invalid argument error when setting yres_virtual in fb_var_screeninfo - c

I'm trying to make an application for linux that writes directly to the framebuffer /dev/fb0. In order to make it double buffered I try to make the virtual screen be double the size of the screen. This is the program I wrote:
struct fb_var_screeninfo screeninfo_var;
struct fb_fix_screeninfo screeninfo_fixed;
unsigned int* screenbuffer;
void gfx_init()
fb0 = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
if(fb0 == 0)
error("Could not open framebuffer located in /dev/fb0!");
if (ioctl(fb0, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &screeninfo_fixed) == -1)
error("Could not retrive fixed screen info!");
if (ioctl(fb0, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &screeninfo_var) == -1)
error("Could not retrive variable screen info!");
screeninfo_var.xres_virtual = screeninfo_var.xres;
screeninfo_var.yres_virtual = screeninfo_var.yres * 2;
screeninfo_var.width = screeninfo_var.xres;
screeninfo_var.height = screeninfo_var.yres;
screeninfo_var.xoffset = 0;
screeninfo_var.yoffset = 0;
if (ioctl(fb0, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &screeninfo_var) == -1)
error("Could not set variable screen info!");
info("Detected monitor of %ix%i pixels using %i bit colors.",screeninfo_var.xres, screeninfo_var.yres, screeninfo_var.bits_per_pixel);
screenbuffersize = screeninfo_var.xres_virtual * screeninfo_var.yres_virtual * screeninfo_var.bits_per_pixel/8;
screenbuffer = (unsigned int *)mmap(0, screenbuffersize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb0, 0);
if( (long)screenbuffer == 0 || (long)screenbuffer == -1 )
error("Failed to map framebuffer to device memory!");
The program failes on ioctl(fb0, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &screeninfo_var) reporting the error invalid argument. When removing the line screeninfo_var.yres_virtual = screeninfo_var.yres * 2; it runs fine (but without double buffering).
Does someone see what I do wrong here?

To save anyone a headache in the future, there is a way to properly double buffer using low level graphics on linux (such as /dev/fb0). However per this thread: it is not possible to truly double buffer the framebuffer by creating a virtual framebuffer of double the size of the original one (I've read that the raspberry PI might be an exception to this rule because it is backed by a different driver).
The right way to double buffer using low level graphics on linux is to go through libdrm (or /dev/dri/card0). There is a really nice example that I followed myself here: It wasn't very hard to convert my /dev/fb0 code to /dev/dri/card0 code.
Anyways I hope I've helped someone out here who might come across this in the future.

This is a common question and it is caused by the limitation of the video driver. E.g., Intel's 810 chipset only allows 640x480 resolution and the Broadcom's limit the width to no more than 1200 (
Not much you can do here, unless you change the driver or the videocard itself (if possible).
EDIT: if you are on a PC, try using the vesafb, not the intel's driver.
There's a hint here:


