'DOMAIN\USER' not found? - sql-server

I am trying to create users on a SQL server from an Active Directory group as an application I am working with does not natively support Windows authentication and relies upon individual logins being created on the SQL server, as application level permissions are managed in the application rather than using SQL roles. Due to this, each user that is to access the application needs their own user creating against the SQL instance that the applications database is on, so that the user can then be assigned individual permissions within the application.
I am reading the list of users from the Active Directory group we have designated using the following;
exec master..xp_logininfo 'domain\groupname', 'members'
This returns output similar to the following;
account name type privilege mapped login name permission path
For the most part, the users returned in this list can be created on the SQL instance without any drama. I am creating the users as SQL accounts using sp_grantlogin in the first instance, before moving on to allow each new login access to the application database. However, a handful of users are being reported as not existing. I get the following error as a result of running sp_grantlogin;
Msg 15401, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_grantlogin, Line 49
Windows NT user or group 'DOMAIN\USER' not found. Check the name again.
Obviously in the above error message, I have removed the actual username. Why would xp_logininfo return a user that cannot be created with sp_grantlogin? Is there anything obvious that I am missing?

This just means that the user is not in the Administrator group. If your problem is like mine where your Active Directory in on a different Virtual Machine, and your SQL Server on another. And you have joined Active Directory Domain to your SQL Server Virtual Machine, then you have to do the following on your SQL Server Virtual MAchine.
Navigate to Tools --> Computer Management.
The windows opens, Expand System Tools --> Local Users and Groups.
Click on Groups and you should see a list of groups to the right
column of the window.
Double click Administrator, a new window opens and you will notice that the linked User is not under there.
Click Add, new window opens. Here, under location, you may chose to change
location of your domain.
Click Advanced, a log in prompt opens, simply log in with you administrator Virtual Machine account.
Click Find Now with all fields as is. From a list of users presented, double click the user imported from Active Directory and click Ok.

Do you change the case of the login name before using sp_grantlogin?
If you have a case sensitive server collation, then the case of the AD user nneds to be specified in exactly the right case.
You can find the server collation by doing:
select serverproperty('collation')
If you do have a case sensitive server collation, and you don't mess with the case, there is probably a mismatch with what xp_logininfo is returning and the actual case in AD. In which case, try creating the user with variations on the case.
If none of this applies, look into the account. Is it disabled, can you log in with it, etc.. If suser_sid() returns null, then there must be some kind of problem with it.

I can give you my advice from doing this in Windows 7 although it may not be relevant.
The problem I had was that I had renamed the user account in the Windows UI. The name appeared correctly in Windows, and I used the new name to log on. But behind the scenes it was still using the old name which was what SQL Server was looking for.
I struggled with this for HOURS before I finally worked it out!!

I have also faced this error for users, who was:
created in AD
granted some SQL permissions
renamed in AD
Then I try to add this new, renamed user account name to the same server/database, error Msg 15401, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_grantlogin, Line 49 appears.
I have followed steps in and this command returned old user account name befor rename:
SELECT name FROM syslogins WHERE sid = SUSER_SID ('YourDomain\YourLogin')
it returned
after executing
exec sp_revokelogin 'YourDomain\OldLogin'
problem was fixed, sp_grantlogin now works ok.
PS as another test method I suggest running sp_grantlogin remotely, from another server. It may succeed to.

I had a very similar case, the same error code 15401, but in this case what I was doing was adding users from the Domain, into a group in the server where I had SQL; so then just add the group to SQL engine with the same ROLE.
USE [master]
Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Windows NT user or group 'localhost\Administrators' not found. Check the name again.
Then in the link PRB: Use BUILTIN\Group to Grant Access to Predefined Windows NT Groups
I found the issue, so the solution was:
USE [master]
ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [BUILTIN\Administrators]
Command(s) completed successfully.
I believe this is great to diminish the number of login accounts, and have a more manageable number of users assigned to the roles in the SQL server.

If you're using a non-English language, or have been using one on your machine, you might have to localize the user details you're trying to use.
E.g. [NT AUTHORITY\Network Service] on a Swedish machine is [NT INSTANS\Nätverkstjänst].
Spent hours trying to figure out why BUILTIN\, NT AUTHORITY\, <MachineName>\ etc. didn't work.

