Backbone Marionette modules as Widgets similar to Twitter Flight - backbone.js

I'm reading up in choosing the correct client-side framework to segment/modularize my frontend code in Widgets.
Basically what I have/want is:
a complex website with multiple pagetypes, so no single-page application.
all pages are able to render a complete page WITHOUT the use of javascript. IOW: javascript is used as enrichment only.
Lots of pages have a very dynamic way in which widgets can be shown on screen. To overcome complexity at the server-side I've modularized my code into widgets (composite pattern), where each widget is responsible for it's own:
server-side controller code
server-side templating (using hogan/mustache)
routing endpoints, should it need to be called from the client
structural css (css converning the structure of the widget as opposed to the look&feel)
a server-side RegionManager ultimately decides which widgets are rendered and where they are rendered on screen. Endresults is that the RegionManager spits out the entire html (server-generated) as the composite of the rendering of all of it's widgets.
Now, some of these widgets DO have client-side logic and need rerendering on the client. Take a searchpage for instance, which needs to be able to update through ajax. (I've described this process, which uses DRY templating on client and server, here)
What I ultimately want is that, given I already use the composite pattern on the server, to extend this to the client somehow so that a Widget (1 particular logic block on the screen) contains all mentioned server-side code, plus all needed client-side code.
I hope this makes sense.
Would Marionette be suited to be used as a client side framework in this scenario? I'm asking since I'm not 100% sure if the concept of a Marionette Module is what I describe as being a Widget in above scenario. (I'm mentioning Twitter Flight in my question, since I believe this would be a fit, but it currently is so new that I'm hesitant to go with it at the moment_
I think basically what I'm asking is if anybody has some experience doing something along these lines.

I think just using Backbone.js is perfect for this type of application you are describing. You have probably already read this, but most of the backbone literature is focused around your views having associated server generated JSON models and collections, then using the View's render function to generate (on the client) the HTML UI that represents the model/collection.
However it doesn't have to be used this way. In fact there is nothing stopping you attaching views to existing elements that contain content already, which gives you all of the benefits of Backbone's modularity, events system and so on. I often use views that have no model or collection, purely because I like the conformity of style. I have also used an approach like I describe below in the cases where I have had to work with older, existing applications that have not yet got, or never will have a nice REST API, but they do provide content in HTML.
Firstly, lets assume the following HTML represents one of your widgets:
<div id="widget">
<div class="widget-title"></div>
<div class="widget-body">
<!-- assume lots more html is in here -->
Do something!
In this case, you could use backbone with a single Widget Model. This would be a very simple model, like this:
App.WidgetModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
intialize: function () {
this.url = this.options.url;
Take note of the fact the Widget receives a URL as a parameter to its constructor/initialize function. This widget model would represent many of your widgets (and of course you could adopt this general approach with more complicated models and pluck different data from the rendered HTML). So next for your views. As you probably know, normally you pass most views a model or collection when you instantiate them. However in this case, you could create the Widget model in your View's initialize Function and pass it a URL from the pre-rendered HTML as follows:
App.WidgetView = App.View.ComboboxView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.model = new App.WidgetModel({}, { url: this.$("a").attr("href") });
// rest of the view code
So instantiating the view would be something like:
new App.WidgetView({el: $("#widget")})'
By doing all of the above you can do pretty much everything else that backbone offers you and its modular and encapsulated nicely, which is what you are after.
The end result of this whole approach is:
You have rendered the Widget UI as pure HTML which (I assume) is functional without JavaScript.
You attach a View to the existing HTML.
You pass into the View as options, content by extracted (such as a URL) from the rendered HTML with jQuery.
The View is responsible for instantiating the Model passing on the relevant options the model needs (such as a URL).
This means all dynamic server side content is intially contained in the rendered HTML and your View is a modular JavaScript component that can do stuff to it, which I think is the end result you're after.
So you mentioned that you would like to have AJAX functionality for your widgets and that fine with this approach too. Using this approach, you can now use the standard Backbone fetch and save functions on the Widget model to get new content. In this example it is from the URL retrieved from the rendered HTML. When you get the response, you can use the view's, render function, or other finer grained functions to update the HTML on the page as required.
A few points:
The only thing to look out for is that you'll need to change the content type of the fetch and save functions to "text/html" if that's what the server is providing. For example:
type: "POST",
contentType: "text/html"
Lastly, the model I have proposed is instantiated with no content. However if your ajax calls are a content type of "text/html", you may need to play around with you model so it can store this content in its attributes collection properly. See this answer for more information.