List available capture formats

New to V4L, I decided to start using the video4linux2 library in order to capture a frame from my camera in C (I am using the uvcvideo module with a Ricoh Co. camera). I followed several guides and tutorials, and managed to get a running program. My question is mainly about this usual code line :
struct v4l2_format format = {0};
format.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG;
// ...
This is where I set the actual video format to use when capturing. As you can see, in this sample, I'm using MJPEG ( Even though this might be a great format and all, my application will probably require simple RGB formatting, pixel per pixel I guess. For this reason, I tried using RGB format constants such as V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24. Now for some reason... v4l2 doesn't like it. I'm guessing this is hardware-related, but I'd like to avoid MJPEG manipulations as much as possible. For testing purposes, I tried using other constants and formats, but no matter what I did, v4l2 kept changing the pixelformat field's value :
xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &format); // This call succeeds with errno != EINTR.
if(format.fmt.pix.pixelformat != V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24){
// My program always enters this block when not using MJPEG.
fprintf(stderr, "Format wasn't accepted by v4l2.");
Now my question is : is there a way I could get a list of accepted video formats (and I mean, accepted by my camera/v4l2), from which I could pick something else than MJPEG ? If you think I have to stick with MJPEG, would you recommend me any library allowing me to manipulate it, and eventually, to draw back the capture in a GUI frame ?
Barbarian test code
I used the following trick to test all available formats on my hardware. First, some shell script to get a list of all formats...
grep 'V4L2_PIX_FMT' /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h | grep define | tr '\t' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed 's/$/,/g'
... the output of which is used in this C program :
int formats[] = {/* result of above command */};
int i = 0;
struct v4l2_format format = {0};
for(i = 0; i < /* number of lines in previous command output */; i++){
format.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
format.fmt.pix.width = 320;
format.fmt.pix.height = 240;
format.fmt.pix.pixelformat = formats[i];
format.fmt.pix.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
if(xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &format) != -1 && format.fmt.pix.pixelformat == formats[i])
fprintf(stderr, "Accepted : %d\n", i);
This test reveals that only V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV and V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG are functional. Any way I could improve this, or is it hardware-related ?
In Linux, command line utility v4l2-ctl displays all of a webcam's natively supported formats -- install it with sudo apt-get install v4l-utils, run it with v4l2-ctl -dX --list-formats-ext where X is the camera index as in /dev/videoX. These formats are reported to the v4l2 kernel module via uvcvideo module and they are supported natively by the webcam chipset. Only the listed formats are supported by v4l2, anything else would need to be coded by the user, and RGBs are very seldom provided, despite virtually all CCDs working in Bayer RGGB. The most common formats by far are YUV422 (YUYV or YUY2) and MJPEG, with a certain overlap: MJPEG achieve larger frame rates for large resolutions.
C++ code for listing the camera formats can be found in Chromium GetDeviceSupportedFormats() implementation for Linux here.
If you have to plug code to convert YUV to RGB I'd recommend libyuv which has been optimized for plenty of architectures.
In order to enumerate the available format you can use ioctl VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT
To print descriptions of capture format supported by /dev/video0 you can process like this :
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
int main()
int fd = v4l2_open("/dev/video0", O_RDWR);
if (fd != -1)
struct v4l2_fmtdesc fmtdesc;
fmtdesc.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
while (ioctl(fd,VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT,&fmtdesc) == 0)
printf("%s\n", fmtdesc.description);

How can I seek to frame No. X with ffmpeg?

I'm writing a video editor, and I need to seek to exact frame, knowing the frame number.
Other posts on stackoverflow told me that ffmpeg may give me a few broken frames after seeking, which is not a problem for playback but a big problem for video editors.
And I need to seek by frame number, not by time, which will become inaccurate when converted to frame number.
I've read dranger's tuts (which is outdated now), and end up with:
av_seek_frame(fmt_ctx, video_stream_id, frame, AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY);
It always seek to frame No. 0, and always return 0 which means success.
Then I tried to read Blender's source code and found it really complex(maybe I should implement an image buffer?).
So, is there any simple way to seek to a frame with just a simple call like seek(context, frame_number)(while getting a full frame, not a broken one)? Or, is there any lightweight library that simplifies this?
Thanks to praks411,I found the solution:
void AV_seek(AV * av, size_t frame)
int frame_delta = frame - av->frame_id;
if (frame_delta < 0 || frame_delta > 5)
av_seek_frame(av->fmt_ctx, av->video_stream_id,
while (av->frame_id != frame)
void AV_read_frame(AV * av)
AVPacket packet;
int frame_done;
while (av_read_frame(av->fmt_ctx, &packet) >= 0) {
if (packet.stream_index == av->video_stream_id) {
avcodec_decode_video2(av->codec_ctx, av->frame, &frame_done, &packet);
if (frame_done) {
av->frame_id = packet.dts;
Turns out there is a library for this: FFMS2.
It is "an FFmpeg based source library [...] for easy frame accurate access", and is portable (at least across Windows and Linux).
av_seek_frame will only seek based on timestamp to the key-frame. Since it seeks to the keyframe, you may not get what you want. Hence it is recommended to seek to nearest keyframe and then read frame by frame util you reach the desired frame.
However, if you are dealing with fixed FPS value, then you can easily map timestamp to frame index.
Before seeking you will need to convert your time to AVStream.time_base units if you have specified stream. Read ffmpeg documentation of av_seek_frame in avformat.h.
For example, if you want to seek to 1.23 seconds of clip:
double m_out_start_time = 1.23;
int flgs = AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY;
int seek_ts = (m_out_start_time*(m_in_vid_strm->time_base.den))/(m_in_vid_strm->time_base.num);
if(av_seek_frame(m_informat, m_in_vid_strm_idx,seek_ts, flgs) < 0)
PRINT_MSG("Failed to seek Video ")

