CakePHP belongsTo relationship not saving - cakephp

I have models 'PatientCase' and 'Procedure'. A case can have one/multiple procedures.
class PatientCase extends AppModel {
public $hasMany = 'Procedure';
class Procedure extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array(
'PatientCase' => array(
'className' => 'PatientCase'
I'm explicitly setting a value in my patientCasesController
$this->request->data["Procedure"]["side"] = 'left';
When i saveAll my patientCase, the case is saved correctly, and a new record is saved in the procedure table, with the corresponding patientCase id, however, no other data is saved in the record.
Can anyone see where i'm going wrong?

Your comment nailed it - save() only saves the main model, while saveAll() saves the main model and any associated models.
save() [details]
saveAll() [details]
Because it's "hasMany", you probably want:
$this->request->data["Procedure"][0]["side"] = 'left';
(notice the [0])


cakephp: how to display foreign key table field

database table:
Products: id, name
Comments: productId,comment
class Product extends AppModel {
public $hasMany = array('Comment'=>array('foreignkey'=>'productId'));
class Comment extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array('Product');
In product index.ctp, how can I display one product comment? What I need to write in ProductsController.php and index.ctp?
If you follow the CakePHP conventions (CakePHP Convention over Configuration) then all of this will be done automagically for you, it requires foreign keys to be named product_id rather than productId (although you have setup the foreign key in the relationship - it is just easier to start from the beginning following the conventions).
You should also specify the class name in the relationship:
public $hasMany = array(
'Comment' => array(
'className' => 'Comment',
'foreignKey' => 'product_id'
In your case what you should do in the controller is:
$products = $this->Product->find('all');
This will fetch all your products and any associated comments on those Products (and also any other associated models you have declared in the Product Model)
If you want to read more about setting this up you can check out CakePHP - Retrieving your data

cakePHP and conditions on deep association

The data structure is:
tenants {id, ...}
contracts {id, active, tenant_id, ...}
debts {id, contract_id, ...}
the desired data is:
tenants list, filtered by contracts and debts.
contract must be active.
tenant has debts
keep in mind:
tenant has many contracts
contracts has many debts
contain won't help, since it will not filter the tenants.
My idea is to manually create the joins, and add filters to them. but how exactly?
my questions:
How can i do it with native cake?
how would you do it?
You have to put all this logic on models.
For each tables create a model (You can use the Cake Bake tools or write it by yourself).
class Tenant extends AppModel{
public $hasMany = array('Contract'); // feel free to ajust settings
class Contract extends AppModel{
public $belongsTo = array('Tenant');
public $hasMany = array('Debt');
class Debt extends AppModel{
public $belongsTo = array('Contract');
Now you can use on your Tenant controller something like that :
function action(){
$this->Tenant->recursive = 2;
$all_contracts = $this->Tenant->find('all');
But that solution is not the best, you can wrap this logic into model's method.
class Tenant extends AppModel
public $hasMany = array('Contract');
public function contracts($is_active = true) {
Create your own logic here, you have many solutions to retrieve data like
load the containable behaviors, create a custom find method, custom query ...
Do stuff here not in controller action.
'Contract' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'active' => $is_active
return $this->find('all');
class Contract extends AppModel{
public $belongsTo = array('Tenant');
public $hasMany = array('Debt');
class Debt extends AppModel{
public $belongsTo = array('Contract');

Cakephp belongsTo relationship - accessing related Model

I have a consultant table that has a foreign key 'specialty_id' which is linked to a 'specilaties' table.
class Consultant extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array(
'Specialty' => array(
'className' => 'Specialty',
'conditions' => array('' => 1)
class Specialty extends AppModel {
public $hasOne = 'Consultant';
I think this is right, however, i am unable to get a list of specialties from the consultant controller
("Call to a member function find() on a non-object ")
$this->set('specialties', $this->Specialty->find('all'));
Where abouts am i going wrong?
Thank you
Remember you are in the controller, not in the model. Try this:
$this->set('specialties', $this->Consultant->Specialty->find('all'));
If you are using Model in other controller then, first load that model and then run query:

Cake Relations with diffent name

I got a Table Users and a Table Groups. Every group has one GroupLeader.
So the field i use in is groupLeader ($hasOne) which contains a foreign key of users.
I cant manage to get that relation. So my question is, how to define a relation on a field with a diffent name.
thanks for a hint.
You model should looks:
class Group extends AppModel
public $name = 'Group';
public $belongsTo = array('GroupLeader' => array(
'className' => 'User',
'foreignKey' => 'groupLeader'
Try with the above code. And ask if it is not worked for you.

How to use models without database on CakePHP and have associations?

I've got the field country_id in one of my models and instead of creating a countries table which contains a list of countries that doesn't change, what's the best approach to this?
I'm thinking about using a model without a database table but I don't know how to implement this.
Please help. Thanks in advance!
you can totaly use the no table syntax:
class ModelWithoutTable extends AppModel
var $useTable = false;
to have this Country Model tableless, but you need to mock a data source (i.e. XML,YAML,PHP Array and etc) for the countries data.
Hope this helps.
I would suggest using ArraySource from the community-maintained CakePHP Datasources plugin:
CakePHP 1.3.x - see master branch
CakePHP 2.x - see 2.0 branch
Download the entire plugin and extract the contents to app/plugins/datasources.
Define a connection to the datasource in app/config/database.php:
public $array = array('datasource' => 'Datasources.array');
This should allow you to emulate a table by defining records in your model:
class Country extends AppModel {
public $useDbConfig = 'array';
public $records = array(
array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Test record')
As alternative, if there's no other data attached to the country besides, basically, an id of what country it is, you can probably keep it within the same model without association. Something along the lines of:
class MyModel extends AppModel {
public static $countries = array(
'Africa', 'America', ..., 'Zululand'
public $validate = array(
'country' => array(
'rule' => array('inList', self::$countries),