My issue was the length of the login. In Domain\User syntax, Windows uses the so called pre-Windows 2000 syntax. That syntax limits the length of the username to 20 characters. You have to truncate the username to the first 20 characters and then it should work, like so:


Azure AD user unable to connect to Azure SQL Error: 18456,State:1,Class:14

The user is defined in Azure AD and in Azure SQL. is defined and active in Azure AD. I’m able to log in with this user in Azure portal.
I have created a contained database user with the clause "from external provider" in the Azure SQL database and added the user to the db_datareader system role. The commands commits without error. I have compared the Asset ID in Azure AD and the SID in database and they match. I have tried with different users.
I am able to login as an AD User assigned to the SQL servers assigned "Active Directory Admin"
SQL Server users also login without any issue
Login test in SSMS
I have set default database to the specific database I’m trying to log into (Options-Connect to database).
I have tried with different Authentication modes:
“Azure Active Directory – Universal with MFA” and
“Azure Active Directory – Password”
When I try to login with SSMS I get
Error: 18456, state 1, class 14.
When I query [sys].[event_log] it returns
[event_systype]= 4, [event_subtype_desc] = login_failed_for_user.
I have a user defined in Azure AD. (
In my Azure SQL database, I have set an Active Directory administrator.
I have created a user in SSMS with the following syntax:
I have assigned the user to the db_datareader role with the following syntax:
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER []
ISSUE: When I try to connect as, the connection fails and I get this error:
Login Failed for user
Details of error contains:
Error Number: 18456, State: 1, Class: 14
I have tried to find an answer on, googled my ass off and found some useful resources on this, but none that actually helps me with pinpointing what to do to resolve the issue. If anybody have an Idea of what I'm doing wrong, ref "PROCESS FOLLOWED" I'd be forever grateful :)
I solved it by a workaround, setting up a new database.
I did not find the cause of the problem, but it must be related to database setup "DTU"-"Basic" or some setting that I have managed to set without remembering.
Anyways, my process works when I set up a new database with "DTU"-"Standard" Configuration.
It seems to be some kind of encoding problem. After almost giving up and using a different DB, I tried creating a new one, but without some special characters. And suddenly, it worked.
If you can't change your database's password, you can just edit the connection string in another editor and it works as well (Notepad, VS code, etc).

SQL Server Management Studio - cannot log in with an account I know should work

Our business has just changed Active Directories and the domain changed, from "YMS" to "YMSNET". So I used to be able to log in with "YMS\tkol" and I can now log in with "YMSNET\tkol" (these usernames and domains are faked for the purpose of example), but when I log in as that now, I can't actually expand any of the databases or look at any of the tables, I can just see a list of the database names. When I try to expand a database in the UI it says "This database is not accessible (Object Explorer)."
Now I have another user, called "sqluser", and I keep trying to use that user to log in as well by changing the Authentication Method to SQL Server Authentication rather than Windows Authentication. But I get Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4064
Now I know this sqluser user exists and the password is correct, because I can authenticate to the server and successfully interact with the tables from an external process on a separate computer on the same network (node.js, package mssql). And I used the query on the accepted answer on this question, and found my sqluser is there, with roles db_accessadmin, db_ddladmin, db_owner. And yet it still won't let me log in with that user in the SQL Server Management Studio UI
How can I get this working again and log in with my sqluser account? Or add the appropriate permissions for my YMSNET\tkol account?
--- edit ---
My first idea is that, because I can log into the UI with YMSNET\tkol, but I can interact with the databases externally with sqluser, that there is some query or command I can run with sqluser that will add permissions for YMSNET\tkol so that that user can now look at all the databases and tables. I don't know which commands I'd run for that.
It can be because your account's default database is mapped to some another db which is not available for you, for instance, you have no permissions there, or that database not exists anymore etc.
Your organization DBA can fix it by:
Default db name can be checked by:
select default_database_name from sys.server_principals
where name = 'sqluser'
This property can be overridden by opening "Options" of SSMS connection window and specifying it explicitly:

SQL Server Authentication Method

I would like to know if it is possible to change a SQL Server authentication account to Windows Authentication?
Why would I want to do this you are asking yourself right now, well I don't want to give out a SQL Server Auth username and password to multiple users to connect to the database, currently the company do things this way, and we don't really have another choice. When we deploy a new database script we don't always have the Windows Auth account before it gets released and we don't want to go an update our deployment script.
I am trying to do this using
WITH NAME = [mydomianname\username]`
I've tried it but no luck.
I keep getting this error:
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot alter the user 'Test', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Thank you in advance!
I think you should be altering user with login not name, because with name you just rename the user:
ALTER USER Test WITH LOGIN = [mydomianname\username]
But it is impossible because of:
Cannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For
example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it cannot be
remapped to a Windows login.

how to deal with "remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins"