C on embedded system w/ linux kernel - mysterious adc read issue

I'm developing on an AD Blackfin BF537 DSP running uClinux. I have a total of 32MB SD-RAM available. I have an ADC attached, which I can access using a simple, blocking call to read().
The most interesting part of my code is below. Running the program seems to work just fine, I get a nice data package that I can fetch from the SD-card and plot. However, if I comment out the float calculation part (as noted in the code), I get only zeroes in the ft_all.raw file. The same occurs if I change optimization level from -O3 to -O0.
I've tried countless combinations of all sorts of things, and sometimes it works, sometimes it does not - earlier (with minor modifications to below), the code would only work when optimization was disabled. It may also break if I add something else further down in the file.
My suspicion is that the data transferred by the read()-function may not have been transferred fully (is that possible, even though it returns the correct number of bytes?). This is also the first time I initialize pointers using direct memory adresses, and I have no idea how the compiler reacts to this - perhaps I missed something, here?
I've spent days on this issue now, and I'm getting desperate - I would really appreciate some help on this one! Thanks in advance.
// Clear the top 16M memory for data processing
memset((int *)0x01000000,0x0000,(size_t)SIZE_16M);
/* Prep some pointers for data processing */
int16_t *buffer;
int16_t *buf16I, *buf16Q;
buffer = (int16_t *)(0x1000000);
buf16I = (int16_t *)(0x1600000);
buf16Q = (int16_t *)(0x1680000);
/* Read data from ADC */
int rbytes = read(Sportfd, (int16_t*)buffer, 0x200000);
if (rbytes != 0x200000) {
printf("could not sample data! %X\n",rbytes);
goto end;
} else {
printf("Read %X bytes\n",rbytes);
FILE *outfd;
int wbytes;
/* Commenting this region results in all zeroes in ft_all.raw */
float a,b;
int c;
b = 0;
for (c = 0; c < 1000; c++) {
a = c;
b = b+pow(a,3);
printf("b is %.2f\n",b);
/* Only 12 LSBs of each 32-bit word is actual data.
* First 20 bits of nothing, then 12 bits I, then 20 bits
* nothing, then 12 bits Q, etc...
* Below, the I and Q parts are scaled with a factor of 16
* and extracted to buf16I and buf16Q.
* */
int32_t *buf32;
buf32 = (int32_t *)buffer;
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t n = 0;
while (n < 0x80000) {
buf16I[i] = buf32[n] << 4;
buf16Q[i] = buf32[n] << 4;
printf("Saving to /mnt/sd/d/ft_all.raw...");
outfd = fopen("/mnt/sd/d/ft_all.raw", "w+");
if (outfd == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file.\n");
wbytes = fwrite((int*)0x1600000, 1, 0x100000, outfd);
if (wbytes < 0x100000) {
printf("wbytes not correct (= %d) \n", (int)wbytes);
printf(" done.\n");
Edit: The code seems to work perfectly well if I use read() to read data from a simple file rather than the ADC. This leads me to believe that the rather hacky-looking code when extracting the I and Q parts of the input is working as intended. Inspecting the assembly generated by the compiler confirms this.
I'm trying to get in touch with the developer of the ADC driver to see if he has an explanation of this behaviour.
The ADC is connected through a SPORT, and is opened as such:
sportfd = open("/dev/sport1", O_RDWR);
ioctl(sportfd, SPORT_IOC_CONFIG, spconf);
And here are the options used when configuring the SPORT:
spconf->int_clk = 1;
spconf->word_len = 32;
spconf->serial_clk = SPORT_CLK;
spconf->fsync_clk = SPORT_CLK/34;
spconf->fsync = 1;
spconf->late_fsync = 1;
spconf->act_low = 1;
spconf->dma_enabled = 1;
spconf->tckfe = 0;
spconf->rckfe = 1;
spconf->txse = 0;
spconf->rxse = 1;
A bfin_sport.h file from Analog Devices is also included:
After a long night of debugging with the previous developer on the project, it turned out the issue was not related to the code shown above at all. As Chris suggested, it was indeed an issue with the SPORT driver and the ADC configuration.
While debugging, this error messaged appeared whenever the data was "broken": bfin_sport: sport ffc00900 status error: TUVF. While this doesn't make much sense in the application, it was clear from printing the data, that something was out of sync: the data in buffer was on the form 0x12000000,0x34000000,... rather than 0x00000012,0x00000034,... whenever the status error was shown. It seems clear then, why buf16I and buf16Q only contained zeroes (since I am extracting the 12 LSBs).
Putting in a few calls to usleep() between stages of ADC initialization and configuration seems to have fixed the issue - I'm hoping it stays that way!