How to use Marionette 3 Regions with existing page content? (e.g. server generated HTML)

I'm trying to apply Marionette into our architecture as it seems to fit our current application better than other solutions. Our frontend HTML is mostly server-side generated using PHP and Twig (just to give some context).
I'm now trying to use Marionette 3 Regions to achieve View compositions in a context where header, footer and generally the main content HTML are already there in the page.
I couldn't find any example with this approach so I'm asking here if someone could give some advice.
You can easily attach views to existing DOM elements using marionette:
var MyView = Mn.View({
el: '#base-element',
template: false
Also reference:

Angular sidebar search directive

In my angular application I have a global sidebar navigation directive which among other things provides a global search for the user (with bunch of criteria, not just a text field).
Upon searching I'd like to show a page with the search results.
Now, the sidebar is defined in the main app html, what is the best way of sharing the search results data?
Should the sidebar be in charge of performing the search? If so how do I share it's data to the specific page results?
Or on the other hand, perhaps the specific search results page should be in charge of this data? If so how do I connect it with the sidebar search parameters when performing a search?
Any best practices of this scenario are appreciated.
Steps to make your future bright:
Separate your search module in 3 modules: main, sidebar, results
Translate data between each of them with one major SearchResultsService that will:
a) acquire collection of sidebar filters with true or false for each key (key as name for GET param that will be used for passing to search API of your back-end);
b) serialize or deserialize data depending on results module approach;
c) do some pagination;
d) hold or even cache data if you need (for infinite scroll functionality);
sidebar and results will be views of main (child modules), so you will be able to share main controller methods if needed (noob way)
When I was facing implementation of such module I've used black magic to escape $watch and $on event system. If you are young - then use $on that will allow you to notify each of modules about something important (such pagination change, item selection, etc.) and keep them separated same time.
You are free to place your existing sidebar in main module but I'd moved from directive to view with own controller and template.
Directives are used for reusable items either for pasting functionality. But dat sidebar obviously should be defined as separate part of app (aka module) but not as directive.
P.S. Keep your controllers simple.
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Root of AngularJS evil
Angular services are substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection (DI). You can use services to organize and share code across your app.

Backbone best practices where to fetch models/collections

I've inherited a codebase that follows the format of: a router sets a controller, the controller fetches the collection/model needed, then the controller set/passes the view the collection/model.
The current View I'm working on loads a collection, and now I need to build in a feature where I fetch a single model after the view has rendered, based on an id clicked (note the model is from a different collection).
I only want to load the model when/if they click a button. So my question is, can I setup the model/fetch in the View, or should I be doing that in the controller? Is there a backbone best practice when adopting a controller/view setup like this?
I primarily ask because it seems easier for me to add this new feature right in the View. But is that a bad practice? I thought so, so I started down the path of triggering an event in the View for the controller to the fetch the model, and then somehow pass that back to the View (but I'm not sure really how to even do that) seems like a lot of unnecessary hoop jumping?
Its OK to fetch collection via views. As 'plain' backbone does not Controller, View in charge of it responsibilities.
But imho fetch collections via controller is better practice, its easier to scale and support and test.
The only difficulty is to set communication between Controller and View context event. One of the approach is trigger Message Bus event on context event like
events: {
'click .some': function() {
this.trigger('someHappend', { some: data })
and listen to this event in Controller
this.on(someViewInstance, 'someHappend', function() {
// do something in controller
If you already inherited code with structure you described you'd better follow it. Also you might be interested in MarionetteJS as significant improvement. Also highly recommend you to checkout BackboneRails, screencasts not free but very usefull, especially in large scale app maintain

pass data between controllers

I'm stating to learn AngularJS, coming from a lot of different MV* frameworks.
I like the framework, however I'm having trouble with passing data between Controllers.
Suppose I have a screen with some input (input.html) and a controller, let's say InputCtrl.
There's a button on this view which takes you to another screen, let's say approve (approve.html) with a controller ApproveCtrl.
This ApproveCtrl needs data from the InputCtrl. This seems like a very common scenario in bigger applications.
In my previous MV* frameworks, this would be handled like (pseudo-code):
var self = this;
onClick = function() {
var approveCtrl = DI.resolve(ApproveCtrl);
approveCtrl.property1 = self.property1;
approveCtrl.property1 = self.property2;;
It would work like Controller- first.
You create the controller first, having a chance to put it in the right state; afterwards the View gets created.
Now, in AngularJS, I'm handling this like:
var self = this;
onClick = function(){
This works like View-first.
You say to which view / route to navigate, the Controller gets created by the framework.
I find it hard to control the state of the created Controller and pass data to it.
I've seen and tried following approaches, but all have it's own issues in my opinion:
Inject a shared service into InputCtrl & ApproveCtrl and put all data to be shared on this service
This looks like a dirty work-around; the state in the shared service becomes global state, while I just need it to pass data to the ApproveCtrl
The lifetime of this shared service is way longer than what I need it for - just to pass data to the ApproveCtrl
Pass the data in $routeParams
This gets quite messy when having the pass a lot of parameters
Use $scope events
Conceptually, this is not something I would use events for - I just need to pass data to the ApproveCtrl, nothing event-ish
This is quite cumbersome; I have to send an event to the parent first, that would then broadcast it to it's children
Am I missing something here? Am I creating too many small Controllers?
Am I trying to hold on to habits from other frameworks too much here?
In terms of structure AngularJS is more Modular than MVC one.
Classic MVC describes 3 simple layers which interact with each other in such way that Controller stitches Model with View (and Model shouldn't rather work with View directly or vice versa).
In Angular you can have multiple, some completely optional, entities which can interact between each other in multiple ways, for example:
That's why there are multiple ways of communicating your data between different entities. You can:
Send messages directly between controllers using difference between this and $scope
Send messages using events
Send messages using shared system (Note: same link as above, answer shows both techniques)
Send messages using AJAX backend
Send messages using external system (such as MQ)
...and a lot more. Due to its diversity Angular allows developer/designer to choose way they are most comfortable with and carry on. I recommend reading AngularJS Developer Guide where you can find blessed solutions to some common problems.
If your intent is to simply share data between two views, a service is probably the way to go. If you are interested in persisting to a data store, you may want to consider some sort of back-end service such as a REST API. Take a look at the $http service for this.
Even if XLII gave a complete response, I found this tutorial using a service. It's very interesting and a simple way for sharing data between controlers using the 2 ways binding property :
I still havn't used it for now.
Otherwise there is also this other way, based on events :
If you wish to pass simple string data from one page (page1) to another page (page2), one solution is to use traditional url parameters. Invoke the page2 route url with parameter like "/page2/param1/param2". The controller of page2 will receive the parameters in "routeParams". You will be able to access parameteres as routeParams.param1 and routeParams.param2. The code below is adopted from: How to get the url parameters using angular js
Invoke the page2 route from page1's controller(js) or a url in its html with parameters as:
Page2 route:
$routeProvider.when('/page2/:param1/:param2', {
templateUrl: 'pages/page2.html',
controller: 'Page2Ctrl'
And the controller:
.controller('Page2Ctrl', ['$scope','$routeParams', function($scope, $routeParams) {
$scope.param1 = $routeParams.param1;
$scope.param2 = $routeParams.param2;
Now you can access the parameters (param1 and param2) values in your page2's html/template as well.