The scenario:
Trying to restore from a bacpac taken from SQL Azure.
Either to a new SQL Azure database instance, or an on premises server. For the earlier with the Management portal or the DAC Framework Client Side Tools.
It seems to work fine, and naturally the SQL users are not mapped to SQL logins after the restore.
What I tried:
When I try to map it with:
alter user MyUser with login = MyLogin, it fails with:
Msg 33016, Level 16, State 1, Line 6 The user cannot be remapped to a login. Remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins.
Running select * from sys.database_principals does list the users, but with a much longer SID than a SQL authenticated user I created to compare it to.
On premises if I run a sp_change_users_login 'Report' the users are Not listed, so are not being detected as orphaned.
On premises if I try using sp_change_users_login, it fails with:
Msg 15291, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_change_users_login, Line 114 Terminating this procedure. The User name 'MyUser' is absent or invalid.
On premises if I try it through the User Mapping section of the Login Properties UI, I get:
Create failed for User 'My User'. ... User, group, or role 'MyUser'
already exists in the current database.
I tried doing it all over again, in case something was corrupted when restoring for some reason, same results.
The question:
How can I remap these SQL Users?
I'd like to avoid having to re-create those from scratch and any relation those have to the schema objects in the database?
Some extra info:
One type of SQL users that look a lot like what I'm seeing for the SQL Azure users, are ones created with
create user AnotherUser without login
Those fail in the exact same way in all the 3 mapping approaches I used above. That is not the case in any of the approaches for regular SQL users. Additionally the sid is also long, and begins with the same "0x010500000000000903000000"
A sqlmatters article explains that
A user without login is a special type of user that has deliberately
been set up without an associated login.
one can check if it is such a case by examining the SID:
-- SQL to run to identify users without login :
AND type = 'S' -- only want SQL users
AND principal_id > 4 -- ignore built in users
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_user_without_login,*
FROM sys.database_principals
where users without login have longer SID than regular (orphaned) users.
These special users cannot be mapped to a login because they are made that way. Someone must have intentionally or by mistake created a user WITHOUT LOGIN.
You can also find users that can be mapped to a login with the following:
FROM sys.database_principals
AND [type] = 'S'
AND [name] NOT IN ('dbo','guest','INFORMATION_SCHEMA','sys')
AND authentication_type_desc IN ('WINDOWS','INSTANCE')
If you ever get that, it is Most likely a corrupt backup. Just like the linked on premises scenario, the behaviour comes out of nowhere and was traced to a corrupt backup.
In my case, it was the same. Right before posting the question, my last try was: a different backup of the database, it worked without issues.

Cannot Add a Sql Server Login

When I try to create a SQL Server Login by saying
I get this error
The server principal 'ourdomain\SQLAccessGroup' already exists.
However, when I try this code
DROP LOGIN [ourdomain\SQLAccessGroup]
I get this error
Cannot drop the login 'ourdomain\SQLAccessGroup', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
The user that I am executing this code as is a sysadmin. Additionally, the user ourdomain\SQLAccessGroup does not show up in this query
select * from sys.server_principals
Does anyone have any ideas?
We are still struggling to understand the HOW of this issue, but it seems that [ourdomain\SQLAccessGroup] was aliased by a consultant to a different user name (this is part of an MS CRM installation). We finally were able to use some logic and some good old SID comparisons to determine who was playing the imposter game.
Our hint came when I tried to add the login as a user to the database (since it supposedly already existed) and got this error:
The login already has an account under a different user name.
So, I started to examine each DB user and was able to figure out the culprit. I eventually tracked it down and was able to rename the user and login so that the CRM install would work. I wonder if I can bill them $165.00 an hour for my time... :-)
is this when you are restoring from a backup or something? I've found that the following works for me in situations when I'm having problems with user accounts in sql
EXEC sp_change_users_login ‘Auto_Fix’, ‘user_in_here’
This happened to me when I installed SQL Server using a Windows username and then I renamed the computer name and the Windows username from Windows. SQL server still has the old "Computername\Username" in its node of Server->Security->Logins.
The solution is to go to Server->Security->Logins and right-click -> rename the old Windows user and use the new MachineName\Username.
I faced similar issue and i believe the issue was as a result of trying to recreate a login account after deleting an existing one with same name.
Just go through the various databases on the server using SQL Studio.
Example steps:
DBName ->Security->users
at this level for each of the databases, you may see the name of the user account there. Delete all occurrence in each Database as well as its occurrence in the top level Security settings at
When done, try recreating the login account again and you should be fine.
I had the same story as Shadi.
On the top I can add that it can be also done by query:
ALTER LOGIN "oldname\RMS" WITH name="currentname\RMS"