Issue with SPI (Serial Port Comm), stuck on ioctl()

I'm trying to access a SPI sensor using the SPIDEV driver but my code gets stuck on IOCTL.
I'm running embedded Linux on the SAM9X5EK (mounting AT91SAM9G25). The device is connected to SPI0. I enabled CONFIG_SPI_SPIDEV and CONFIG_SPI_ATMEL in menuconfig and added the proper code to the BSP file:
static struct spi_board_info spidev_board_info[] {
.modalias = "spidev",
.max_speed_hz = 1000000,
.bus_num = 0,
.chips_select = 0,
.mode = SPI_MODE_3,
spi_register_board_info(spidev_board_info, ARRAY_SIZE(spidev_board_info));
1MHz is the maximum accepted by the sensor, I tried 500kHz but I get an error during Linux boot (too slow apparently). .bus_num and .chips_select should correct (I also tried all other combinations). SPI_MODE_3 I checked the datasheet for it.
I get no error while booting and devices appear correctly as /dev/spidevX.X. I manage to open the file and obtain a valid file descriptor. I'm now trying to access the device with the following code (inspired by examples I found online).
// #define MY_SPIDEV_SPEED_HZ 1000000
int spidevReadRegister(int fd,
unsigned int num_out_bytes,
unsigned char *out_buffer,
unsigned int num_in_bytes,
unsigned char *in_buffer)
struct spi_ioc_transfer mesg[2] = { {0}, };
uint8_t num_tr = 0;
int ret;
// Write data
mesg[0].tx_buf = (unsigned long)out_buffer;
mesg[0].rx_buf = (unsigned long)NULL;
mesg[0].len = num_out_bytes;
// mesg[0].delay_usecs = MY_SPIDEV_DELAY_USECS,
// mesg[0].speed_hz = MY_SPIDEV_SPEED_HZ;
mesg[0].bits_per_word = MY_SPIDEV_BITS_PER_WORD;
mesg[0].cs_change = 0;
// Read data
mesg[1].tx_buf = (unsigned long)NULL;
mesg[1].rx_buf = (unsigned long)in_buffer;
mesg[1].len = num_in_bytes;
// mesg[1].delay_usecs = MY_SPIDEV_DELAY_USECS,
// mesg[1].speed_hz = MY_SPIDEV_SPEED_HZ;
mesg[1].bits_per_word = MY_SPIDEV_BITS_PER_WORD;
mesg[1].cs_change = 1;
// Do the actual transmission
if(num_tr > 0)
ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(num_tr), mesg);
if(ret == -1)
printf("Error: %d\n", errno);
return -1;
return 0;
Then I'm using this function:
#define OPTICAL_SENSOR_ADDR "/dev/spidev0.0"
int fd;
if (fd<=0) {
printf("Device not found\n");
uint8_t buffer1[1] = {0x3a};
uint8_t buffer2[1] = {0};
spidevReadRegister(fd, 1, buffer1, 1, buffer2);
When I run it, the code get stuck on IOCTL!
I did this way because, in order to read a register on the sensor, I need to send a byte with its address in it and then get the answer back without changing CS (however, when I tried using write() and read() functions, while learning, I got the same result, stuck on them).
I'm aware that specifying .speed_hz causes a ENOPROTOOPT error on Atmel (I checked spidev.c) so I commented that part.
Why does it get stuck? I though it can be as the device is created but it actually doesn't "feel" any hardware. As I wasn't sure if hardware SPI0 corresponded to bus_num 0 or 1, I tried both, but still no success (btw, which one is it?).
UPDATE: I managed to have the SPI working! Half of it.. MOSI is transmitting the right data, but CLK doesn't start... any idea?
When I'm working with SPI I always use an oscyloscope to see the output of the io's. If you have a 4 channel scope ypu can easily debug the issue, and find out if you're axcessing the right io's, using the right speed, etc. I usually compare the signal I get to the datasheet diagram.
I think there are several issues here. First of all SPI is bidirectional. So if yo want to send something over the bus you also get something. Therefor always you have to provide a valid buffer to rx_buf and tx_buf.
Second, all members of the struct spi_ioc_transfer have to be initialized with a valid value. Otherwise they just point to some memory address and the underlying process is accessing arbitrary data, thus leading to unknown behavior.
Third, why do you use a for loop with ioctl? You already tell ioctl you haven an array of spi_ioc_transfer structs. So all defined transaction will be performed with one ioctl call.
Fourth ioctl needs a pointer to your struct array. So ioctl should look like this:
ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(num_tr), &mesg);
You see there is room for improvement in your code.
This is how I do it in a c++ library for the raspberry pi. The whole library will soon be on github. I'll update my answer when it is done.
void SPIBus::spiReadWrite(std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t> > &data, uint32_t speed,
uint16_t delay, uint8_t bitsPerWord, uint8_t cs_change)
struct spi_ioc_transfer transfer[data.size()];
int i = 0;
for (std::vector<uint8_t> &d : data)
//see <linux/spi/spidev.h> for details!
transfer[i].tx_buf = reinterpret_cast<__u64>(;
transfer[i].rx_buf = reinterpret_cast<__u64>(;
transfer[i].len = d.size(); //number of bytes in vector
transfer[i].speed_hz = speed;
transfer[i].delay_usecs = delay;
transfer[i].bits_per_word = bitsPerWord;
transfer[i].cs_change = cs_change;
int status = ioctl(this->fileDescriptor, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(data.size()), &transfer);
if (status < 0)
std::string errMessage(strerror(errno));
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to do full duplex read/write operation "
"on SPI Bus " + this->deviceNode + ". Error message: " +