Using Backbone models with AngularJS

Recently I was thinking about the differences and similarities between Backbone.js and AngularJS.
What I find really convenient in Backbone are the Backbone-Models and the Backbone-Collections. You just have to set the urlRoot and then the communication with the backend-server via Ajax basically works.
Shouldn't it be possible to use just the Backbone-Models and Collections in AngularJS application?
So we would have the best of both worlds two-way data-binding with AngularJS and convenient access to the server-side (or other storage options) through Backbone-Models and Collections.
A quick internet search didn't turn up any site suggesting this usage scenario.
All resources either talk about using either the one or the other framework.
Does someone have experience with using Backbone-Models or Collections with AngularJS.
Wouldn't they complement each other nicely? Am I something missing?
a working binding for example above...
it demonstrates a way for working around Backbone Models with AngularJS.
but setters/getters connection would be better.
Had a similar idea in mind and came up with this idea:
Add just a getter and setter for ever model attribute.
Backbone.ngModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function (opt) {
_.each(opt, function (value, key) {
Object.defineProperty(this, key, {
get: function () {
return this.get(key)
set: function (value) {
this.set(key, value);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
}, this);
See the fiddle:
I was wondering if anyone had done this too. In my most recent / first angular app, I found Angular to be pretty lacking in models and collections (unless I am missing something of course!). Sure you can pull data from the server using $http or $resource, but what if you want to add custom methods/properties to your models or collections. For example, say you have a collections of cars, and you want to calculate the total cost. Something like this:
With a Backbone Collection, this would be pretty easy to implement:
But in Angular, you'd probably have to wrap your custom method in a service and pass your collection to it, like this:
I like the Backbone approach because it reads cleaner in my opinion. Getting the 2 way data binding is tricky though. Check out this JSBin example.
When you edit the numbers, collection.totalCost wont update because the car.cost properties are not getting set via model.set().
Instead, I basically used my own constructors/"classes" for models and collections, copied a subset of Backbone's API from Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection, and modified my custom constructors/classes so that it would work with Angular's data binding.
Try taking a look at restangular.
I have not implemented it anywhere, but I saw a talk on it a few days ago. It seems to solve the same problem in an angular way.
Valid question for sure.
Lot of limitations with the current implementation of $resource, which among others doesn't have internal collection management like Backbone.Collection. Having written my own collection/resource management layer in angular (using $http, not $resource), I'm now seeing if I can substitute much of the boilerplate internals for backbone collections and models.
So far the fetching and adding part is flawless and saves code, but the binding those backbone models (or the attributes within, rather) to ng-models on inputs for editing is not yet working.
#ericclemmons (github) has done the same thing and got the two to marry well - I'll ask him, get my test working, and post the conclusion...
I was wondering the same-
This is the use-case:
salesforce mobile sdk (hybrid) has a feature called smartstore/smartsync, that expects backbone models/collection ,which gets saved to local storage for offline access .
And you guessed it right, we want to use angularjs for rest of the hybrid app.
Valid question.
You should look at the angularJS boilerplate with parse here. Parse is backbone like, but not exactly backbone. Thats where im starting my idea of a angularJS backboneJS project