wsdisplay color map not being retrieved correctly

I've been trying to use wscons and wsdisplay on NetBSD 5.1.2 (using the VESA framebuffer implementation) recently and I've encountered a bit of a problem:
I can set color maps successfully and they look correct but getting color maps seems to return incorrect data, such that when I try to restore the original color map once the program has finished, all the colors are incorrect:
Here's a reduced program causing the problem (note that it must be run either as root or as the user logged in on the second virtual terminal (/dev/ttyE1)):
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dev/wscons/wsconsio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
(void)argc, (void)argv;
int tty = open("/dev/ttyE1", O_RDWR | O_EXCL);
if(tty == -1) {
perror("error opening tty");
struct wsdisplay_fbinfo fbinfo;
if(ioctl(tty, WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO, &fbinfo) == -1) {
perror("error retrieving framebuffer info");
uint8_t *cmap_data = malloc(fbinfo.cmsize * 3);
if(cmap_data == NULL) {
perror("error allocating memory for color map data");
struct wsdisplay_cmap cmap;
cmap.index = 0;
cmap.count = fbinfo.cmsize; = &cmap_data[fbinfo.cmsize * 0]; = &cmap_data[fbinfo.cmsize * 1]; = &cmap_data[fbinfo.cmsize * 2];
if(ioctl(tty, WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP, &cmap) == -1) {
perror("error getting color map");
close(tty), free(cmap_data);
if(ioctl(tty, WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP, &cmap) == -1) {
perror("error putting color map");
close(tty), free(cmap_data);
What am I doing wrong and how can I make it retrieve and restore color maps correctly?
I looked into the problem more and it appears that some kernel memory is either uninitialized or getting corrupted. Specifically, sc_cmap_red, sc_cmap_green, and sc_cmap_blue of struct vesafb_softc (in vesafbvar.h on lines 89 to 91) contain incorrect data. This is somewhat surprising, as lines 719 to 722 of vesafb.c initialize it:
/* Fill in the softc colourmap arrays */
sc->sc_cmap_red[i / 3] = rasops_cmap[i + 0];
sc->sc_cmap_green[i / 3] = rasops_cmap[i + 1];
sc->sc_cmap_blue[i / 3] = rasops_cmap[i + 2];
It contains incorrect data even if I move that out of the if statement it's in, so it might be getting corrupted rather than being uninitialized.
The driver is able to get and set color maps correctly, however; it just cannot seem to get the initial one in struct vesafb_softc right.
A simple solution would be to make a program re-set the default color map. As the above snippet indicated, it was supposed to get its initial colors from rasops_cmap, which happens to be defined on lines 55 to 122 in rasops.c:
/* ANSI colormap (R,G,B). Upper 8 are high-intensity */
const u_char rasops_cmap[256*3] = {
/* ... */
With those colors, you can make a program that sets that as the current color map. I had to make a few changes so the cursor didn't disappear, but it mostly worked.
Better Solution
As I was looking around for more information, I had found this blog post. When I recompiled the kernel with genfb(4) rather than vesafb(4), the kernel hung at boot. It turns out this was because the bootloader I was using was not new enough to pass the required parameters to the kernel.
I happened to look at the NetBSD 6.0 changelog and noticed this entry:
amd64, i386
The bootloader has been enhanced to support framebuffer consoles using VESA BIOS extensions. These changes allow the x86 ports to work with the genfb(4) driver, and obsoletes the i386-only vesafb(4) driver. [jmcneill 20090216]
I downloaded NetBSD 6.0_BETA and booted it from the boot prompt like this:
> vesa 640x480x8
> boot netbsd
...and everything worked.
In short, using a newer version of NetBSD and ditching vesafb(4) solves the problem.
